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New Information on Omega-3 Oils and Bleeding Concerns

New Information on Omega-3 Oils and Bleeding Concerns


New information on safe dosage levels for omega-3 rich oils (EPA, DHA, Fish Oil), and concerns about interactions with "blood thinning" medications.

How Much Is Too Much?  (a pdf file)
How Much Is Too Much?  (a power point file)

--------------------------------Reference Articles:

European Food Safety Authority: Scientific Opinion on the Tolerable Uppler Intake Level of EPA, DHA and DPA.

VKM (Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety)

Presentation by Stuart Tomc (Nordic Naturals):
How Much EPA+DHA to Achieve an Omega-6/Omega-3 Ratio of 1:1 in the tissue highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA)?

Triglycerides and Cardiovascular Disease: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association.


And be sure to read the article in the Willner reference library: