New Information on Omega-3 Oils and Bleeding Concerns

New information on safe dosage levels for omega-3 rich oils (EPA, DHA, Fish Oil), and concerns about interactions with "blood thinning" medications.How Much Is Too Much? (a pdf file)
How Much Is Too Much? (a power point file)
--------------------------------Reference Articles:
European Food Safety Authority: Scientific Opinion on the Tolerable Uppler Intake Level of EPA, DHA and DPA.
VKM (Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety)
Presentation by Stuart Tomc (Nordic Naturals):
How Much EPA+DHA to Achieve an Omega-6/Omega-3 Ratio of 1:1 in the tissue highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA)?
Triglycerides and Cardiovascular Disease: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association.
And be sure to read the article in the Willner reference library: