Donald Goldberg, R.Ph.
Owner - Retired
Don received his pharmacy training on the east coast but moved to California right after graduation to accept a position as Director of Quality Control for Ingram Pharmaceutical Company. He received his Pharmacist license in California, but remained in the industrial setting, moving from Quality Control to manufacturing, product development and marketing with companies such as Boericke & Runyon, Shaklee and Vitamix, where he specialized in formulation and marketing of glandular supplements and dispersable powdered protein products. He returned to the East coast, accepting the position of Vice President of Faraday Labs (Nutri-Dyn, Sivad). After several years, he joined Lewis-Gitomer Labs, where he was more directly involved with marketing directly to physicians. It was at this time that he published his first newsletter and began what has turned out to be a lasting relationship with Arnold Gitomer. Before rejoining Arnie at Willner, however, Don spent two years as Technical Director for Arkopharma, helping them introduce their line of French phytopharmaceutical products to the American market. He published a newsletter for physicians, called Phytofacts, and lectured on herbal medicine throughout the United States and Canada. After this, he started his own company, Nutriceutics, distributing professional nutritional, herbal and homeopathic products directly to health practitioners. In addition to Phytofacts, Don also published the Nutriceutics News and was the contributing editor, nutrition, for The Chiropractic Journal. His articles have been published in several professional journals, and he was the assistant Sysop on Compuserve’s Natural Medicine Forum. In September 1992, Don joined forces again with Arnie Gitomer, buying Willner Chemists.