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Bluebonnet - Mpx 1000 Mens Prostate

Mpx 1000 Mens Prostate

$21.20 $26.50
  • Categories: None Listed
  • Brand: Bluebonnet
  • SKU: 41353
  • Dose: 0
  • Size: 60
  • Format: VCA
  • Information: PDF Information Sheet
  • Availability: Out of stock. Backordered.

Detailed Description

Introducing Mpx 1000 Men's Prostate by Bluebonnet, designed to support and maintain healthy prostate function. This potent supplement utilizes natural ingredients known for their efficacy in promoting prostate health and overall wellness in men. Each bottle is crafted with precision to deliver optimal benefits, ensuring your peace of mind and daily comfort. ...

Features And Benefits:

- Saw Palmetto Extract: Rich in fatty acids and phytosterols to support healthy prostate size and function.
- Zinc: Essential mineral involved in numerous aspects of cellular metabolism, supporting immune function and DNA synthesis.
- Lycopene: Powerful antioxidant that may help reduce the risk of oxidative damage to the prostate.
- Pumpkin Seed Oil: Known for its supportive properties in maintaining healthy urinary function.
- Nettle Root: Traditionally used to support urinary tract health.
- Pygeum Extract: Supports urinary flow and overall prostate health.
- Beta-Sitosterol: Plant-derived compound that may help improve urinary symptoms related to prostate health.

Who Would Benefit:

Mpx 1000 Men's Prostate by Bluebonnet is ideal for men seeking to maintain or improve their prostate health. It benefits those experiencing age-related prostate concerns, urinary tract issues, or those simply wanting to take a proactive approach to their overall health. By integrating this supplement into your daily regimen, you can take a significant step toward sustaining prostate wellness and enhancing your quality of life.

Recommended Dosage:

To achieve the best results, it is recommended to take two capsules daily, preferably with a meal. This ensures optimal absorption and maximum benefits. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen.
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