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Jarrow Formulas - Iron Plus Vit E (Fe+E)

Iron Plus Vit E (Fe+E)

Login   for Willner pricing. $9.95
  • Categories: Iron
  • Brand: Jarrow Formulas
  • SKU: 23116
  • Dose: 0
  • Size: 100
  • Format: CAP
  • Availability: Out of stock. Backordered.

Detailed Description

Iron Plus Vit E (Fe+E) by Jarrow Formulas is a powerful and unique combination designed to support optimal iron levels and overall health. This specialized supplement provides a synergistic blend of iron, known for its role in red blood cell production, and vitamin E, an antioxidant that protects cells from oxidative stress. Together, they offer a comprehensive approach to enhancing your vitality and well-being. ...




- Balanced Iron Levels: Formulated to improve iron absorption and utilization, which can help support proper oxygen transport and energy production.
- Vitamin E Protection: With the inclusion of vitamin E, this supplement helps protect cells from oxidative damage, promoting overall cellular health.
- Gentle on the Stomach: Designed to minimize digestive discomfort often associated with iron supplements, making it easier on your digestive system.
- Synergistic Formula: The combination of iron and vitamin E works together to enhance the efficacy of each nutrient, providing superior support compared to taking each nutrient alone.
- High-Quality Ingredients: Sourced from premium materials, ensuring you receive a product that meets rigorous quality standards.
- Convenient Dosage: Easy-to-swallow capsules make maintaining your iron and vitamin E levels simple and hassle-free.

Who Would Benefit:

: Iron Plus Vit E (Fe+E) by Jarrow Formulas is ideal for individuals looking to support their iron levels and overall health, particularly those who may have increased iron needs. This includes menstruating women, athletes, vegetarians, and individuals with specific health conditions that may affect iron absorption. Additionally, those looking to enhance their antioxidant defenses with vitamin E will find this supplement particularly beneficial.

Recommended Dosage:

: For best results, take one capsule of Iron Plus Vit E (Fe+E) daily with a meal, or as directed by your healthcare professional. This dosage is designed to optimize absorption and minimize potential digestive discomfort. Always consult with a healthcare provider before beginning any new supplement regimen, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or are taking other medications.
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