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Dr. Michael Murray's supplement program shown to be effective for Hepatitis C. Read about it, and listen to it, here.

Dr. Michael Murray's supplement program shown to be effective for Hepatitis C. Read about it, and listen to it, here.


Hepatitis C: A Nutritional/Supplement Protocol
based on recommendations by Dr. Michael Murray


  • Suggested Products: (click to see prices and ordering info)
    Seven Day Total Nutritional Cleansing Program, #43031
    when complete, continue with Detoxitech, #43032
  • Liver Health Herbal Capsules, #43249 (3 to 6 daily)
  • Multistart Multivitamin Supplement (Mens: #40871; Mens 50+: 40856; Women's: #40855; Women's Plus: #40859
  • Omega-3 Factors, Rx, #41830
  • Vitamin C
  • CoQ10, 50 mg, #43607 or 100 mg, #43280
  • Pycnogenol
  • optional: Enriching Greens, powder or capsules (#40869, 40865)

An Email from Marie
Sent: Friday, October 08, 2004 9:02 AM
To: Doctor Michael Murray
Subject: Miracle with your products

Good morning, Dr. Murray,

I corresponded with you around March 2004 regarding a dx . of Hep C and my desire to start your program based on extensive research I had made in the conventional arena as well as the Holistic field. An article you wrote in the Willner Chemist Journal prompted my decision to go along with your program.

I am under the care of a gastroenterologist and had finally decided to start the treatment with the Interferon....I spoke to you via email and was encouraged to start the program and see what happens.. I don't know where to start...but to make a long story short , my viral load which was 2.6 million on December 2003 went down to 364,000 based on a blood test done last week. I am screaming all over the place... I am in tears... I am numbed... I did the math and realized that my viral load had gone down by 88%.

As I told you before, I took the Liver Health(3 A DAY), the Omega 3( 3 a day), the women's multiple(6 a day). I also did the 7-day Total Nutritional Cleansing progam twice and maintained the DetoxiTech for up to 3 weeks at a time. Then stopped. My regimen also included Vit C 500mg 2x a day, Co Q 10 60 mg , 1X a day , and 60 mg of Pycnogenol.

Dr. Murray, you have made a miracle.... I just spoke to my gastroenterologist who was speechless... First he thought the VL went up to 3 million, then realized it was only 300 thousand... He cancelled the apt. to start with the interferon next week and want to see me in 3 or 4 months for repeat CBC.

THANK YOU IS NOT ENOUGH, Dr. MURRAY. I know I am not cured YET, but starting today, I have increased my Liver Health intake from 3 to 6 pills a day and intend to drink more water and stay away completely from coffee which I have maybe once a week. I am sure that when I repeat the blood test around February 2005,the VL is going to be below 100,000 , if not down to zero. This is my goal.

Thank you again , Dr. Murray for the wonderful job you are doing and for reinforcing the faith I have always had in Natural products , and now more than ever in Natural Factors.

You have my permission to use this email , If you so wish.

Very sincerely,

For more information:

To Listen To Dr. Murray and Mari on The Willner Window Radio Program (11-14-04):