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E-Newsletter: July, 2011

E-Newsletter: July, 2011


E-Newsletter: Willner Chemists: July 2011

> Heart Disease, Cancer and Osteoporosis. What do they have in common?
- Inflammation is the answer, and this article explains why that is true, and how you can utilize this knowledge to combat these health problems.
- One natural anti-inflammatory supplement is Zyflamend, by New Chapter. This product is on sale, at Willner Chemists, at one-half price, until August 12. For more information on Zyflamend, click here.
> Willner Chemists has long been known as "the place to go" for factual information on nutritional supplements and guidance on how to properly use them. Now, you can set up an appointment to meet with one of our pharmacists/nutritionists for a personal consultation about your individual nutritional supplement requirements.
- Call Willner Chemists at 1-800-633-1106, and select option number 4 to set up your time. Before your visit, please fill out this questionnaire.
> How can I gain weight? Is “low-fat” as good an idea as many think it is? Check out Don Goldberg’s reply, and radio show comments, to this question left on his blog.
- “Mr. Goldberg. I’m 63, female, weigh 129 lbs, 5'  8" and I want to GAIN WEIGHT healthfully. Most people want to loose--I want to gain. I’m too skinny. I’ve been at this weight for 3 years and tonight I weighed myself and I lost another 2 lbs.. There is nothing physically wrong with me, that was the first concern. I am high strung but if that is the reason I can’t gain weight I have been this way all my life. So why now all of a sudden I can’t gain? That’s strange…. I eat healthy, mostly all organic, for the last 3 years, and I eat a lot, but low fat. I don’t want to eat unhealthy fats…. When you get older, it’s not attractive or healthy looking. . . How can I gain 10 lbs the healthy way? . . . There are so many talk shows and tv shows advising you on losing weight, but none for gaining weght.
Can you help me? Thanks so much….J”

- To read a transcript of the radio show comments in response to this post, click here. The conversation covers weight gain, misconceptions about "low fat" as a healthy diet choice, and healthy vs unhealthy dietary fats and supplements.
- To listen to an mp3 audio of the radio show, click here for the first hour, and click here for the 2nd hour.
> Time is running out. Willner's Summer Sale ends August 12th. Discounts up to 75% off list price. Don’t miss out on these great sale prices.
- To see the sale discounts, follow the links on this page.
> Phyto-Tech Lustrous Hair, Liver Support, Antiox Phyto Blend, Allergy Complex, Oreganol Oil, and Green Tea Guo. . . . all on sale at ½ price, for a limited time.
- Prices and ordering information, click here.
Willner Chemists
100 Park Ave., New York NY 10016
1 800 633 1106 ~