CoQ10 or Ubiquinol?

For the latest authoritative answers to your questions about CoQ10 and Ubiquinol, listen to Dr. Robert Barry's interview on The Willner Window, January 18, 2009. This link will take you to audio podcasts of Willner Window shows. Click on the January 18th broadcasts.Or, you can go to the "radio" section of the Willner web site, and listen to it here as well. Robert J. Barry, Ph.D. Director of Scientific Affairs, Kaneka Nutrients Robert J. Barry, Ph.D., Director of Scientific Affairs, Kaneka Nutrients, L.P., United States. Dr. Barry focuses on clinical research development and collaboration and on the development of the technical, business and commercial translation of products and technology for Kaneka Nutrients, the world’s leading supplier of Coenzyme Q10, Kaneka QHTM , Kaneka GlavonoidTM and other health-related products. Dr. Barry was a Principle Advisor for NIH specializing in the commercial development of biotech start-up companies, their technologies and products. He also founded and served as president of a premier independent testing laboratory and scientific research company serving the natural products industry. Prior to that, Dr. Barry developed a natural products division for a major analytical device company where he served as vice president and chief technical officer. Dr. Barry brings more than 18 years of strategic technical development and commercial translation of scientific products, analytical services, drug development and pre-clinical evaluation systems to his position. Prior to joining Kaneka, he co-founded and served as the president of a Massachusetts-based drug development company. Under Dr. Barry’s direction, the company identified new lead-drug candidates focusing on unmet clinical needs in several disease areas. Dr. Barry earned his bachelor’s degree in biology from Boston College; his Ph.D. in chemistry/biochemistry from the University of Maryland; postdoctoral research in Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology at Harvard Medical School; and was a staff researcher in neuropathology at Harvard Medical School. He is an active member of numerous professional associations including the American Chemical Society and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.