Vitamin D Reduces Skin Allergies

People with skin allergy, or dermatitis, often have weak immune systems that overreact by producing antibodies that cause an allergic reaction and raise skin sensitivity. Because vitamin D plays a role in immunity, doctors wanted to test for a link between vitamin D levels and sensitivity to house dust mites, a skin irritant. So, in this study, doctors measured levels of vitamin D and immune antibodies in 80 men and women with mild to severe atopic dermatitis.
It turned out that all participants were deficient in vitamin D, with levels below 20 nanograms per milliliter of blood. Those with severe dermatitis, however, had nearly eight times the level of antibodies compared to those with mild dermatitis.
Discussing the findings, doctors said people with dermatitis who are also low in vitamin D are more sensitive to dust mites, and that raising vitamin D levels may reduce sensitivity to dust mites and ease dermatitis symptoms.
Reference: Annals of Dermatology; 2017, Vol. 29, No. 4, 400-6
The prevalence of vitamin D deficiency should no longer come as a surprise. Recognizing the importance of maintaining optimal levels of vitamin D is now widely accepted, and clinical blood tests have become a part of routine screening procedure by most doctors. Not surprisingly, the majority of patients have been found to be low, and supplementation with vitamin D is increasingly common.
Part of the reason for this is lack of sunlight and increased use of sun block.
Product Recommendations:
Vitamin D supplements can be taken alone or, as I do, in combination with a high potency omega-3 fish oil two examples can be found from Natural Factors and Nordic Naturals.