Probiotics Preserve Bone Density in Older Women

We all know that probiotic supplements are used for various digestive problems, immune system disorders, etc. Few people would have expected probiotics to affect bone health, but according to this study, they do and impressively! Another example, I suggest, of supplements that exert multiple and varied benefits.
In this first-ever human trial, probiotics reduced bone loss in older women. In the study, 70 women age 75 to 80, with low bone mineral density, took the probiotic L. reuteri or a placebo daily for 12 months. Compared to placebo, those taking probiotics had lost half as much bone, measured at the shinbone.
Doctors said earlier animal studies had found a probiotic bone benefit, but this first finding in older people "represents a paradigm shift," where "treatment with probiotics can be an effective and safe way to prevent the onset of osteoporosis in many older people" who are most likely to have bone fracture.
Reference: Journal of Internal Medicine; June, 2018, Published Online
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