Omega-3's Extend Healthy Life

The link between omega-3s and chances of death from heart, circulatory, or any other cause has been unclear, until now. It was assumed that if there was a benefit, it was related to cholesterol.
In this study, doctors measured cell-membrane levels of the omega-3s EPA, DHA, and DPA in 2,500 men and women, average age 66. After seven years, those who began the study with the highest Omega-3 Index scores, greater than 6.8 percent, were 34 percent less likely to have died from any cause, and 39 percent less likely to have died from heart or circulatory causes, including stroke, compared to those with Omega-3 Index scores below 4.2 percent.
In a first-of-its-kind test, doctors compared the Omega-3 Index scores with total cholesterol levels, which they had also measured at the start of the study. Although they had expected to find a link between lower cholesterol levels and reduced chances for the causes of death they had tracked in the study, this turned out not to be the case.
Reference: Journal of Clinical Lipidology; 2018, S1933-2874, Published Online
Product Recommendations:
The two most plentiful omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil are docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). Next, in much smaller quantity, is docosapentaenoic acid (DPA), which is similar to EPA.
Two products list the quantities of EPA, DHA and DPA. They are both derived from Salmon Oil.
Solgar Full Spectrum Omega-3 - 120 Capsules