Nutritional Supplements Boost Circulatory Health

Vitamin D reduces artery stiffness. Stiff arteries contribute to circulatory problems, and recent research shows a link to low levels of vitamin D. In this study, 70 overweight African-Americans, aged 13 to 45, with deficient vitamin D levels at or below 20 nanograms per milliliter of blood (ng/mL), took 600 IU, 2,000 IU, or 4,000 IU of vitamin D per day, or a placebo.
After 16 weeks, the placebo group saw a 2 percent increase in artery stiffness, and those taking 600 IU of vitamin D had a 0.1 percent increase. The 2,000 IU group saw artery stiffness decrease by 2 percent and, in what doctors said was a rapid improvement, the 4,000 IU vitamin D group had a 10.4 percent decrease in artery stiffness. Vitamin D levels improved to sufficient levels in both the 2,000 IU and 4,000 IU vitamin D groups, to 30 and 35.7 ng/mL, respectively. (Reference: PLoS One-Journals; December, 2017, 0188424, Published Online)
Omega-3s lower heart rate. New evidence suggests how fast the heart beats while at rest is a key factor in circulatory and all other causes of death. In this review of 51 placebo-controlled omega-3 studies covering 3,000 participants, compared to placebo, those who took an omega-3 supplement had a small-but significant-average reduction in heart rate of 2.23 beats per minute.
Individually, there was no separate benefit for EPA, but DHA provided a significant benefit: an average of 2.47 fewer resting heartbeats per minute. Doctors said this is important because most participants had normal resting heart rates, and calculate that 3.2 fewer beats-per-minute would lower chances for a sudden fatal heart event by 7.5 percent.
Reference: European Journal of Clinical Nutrition; 2017, S4130, Published Online
Product Recommendations:
Vitamin D supplements are available from many companies in dosages of 400 IU, 1,000 IU, 2,000, 5,000 IU and 10,000 iu.
Omega-3 Fish Oil supplements are also available from many companies. DHA supplements alone have also been recommended to pregnant women to help the development of the nervous system on the fetus.