Everyday nutrients reduce chances of metabolic syndrome

Article by Don Goldberg
Everyday nutrients reduce chances of metabolic syndromeWhat is metabolic syndrome?
Metabolic syndrome includes several symptoms such as obesity around the abdomen, elevated blood pressure and sugar, high triglycerides, low levels of HDL-the "good" cholesterol, and may be clinically the same as prediabetes.
This review of nine studies covered 31,876 people and compared magnesium in the diet to chances for developing metabolic syndrome. Men and women who got the most magnesium were 22 percent less likely to develop metabolic syndrome compared to those who got the least magnesium.
Magnesium helps metabolize lipids, and also glucose-possibly by helping preserve the specialized cells in the pancreas that produce insulin, the hormone that helps the body metabolize glucose, doctors said.
This is just one more study supporting the importance of adequate magnesium intake–whether through the diet, or in supplements. Many responsible supplement manufacturers have changed the ratio of magnesium to calcium in their supplements, reflecting this new information.
Willvite, the all-purpose multivitamin multimineral supplement from Willner Chemists, used to have a 1:2 ratio of magnesium to calcium. The new, revised Willvite Formula has modified that ratio, to 3:4. In other words, a full four per day dose of Willvite now provides 600 mg of magnesium and 800 mg of calcium. Two per day will, or course, provide 300 mg of magnesium and only 400 mg of calcium. Many nutritionists now feel that it is better to lower the calcium levels in supplements.
Reference: Nutrition Journal; October, 2015, Published Online
Vitamin E
The other nutrient shown to effect metabolic syndrome is vitamin E.
Adults with metabolic syndrome had lower circulating levels of vitamin E and absorbed less than healthy people. In this study, 10 healthy adults and 10 with metabolic syndrome took 15 mg of a type of alpha-tocopherol vitamin E in the morning with an 8-ounce glass of skim, low-fat, or whole milk. Doctors measured blood levels of vitamin E regularly over the next 72 hours.
Those with metabolic syndrome had lower circulating alpha-tocopherol levels, higher LDL cholesterol levels, and elevated signs of inflammation including C-reactive protein. The healthy adults absorbed 29.5 percent of the vitamin E compared to 26.1 percent for those with metabolic syndrome, regardless of the fat content of the milk.
Discussing the findings, doctors said because metabolic syndrome has a link to oxidative stress, those with the condition may benefit from the powerful antioxidant properties of vitamin E, and from adding more vitamin E to the diet. Studies are underway to determine if other forms of vitamin E absorb at different rates.
Reference: American Journal of Clinical Nutrition; 2015, Vol. 102, No. 5, 1070-80
Additional Comments . . . from Don Goldberg
Willvite, 120 Tablets, Product Code: 30439
Willvite, Iron-Free, 120 Tablets, Product Code: 44384
When buying a vitamin E supplement, you should make sure you are buying a “natural” vitamin E. The natural vitamin E, in the ingredient listing, will begin with “d-alpha . . .” while the synthetic vitamin E begins with “dl-alpha . . .”
In addition, natural vitamin E occurs in eight isomeric forms. It is best to get a supplement that contains all eight. The easy way to do that is to look for “Mixed Tocopherols” on the label.
The pharmacists and nutritionists at Willner Chemists will be happy to assist you with this. Online, at www.willner.com, you can easily compare prices and choose from a list of vitamin E supplements using the “By Generic Product” drop down menu at the upper left of the home page.
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