Low Iron Linked to Pregnancy Depression

Evidence suggests low iron levels are linked to depression in the general population, but there are no pregnancy studies. Here, doctors reviewed the medical records of 142 women, aged 18 to 25, and beyond 20 weeks pregnant when tested for ferritin, a biomarker for iron stores.
Women deficient in iron had depression scores 29 percent higher than those with good iron levels, and these women were two-and-a-half times more likely to develop depression while pregnant. Doctors also compared other health factors including family history, lifestyle, physical activity, and socioeconomic status, and found that iron levels remained an independent factor in developing depression while pregnant.
Reference: Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada; 2017, S1701-2163, Published Online
What is the acceptable dosage of iron during pregnancy? Under normal circumstances, iron is safe for pregnant and breast-feeding women with adequate iron stores when used in doses below the tolerable upper intake level (UL) of 45 mg per day of elemental iron. Check your multivitamin for iron content, as many products contain little or no iron. If you have problems tolerating iron supplements, talk to the pharmacists or nutritionists at Willner Chemists.
Product Recommendations:
Iron supplements frequently cause constipation, so some vendors supply Iron in a non-constipating form. Two such products are below:
Product Number: 29138
Product Number: 43650
Also, the absorbtion of Iron is significantly improved if taken with Vitamin C.