Healing Comfrey Cream now available.

Article by Don Goldberg
There’s a New Healing Comfrey Cream on the Block
By Dr. Holly Lucille
Besides being a sort of "daredevil doctor" and fairly active myself, I see a lot of active people in my practice. Many of them have sprains, cuts, bruises, scrapes, and all kinds of minor (and sometimes not so minor) trauma. In times past, comfrey was considered a powerful healing plant and would have been a remarkable natural intervention to relieve pain and hasten healing. Unfortunately, comfrey contains liver toxic compounds (pyrrolizidine alkaloids, or PA), so its oral use was banned in the United States. Some doctors were even concerned with creams and soaks, for fear these compounds would absorb.
Fortunately, there is a a new comfrey topical cream e that is great for open wounds, so any cuts and other normal results of an active life can be healed quickly. The other good news is that this comfrey cream is safe for children as young as four years old, so it’s an option even for kids who get into enough of their own scrapes. The reason is because there is finally a way to use this excellent natural medicine without any risk, because it does not contain any liver toxic compounds.
So, how does comfrey actually work? It does many things, and addresses wounds and bruises – even bone damage – in a variety of ways.
Aside from soothing pain, comfrey slows down damage to tissues and boosts tissue regeneration. It quickly and efficiently rebuilds damaged blood, bone and flesh – the exact response you need for wounds, sores, burns, cuts, scrapes, bites, stings, rashes, swollen tissue, sprains and broken bones. In fact, the popular names for comfrey give you a pretty good idea of what it has been used for: knitback, bruisewort (wort meaning plant), Knitbone, and Boneset.
Technically, most comfrey is known as Symphytum officinale. “Symphytum” is a Latin word meaning “to make grow together.” The term “officinale” refers to the fact that this plant was used for botanical remedies and most likely kept in a monastery storeroom – an early form of medieval pharmacy.
But now, thanks to a wonderful blend of age-old wisdom and modern plant science, there is a type of comfrey that avoids the problem of liver toxicity altogether. This variety of comfrey, known as Symphytum x uplandicum NYMAN, has been designated as “Trauma Comfrey” by the German Health authorities a specialized species, much like a patent.
This special form of comfrey has been specifically cultivated to be low in PA content. Plus, only the aerial parts – leaves, stems and flowers – that are naturally PA-free (rather than roots that typically have a higher PA content) are used.
But, just as important as what your comfrey doesn’t include is what it does provide.
Three of the major players in comfrey’s team of winning compound are allantoin, choline, and rosamarinic acid.
• Allantoin quickly stimulates the rebuilding of cells and regenerates damaged tissue. It can actually travel through the skin all the way to tendons, cartilage and bone.
• Choline helps injured blood vessels and nerve endings recover faster, and improves the pumping of healing blood through inflamed tissues.
• Rosmarinic acid fights inflammation, stops fluid loss as a result of injury, and slows down cell damage.
This comfrey cream, known as Traumaplant®, has a wealth of clinical data to back it up, too. It has shown remarkable abilities for blunt sports injuries and bruises, healing open wounds1,2 (in one study by 50% in about half the time!1), easing muscle pain and improving mobility,3,4 and soothing knee and ankle distortions and twists.5-8 It is also safe for children, and can be applied to abrasions, because it is PA-free.9
For anyone needing relief and healing from everyday bumps and bruises, or more serious injuries and trauma, this clinically tested topical, Traumaplant®, is the one I recommend. To me, it’s like having an entire medical kit in just one tube. For more details, see www.traumaplant.com.
About Dr. Holly Lucille:
Dr. Holly Lucille. N.D., R.N. (“Dr. Holly”) is a nationally recognized licensed naturopathic physician, author, educator, natural products consultant, and serves on the Scientific Advisory Board of EuroPharma®, Inc. She is a graduate of the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in Tempe, AZ, where she received the prestigious Daphne Blayden Award. Dr. Holly has a private practice in Los Angeles called Healing from Within Healthcare, where her focus is comprehensive naturopathic medicine and individualized care. She is also a volunteer doctor at the Los Angeles (LA) Free Clinic providing health education, promotion and prevention in the public health system. She lectures throughout the nation, has appeared on national media programs, and is the author of Creating and Maintaining Balance: A Women’s Guide to Safe, Natural, Hormone Health.
Terry Naturally (EuroPharma) Comfrey Cream (Traumaplant), 1.7 oz, available at Willner Chemists, Product Code: 63579.
1. Barna M, Kucera A, Hladicova M, et al. Wound healing effects of a Symphytum herb extract cream (Symphytum x uplandicum NYMAN): Results of a randomized, controlled double-blind study. Wien Med Wochenschr. 2007;157:569-574.
2. Niedner R., Effect of an Active Substance Complex from Symphytum on Epithelialization. Acta Therapeutica. 1989; 15:289-297.
3. Kucera M, Kalal J, Polesna Z. Effects of Symphytum ointment on muscular symptoms and functional locomotor disturbances. Adv Ther. 2000;17:204–210.
4. Kucera M, Barna M, et al. Topical Symphytum Herb Concentrate Cream against Myalgia. Adv Ther. 2005;22:681–692
5. Hess H. Effect of a Symphytum Ointment with Sports Injuries of the Knee Joint. German J Sports Med. 1991;42:156–162.
6. Mayer G. The Local Treatment of Acute Lateral Distortions of the Ankle Joint with an Ointment Containing Symphytum Active Substance Complex. Acta Therapeutica. 1991 April; 17:89-100.
7. Mayer G. The Local Treatment of Contusions and Distortions of the Knee Joint with a Symphytum Active Substance Complex Ointment. Erfahrungsheilkunde. 1992;12:888–891.
8. Kucera M, Barna M, Horacek O, et al. Efficacy and safety of topically applied Symphytum herb extract cream in the treatment of ankle distortion: results of a randomized controlled clinical double blind study. Wien MedWochenschr. 2004;154:498–507
9. Barna M, Kucera A, et al, Randomized Double-Blind Study: Wound-Healing Effects of a Symphytum Herb Extract Cream in Children. Arzneimittelforschung Drug Research. 2012; 62:285-289.
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