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Ginger reduces heavy menstrual bleeding in young women

Ginger reduces heavy menstrual bleeding in young women

Article by Don Goldberg

Ginger reduces heavy menstrual bleeding in young women

Relief for high school girls

Heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB) is the most common reason for gynecological visits to doctors and hospitals, and physicians often prescribe drugs that can cause serious side effects.

In this study, doctors followed 92 young women with heavy menstrual bleeding through six menstrual cycles. During the first three cycles, doctors assessed menstrual blood flow, confirming heavy menstrual bleeding , then asked the women to take 250 mg of dried ginger capsules per day, or a placebo, for the next three cycles.

During the next three months, compared to placebo, the level of menstrual blood loss declined dramatically for women in the ginger group. Because heavy menstrual bleeding is so common and can interfere with lifestyle, work performance, daily activities, and social engagements, ginger may be a safe and effective therapeutic option for women experiencing heavy menstrual bleeding, doctors said.

Reference: Phytotherapy Research; 2015, Vol. 29, No. 1, 114-9

Additional Comments . . . from Don Goldberg

Willner Chemists Phyto-Tech: Ginger Root 1:1.5

This herb supports the digestive and circulatory systems, and has been shown to be especially helpful in alleviating nausea and equilibrium problems.

Who can benefit from this supplement? Those who suffer from nausea (pregnancy, motion sickness), digestive insufficiency and poor circulation. . . and, perhaps, heavy menstrual bleeding.

Phyto-Tech™ Ginger Root 1:1.5 provides 667 mg of certified organic Fresh Ginger Root per 30 drops.

Also available as a veggie cap, with each Phyto-Tech Ginger capsule containing 500 mg of certified organic Ginger Root (Zingiber officinalis). (Product code: 60127)

1 fl oz - Prod Code: 56995

90 Veggie Caps - Prod Code: 60127