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Antioxidants Promote Longevity by Countering Effects of Inflammatory Diets

Antioxidants Promote Longevity by Countering Effects of Inflammatory Diets

Article by Don Goldberg

Antioxidants Promote Longevity by Countering Effects of Inflammatory Diets

There is a strong link between chronic inflammation and most illness, and diets can be pro- or anti-inflammatory. In this study, doctors calculated the Dietary Inflammatory Index score in 8,089 participants, average age 49, who took an antioxidant supplement or a placebo, during a 13-year study period.

For the placebo group, doctors found a link between a high Dietary Inflammatory Index score and greater chances of dying from any cause over the study period.

Antioxidant-rich foods include fruits, vegetables, omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, vitamins C and E, beta-carotene, magnesium, and alcohol in moderate amounts. Pro-inflammatory foods include omega-6 fatty acids, refined sugars, and highly processed foods. The Mediterranean diet, with a focus on fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fish, is naturally anti-inflammatory, and achieves a low Dietary Inflammatory Index score.

(Reference: American Journal of Clinical Nutrition; March, 2016, Vol. 103, No. 3, 878-85)

Additional Comments by Don Goldberg

This abstract is a bit confusing. There are several conclusions, apparently, than can be drawn:
1. An “anti-inflammatory” diet reduces “chances of dying from any cause.”
2. A “pro-inflammatory” diet increases “changes of dying from any cause.”
3. Taking antioxidant supplements will counter the negative effect of “pro-inflammatory” diets.