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The Willner Window Product Reference Catalog, Summer, 2015
since 1911
• Willner Chemists •
the nutritional supplement professionals
Willner Chemists Phyto-Tech™ Herbal Supplements
RHODIOLA 5 (Standardized)
Phyto-Tech Rhodiola 5 (Standardized), also known as arctic root or golden root, has been used for centuries in traditional Russian and
Scandinavian medicine to increase physical endurance, work productivity, longevity, resistance to high altitude sickness, and to treat fatigue, depression,
anemia, impotence, infertility, gastrointestinal complaints, infections and nervous system disorders. Each ml provides 250 mg of Rhodiola Rosea, standard-
ized to 5% Rosavins.
Who might benefit from this herbal supplement? Those suffering from low energy or fatigue; those who suffer from mental fog, poor mem-
ory, or learning problems; those who are looking to increase their stamina, endurance and athletic performance; those who are under high stress; those
with sexual or fertility problems..
Stress, Fatigue, Energy, Mental Performance, Stamina and Endurance, Athletic Performance, Depression
Rhodiola Rosea 5% Rosavin, Alcohol Pure Grain, Water Pure Deionized.
Keep out of the reach of children; shake well before using. Do not use during pregnancy or nursing..
30 drops in water or juice, 2-3 times daily, or as needed.
Complimentary Formulas:
Ginseng Energy Blend;
Ginkgo Biloba Leaf 1:1.5
Numerous studies have proved Rhodiola to be a powerful adaptogen that increases ones resistance to chemical, biological, and physical stressors and protects the body from breakdown due
to chronic stress. Rhodiola stimulates the activity of serotonin, dopamine, and norepineprhine in the cerebral cortex, brain stem and hypothalamus, and increases the permeability of the blood brain barrier to
precursors of dopamine and serotonin. This enhances the effects of these neurotansmitters on the brain and improves cognitive functions (thinking, analyzing, evaluating, calculating and planning), learning, atten-
tion span, memory and work productivity. Rhodiola also relieves fatigue and normalizes mood in depressed individuals, and has antioxidant properties that help protect the nervous system from oxidative damage.
By stimulating cognitive function, improving resistance to stress and fighting free radicals, Rhodiola can have immediate effects on cognitive function and memory and can also provide long-term support to help
preserve future brain functions.
A study involving 56 healthy male and female physicians working the night shift (age 24-35) were given 170 mg of rhodiola extract for 6 weeks. Their mental performance was evaluated using tests to determine
speed of visual and auditory perception, attention capacity, and short-term memory. A significant improvement in mental performance tests was observed in the treatment group during the first two-week period.
Another double-blind, placebo controlled study involving 60 foreign students at a Russian high school showed that supplementation by the students with Rhodiola resulted in a decrease of mental fatigue and situ-
ational anxiety and an increase in physical work capacity, coordination, kinesthetic sensitivity, and general well-being.
For athletes or anyone seeking to enhance physical performance, Rhodiola has been shown to improve strength, endurance, cardiovascular measures, coordination and recovery time. In one study, 42 master
level competitive skiers were given either Rhodiola rosea extract or placebo 30-60 minutes before a 20 km race on skies that involved carrying a rifle and shooting targets at stops. The athletes receiving Rhodiola
showed a significant increase in shooting accuracy, less arm tremor, better coordination, and their heart rates returned to normal more quickly.
Rhodiola has also been found to have cardioprotective and anticancer benefits and can increase fertility in both men and women.
In 1986 it was discovered that the chemical composition that sets rhodiola rosea apart from other species of rhodiola are three cinnamyl alchohol-vicianosides identified as rosavin, rosin and rosarin. The term
rosavins is used to include all three of these chemical compounds. Rosavins are known as the marker compound that differentiates true rhodiola rosea extract from other Rhodiola species.
Ordering Information:
Phyto-Tech™ Rhodiola 5 Standardized
One Fluid Ounce, Product Code: 57032
Product Reference Guide: Company Listings
(Product Code, Name, Size, List, Discount Price)
63381 SMART YOUTHFL ENERG WF 30 WAF 29.99 23.99
58793 FEMALE STIMULATING GEL 50M GEL 19.99 15.99
61474 INTERN HARMONY PROGEST 3 Z CRM 27.99 22.39
58792 INTERNAL HARMONY 60 VCA 39.99 31.99
58795 M DRIVE FOR MEN 60 VCA 44.99 35.99
58798 PERSONAL LUBE NAT G TR 50M LIQ 11.99 9.59
58796 PERSONAL LUBRICANT 4 Z GEL 14.69 11.75
57625 OLA LOA BONE JOINT REP 30 PKT 38.49 30.79
52878 OLA LOA ENERGY CRAN RS 30 PAK 38.49 30.79
44877 OLA LOA ENERGY ORNG PK 30 PAK 38.49 30.79
42237 OLA LOA ENERGY TRO PAK 30 PWD 38.39 30.71
52880 OLA LOA SPORT MANG TAN 30 PAK 24.99 19.99
52881 OLA LOA SPORT MIX BERR 30 PAK 24.99 19.99
23484 ANALGESIC OIL 1.6 LIQ 32.99 26.39
18080 ANALGESIC OIL .95 OZ .95 LIQ 19.99 15.99
18081 COUGH SYRUP 4 Z LIQ 9.59 7.67
58094 OLBAS LOZ BLAC CURRANT 24 LOZ 6.49 5.19
53131 OLBAS OIL .32 OZ .32 OIL 9.59 7.67
18079 PASTILLES (LOZENGES) 27 LOZ 6.55 5.24
64364 BEEF PROTEIN CHOC 1LB PWD 37.50 30.00
41011 BIOCELL COLLAGEN II 100 CAP 52.95 42.36
63812 BIOCELL COLLAGEN II OP 60 CAP 29.95 23.96
63808 CAL MAG PWD OPTIM BLND 111 PWD 18.99 15.19
57972 COQ10 100 MG SGC 90 SGC 48.50 38.80
57980 COQ10 60 MG CAP 60 CAP 25.99 20.79
41008 CORAL CALCIUM 270 CAP 49.99 39.99
40527 CORAL CALCIUM 90 CAP 24.99 19.99
17181 CORTI CUT 60 CAP 48.95 39.16
63810 CRANBERRY CMP OPT BLND 30 CAP 18.25 14.60
63546 DAILY ESSENTIALS 30 CAP 18.95 15.16
27887 DHEA 50 MG 90 CAP 29.50 23.60
63606 DIM 150 MG EXTRA STREN 30 CAP 22.50 18.00
57985 GRAPE SEED EXT 120 MG 100 CAP 25.79 20.63
50502 GRAPE SEED EXT 200 MG 100 CAP 32.99 26.39
62328 GRAPE SEED EXT 400 MG 100 VCA 41.49 33.19
42536 HERP EEZE SELF HEAL 120 VCA 59.95 47.96
50813 HYALURONIC ACID 50 MG O 100 CAP 52.95 42.36
37281 INFLAMERIC 90 VCA 41.49 33.19
53152 INFLAMERICZYME JNT CMF 60 VCA 32.99 26.39
64644 KRILL COMPLEX ADV 60 SGC 59.95 47.96
57983 LIPOIC ACID 100 ALPHA 60 CAP 15.99 12.79
42854 LUTEIN 20 MG VEG 60 CAP 40.99 32.79
54540 MAGNESIUM CITRATE 400 100 CAP 15.99 12.79
61304 METHYL B12 500 SB MGHT 60 TAB 11.69 9.35
37279 NUTRAVISION 60 CAP 34.99 27.99
40257 OLIVE LEAF EXT 500 MG 60 VCA 23.49 18.79
50373 OMEGA 3 2000 ENTERIC 120 SGC 28.49 22.79
27840 OMEGA 3 2000 MG FISH 120 SGC 19.99 15.99
50239 OMEGA 3 FISH OILS MEGA 120 SGC 34.99 27.99
61420 PEA PROTEIN CHOC 27. PWD 33.39 26.71
65729 PEA PROTEIN CHOC 494 PWD 23.39 18.71
55229 PEA PROTEIN VANILLA 27. PWD 33.29 26.63
65730 PEA PROTEIN VANILLA 494 PWD 23.39 18.71
43874 SELENIUM 200 MCG 100 CAP 14.99 11.99
39609 SKIN SUPPORT 60 CAP 31.49 25.19
62529 ULTRALEAN 3 60 VCA 38.99 31.19
63809 ULTRALEAN 3 OPTIM BLND 40 CAP 22.50 18.00
27822 VANADYL PLUS W/CHROM 100 CAP 21.49 17.19
27823 VANADYL SULFATE 20 MG 100 CAP 18.29 14.63
62121 CONDITIONER DERMAQOL 8.5 LIQ 15.00 15.00
62122 COOLING ALOE SPRAY 8.5 SPY 20.00 20.00
62105 DAXIBEQOL 30 SCH 67.00 53.60
62109 INFLAQOL N 120 VCA 51.50 41.20
62126 SHOWER GEL DERMACOL 8.5 LIQ 12.50 12.50
62118 SKIN CARE BAR BALS SLF 4.5 BAR 9.99 9.99
60189 HIBISCUS TEA ORGANIC 20 BAG 8.39 6.71
34984 NONI JUICE 32Z LIQ 35.99 28.79
18107 SMART PILL TAB 60 TAB 32.99 26.39
62532 ALIVEL 100 50 MG CT BI 60 CAP 49.99 39.99
62531 ALIVEL 100 EURYCOMA 50 60 CAP 39.99 31.99
64821 CHOLESSTRIN HPE 150 2X 60 CAP 39.99 31.99
62540 CHOLESSTRINOL O3 60 SGC 29.99 23.99
62536 COQ10 100 MG SGC 60 SGC 35.99 28.79
62538 COQ10 100 PLUS OMEGA 3 60 SGC 49.99 39.99
62537 COQ10 100 UBIQUINOL QH 60 SGC 49.99 39.99
62535 COQ10 200 MG SGC 60 SGC 47.99 38.39
64688 GR8 BRAIN 90 CAP 49.99 39.99
64819 GYMNEPURE 8X 250 MG 60 VCA 39.99 31.99
64820 KRILL MEGA PLUS 1000 60 SGC 47.99 38.39
62533 OMEGA 3 1000 MG TRIGLY 60 SGC 29.99 23.99
64616 OMEGACHOICE PLS D3 AST 60 SGC 34.99 27.99
62542 RED YEAST RICE ULTIM 120 CAP 55.99 44.79
63446 ASHWAGANDA RT 400 ORG 90 VCA 23.95 21.55
63448 ASTRAGALUS REISHI ORG 90 VCA 18.45 16.60
63447 ASTRAGALUS RT 375 ORG 90 VCA 13.95 12.55
63864 BURDOCK ROOT PWD ORG 4 Z PWD 11.00 9.90
63865 CAYENNE PEPPER PWD ORG 4 Z PWD 11.90 10.71
63868 CINNAMON POWDER ORG 4 Z PWD 15.90 14.31
63867 CINNAMON STICKS WHL ORG 4 Z STK 18.70 14.96
63449 CINNAMON TRUE 450 ORG 60 VCA 20.45 18.40
63869 COMFREY ROOT PWD ORG 4 Z PWD 9.90 8.91
64754 DANDELION RT FLAKES OG 4 Z FLK 13.00 11.70
63873 ECHIN ANGUST RT PWD OG 4 Z PWD 22.70 20.43
63872 ECHIN PURP RT PWD ORG 4 Z PWD 13.00 11.70
63450 ECHINACEA TOPS & RT OG 90 VCA 16.45 14.80
65350 EYE SHIELD 60 CAP 28.45 22.76
64755 FENNEL SEED FLAKES ORG 4 Z FLK 6.50 5.85
63451 FENUGREEK ROOT 500 ORG 90 VCA 11.95 10.75
63874 FENUGREEK SEED ORG 4 Z SED 7.30 6.57
63875 GINGER ROOT PWD ORG 4 Z PWD 12.70 11.43
63452 GOLDENSEAL RT 535 ORG 50 VCA 20.45 18.40
63876 GOLDENSEAL RT PWD ORG 4 Z PWD 79.99 71.99
65026 GREEN TEA GUNPOWDER OG 4 Z PWD 9.00 8.10
63453 HAWTHORN FLWR LF BR OG 90 VCA 10.95 9.86
63877 HAWTHORN LF & FLW ORG O 4 Z PWD 13.90 12.51
63454 KELP 600 MG ORG 90 VCA 10.45 9.40
65537 KELP THALLUS PWD O 4 Z PWD 6.00 5.40
63456 MACA ROOT 410 RAW ORG 90 VCA 22.95 20.65
63455 MILK THISTLE ORGANIC 90 VCA 24.45 22.00
63878 MILK THISTLE SEEDS ORG 4 Z SED 9.00 8.10
63879 PASSION FLOWER TOP ORG 4 Z PWD 11.50 10.35
63457 SAW PALM PYGEUM ORG 90 VCA 20.45 18.40
63880 SLIPPERY ELM PWD ORG 4 Z PWD 17.00 15.30
63884 STRESS GUARD VCAP 90 VCA 25.45 20.36
63881 TURMERIC ROOT PWD ORG 4 Z PWD 8.00 7.20
63882 VALERIAN ROOT PWD ORG 4 Z PWD 15.00 13.50
60096 CLEANS BAR MAX STRENG 4 Z BAR 6.95 5.56
56224 CONDITIONER THERA NEEM 12Z LIQ 13.49 10.79
64347 MENS LOTION HAND BODY 8 Z LOT 13.49 10.79
60467 MOUTHWASH NEEM CINNAM 16Z LIQ 14.09 11.27
57483 MOUTHWASH THERA NEEM 16Z LIQ 14.09 11.27
63714 NEEM LEAF & ALOE GEL 8 Z GEL 12.39 10.90
62767 NEEM NAIL & CUTICLE OIL .5Z OIL 17.59 14.07
64317 PURIFYING MASK THERANE 5 Z CRM 13.66 13.59
55953 SHAMPOO THERA NEEM 12Z LIQ 13.49 10.79
63971 SOAP BAR LEMONGR PATCH 3.6 BAR 7.19 6.44
63973 SOAP BAR NEEM LEAF OIL 4 Z BAR 7.19 6.44
63972 SOAP BAR OATMEAL LAVEN 4 Z BAR 7.19 6.44
55951 THERA NEEM CRM LF OIL 2 Z CRM 16.95 13.56
56610 THERA NEEM EXTRACT 1 Z LIQ 14.89 11.91
55952 THERA NEEM GEL LF ALOE 8 Z GEL 12.39 9.91
56854 THERA NEEM LOTION 8 Z LIQ 13.49 10.79
59231 TPST NEEM MINT 4 Z TUB 8.09 6.47
56609 TPST THERA NEEM CINNAM 4.2 TUB 7.79 7.09
51947 5 HTP 100 MG 90 VCA 43.70 39.33
56534 ADAPTEN ALL 120 VCA 50.70 45.63
54144 ADREN ALL 120 CAP 50.70 45.63
55406 ADRENE VIVE 60 VCA 49.90 44.91
51647 ALOE SUPER 450 100 CAP 19.70 17.73
55232 ALPHA BASE W/O IRON 240 VCA 47.70 42.93
53752 BETAINE & PEPSIN 225 CAP 31.90 28.71
51200 CAL MAG REACTED 90 VCA 25.60 22.04
54206 CAL REACTED 180 CAP 36.50 32.85
50497 CANDICID FORTE 90 CAP 34.60 31.14
50498 CARDIMAX 120 CAP 62.90 56.61
53554 CARDIO B 120 VCA 41.50 37.35
50367 CARDIO B 60 CAP 23.70 21.33
51693 CDG ESTRO DIM 60 VCA 69.30 62.37
52424 CHONDRO FLX 90 VCA 49.90 44.91
51740 COQ10 100 MG SGC 120 SGC 99.00 89.10
52126 COSMEDIX 90 VCA 29.90 26.91
52768 D HIST JR 60 CHW 17.90 16.11
50538 D HIST NATURAL 120 CAP 39.80 35.82
65649 D HIST NATURAL BLISTER 10 CAP 8.32 7.48
51301 D3 1000 IU O 180 VCA 19.20 17.28
54209 D3 5000 IU 120 VCA 25.70 23.13
56442 DHEA 25 MG 90 CAP 17.90 16.11
51148 DHEA 5 MG TAB 100 TAB 12.80 11.52
51632 DIAXINOL 60 VCA 49.90 44.91
56475 DIGESTZYME V 90 VCA 34.70 31.23
52038 E MIXED TOCOPHEROLS 60 SGC 27.20 24.58
51170 ESTRO DIM 30 VCA 23.50 21.15
51269 INFLAMMA BLOX 180 CAP 93.90 84.51
54721 K2 W/D3 45 MCG/5000 IU 60 TAB 30.60 27.54
60246 LIPITROL 60 CAP 45.90 41.31
52820 LIPOIC ACID 300 MG 60 CAP 43.10 38.79
54084 MAGNESIUM REACTED 180 VCA 39.50 35.55
53002 MEMBRIN 30 VCA 30.80 27.72
65326 MITOCORE 120 CAP 53.90 48.51
51782 MULTIMIN REACTED 120 VCA 28.80 25.92
52150 N A C 500 MG 60 VCA 25.20 22.68
50718 NATTOKINASE 90 VCA 49.90 44.91
53650 NATURAL ZZZS 30 VCA 23.40 21.06
54692 NIACIN 500 MG T/R 90 TAB 23.50 21.15
51721 NK STIM 120 VCA 75.70 68.13
57132 ORTHO B COMPLEX 90 CAP 22.80 20.52
57257 ORTHO B COMPLEX 180 VCA 39.90 35.90
51462 ORTHO BIOTIC 60 VCA 62.80 56.52
51978 ORTHO BIOTIC PWD 51G PWD 29.70 26.73
55833 ORTHO DIGESTZYME 180 CAP 49.50 44.55
63736 ORTHOMEGA 820 LEMON 180 SGC 74.60 67.14
63741 ORTHOMEGA 820 SGC 60 SGC 33.80 30.42
50539 ORTHOMEGA FISH OIL 820 120 SGC 52.40 47.16
56558 ORTHOMEGA SELECT DHA 60 SGC 39.70 35.73