Willner Summer Sale 2015 - page 93

Page 93
The Willner Window Product Reference Catalog, Summer, 2015
since 1911
• Willner Chemists •
the nutritional supplement professionals
Nature’s Answer
New Formula -- Higher Potency, Veggie Capsule
Antiox Phyto Complex II
Some of the most powerful, broad-spectrum antioxidants are those found in plants. This supplement contains a blend of several of the most potent plant-derived
phyto-antioxidants available, in a high potency, professional strength veggie cap.
Description: Phyto-Tech Antiox Phyto Complex II is a blend of powerful plant-derived (phyto) antioxidants. Most health problems are either directly or indirectly related to oxida-
tive (free-radical) damage. While vitamins and minerals (vitamin C, vitamin E and selenium, for example) are antioxidants, it is now recognized that phytoantioxidants, rich in a
broad spectrum of flavonoids, polyphenols, anthocyanidins, etc are the most powerful.
Ingredients: Each 375 mg Capsule contains the following: Acai Berry Extract 4:1, 75 mg; Mangosteen Fruit Extract, 75 mg (10% Mangostin); Goji Berry Extract 75 mg (40%
Polysaccharides); Pomegranate 75 mg, (40% Ellagic Acid); Green Tea Leaf Extract 30 mg (98% Polyphenols, 50% EGCG); Grape Skin Extract, 30 mg (50% Polyphenols); Grape
Seed Extract,15 mg (95% Proanthocyanidin); Cellulose Modified Vegetable,
100% Vegetarian - Manufactured in an FDA Registered, GMP Certified facility.
New, High Potency Atiox Phyto Complex II 375 mg Veggie Caps
90 Veggie Caps - Prod Code 63745
Still Looking For The
Perfect Antioxidant
Indications: Who might benefit from this herbal supplement? Those who desire protection against everyday toxins--dietary, environmental and chemical;
those with current health problems, those under high amounts of stress, smokers or those exposed to second-hand smoke, and anyone who lives .or is
exposed to a toxic lifestyle; those who are at risk to the various degenerative diseases associated with aging, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, cogni-
tive impairment, Alzheimer’s disease, immune dysfunction, cataracts, and macular degeneration; those who want to live a longer, healthier life.
Antiox Phyto Complex II is the perfect supplement to take along with your multivitamin/multimineral supplement.
(see full details on page 14)
Willner Chemists
Phyto-Tech™ Herbal
100% Pure - Sustainably
Harvested - Quality Tested -
GMP Certified Facility –
Kosher Certified
Cedarwood (Himalayan)
1 fl oz, # 63003
Cinnamon Leaf
1 fl oz, #62679
1 fl oz, #63004
1 fl oz, #62680
4 fl oz, #62681
Grapefruit (Pink)
1 fl oz, #62710
Lavender (French)
1 fl oz, #63005
4 fl oz, #62787
Lavender (Bulgarian)
1 fl oz, #62815
1 fl oz, #63006
Orange (Sweet)
1 fl oz, #62820
1 fl oz, #62821
1 fl oz, #62822
1 fl oz, #62884
4 fl oz, #63007
1 fl oz, #63008
Tea Tree (Australian)
1 fl oz, #63009
4 fl oz, #63010
Ylang Ylang
1 fl oz, #63011
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