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The Willner Window Product Reference Catalog, Summer, 2015
since 1911
• Willner Chemists •
the nutritional supplement professionals
12893 OMEGA 3 SUPER +30FREE 100 SGC 25.50 20.40
12890 OMEGA 3 SUPER 1000 50 SGC 12.90 10.32
12891 OMEGA 3 SUPER 1000 100 SGC 25.50 20.40
12892 OMEGA 3 SUPER 1000 250 SGC 57.90 46.32
12871 PHOS CHOL 400 MG 100 SGC 28.50 22.80
61828 PRO RITE 60 TAB 15.90 12.72
61494 PROSTATE NUTRA SUPPORT 120 SGC 44.44 35.54
12884 SALMON OIL 180 SGC 29.90 23.92
12886 SALMON OIL+50 FREE 180 SGC 29.90 23.92
12792 SELENIUM 200 180 CAP 24.50 19.60
12726 SUPER 1 DAILY VEG 120 TAB 61.20 48.96
41460 SUPER 2 DAILY 120 SGC 46.90 37.52
56507 SUPER D OMEGA 3 250 LIQ 31.50 25.20
31584 TOCOTRIENOL CMP W/E 30 SGC 23.50 18.80
37308 TOCOTRIENOL CMP W/E 90 SGC 59.90 47.92
12793 ZINC 15 MG 100 TAB 8.50 6.80
12841 ZINC 30 CHEL 100 TAB 9.90 7.92
31586 ZINC EASE LOZ 42 LOZ 6.90 5.52
62642 7 DAY MENS FORMULA 52 CAP 17.95 16.15
62641 7 DAY WOMENS FORMULA 52 CAP 17.95 16.15
62640 HEART MIRACLE LIQ 32Z LIQ 36.95 33.25
62643 MALE DRIVE 90 CAP 29.95 26.95
62637 MIRACLE 2000 MULTI 32Z LIQ 30.00 27.00
62639 MIRACLE LOT SEVEN WOND 8 Z LOT 9.00 8.10
62638 MIRACLE OIL SEVEN WOND 8 Z LIQ 9.00 8.10
41615 ALLER CARE 4 Z LIQ 16.95 13.56
45242 C L O OIL STRAWBRRY 8 Z LIQ 19.95 15.96
34349 C VIT LIQ 4 Z LIQ 7.95 6.36
57419 CAL MAG LIQ 16Z LIQ 19.95 15.96
65376 COUGH SYRUP FORM 3 BERR 4 Z LIQ 14.99 11.99
65377 D3 400 IU DROPS ORG 10M DRP 16.99 13.59
58687 D3 LIQ MIXED BERRY 1 Z LIQ 7.99 6.39
64269 DHA PURE 250 MG 90 SGC 12.99 10.39
34350 ECHINACEA 1 Z LIQ 8.95 7.16
34351 FIRST DEFENSE 4 Z LIQ 21.95 17.56
34346 MULTI VIT & MIN 8 Z LIQ 16.95 13.56
65382 PRENATAL DHA 500 MG 60 SGC 21.99 17.59
38405 PROBIOTICS W/COLOSTRUM 50G PWD 23.95 19.16
62849 STEVIA PAK MOCHA 100 PWD 9.99 7.99
62847 STEVIA PAK ORIGINAL CBT 100 PAK 9.99 7.99
62848 STEVIA PAK PASSION FLW 100 PAK 9.99 7.99
62850 STEVIA PAK VANILLA 100 PAK 9.99 7.99
56587 B12 METHYL 1000 LIQ 1 Z LIQ 12.95 12.95
56588 B12 METHYL 1000 LIQ 4 Z LIQ 23.95 23.95
63979 B12 METHYL 5000 LIQ 1 Z LIQ 16.95 16.95
55344 CANDIDA COMPLEX 90 CAP 24.95 24.95
62923 COLLAGN TYPE II 500 MG 60 CAP 29.95 29.95
56586 D3 5000 IU LIQUID 4 Z LIQ 19.95 19.95
55775 EPICOR 500 MG 90 CAP 49.95 49.95
55343 LIPD CONTROL (LIPICON) 180 CAP 49.95 49.95
55501 LITHIUM OROTATE 120 CAP 14.95 14.95
59885 MASTIC GUM DGL 60 CHW 24.95 24.95
60986 NEO 40 DAILY 30 LOZ 59.95 59.95
55738 RED YEAST EXT 600 MG 120 CAP 21.95 21.95
56145 VESITROL 60 CAP 49.95 49.95
53003 COROMEGA CHOC ORANG PK 90 PAK 34.99 34.99
39364 COROMEGA DAILY DOSE 90P PAK 34.99 34.99
58755 COROMEGA OMEGA 3+D OR 90 PAK 34.99 34.99
16232 A 10000 UNITS 100 SGC 6.99 5.59
16231 A 10000 UNITS DRY 100 TAB 9.99 7.99
16235 A&D 10000/400 100 SGC 7.99 6.39
16173 ACIDOPH W/PECTIN 250 CAP 25.99 20.79
24489 ACTION MAX FOR MEN 60 TAB 17.99 14.39
25671 ALLER MAX 100 CAP 34.99 27.99
24879 ALLER MAX 50 CAP 18.99 15.19
58986 ALOE VERA + LIQUID 32Z LIQ 19.99 15.99
60945 ALOE VERA 100% INN FIL 32Z LIQ 15.99 12.79
22671 ANTIOXIDANT SUPER 10 120 TAB 48.99 39.19
16055 ARGININE 500 W/B6 CAP 100 CAP 14.99 11.99
16057 ARGININE/ORNITH 1000 90 CAP 32.99 26.39
29833 ARTHRO JOINT MUSCLE RF 60 SGC 28.99 23.19
16249 B 50 ACTION CAP 100 CAP 16.99 13.59
16248 B BASIC 25 MG B COMP 90 CAP 14.99 11.99
16238 B1 100 W/RICE BRAN 100 TAB 9.99 7.99
22634 B12 1000 T/R 60 TAB 12.99 10.39
16244 B12 3000 FOLIC SUBL 60 LOZ 18.99 15.19
16247 B12 500 W/FOLIC SUBL 100 LOZ 9.99 7.99
16245 B12 500 W/RICE BRAN 100 TAB 9.99 7.99
38419 B12 SUPERIOR 3000 MCG 50 LOZ 19.99 15.99
16241 B6 100 TAB 100 TAB 9.99 7.99
16240 B6 50 TAB 100 TAB 9.99 7.99
16178 BEE PROPOLIS 100 CAP 19.99 15.99
63269 BENFOTIAMINE 150 MG 60 VCA 19.99 15.99
53366 BERRIES & WHEY 11. PWD 26.99 21.59
16221 BETAINE HCL PEPSIN 600 250 TAB 19.99 15.99
23953 BETAINE HCL PEPSIN 600 100 TAB 11.99 9.59
22161 BIO RUTIN CMP 500/500 90 TAB 23.99 19.19
61601 BIOTIN 10 MG VCAP 60 VCA 19.99 15.99
61602 BIOTIN 10 MG VCAP C 120 VCA 28.99 23.19
16260 BIOTIN 1000 100 TAB 9.99 7.99
25952 BIOTIN 5 MG 60 CAP 15.99 12.79
55711 BIOTIN 5 MG 120 VCA 26.99 21.59
16259 BIOTIN 500 W/RICE BRAN 100 TAB 9.99 7.99
22902 BONE DENSITY FACTORS 200 TAB 33.99 27.19
62704 BONE SOLID 240 VCA 35.99 28.79
57518 BONE SOLID 180 CAP 29.99 23.99
16224 BROMELAIN 500 2000 GDU 60 TAB 19.99 15.99
53786 BUFFER C 1000 MG PH 120 TAB 25.99 20.79
53782 BUFFER C 500 MG PH CNT 120 VCA 21.99 17.59
16279 C 1000 CAP MAXI W/BIO 90 CAP 17.99 14.39
16280 C 1000 CAP MAXI W/BIO 180 CAP 29.99 23.99
16292 C 1000 RH/BF 150 BUF 250 TAB 29.99 23.99
16291 C 1000 RH/BF 150 BUFF 100 TAB 14.99 11.99
31881 C 1000 SUPERIOR 60 TAB 15.99 12.79
23468 C 1000 SUPERIOR BUF/BI 90 TAB 19.99 15.99
20392 C 1000 W/RH 250 TAB 28.99 23.19
20767 C 500 ACEROLA W/BF WAF 180 CHW 28.99 23.19
16296 C 500 ACEROLA W/BF/RUT 90 CHW 16.99 13.59
20760 C 500 CAP 180 CAP 18.99 15.19
31864 C 500 CMP W/BIO/RUTIN 100 TAB 12.99 10.39
16275 C 500 RH T/R 100 TAB 11.99 9.59
16289 C 500 RH/BF 100 BUF 100 TAB 11.99 9.59
20764 C 500 RH/BF 100TR BUF 250 TAB 22.99 18.39
16274 C 500 W/RH 250 TAB 18.99 15.19
16277 C BABY LIQ 4 Z LIQ 11.99 9.59
20763 C CMP 1000/500 MAXI TR 180 TAB 29.99 23.99
16293 C CRYSTALS 2500 MG 8 Z PWD 19.99 15.99
16184 C L O 250 SGC 17.99 14.39
16140 CAL MAG 1000/500 TAB 90 TAB 13.99 11.19
16141 CAL MAG 1000/500 TAB 180 TAB 22.99 18.39
58365 CAL MAG 1000/500 TB D 90 TAB 13.99 11.19
21167 CAL MAG CAP TM 90 CAP 11.99 9.59
21168 CAL MAG CAP TM 180 VCA 17.99 14.39
34508 CAL MAG CITRATE MAXISB 100 SGC 15.99 12.79
34509 CAL MAG CITRATE MAXISB 200 SGC 27.99 22.39
16142 CAL MAG POT 500/500/99 90 TAB 13.99 11.19
16143 CAL MAG POT 500/500/99 180 TAB 19.99 15.99
43337 CAL MAG W/D CMP TM 120 VCA 15.99 12.79
43338 CAL MAG W/D CMP TM 240 VCA 24.99 19.99
52093 CAL MAG W/D3 LIQ 32Z LIQ 26.99 21.59
16145 CAL MAG ZINC TM 180 TAB 19.99 15.99
16139 CAL SNACK 120 CHW 23.99 19.19
16138 CAL SNACK 60 CHW 15.99 12.79
20736 CAL W/BORON TM 1000 90 CAP 14.99 11.99
44030 CARB PHASER 1000 120 VCA 26.99 21.59
16060 CARNITINE 500 W/B6 CAP 60 CAP 36.99 29.59
16061 CARNITINE 500 W/B6 CAP 30 CAP 23.99 19.19
16233 CAROTENE 25000 SGC 100 SGC 19.99 15.99
29834 CAROTENOID COMPLEX 60 SGC 29.99 23.99
16180 CHARCOAL 260 100 CAP 12.99 10.39
23696 CHOL LESS NUTRI 100 TAB 31.99 25.59
16262 CHOL/INOSITOL 500/500 90 TAB 18.99 15.19
20757 CHOL/INOSITOL 500/500 60 TAB 14.99 11.99
16261 CHOLINE 293 W/RICE BRN 100 TAB 15.99 12.79
22669 CHROMIUM PICOL 200 200 CAP 19.99 15.99
24500 CIRCU PRESSURE TAB 60 TAB 24.99 19.99
28092 CIRCULATION FACTORS 50 TAB 18.99 15.19
29814 CIRCULATION FACTORS 100 TAB 31.99 25.59
16304 CITRUS BIOFLA CMP 1000 100 TAB 17.99 14.39
24510 COENZYME ACTIVE B6 50 30 CAP 9.99 7.99
62837 COENZYME B CMP ADV 120 VCA 47.99 38.39
62836 COENZYME B CMP ADV 60 VCA 29.99 23.99
32944 COENZYME B COMPLEX CAP 30 CAP 14.99 11.99
43981 COENZYME B COMPLEX CAP 120 VCA 29.99 23.99
22673 COENZYME B COMPLEX CAP 60 CAP 19.99 15.99
24168 COQ10 100 MG CAPS 60 CAP 29.99 23.99
56783 COQ10 100 MG MEGA CTL 90 SGC 75.99 60.79
43350 COQ10 100 MG MEGA GEL 60 SGC 51.99 41.59
58351 COQ10 100 MG VEG SGC 120 SGC 44.99 35.99
28918 COQ10 30 MG MAXI SORB 50 SGC 24.99 19.99
35154 COQ10 30 MG MAXI SORB 120 SGC 49.99 39.99
16181 COQ10 30 SUPER 60 CAP 15.99 12.79
53778 COQ10 60 MG VEG SGC 60 SGC 18.99 15.19
16183 COQ10 60 XTRA SUPER 60 CAP 25.99 20.79
59794 CORE DAILY 1 MEN 60 TAB 21.99 17.59
59796 CORE DAILY 1 MEN 50+ 60 TAB 31.99 25.59
59795 CORE DAILY 1 WOMEN MEN TAB 21.99 17.59
59797 CORE DAILY 1 WOMEN 50+ 60 TAB 31.99 25.59
16237 D 1000 DRY 100 TAB 7.99 6.39
16236 D 400 100 SGC 7.99 6.39
55556 D3 1000 IU SGC LANOLIN 200 SGC 12.99 10.39
55266 D3 1000 SGC LANOLIN 100 SGC 7.99 6.39
53780 D3 2500 IU LANOLIN 60 SGC 7.99 6.39
55555 D3 2500 IU SGC LANOLIN 200 SGC 14.99 11.99
62216 D3 5000 IU VEGAN 60 VCA 27.99 22.39
62215 D3 5000 IU VEGAN 30 VCA 19.99 15.99
57177 D3 5000 LIQUID 16Z LIQ 19.99 15.99
57179 D3 5000 SGC 200 SGC 17.99 14.39
57178 D3 5000 SGC 60 SGC 9.99 7.99
44603 DAILY DOPHILUS AM/PM 112 VCA 31.99 25.59
43330 DAILY TOT 1 DY 60 VCA 19.99 15.99
62871 DHA KIDS DOLPHIN PALS 90 GUM 27.99 22.39
32468 DHEA 10 MG 50 CAP 9.99 7.99
26462 DHEA 25 MG 90 CAP 16.99 13.59
27219 DHEA COMPLEX MEN 50 MG 60 CAP 27.99 22.39
27220 DHEA COMPLEX WOMEN 25 60 CAP 18.99 15.19
21165 DMAE 350 CAP 50 CAP 11.99 9.59
16194 DMG 125 60 LOZ 24.99 19.99
24169 DMG 125 TAB 90 TAB 31.99 25.59
16311 E 400 COMPLEX 90 SGC 32.99 26.39
20775 E 400 COMPLEX 180 SGC 59.99 47.99
20288 E 400 SGC 180 SGC 59.99 47.99
20393 E P O 500 60 SGC 11.99 9.59
20163 ESSENTIAL LIFE CAP 120 CAP 31.99 25.59
24488 FIBER X DAILY CAPS 180 CAP 19.99 15.99
60595 FLEX-ABLE ADVANCED 90 CAP 41.99 33.59
Product Reference Guide: Company Listings
(Product Code, Name, Size, List, Discount Price)
using a cranberry extract. The problem with the juice is that it has a
high sugar content. Thus, the benefit of using a supplement where
the active constituents of cranberry are concentrated, leaving the
sugar behind. PhytoTech Cranberry 4:1 is ideal for this purpose.
Dose: One to two Capsules daily, or as directed. Drink plenty of
Complementary Product: PhytoTech Urinary Kidney Complex.
90 Veggie Caps ~ Product Code: 60121
Damiana 1:3
Traditionally used as an aphrodisiac, for women, especially in
Cenrtral America, since ancient times. It may also exhibit mood
elevating action.
Damiana is traditionally used as a general tonic for the nervous,
endocrine, and reproductive systems. In addition, specific historical
uses include coughs, gastrointestinal disorders, diuresis. It has been
used as an aphrodisiac in Africa and the Americas.
1 fl oz - Prod Code: 57641
Dandelion Root 1:1.5
Dandelion Root has long been considered a liver and galbladder
tonic, and digestive stimulant.
Who might benefit from this herbal supplement? Those with liver
disease, upset stomach, loss of appetite, heartburn; those in need of
liver and gallbladder detoxification; those suffering from constipa-
Dandelion is commonly used as a food. The leaves are used in sal-
ads and teas. The roots are sometime used as a coffee substitute.
The leaves and roots have been used traditionally to treat liver, gall-
bladder, kidney and joint problems. Dandelion is categorized by
many herbalists as a blood purifier, or “alterastive.”
Phyto-Tech™ Dandelion Root 1:1.5 contains Fresh Dandelion Root
(Taraxacum officinale) 667 mg/ml, Grain Alcohol, Pule Deionized
Water. Certified Organic.
Dosage: 30-60 drops 2-3 times per day or as needed in juice or
Also available in a veggie capsule, with each Phyto-Tech
Dandelion capsule containing 500 mg of certified organic Dandelion
Root (Taraxacum officinale).
Cautions: Contraindicated in blockage of the bile ducts, acute gall-
bladder inflammation, and intestinal blockage.
Complimentary Formulas:
Phyto-Tech™ Liver Support, Liquid or Vegicasps
Phyto-Tech™ Burdock Root 1:1.5
Phyto-Tech™ Milk Thistle Seed 1:3
1 fl oz - Prod Code: 56966
90 Veggie Caps - Prod Code: 60117
Devil’s Claw
This herb, wild harvested from the Kahalari desert of Africa, has
been shown to exert significant anti-inflammatory and analgesic
Who could benefit from this supplement? Those with arthritis,
rheumatism, fibromyalgia, joint and muscle pain.
Phyto-Tech™ Devil’s Claw 1:4 provides 250 mg of Devil’s Claw
secondary tubers per 30 drops.
Devil's claw (Harpagophytum procumbens) originates from the
Kalahari and Savannah desert regions of South and Southeast Africa.
The part used is the secondary tubors. Currently, the major uses of
devil's claw are as an anti-inflammatory and pain reliever for joint
diseases, back pain, and headache. Devil’s Claw enjoys widespread
popularity as a treatment for mild joint pain throughout Europe. This
use is supported by several clinical studies.
Devil’s Claw also increases gastric digestive enzymes, thus aiding
in protein and fat digestion. It has been known to help reduce cho-
lesterol and uric acids in the blood, which can lead to gout.
Dosage: 20-40 drops, 2-3 times per day or as needed in juice or
water. Best used long term (over 1 month continual use).
Contraindications: Gastric and duodenal ulcers. Do not use during
pregnancy or if breastfeeding.
1 fl oz - Prod Code: 57029
Digest Stim Complex
This formula promotes optimal digestive enzyme balance for
proper digestive function. It can be categorized as a bitter
digestive tonic.
Who can benefit from using this supplement? Those who are defi-
cient in digestive enzyme secretion or gastric function. Helpful in
cases of indigestion, gas, sluggish bowels, bloating.
Phyto-Tech™ Digest Stim is available in a regular, and an alcohol-
free version. Most commonly, it is taken before meals. It contains the
following herbs: Gentian Root, Fennel Seed, Oregon Grape Root,
Ginger Root, Licorice Root, Prickly Ash Bark, Blue Flag Root,
Peppermint Spirits, and Potassium Carbonate.
Phyto-Tech™ Digest Stim will stimulate the body to secrete more
digestive enzymes (HCl, bile, pancreatic enzymes, pepsin, lipase,
and saliva) which will enhance digestion. This makes absorption
more possible. This formula actually makes the body secrete its own
digestive enzymes if deficient instead of taking digestive enzymes by
themselves. The goal is to get the body to function normally and to
not rely on external enzymes.
It can be used as needed for meals that cause indigestion.
Phyto-Tech™ Digest Stim can be used as a tonic for those with
chronic indigestion, before or after a meal, but is best when used
before the meal.
Phyto-Tech™ Digest Stim also contains fennel and peppermint to
soothe digestive upset and keep the digestive tract calm while
digesting efficiently.
This formula can be especially helpful to the elderly, where poor
digestion is common.
Many herbalists recommend Phyto-Tech™ Digest Stim for Candida
albicans. Candida thrives in a digestive tract that under secretes, thus
becoming too alkaline (digestive pH is acidic, blood pH is alkaline).
Phyto-Tech™ Digest Stim is thought to increases HCl in the stomach,
thus keeping it very acidic which kills parasites, bacteria, germs and
keeps Candida in check. Insufficient digestive enzymes result in
leaky gut syndrome and the candida/parasite/germ hypothesis that
cannot be healed without increasing digestive enzymes.
Contraindications: Pregnancy; Ulcers, Irritable Bowel (Phyto-
Tech™ Digest Stim may help or worsen this condition--use caution)
Dosage: In general, it is best before a meal but can be used after-
Daily use: 15-60 drops, 2-3 times per day or as needed in juice or
water. Use before or after meals.
Occasional use: 30-60 drops before or after meals that create indi-
gestion or digestive upset.
Digest Stim Complex, 1 fl oz - Prod Code: 56999
Digest Slim Complex, Alcohol Free, 1 fl oz - Prod Code: 57040
Dong Quai Root 1:3
A highly regarded, well known Chinese herb widely used for
various menstrual and menopausal problems.
Who migfht benefit from this supplement? Women suffering from
various menstrual irregularities; women seeking to lessen the symp-
toms of menopause (hot flashes, mood swings, irritability); women
with premenstrual disorders (PMS) to decrease the discomfort of
cramps, slow onset, dull ache, mood swings, bloating and irritability).
Phyto-Tech™ Dong Quai Root 1:3 contains Dong Quai Root,
Alcohol Pure Grain, Water Pure Deionized; 333 mg/ml.
Herbalists consider Dong Quai to be an estrogen synergist. It sen-
sitizes the binding or absorption sites where estrogen is absorbed
into the body and will increase levels of estrogen. In menopause
where estrogen is decreasing, it helps satisfy the bodies craving and
diminishes symptoms. In PMS, Dong Quai accentuates the estrogen
phase or phase from menses to ovulation. It is especially indicated
. . . continued on page 42
Important Notice: The information given here is designed to help you make informed decisions about your health, and the proper use of dietary supplements. It is
not intended as a substitute for medical advice, nor a substitute for any treatment that may have been prescribed by your doctor. If you have a medical problem,
you should seek medical help. Products described herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or mitigate disease.
Product Reference Guide: Willner Chemists Phyto-Tech™ Herbal Supplements