Willner Summer Sale 2015 - page 43

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The Willner Window Product Reference Catalog, Summer, 2015
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Green Tea Guo
A rich source of phyto-antioxidants,
including EGCG, the list of research-
proven health benefits of Green Tea
continues to grow.
The Phyto-Tech™ Green Tea Guo formu-
las contain Whole Green Tea Leaf and
Green Tea Extract, standardized at 90%
polyphenols, 50% EGCG. such that one
dropper full has the same antioxidant con-
tent as 10 cups of regular green tea. In
addition, the product is sweetened with
natural stevia and the popular Chinese
herb, Luo Han Guo. Luo Han Guo is con-
sidered a longevity booster, and is com-
monly used for numerous health problems
in China.
Who can benefit from this supplement?
The easy answer is everyone. As a healthy
beverage, just squirt one dropperful into a
glass of hot or cold water. The powerful
antioxidants will exert a protective effect
against free radical damage. It is felt that
free radicals contribute to cancer risk,
aging, inflammation damage, cardiovascu-
lar damage, and immune system deteriora-
tion. In addition, green tea has been
shown in numerous studies to assist in
weight loss.
Please note that one dropperful of
Phyto-Tech™ Green Tea Guo contains less
than 2 mg caffeine. A regular cup of coffee
contains from 100 to 150 mg of caffeine.
All Phyto-Tech™ Green Tea Guo prepa-
rations are alcohol free. One is naturally
peach flavored.
Also available in a veggie cap. Each
Phyto-Tech Green Tea capsule caontains
Green Tea Extract (98% polyphenols, 50%
EGCG) 250 mg, and full spectrum Green
Tea Leaf, 200 mg.
1 fl oz ~ Regular Flavor - Code: 56944
2 fl oz ~ Regular Flavor - Code: 57098
1 fl oz ~ Peach Flavor - Code: 56998
90 Veggie Caps - Code: 60126
Here’s What I Think!
Don Goldberg’s Blog . . . comments, news and opinion
on nutrition, supplements, & health
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In a clinical trial, participants taking LiverCare lost less
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*70 Test subjects, 60 days
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