Willner Spring Sale 2018 - page 74

Page 74
The Willner Window Product Reference Catalog, Spring 2018
Since 1911
Willner Chemists: The Nutritional Supplement Professionals
56188 INTEGRA LEAN IRVINGIA 60 VCA 28.00 22.40
54066 IRON PROTEIN PLUS 15 100 VCA 24.00 19.20
57900 IRVINGIA OPTIMIZED 120 VCA 56.00 44.80
53066 JOINT FORMULA FAST ACT 30 VCA 39.00 31.20
52193 K SUPER W/ K2 ADVANCE 90 SGC 30.00 24.00
57513 K2 45 MCG LOW DOSE 90 SGC 18.00 14.40
60828 KRILL HEALTHY JOINT 30 SGC 32.00 25.60
64058 LACTOFERRIN 60 CAP 48.00 38.40
52181 LIFE EXTENSION MIX 240 TAB 74.00 59.20
52180 LIFE EXTENSION MIX 490 CAP 110.00 88.00
56680 LIPID CONTROL ADVANCED 60 VCA 30.00 24.00
61055 LIVER EFFECIENCY FORM 30 VCA 18.00 14.40
67021 MACUGARD W/AST SAFFRON 60 SGC 44.00 35.20
67068 MACUGUARD OCULAR SUP 60 SGC 25.00 20.00
57758 MAG CITRATE 160 MG 100 CAP 9.00 7.20
67318 MAGNESIUM 250 EXT REL 60 VCA 13.00 10.40
52419 MAGNESIUM 500 MG 100 VCA 12.00 9.60
54559 MELATON 5 MG SEELP NAT 60 CAP 18.00 14.40
65013 MELATONI 3 MG T/R VTAB 60 TAB 12.00 9.60
62478 MELATONIN 10 MG 60 CAP 28.00 22.40
61010 MELATONIN 3 MG 60 CAP 8.00 6.40
56449 MELATONIN 300 MCG T/R 100 CAP 12.00 9.60
56843 MELATONIN 750 MCG T/R 60 CAP 8.00 6.40
67311 MEMORY PROTECT 36 CAP 24.00 19.60
61451 METHLYCOBALMIN 1 MG VN 60 LOZ 9.95 7.96
61711 METHYLCOBAL 5 MG VAN 60 LOZ 32.00 25.60
53832 MIGRA EEZE W/BUTTERBU 60 SGC 33.00 26.40
63931 MILK THISTLE (EUROPEN) 120 SGC 44.00 35.20
59329 MITOC ENERG OPT BIOPQQ 120 CAP 94.00 75.20
59781 MITOCHONDRIAL BASC PQQ 30 VCA 44.00 35.20
55127 MSM 1000 MG 100 CAP 14.00 11.20
52519 N A C 600 MG 60 CAP 14.00 11.20
68032 NAD PLUS CELL REG RESV 30 VCA 50.00 40.00
65001 NAD PLUS CELL REGENERAT 30 VCA 22.00 17.60
61054 NEURO MAG MAG THREONAT 90 VCA 40.00 32.00
68145 NEURO MAG PWD TRP P 3.2 PWD 38.00 30.40
66820 NIACIN 500 MG 100 CAP 7.65 6.12
63788 NIACIN NO FLUSH 800 MG 100 CAP 19.00 15.20
68043 NIGHT CRM SKIN CARE 1.6 CRM 39.00 31.20
66076 NITROVASC W/CORDIART LE 30 VCA 18.00 14.40
65178 NK CELL ACTIVATOR 30 TAB 45.00 36.00
61230 OLIVE LEAF VASCULR ADV 60 VCA 36.00 28.80
67151 OLIVE OIL EXTRA VIRGIN 16. LIQ 33.00 26.40
58490 OMEGA 3 SUPER SESM ENT 120 SGC 34.00 27.20
58680 OMEGA 3 SUPR SES LG OF 120 SGC 32.00 25.60
64680 OMEGA W/ KRILL & ASTAX 120 SGC 45.00 36.00
64194 PALMETTOGUARD SAW PLM 30 SGC 15.00 12.00
58828 POMEGRANATE COMPLETE 30 SGC 24.00 19.20
65530 POMEGRANATE EXT 30 VCA 19.50 15.60
62413 PQQ 20 MG W/BIOPQQ L /30 CAP 40.00 32.00
59678 PQQ CAPS W/BIO PQQ 10 30 VCA 24.00 19.20
52216 PREGNENOLONE 100 MG CP 100 CAP 30.00 24.00
64578 PREGNENOLONE 50 MG 100 CAP 26.00 20.80
58257 PRELOX NAT SEX FOR MEN 60 TAB 52.00 41.60
65529 PROSTA POLLEN 3X STREN 30 SGC 28.00 22.40
54896 PROSTATE FORM ULTRA 60 SGC 38.00 30.40
67152 PROSTATE PM MIKE DITKA 30 VCA 39.99 31.99
64411 PROVINAL PURIF OMEGA 7 30 SGC 27.00 21.60
54961 PS 100 PHOS SERINE 100 CAP 54.00 43.20
61940 PYCNOGENOL 100 MG 60 VCA 64.00 51.20
66674 PYRIDOXAL 5 PHOS 100MG 60 VCA 22.00 17.60
57172 QUERCETIN OPTIMIZED 60 VCA 22.00 17.60
55363 R LIPOIC ACID SUPER 60 VCA 49.00 39.20
62384 REISHI EXT MUSHRM CMP 60 VCA 30.00 24.00
58126 RESVERATROL 100 PTER 60 VCA 36.00 28.80
59023 RESVERATROL 250 OPT GB 60 VCA 46.00 36.80
53947 RHODIOLA EXT 250 MG 60 VCA 11.75 9.40
59087 SAFFRON W/SATIEREAL 60 CAP 36.00 28.80
55499 SAM E 200 MG 30 TAB 25.00 20.00
55498 SAM E 400 MG 30 TAB 36.00 28.80
64998 SE METHYL L SELENOCYST 100 VCA 11.00 8.80
57757 SEA IODINE 1000 MCG 60 VCA 8.00 6.40
52192 SELENIUM CMP SUPER 200 100 CAP 14.00 11.20
66869 SHADE FACTOR VCAP 120 VCA 44.00 35.20
59613 SKIN RESTORING CERAMID 30 CAP 25.00 20.00
60295 SLEEP NAT ENHAN NO MEL 30 CAP 20.00 16.00
60065 SLEEP NATURAL W/MELATO 30 CAP 22.00 17.60
52199 SODZYME W/ GLISODIN 90 CAP 28.00 22.40
53798 STRESS RELIEF NATURAL 30 VCA 28.00 22.40
60321 STRONTIUM 750 MG 90 VCA 20.00 16.00
56823 SUPER MIRAFORTE LIGNAN 120 CAP 62.00 49.60
64858 TART CHERRY EXT 60 VCA 20.00 16.00
68054 TAURINE 1000 MG 90 VCA 13.00 10.40
65883 TEAR SUPP W/MAQUIBRIGH 30 VCA 18.00 14.40
53160 THEANINE 100 MG 60 VCA 24.00 19.20
59745 TMG 500 MG LIQ VCAP 60 VCA 13.00 10.40
58258 TOCOTRIENOLS SUPER ABS 60 SGC 30.00 24.00
52188 TPST LIFE EXTENTION 4 Z TUB 9.50 7.60
63765 TRI SUGAR SHIELD MULBR 60 VCA 36.00 28.80
66353 TRIPLE ACTION THYROID 60 VCA 36.00 28.80
62861 TRYPTOPHAN 500 MG 90 CAP 33.00 26.40
61221 TWO PER DAY CAP 120 CAP 24.00 19.20
59196 TWO PER DAY TABLETS 60 TAB 12.00 9.60
52159 TWO PER DAY TABLETS 120 TAB 21.00 16.80
57901 UBIQUINOL 100 MG W/MIT 60 SGC 62.00 49.60
58016 UBIQUINOL 50 MG W/MITO 100 SGC 58.00 46.40
66598 URI ACID CONTROL 60 VCA 24.00 19.20
67360 VENOFLOW 30 VCA 52.00 41.60
56311 VENOTONE 250 MG 60 CAP 18.95 15.16
64441 VINPOCETINE 10 MG 100 TAB 18.00 14.40
65426 WAIST LINE CONTROL 120 VCA 42.00 33.60
63587 WHEY PROTEIN CHOC 600 PWD 30.00 27.00
64653 ZINC 50 MG HIGH POTENY 90 VCA 7.95 6.36
65179 ZINC LOZ 18.75 ENHA VG 30 LOZ 12.00 9.60
60936 ARGAN OIL PURE ORGANIC 4 Z LIQ 33.59 26.87
59211 BI ESTRO CARE BODY CRM 4 Z CRM 36.39 29.11
67601 BOSWELLIA CRM UNSENTED 4 Z CRM 17.49 13.99
59346 DHEA FOR MEN CREAM 4 Z CRM 41.89 33.51
37804 DHEA PLUS 2 Z CRM 18.19 14.55
59040 E 25000 SUPER CREAM 2 Z CRM 17.29 13.83
59172 ESTRIOL CARE 2 Z PUM 18.29 14.63
36830 ESTROCARE 2 Z CRM 21.09 16.87
59254 IODINE PLUS LIQUID 2 Z LIQ 7.59 6.07
64920 MAGNESIUM OIL PURE UNS 8 Z SPY 11.19 8.95
54596 MELATONIN CREAM 2 Z CRM 17.89 14.31
38044 OLIVE LEAF PLUS LFO 60 CAP 24.99 19.99
34755 PREGNENOLONE CREAM 2 Z CRM 18.69 14.95
44125 PROGESTA CARE BODY CRM 4 Z CRM 36.39 29.11
59798 PROGESTA CARE COMPLETE 4 Z CRM 39.29 31.43
55913 PROGESTA CARE LAV CRM 4 Z CRM 36.79 29.43
50230 PROGESTA CARE PLUS 4 Z CRM 36.79 29.43
60463 SEA BUCKTHORN OIL 1 Z LIQ 20.49 16.39
67710 ADRENAL T VCAP 60 VCA 34.99 29.74
67482 ANXIE T VCAP 60 VCA 34.99 29.74
67484 BEAU T VCAP HAIR SKIN 90 VCA 34.99 29.74
67961 BLOOD NOURISH R 60 VCA 24.99 21.24
67486 BP STABILITI HYPER T 120 VCA 34.99 29.74
67962 CIRCULARI T 90 VCA 27.99 23.79
67483 DIABET X VCAP 90 VCA 39.99 33.49
67709 ENERGY VCAP 60 VCA 39.99 33.49
67836 HEALTHY AGING 90 VCA 39.99 33.49
67947 IMMUN T 90 VCA 29.99 25.49
67965 LUNG CAPACIT I VCAP 90 VCA 34.99 29.74
67481 MASCULINI T VCAP 90 VCA 39.99 33.49
67963 NEURO T BRAIN FOCUS 60 VCA 34.99 29.24
67964 NITRO T VCAP 90 VCA 34.99 29.24
67491 PROSPERI T VCP THYROID 60 VCA 34.99 29.74
67489 PURI T VCAP LIVER SUPP 60 VCA 34.99 29.74
67485 REST ZZZ VCAP 60 VCA 29.99 25.49
67496 URINARI X VCAP 90 VCA 34.99 29.74
67492 VISIBILI T VCAP 60 VCA 39.99 33.49
53204 CAL MAG CIT LEMON CUST 16Z LIQ 15.99 12.79
39800 CAL MAG CITRATE LIQ 16Z LIQ 16.69 13.35
54575 OSTEO DENSITY RASBERRY 16Z LIQ 20.29 16.23
27152 ALOE GEL WHL LEAF ORG 32Z LIQ 9.88 7.90
43193 ALOE JUIC WH LF PRS FR 32Z LIQ 11.19 8.95
24280 ALOE JUICE WHL LF ORG 32Z LIQ 9.88 7.90
22466 ALOE VERA GEL 32Z 32Z LIQ 9.29 7.43
41689 ALOE VERA GELLY 12Z GEL 9.39 7.51
24025 ALOE VERA JUICE 32Z LIQ 9.29 7.43
24255 ALOE VERA JUICE GAL LIQ 28.87 23.09
54449 ALOE VERA JUICE NO L 32Z LIQ 11.19 8.95
40533 ALOE VERA JUICE WHL LF GAL LIQ 28.87 23.09
55487 ALOE VERA STOMACH FORM 32Z LIQ 18.89 15.11
50946 DETOX HERBAL FORMULA 32Z LIQ 18.89 15.11
50868 STOMACH HERBAL FORMULA 32Z LIQ 18.89 15.11
65515 LIVERITE + MILK THIST L 150 CAP 35.50 28.40
27982 LIVERITE TABS 60 TAB 20.50 16.40
34003 LIVERITE TABS 120 TAB 32.50 26.00
44441 MACRO GREENS PWD 10Z PWD 42.99 34.39
52999 MACRO GREENS PWD 90 DY 30Z PWD 99.99 79.99
68146 MACROMEAL OMNI PROT CH 21. PWD 39.95 31.96
68147 MACROMEAL OMNI PROT VN 21. PWD 39.95 31.96
68148 MACROMEAL VEGAN PRT CH 23. PWD 39.95 31.96
68149 MACROMEAL VEGAN PRT VN 21. PWD 39.95 31.96
53834 MIRACLE REDS 90 DAYS 30Z PWD 99.99 79.99
51941 MIRACLE REDS PWD 30 DY 10Z PWD 42.99 34.39
66425 C SERUM KONJAC HYALUR 30M LIQ 33.99 30.59
66427 CREAM CLEANS NORM DRY 118 CRM 15.99 14.39
66423 EXFOLIATING SERUM 30M LIQ 34.99 31.49
66424 EYE CRM PEPTIDES CERAM 15M CRM 24.99 22.49
66422 FACE CRM PEPTIDE ARGAN 30M CRM 25.99 23.39
66426 FACE OIL ANTIOX ARGAN 30M LIQ 24.99 22.49
67014 FACIAL SPF 30 SKIN 2.1 CRM 25.09 22.58
66433 BATH CLTH MED TXT MED EA MIS 7.00 7.00
68174 CASBAH PORK SKINNY SAL 2.3 SNK 7.50 7.50
68169 LAMB MERGUEZ SKINN SAL 2.3 SNK 7.50 7.50
68173 PORK MINI SALAMI TRUFF 2.3 SNK 7.50 7.50
68171 SPICY PORK CHOR SK SAL 2.3 SNK 7.50 7.50
68172 STREET CART SHWARMA 2.3 SNK 7.50 7.50
67782 LIP FACE BALM BEE MAG .5Z STK 14.99 13.49
67783 SWEET BEE MAG SKIN CRM 2 Z CRM 24.99 22.49
Product Reference Guide: Company Listings
(Product Code, Name, Size, List, Discount Price)
Maca Root
A native Peruvian herb, Maca’s traditional use for
enhancing overall vigor and fertility has been
confirmed by animal studies showing it promotes
libido, sexual potency and energy.
1 fl oz (500 mg per 30 drops) - Product Code: 57076
Who can benefit from this supplement?
• Those with age-related sexual dysfunction, low libido, lack
of energy and vigor.
According to Dr. Arthur Presser’s book, Pharmacist’s Guide to
Medicinal Herbs, the “modern day uses” for Maca “are
probably no different than Maca’s ancient uses.
They include:
- Aphrodisiac
- Menopause & Menstruation
- Fertility
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Impotence
- Erectile dysfunction
- Vitality
- Anabolic steroid alternative
- Mental clarity
- General immunity
Maca Enhanced
An enhanced form of Maca, valued for its effect
on Libido, Male and Female Hormonal Balance,
Stress and Fatigue.
90 Veggie Caps - Product Code: 67456
4 oz Powder - Product Code: 67457
Who might benefit from this herbal preparation?
• Those low in energy and stamina
• Those looking to increase libido, enhance fertility
• Support adrenal function, normalize hormonal balance
Liquid: 500 mg/ml
Veggie Cap: Each two capsules contain the following:
Organic Maca (Lepidium meyenii) (Raw) 800mg, Organic
Maca (Gelatinized) 200mg. Total: 1000 mg.
Powder: Organic Maca powder, in the same 4:1 ratio of raw
to gelatinized. One teaspoon full provides 3 grams of organic,
raw/gelatinized Maca Root. The vegetarian capsule contains
Modified Vegetable Cellulose.
Blending raw and gelatinized Maca is thought to enhance the
bioavailability and potency of Maca.
Traditionally, Maca has been shown to exhibit the following
properties: Adaptogenic, Aphrodisiac, Antioxidant
Maca is a root plant native to Peru where it grows in harsh
environments at very high altitudes. It is known for its
resiliency, being able to survive in the most extreme
conditions of freezing temperatures, intense sunlight, and
strong winds. Maca has been used for thousands of years by
Peruvians as both a food and a medicinal tonic to promote
energy and stamina, increase libido and enhance fertility. It
contains amino acids, carbohydrates, fatty acids, fiber,
minerals and phytonutrients.
Maca is a powerful adaptogen that helps the body deal with
biochemical, physiological, and psychological stressors. It has
a revitalizing effect on those who are feeling low in energy
and vitality. Used as a tonic it can help reduce stress, increase
energy levels and mental focus, and restore strength and
vigor. It can help improve athletic performance by improving
stamina and helping the body recover faster.
Maca is a member of the Brassicacae family (the same family
as cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli). Maca is unique
however in that it contains much higher amounts of
glucosinolates, which are believed to contribute to its ability
to enhance fertility. Aromatic isothiocyanates in Maca are
thought to be primarily responsible for Maca’s aphrodisiac
properties. Prostaglandins, sterols and amides are also
thought to have a contributing role.
Maca does not appear to affect blood levels of testosterone,
estradiol, and luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating
hormone or prolactin; however it has a balancing effect on
these hormones, enhancing sexual function, and increasing
. . . continued on page 76
Important Notice: The information given here is designed to help you make informed decisions about your health, and the proper use of dietary supplements. It is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, nor a substitute for any treatment
that may have been prescribed by your doctor. If you have a medical problem, you should seek medical help. Products described herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or mitigate disease.
Product Reference Guide: Willner Chemists Phyto-Tech™ Herbal Supplements
The pharmacists and
nutritionists at
Willner Chemists will be
happy to assist you in
choosing the most
appropriate product
for your needs.
The Willner Chemists web site is a
valuable resource for information
on nutritional supplements how to
choose them, and how to use
. . . and remember to visit
Don Goldberg’s Blog
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