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The Willner Window Product Reference Catalog, Spring 2018
Since 1911
Willner Chemists: The Nutritional Supplement Professionals
17818 KYOLIC 104 W/LECITHIN 200 CAP 25.45 20.36
17817 KYOLIC 104 W/LECITHIN 100 CAP 13.99 11.19
22058 KYOLIC 105 W/SEL/A/E 200 CAP 28.49 22.79
32266 KYOLIC 106 CIRCULATION 300 CAP 40.45 32.36
17820 KYOLIC 106 CIRCULATION 100 CAP 16.49 13.19
21610 KYOLIC 106 CIRCULATION 200 CAP 28.95 23.16
43218 KYOLIC 108 HEART 100 CAP 16.49 13.19
56546 KYOLIC 109 BLOOD PRESS 80 CAP 27.45 21.96
65989 KYOLIC 109 FORMULA 160 CAP 46.95 37.56
51734 KYOLIC 110 W/COQ10 100 CAP 30.95 24.76
61659 KYOLIC CURCUMIN 50 CAP 31.95 25.56
17823 KYOLIC LIQ GAR 4 Z LIQ 29.95 23.96
17824 KYOLIC LIQ GAR 2 Z LIQ 16.99 13.59
22943 KYOLIC OMEGA 3 90 SGC 25.95 20.76
65594 KYOLIC ONE PER DAY 60 CAP 25.45 20.36
44680 KYOLIC ONE PER DAY 30 CAP 13.99 11.19
25640 KYOLIC RESERVE 600 120 CAP 28.95 23.16
65686 LUCKY 7 MENS PERFORM 60 VCA 30.99 24.79
29201 NEURO LOGIC 120 CAP 33.95 27.16
31895 PROSTA LOGIC 60 CAP 39.45 31.56
63835 RED YEAST RICE W/COQ10 75 CAP 22.95 18.36
58491 ADVA CAL 1000 150 CAP 40.69 36.62
58115 ADVA CAL ULTRA 1000 120 CAP 37.69 30.15
42602 H2GO TABS 90 TAB 22.69 20.42
39987 HERBAL V 500 MG 10 CAP 18.95 17.05
61979 HIPS SHOULD KNEES TOES 60 CAP 42.95 38.65
32601 CALTRATE 600 + D 60 TAB 12.15 12.15
22148 FERRO SEQUELS 30 TAB 8.99 8.99
21824 OCUVITE 60 60 TAB 10.15 10.15
67479 OCUVITE PRESERV AREDS 120 SGC 33.19 33.19
67476 OCUVITE PRESERV AREDS 2 120 SGC 35.69 35.69
37129 ANTI TOX VACCINE 1 Z LIQ 19.59 15.67
33661 MALE ENERGY 1 Z LIQ 21.59 17.27
33662 VITAL HGH 1 Z LIQ 39.95 31.96
61056 5 LOX INHIB 100 APRESF 60 VCA 22.00 17.60
56043 7 KETO DHEA 100 MG 60 CAP 40.00 32.00
58721 7 KETO DHEA 25 MG 100 CAP 28.00 22.40
52660 ACETYL L CARNIT ARGIN 90 VCA 38.00 30.40
61932 ADRENAL ENERGY FORMULA 60 VCA 24.00 19.20
67570 AGELESS CELL GEROPROTE 30 SGC 40.00 32.00
68189 AMPK METABOLIC ACTIV 30 TAB 38.00 30.40
60282 ANTI ADIPOC W/MANG IRV 60 VCA 39.00 31.20
68040 ANTI AGING SERUM SKIN 1.7 SER 60.00 48.00
67404 ANTI ALCOHOL W/HEPTOPR 60 CAP 22.00 17.60
66692 ARTERIAL PROTECT 30 VCA 48.00 38.40
60988 ARTHROMAX ADV UC II 60 CAP 36.00 28.80
67427 ARTHROMAX HERBAL JOINT 60 VCA 40.00 32.00
56168 ASHWAGANDHA EX OPTIM 60 VCA 10.00 8.00
63897 ASIAN ENERGY BOOST 90 VCA 24.00 19.20
63127 ASTAXANTHN PHOSLI 4 MG 30 SGC 16.00 12.80
63856 B COMPLEX COMPLETE 60 VCA 12.00 9.60
54044 BENFOTIAMINE MEGA 250 120 VCA 30.00 24.00
54043 BENFOTIAMINE W/THIAMIN 120 VCA 19.95 15.96
56453 BERRY COMPLETE 30 VCA 21.00 16.80
58955 BERRY COMPLETE ENHANCE 60 VCA 29.00 23.20
61875 BIO COLLAGEN W/ UC II 60 CAP 36.00 28.80
59824 BIOACTIVE MILK PEPTIDE 30 VCA 18.00 14.40
62496 BLACK CUMIN SD OIL 500 60 SGC 16.00 12.80
62521 BLACK CUMIN W/BIO CURM 60 SGC 32.00 25.60
67293 BLOOD PRESS 3X ACTION L 60 TAB 44.00 35.20
67294 BLOOD PRESSUR DUAL ACT 60 TAB 44.00 32.50
59402 BLUEBERRY EXT W/POMEGR 60 VCA 30.00 24.00
52165 BLUEBERRY EXTRACT CAPS 60 VCA 22.50 18.00
68041 BODY LOT SKIN CARE 6 Z LOT 28.00 22.40
52167 BONE RESTORE 120 CAP 22.50 18.00
62932 BONE RESTORE W/ K2 120 CAP 24.00 19.20
52173 BP MANAGEMENT NATURAL 60 TAB 44.00 35.20
63888 BRAIN SHIELD GASTRODIN 60 VCA 33.00 26.40
52460 BRITE EYES III 2 VIL 34.00 27.20
55265 BROMELAIN COATED 60 TAB 21.00 16.80
53086 C 1000 W/DIHYDROQUERC 250 TAB 25.50 20.40
58294 CAL D GLUCARATE 200 MG 60 VCA 18.00 14.40
64826 CAL REDUCE CHW 120 CHW 45.00 36.00
62383 CARDIO PEAK HAWTH ARJ L 120 VCA 36.00 28.80
52169 CARNITINE OPTIMIZED 60 VCA 30.00 24.00
55107 CARNOSINE SUPER 60 VCA 40.00 32.00
65744 CHOL SUPPORT 60 LVC 52.00 41.60
52923 CINSULIN ENHAN CINNULIN 90 VCA 38.00 30.40
65177 CISTANCHE STD 210 MG 30 VCA 20.00 16.00
68132 COCOAMIND MINT CHOC PK 14 PAK 24.00 19.20
60860 COFFEEGENIC 400 GRN CF 90 VCA 38.00 30.40
63852 COGNITEX W/ BRAIN SHLD 90 SGC 60.00 48.00
52194 COGNITEX W/ PREGNENOL L 90 SGC 62.00 49.60
68167 COMFORTMAX AM/PM 60 TAB 44.00 35.20
53962 COQ10 100 MG UBIQ SUP 60 SGC 56.00 44.80
63764 COQ10 100 UBIQ BIOPQQ 30 SGC 54.00 43.20
52163 COQ10 100 W/ D LIMON 100 SGC 46.00 36.80
62414 COQ10 200 MG UBIQUINOL 30 SGC 62.00 49.60
52172 COQ10 50 MG ENHAN SUP 60 SGC 25.00 20.00
67498 CORTISOL BALANCE NATURA /30 VCA 45.00 36.00
58501 CRANMAX 500 MG L 60 VCA 17.50 14.00
58511 CRANMAX OPTIMIZED 60 VCA 18.00 14.40
53660 CREATINE MICONIZED 120 VCA 10.95 8.76
62382 CREATINE WHEY GLUTAMIN 16Z PWD 30.00 24.00
58251 CRUCIFEROUS TRIPLE ACT 60 VCA 32.00 25.60
54588 CURCUMIN SUPER BIO 400 60 VCA 38.00 30.40
63870 CURCUMIN W/GINGER &TUR 30 SGC 30.00 24.00
58681 D AND K W/SEA IODIN 60 CAP 24.00 19.20
53683 D RIBOSE PWD 150 GRAMS 150 PWD 27.50 22.00
52560 D3 1000 IU SGC 250 SGC 12.50 10.00
52488 D3 5000 IU 60 SGC 11.00 8.80
58872 D3 7000 IU 60 CAP 14.00 11.20
68042 DAY CRM SKIN CARE 1.6 CRM 50.00 40.00
52196 DHEA 100 MG 60 VCA 24.00 19.20
54735 DHEA 15 MG 100 CAP 14.00 11.20
52316 DHEA 25 MG CAP 100 CAP 18.00 14.40
52315 DHEA 25 MG CHW 100 CHW 14.00 11.20
61357 DHEA 50 MG 60 CAP 19.00 15.20
62984 DHEA COMPLETE 60 VCA 48.00 38.40
52520 DIGEST RC 30 TAB 14.00 11.20
66946 DIGESTIVE ENZY W/ PROB 60 VCA 28.00 22.40
52191 DIGESTIVE ENZYMES SUPR 60 CAP 22.00 17.60
66345 DOPAMIND WILD GREN OAT 60 TAB 48.00 38.40
63574 EFFERVESCENT VIT C MAG 180 PWD 20.00 16.00
65972 ENDOTH DEF POM & CORDI 60 SGC 68.00 54.40
59031 ENDOTHELIAL DEFENSE 60 VCA 54.00 43.20
68166 EPA DHA CLEARLY 120 SGC 30.00 24.00
67275 EPA DHA MEGA 120 SGC 20.00 16.00
67553 ESOPHACOOL CHW 120 CHW 20.00 16.00
63782 ESOPHAGEAL GUARDIAN 60 CHW 36.00 28.80
68190 ESTROGEN NATURAL 30 TAB 30.00 24.00
58717 EUROPEAN LEG SOLUTION 30 TAB 20.00 16.00
60364 EYE PRESSURE SUPPORT 30 VCA 38.00 30.40
63992 FLORASSIST BALANCE LIQ 30 VCA 32.00 25.60
67405 FLORASSIST GI 30 VCA 33.00 26.40
65092 FLORASSIST HEART PROB 60 VCA 32.00 25.60
68017 FLORASSIST IMMUNE HEAL 30 VCA 26.00 20.80
66597 FLORASSIST MOOD 60 CAP 33.00 26.40
57227 FLORASSIST ORAL HYGIEN 30 LOZ 20.00 16.00
66208 FLORASSIST THROAT HEAL 30 LOZ 20.00 16.00
57354 FOLATE OPTIMIZED 100 TAB 19.00 15.20
64782 FORSKOLIN 10 MG 60 VCA 16.00 12.80
60097 FUCOIDAN OPTIMIZED 60 VCA 36.00 28.80
62630 GAMMA E TOCOPHER/TOCOT 60 SGC 40.00 32.00
52178 GAMMA E TOCOPHEROLS 60 SGC 32.00 25.60
67346 GASTRO EASE 60 VCA 44.00 35.20
66727 GLUCOSAM CHOND 400 400 100 CAP 38.00 30.40
52415 GLUTATHIONE C & CYSTEN 100 CAP 20.00 16.00
68047 GLYCEMIC GUARD 30 VCA 42.00 33.60
63871 GLYCINE 1000 MG 100 VCA 12.00 9.60
52198 GRAPE SEED EXT 100 MG 60 VCA 36.00 28.80
52201 GREEN TEA EXT MEGA DEC 100 CAP 30.00 24.00
52202 GREEN TEA EXTRACT 725 100 CAP 30.00 24.00
66569 HAIR SKIN NAILS REJUV 90 TAB 24.00 19.60
65814 HEALTH BOOST ONCE DAIL 60 SGC 54.00 43.20
53288 HEPATAPRO 900 MG 60 SGC 50.00 40.00
60519 HOMOCYSTEINE RESIST 100 VCA 24.00 19.20
65176 IMMUNE SENESCENCE PROT 60 VCA 40.00 32.00
Product Reference Guide: Company Listings
(Product Code, Name, Size, List, Discount Price)
Cautions: Do not use during pregnancy or nursing; long term
use might possible cause water retention and/or edema;
theorectically, could increase blood pressure at higher doeses
and over long term use.
Liver Support
This herbal blend has a systemic detox action,
supporting liver function and blood cleansing,
protecting the body from environmental and
dietary toxins.
1 fl oz - Regular (alcoholic), Product Code: 56948
1 fl oz - Alcohol Free, Product Code: 56971
Who can benefit from this supplement?
• Those who feel they would benefit from:
- a systemic cleansing stimulant
- a specific liver function stimulant
- protecting the liver from exposure to toxins
- skin cleansing via liver detox
- bile stimulation
In many medical approaches, the liver is central to a myriad
of health problems.
Phyto-Tech™ Liver Support comes in a liquid herbal form,
regular and alcohol free, as well as a standardized liquid filled
Veggie Cap. The latter is standardized to Silymarin content,
and will be discussed in the next monograph.
The liquid supplement contains the following herbs: Fresh
Dandelion Root, Red Root, Oregon Grape Root, Milk Thistle
Seed, Yellow Dock Root, Fresh Ginger Root, Fringe Tree Bark.
Note: Phyto-Tech™ Liver Support formula is available in
four different forms:
• Liquid Fluid Extract - 1 fl. oz.
Product Code: 56948
(see Liver Support)
• Alcohol Free Fluid Extract - 1 fl oz
Product Code: 56971
(see Liver Support)
• Liquid Filled Veggie Caps - 60 Caps
Product Code: 57048 (see Liver Support Caps)
• Fresh Ground Powder filled VeggieCaps
90 Caps - Product Code: 67454
(see Liver Support Caps)
Liver Support Caps
Standardized, Liquid Veggie Caps
This herbal blend has a systemic detox action,
supporting liver function and blood cleansing,
protecting the body from environmental and
dietary toxins.
60 Liquid Filled Veggie Caps - Product Code: 57048
This formula is a modification of the liquid herbal Liver
Support product already described. In a normal liquid
extract, it is not possible to get levels of Silymarin, the active
component of Milk Thistle, at the high levels called for in
some of the clinical research. Therefore, this modified
formula, in a liquid filled Veggie Cap was developed, with
added standardized Silymarin content.
Each Phyto-Tech™ Liver Support Standardized liquid filled
Veggie Cap contains the following: Silymarin, Standardized,
from Milk Thistle) 80 mg., with Oregon Grape Root, Milk
Thistle Seed, Yellow Dock Root, Burdock Root, Dandelion
Root, Red Root, Fringe Tree Bark
Cautions: see next Liver Support Capsules monograph.
Liver Support Caps
Standardized Powder Veggie Caps
This herbal blend has a systemic detox action,
supporting liver function and blood cleansing,
protecting the body from environmental and
dietary toxins.
90 Veggie Caps - Product Code: 67454
This formula is a modification of the liquid herbal Liver
Support product already described. In a normal liquid
extract, it is not possible to get levels of Silymarin, the active
component of Milk Thistle, at the high levels called for in
some of the clinical research. Therefore, this modified
formula, in a fresh ground, powder filled Veggie Cap was
developed, with added standardized Silymarin content.
Each Veggie Cap contains: Oregon Grape Root, 100 mg, Milk
Thistle Seed & Extract, 100 mg, providing 40 mg Silymarin,
Yellow Dock Root, 75 mg, Dandelion Root, 75 mg, Burdock
Root, 50 mg, Red Root, 25 mg. The veggie cap contains
Modified Vegetable Cellulose (The herbs are organic or
ethically wild harvested. 100% gluten free.
Take one capsule with water, 1-3 times per day, depending
on the pace of the cleanse desired.
Indications: Phyto-Tech™ Liver Support can be used as a
systemic (all over) cleansing stimulant, a specific liver
stimulant to increase all liver function, a liver protectant, a
treatment for liver stagnation or deficiency, skin cleanser via
liver cleansing and a bile stimulant that will increase fat
digestion and protein synthesis.
The amount of the active part of Milk Thistle, called
Silymarin, is concentrated to a significant amount beyond
what can be achieved in liquid extracts. Silymarin has been
researched in numerous studies which show it protects the
liver and helps regenerate healthy liver cells.
The liver is responsible for a majority of blood cleansing. By
stimulating the liver with Liver Support, all the blood moving
. . . continued on page 72
Product Reference Guide: Willner Chemists Phyto-Tech™ Herbal Supplements
Important Notice: The information given here is designed to help you make informed decisions about your health, and the proper use of dietary supplements. It is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, nor a substitute for any treatment
that may have been prescribed by your doctor. If you have a medical problem, you should seek medical help. Products described herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or mitigate disease.
The Willner Chemists web
site is a valuable resource
for information
on nutritional supplements
how to choose them,
and how to use them.
. . . and remember to visit
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