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The Willner Window Product Reference Catalog, Summer 2017
Since 1911
Willner Chemists: The Nutritional Supplement Professionals
55601 OMEGA VISION DHA EYE 60 SGC 49.95 39.96
41536 OMEGA WOMAN E P O 120 SGC 29.99 23.99
67256 PRENATAL DHA 500 D FSG 180 FSG 51.95 41.56
63716 PROBIOTIC 12 BILL+ PRE 60 CAP 29.95 23.96
66854 PROBIOTIC GUMMIES KIDS 60 CHW 19.95 15.96
67700 BLACK SEED OIL LIQUID 8 Z LIQ 34.99 27.99
67699 BLACK SEED OIL SGC 90 SGC 34.99 27.99
67394 BONEACTIV 120 CAP 39.99 31.99
33895 CILANTRO OIL 1 Z LIQ 39.99 31.99
67154 CLOVANOL 1 Z LIQ 39.99 31.99
67066 HEMPANOL 1 Z LIQ 49.99 39.99
28002 OREGAMAX 90 CAP 29.99 23.99
28001 OREGANO OIL .45 OZ .45 LIQ 29.99 23.99
43390 OREGANOL CRM 2 Z CRM 34.99 27.99
37098 OREGANOL OIL SUPER 1 Z LIQ 49.99 39.99
37097 OREGANOL OREGANO JUICE 12Z LIQ 19.99 15.99
65128 OREGANOL SUPER STRNGTH 60 SGC 39.99 31.99
38413 OREGANOL WILD 60 SGC 29.99 23.99
52592 OREGARESP 90 VCA 69.99 55.99
41972 OREGARESP OREGACYN VCA 30 VCA 29.99 23.99
57398 ROYAL OIL 2 Z OIL 34.99 27.99
54619 SINUOREGA 1 Z SPY 19.99 15.99
35400 VCAP 9.99 7.99
38807 5 HTP 100 MG 120 VCAP 35.95 28.76
61031 5 HTP 100 MG CHW 90 CHW 27.99 22.39
53697 5 HTP 200 MG + TAUR 60 VCA 33.99 27.19
44403 5 HTP 50 MG 90 CAP 17.99 14.39
61433 7 KETO 100 MG 120 VCA 69.99 55.99
59104 7 KETO 100 MG LEANGEL 60 SGC 39.99 31.99
62621 7 KETO 100 MG LEANGELS 120 SGC 69.99 55.99
41974 7 KETO DHEA 25 MG 90 CAP 21.99 17.59
43758 A 25000 IU 250 SGC 17.99 14.39
56470 AAKG 3500 ARGIN ALP K 180 TAB 49.99 39.99
64297 ACACIA PWD ORGANIC PUR 12Z PWD 14.99 11.99
43813 ACETYL L CARNIT 500 MG 50 CAP 16.99 13.59
55743 ACETYL L CARNITINE 500 100 CAP 29.99 23.99
43946 ACIDOPH BIFDUS 120 CAP 27.99 22.39
39256 ACIDOPHILUS 4X6 120 CAP 23.99 19.19
44032 ADAM MENS MULTIPLE TAB 120 TAB 43.99 35.19
67246 AHCC 750 MG 60 VCA 114.99 91.99
50869 ALLIBIOTIC CF 60 SGC 21.99 17.59
61607 ALMOND OIL ORGANIC 8 Z LIQ 23.99 19.19
56580 ALMOND OIL SWEET 16Z OIL 12.99 10.39
66278 ALOE 10000 & SOOTH HRB 90 VCA 15.99 12.79
38476 ALOE VERA 5000 MG SGC 100 SGC 13.99 11.19
58842 AMINO 9 ESSENTIALS PWD 11. PWD 43.99 35.19
29660 AMINO COMPLETE 360 CAP 35.99 28.79
43388 ANTIOXIDANT SUPER VCAP 120 VCA 37.99 30.39
54036 APPLE CIDER VINGAR 450 180 CAP 13.99 11.19
37491 APRICOT KERNEL OIL 16Z LIQ 11.99 9.59
61610 ARGAN OIL ORGANIC 2 Z LIQ 16.99 13.59
45264 ARGININE 1000 MG 120 TAB 27.99 22.39
53604 ARGININE 500 MG 250 CAP 23.99 19.19
57139 ARGININE ORNITHINE 100 CAP 17.99 14.39
39344 ARGININE PWD 1LB PWD 39.95 31.96
56214 ARTICHOKE EXT 450 MG 90 VCA 16.99 13.59
44239 ASCORBYL PALMITATE 500 100 VCA 17.99 14.39
56216 ASHWAGANDA EXT 450 MG 90 VCA 16.99 13.59
67120 ASTAXANTHIN 10 MG 60 SGC 39.99 31.99
60039 ASTAXANTHIN 4 MG 90 SGC 29.99 23.99
59246 ASTAXANTHIN 4 MG VEG 60 VSG 19.99 15.99
61609 AVOCADO OIL 16Z LIQ 15.99 12.79
50391 B 100 CAPS 100 CAP 19.99 15.99
43416 B 100 CAPS 250 CAP 43.99 35.19
36644 B 50 CAP 100 CAP 12.99 10.39
36645 B 50 CAP 250 CAP 27.99 22.39
53018 B12 1000 MCG CHW W/F A 100 LOZ 7.99 6.39
53013 B12 1000 MCG LIQ FRUIT 2 Z LIQ 9.99 7.99
38990 B12 1000 W/FOLIC ACID 250 LOZ 15.99 12.79
65965 B12 10000 METHYL LOZ 60 LOZ 34.99 27.99
41993 B12 5000 METHYLCOBAL 60 LOZ 25.99 20.79
52298 B12 ULTRA LIQ 5000 MCG 4 Z LIQ 15.99 12.79
54185 BALSAM FIR NEEDLE OIL 1 Z LIQ 11.99 9.59
41471 BASIL OIL 1 Z LIQ 12.99 10.39
60598 BCAA PWD 12Z PWD 43.99 35.19
41058 BERGAMOT OIL 1 Z LIQ 14.99 11.99
66279 BERRYDOPHILUS 10B CHW 50 CHW 24.99 19.99
65422 BETA ALANINE 750 MG 120 CAP 29.99 23.99
56469 BETA ALANINE POWDER 500 PWD 44.99 35.99
42170 BETA GLUCAN 1 3 100 MG 90 VCA 19.99 15.99
59925 BETA GLUCANS 250 XTRA 60 VCA 24.99 19.99
61950 BETA SITOSTEROL PLANT 90 SGC 24.99 19.99
40706 BETAINE HCL 648 MG 120 CAP 19.99 15.99
63386 BIOTIN 10 MG XTRA STR 120 VCA 23.99 19.19
41994 BIOTIN 5000 VCAP 60 VCA 9.99 7.99
36767 BLACK CURANT OIL 500 MG 100 SGC 16.99 13.59
36162 BONE MEAL PWD 16Z PWD 17.99 14.39
41984 BONE STRENGTH SLIM 120 CAP 14.99 11.99
28647 BORAGE OIL 240 MG 120 SGC 31.99 25.59
52659 BORON 3 MG 250 CAP 15.99 12.79
40659 BOSWELLIA EXT 250 60 CAP 14.99 11.99
56217 BOSWELLIA EXT 250 MG 120 CAP 26.99 21.59
39926 BRAIN ELEVATE 60 VCA 21.99 17.59
56197 BRANCHED CHAIN AMINO 120 CAP 25.99 20.79
56209 BREWERS YEAST 1LB PWD 12.99 10.39
39054 BROMELAIN 500 MG VCAP 60 VCAP 15.99 12.79
64614 BROWN RICE PROT SPROUT 2LB PWD 24.99 19.99
51495 BUTTERBUR 75 MG 60 VCA 25.99 20.79
54806 C 1000 ALPHASORB BUFF 120 TAB 29.99 23.99
51425 C 1000 CMP BUFF S/R 90 TAB 15.99 12.79
53286 C 1000 SR ROSE HIPS 100 TAB 11.99 9.59
39532 C 1000 SR ROSE HIPS 250 TAB 25.99 20.79
33110 C 1000 W/BIO 100 CAP 12.99 10.39
36649 C 1000 W/BIOFLAV 100 250 CAP 27.99 22.39
51276 C 500 COMPLEX 100 TAB 9.99 7.99
54553 C CRYSTALS ASC AC PWD 8 Z PWD 14.99 11.99
36646 C CRYSTALS ASCORBIC AC 1LB PWD 27.99 22.39
39485 CAL CITRATE 300 MG 250 TAB 25.99 20.79
36652 CAL CITRATE PURE PWD 8 Z PWD 11.99 9.59
35620 CAL MAG 1000 500 100 TAB 9.99 7.99
38109 CAL MAG CITRATE POWDER 8 Z PWD 12.99 10.39
54432 CAL MAG DK 180 CAP 23.99 19.19
42510 CAL MAG W/D SGC 240 SGC 25.99 20.79
34668 CALCIUM ASCORBATE 8 Z PWD 18.99 15.19
41389 CALCIUM CITRATE NOW/10 100 TAB 11.99 9.59
41983 CALCIUM CITRATE 150 120 VCA 13.99 11.19
43233 CANDIDA SUPPORT 90 VCA 19.99 15.99
59125 CANDIDA SUPPORT 180 VCA 35.99 28.79
36199 CARNITINE 500 MG 180 CAP 65.99 52.79
36149 CARNITINE 500 MG 60 CAP 25.99 20.79
39915 CARNITINE LIQ 1000 MG 16Z LIQ 22.99 18.39
61779 CARNITINE LIQ 1000 TRP 16Z LIQ 22.99 18.39
51498 CARNOSINE 500 MG 50 VCA 29.99 23.99
32995 CAROTENE 25000 180 SGC 29.99 23.99
59059 CASTOR OIL 16Z LIQ 8.99 7.19
54180 CASTOR OIL 650 MG SGC 120 SGC 13.99 11.19
51007 CELADRINE LIPOS CRM 4 Z CRM 19.95 15.96
63817 CHEER UP BUTTERCUP OIL 1 Z LIQ 12.99 10.39
65330 CHEST RUB RELIEF 2 Z CRM 8.99 7.19
55512 CHEWYZYMES BERRY 90 CHW 19.99 15.99
39923 CHITOSAN 500 MG CHROM 120 CAP 19.99 15.99
41818 CHLORELLA 1000 MG 120 TAB 23.99 19.19
51830 CHLOROPHYLL LIQ MINT 16Z LIQ 17.99 14.39
60562 CHOLESTEROL PRO 120 TAB 54.99 43.99
60247 CHOLESTEROL PRO 60 TAB 29.99 23.99
57690 CHOLINE/INOSITOL 100 CAP 12.99 10.39
67379 CHONDROITIN SULF 600 120 CAP 35.99 28.79
36167 CHROM PICOL 200 MCG 250 CAP 14.99 11.99
39642 CIDER VINEGAR DIET 180 CAP 14.99 11.99
50045 CINNAMON BARK 600 MG 120 CAP 12.99 10.39
33024 CINNAMON OIL (CASSIA) 1 Z LIQ 8.99 7.19
67651 CITRULLINE 1200 MG 120 TAB 39.99 31.99
52962 CITRULLINE 750 MG 90 VCA 27.99 22.39
60212 CITRULLINE PURE PWD 4 Z PWD 29.99 23.99
30422 CITRUS BIOFL 700 C RUT 100 CAP 14.99 11.99
37077 CLA 800 MG 90 SGC 19.95 15.96
41995 CLA 800 SGC 180 SGC 35.99 28.79
50773 CLA EXTREME 90 SGC 31.99 25.59
41474 CLARY SAGE OIL 1 Z LIQ 18.99 15.19
59899 CLEANS GEL C MANUK HON 8 Z GEL 9.99 7.99
63816 CLEAR THE AIR OIL BLND 1 Z LIQ 12.99 10.39
63086 CLINICAL GI PROBIOTIC 60 VCA 29.99 23.99
36194 COCOA BUTTER 7 Z LIQ 8.99 7.12
52290 COCOA BUTTER LOTION 8 Z LOT 8.99 7.19
27256 COCOA BUTTER W/JOJOBA 6.5 CRM 9.99 7.99
51216 COCOA PWD ORGANIC 14Z PWD 9.99 7.99
66642 COCONUT OIL LIQ PURE 16Z OIL 16.99 13.59
38670 COLOSTRUM 500 MG 120 CAP 23.99 19.19
38258 COQ10 100 MG HAWTHORN 90 VCA 35.99 28.79
38253 COQ10 100 MG W/E 30 50 GEL 21.99 17.59
38458 COQ10 100 MG W/E 30 150 SGC 55.99 44.79
35759 COQ10 100 MG W/HAWTH 180 VCAP 61.99 49.59
42730 COQ10 150 MG W/LECIT 100 VCA 47.99 38.39
59021 COQ10 200 MG VCAP 60 VCA 39.99 31.99
27302 COQ10 30 MG 120 CAP 18.99 15.19
50878 COQ10 400 MG 30 SGC 39.99 31.99
38456 COQ10 50 MG E SELENIUM 100 SGC 29.99 23.99
52292 COQ10 60 MG VCAP 60 VCA 17.99 14.39
51284 COQ10 60 MG W/OMEGA 3 120 SGC 33.99 27.19
52877 COQ10 AGE DEFYING SER 1 Z LIQ 19.99 15.99
52876 COQ10 ANTI OX CRM AGE 2 Z CRM 19.99 15.99
52471 COQ10 LIQ 100 MG ORANG 4 Z LIQ 21.99 17.58
41981 CORAL CALCIUM W/ MAG+D 100 VCA 15.99 12.79
38595 CRANBERRY CONC 100 CAP 16.99 13.59
61162 CRANBERRY MANNOSE + PR 24 PAK 32.99 26.39
60912 CREATINE KRE ALKAL 750 120 CAP 26.99 21.59
64942 CURCUBRAIN 400 LONGVID 60 VCA 39.99 31.99
67578 CURCUMIN 450 MG SGC 120 SGC 49.99 39.99
56218 CURCUMIN 700 MG 120 VCA 49.99 39.99
59324 CURCUMIN BIO PHYTOSOME 60 VCA 31.99 25.59
52111 CURCUMIN EXT 60 VCA 27.99 22.39
67471 CYRESSS OIL NOW 1 Z LIQ 9.99 7.99
50507 D MANNOSE 500 MG 120 CAP 31.99 25.59
50508 D MANNOSE PWD 3 Z PWD 31.99 25.59
55594 D RIBOSE 1500 MG CHW 90 CHW 35.99 28.79
53019 D RIBOSE 750 MG CAP 60 CAP 18.99 15.19
57122 D RIBOSE POWDER 8 Z PWD 39.99 31.99
63144 D RIBOSE PWD 1LB PWD 69.99 55.99
55325 D3 & K2 1000/45 120 VCA 12.99 10.39
43559 D3 1000 IU 180 SGC 8.99 7.19
56755 D3 2000 IU 240 SGC 16.99 13.59
53496 D3 2000 SGC 120 SGC 8.99 7.19
Product Reference Guide: Company Listings
(Product Code, Name, Size, List, Discount Price)
showed that supplementation by the students with Rhodiola
resulted in a decrease of mental fatigue and situational
anxiety and an increase in physical work capacity,
coordination, kinesthetic sensitivity, and general well-being.
For athletes or anyone seeking to enhance physical
performance, Rhodiola has been shown to improve strength,
endurance, cardiovascular measures, coordination and
recovery time. In one study, 42 master level competitive
skiers were given either Rhodiola rosea extract or placebo 30-
60 minutes before a 20 km race on skies that involved
carrying a rifle and shooting targets at stops. The athletes
receiving Rhodiola showed a significant increase in shooting
accuracy, less arm tremor, better coordination, and their heart
rates returned to normal more quickly.
Rhodiola has also been found to have cardio protective and
anticancer benefits and can increase fertility in both men and
In 1986 it was discovered that the chemical composition that
sets Rhodiola rosea apart from other species of Rhodiola are
three cinnamyl alchohol-vicianosides identified as rosavin,
rosin and rosarin. The term rosavins is used to include all
three of these chemical compounds. Rosavins are known as
the marker compound that differentiates true Rhodiola rosea
extract from other Rhodiola species.
Contra-Indications and Cautions: Pregnancy; Nursing
Complimentary Formulas & Single Herbs:
• Ginseng Energy Blend (Ginseng formula for energy)
• Ginkgo biloba (to increase memory and cerebral
• St Johns Wort (for depression)
Liquid: 30 drops in juice or water 1-3 times per day or as
needed; Veggie Cap: 1 capsule, 1-3 times per day or as
Note: The liquid formula may contain small amounts of herbal
precipitate (small particles) due to strength of preparation. The
taste is very astringent, slightly bitter.
Saw Palmetto Berry 1:3
Perhaps the most researched, most effective herb
for treating an enlarged prostate (BPH).
Liquid - 1 fl oz - Product Code: 57006
60 Liquid Veggie Caps - Product Code: 67450
Who might benefit from this herbal supplement?
• Men with an enlarged prostate, or benign prostatic
hyperplasia (BPH).
Phyto-Tech™ Saw Palmetto Berry 1:3 contains Certified
Organic Saw Palmetto Berries (Serenoa repens), Pure Grain
Alcohol, Deionized Water. Each 30 drops contains 333 mg.
Phyto-Tech™ Saw Palmetto Liquid Veggie Caps contains, per
one capsule, Saw Palmetto Berry, 160 mg (Serenoa repens) as
a CO2 Supercritical Extract (standardized to minimum 85%,
Essential Fatty Acids, 136 mg), Soy Lecithin (PCR Negative),
Modified Vegetable Cellulose.
Saw Palmetto is the well known herb for swollen or enlarged
prostate, commonly called benign prostatic hyperplasia
(BPH). Symptoms of BPH range from difficult urination, dull
ache, impotence, difficulty maintaining an erection, waking
to urinate, urgency to urinate and precancerous blood
chemistry such as elevated PSA’s. It is thought that Saw
Palmetto inhibits dihydrotestosterone, the compound that
causes prostate cells to multiply excessively. *
Many herbalists consider Saw Palmetto to be a valuable male
tonic to help maintain prostate health as men age.
Prostate inflammation is common in men over 50, especially
those with a diet high in animal products and trans fatty
acids. Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in
men. Prostate cancer is the male equivalent to uterine and
ovarian cancer in women. Some believe that chronic BPH is
a precursor to prostate cancer in some men. Saw Palmetto
can be used as a preventative mens’ tonic herb to help avoid
the swelling in the first place. If one has BPH already, Saw
Palmetto can reduce the inflammation to normalize the
Saw Palmetto is nontoxic and can be used long term.
General preventative tonic: 30-60 drops, 2 times per day or
as needed in juice or water; Stronger dose: 60-90 drops, 2-3
times per day in juice or water. Liquid Veggie Caps: One
capsule, 1-2 times per day, or as directed.
Note: Phyto-Tech™ Saw Palmetto Berry 1:3 is a full spectrum
hydroalcoholic liquid extract, not a “standardized”
liposterolic extrract. It is not possible to make a direct dose
comparison to “160 mg liposterolic extract.” Clinical and
traditional evidence, however, would suggest the
recommended 60 drop dosage, above, is equivalent to the
160 ml liposterolic dose.
*Saw Palmeto contains several types of active compounds:
sterols (such as beta-sitosterol), flavonoids (such as
Isoquercitrin), water soluble polysaccharides, and fatty oils.
This combination of botanicals exert antiandrogenic,
antiestrogenic and antiinflammatory effects, all of which
contribute to its action agains BPH. Ethanolic (alcohol)
extracts contain all of the above. For this reason, many prefer
a full spectrum extract.
Schisandra Berry
An adaptogenic herb thought to fight stress,
improve immune function and increase energy and
Liquid Extract - 1 fl oz - Product Code: 67466
. . . continued on page 92
Important Notice: The information given here is designed to help you make informed decisions about your health, and the proper use of dietary supplements. It is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, nor a substitute for any treatment
that may have been prescribed by your doctor. If you have a medical problem, you should seek medical help. Products described herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or mitigate disease.
Product Reference Guide: Willner Chemists Phyto-Tech™ Herbal Supplements
Please Note: The prices in this listing are
the normal, day-to-day Willner Chemists
discounts. Be sure to check the Sale listings
for additional discounts!