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The Willner Window Product Reference Catalog, Winter 2017
Since 1911
Willner Chemists: The Nutritional Supplement Professionals
30873 CASTOR OIL 8 Z LIQ 5.99 4.79
30875 CASTOR OIL 32Z LIQ 15.49 12.39
30874 CASTOR OIL 16Z LIQ 9.99 7.99
30877 DEODORANT ROLL ON JASM 3 Z ROL 7.99 6.39
30878 DEODORANT ROLL ON UNSC 3 Z ROL 7.99 6.39
30867 E OIL .5Z LIQ 5.99 4.79
55166 EYE CRM GOJI BERRY 1 Z CRM 18.99 15.19
63957 FACIAL CLEANS EVERCLEN 5.8 LIQ 14.99 11.99
55168 FACIAL CRM GOJI BERRY 4 Z CRM 19.99 15.99
51548 HYALURONIC ACID MOIST 4 Z CRM 19.99 15.99
30899 LAVENDER WATER MIST 8 Z SPY 8.99 7.19
30857 PSORIASIL BODY WASH 8 Z LIQ 13.99 11.19
30900 ROSE WATER FLOWER MIST 8 Z SPY 8.99 7.19
30866 SCARGO SKIN MASS LOT 4 Z LOT 10.99 8.79
30880 SHAMPOO HAIREVER 8 Z LIQ 9.99 7.99
30889 WOOL FLANNEL SMALL EA PAD 10.99 8.79
27501 ACNE PELLETS EA PEL 6.95 6.25
27473 ALLERGY DROPS 1 Z LIQ 10.95 9.86
27472 ALLERGY PELLETS EA PEL 6.95 6.25
27493 ANXIETY STRESS DROPS 1 Z LIQ 10.95 9.86
28538 ARNICA + PAIN RELIEF 50G CRM 8.99 7.19
27485 ARTHRITIS DROPS 1 Z LIQ 10.95 9.86
28545 CALENDULA + FIRST AID 50G CRM 8.99 7.19
28547 CHROMIUM COLLOIDAL 100 LIQ 11.97 10.77
27474 COUGH & COLD PELLETS EA PEL 6.95 6.25
28551 COUGH & COLD SYRUP 250 LIQ 9.65 8.68
27502 EARACHE PELLETS EA PEL 6.95 6.25
27503 ECZEMA PELLETS EA PEL 6.95 6.25
27490 FATIGUE PELLETS EA PEL 6.95 6.25
54314 FIBROMYLGIA 80 PEL 6.95 6.25
27487 GAS/INDIGESTION DROPS 1 Z LIQ 10.95 9.86
27495 INSOMNIA DROPS 1 Z LIQ 10.95 9.86
28555 IODINE COLLOIDAL 100 LIQ 11.97 10.77
66834 KIDS RELIEF COUGH COLD 8.5 LIQ 9.99 8.99
66835 LUNG HISTAMINE 30X 100 LIQ 24.67 22.41
28558 MAGNESIUM COLLOIDAL 100 LIQ 11.97 10.77
28566 SELENIUM COLLOIDAL 100 LIQ 11.00 9.90
28567 SILICA COLLOIDAL 100 LIQ 11.00 9.90
27471 SINUS EA PEL 6.95 6.25
27499 SMOKING WITHDRAWAL 1 Z LIQ 10.95 9.86
66180 TINNITUS CHW TABS 90 CHW 10.99 8.79
60436 TINNITUS PELLETS 80 PEL 6.95 6.25
27482 WEIGHT CONTROL DROPS 1 Z LIQ 10.95 9.86
28571 ZINC COLLOIDAL 100 LIQ 11.97 10.77
34480 DAILY DETOX APPLE CINN 30 BAG 9.99 7.99
17779 DAILY DETOX HERB TEA 30 BAG 9.99 7.99
30551 DAILY DETOX II TEA 30 BAG 9.59 7.67
58524 CONDITIONER HYDRAME 8 Z LIQ 12.95 11.65
55088 HYDRAME SKIN LOTION 8 Z LOT 13.95 13.95
55089 HYDRAMEN SHAVE GEL 4 Z GEL 9.95 9.95
56717 LIPZ LIP BALM EA STK 4.79 4.31
59439 ALLERGY 4 KIDS LIQ CMP 4 Z LIQ 10.59 8.47
57406 ALLERGY RELIEF 4 KIDS 125 TAB 9.39 7.51
57405 ALLERGY RELIEF TAB 60 TAB 9.19 7.35
57232 ARNICA 30X TAB 50 TAB 8.39 6.71
26261 ARNICA MONTANA 6X 250 TAB 9.49 7.59
24232 ARNICA SPRAY LOT 4 Z LIQ 12.99 10.39
24455 BIOPLASMA 000 TAB 20.89 16.71
57497 BUG BITE OINTMENT .26 STK 9.19 7.35
24940 C 25 MG BABY TAB H 125 TAB 10.99 8.79
25032 CALC FLUOR 6X 500 TAB 12.49 9.99
25483 CALC PHOS 6X 500 TAB 12.49 9.99
26535 CALC SULF 6X 500 TAB 12.49 9.99
63431 CALM ‘N RESTFUL 4 KIDS 125 TAB 9.39 7.51
18559 CALMS 100 TAB 10.79 8.63
66167 CALMS FORTE 50 TAB 9.19 7.35
18561 CALMS FORTE 100 TAB 11.19 8.95
57399 COLD N COUGH 4 KIDS 4 Z LIQ 11.19 8.95
18558 COLD TABS TINY BABY 125 TAB 14.29 11.43
61288 COUGH SYRUP BABY 4 Z LIQ 13.19 10.55
65299 DEFEND COUGH 4 Z LIQ 9.39 7.91
61289 DIAPER OINTMENT BABY 2.5 ONT 9.79 7.83
41619 FERRUM PHOS 30X 500 TAB 12.49 9.99
26542 FERRUM PHOS 6X 500 TAB 12.49 9.99
52495 FLU CARE COMPLETE 120 TAB 15.69 12.55
66351 GAS 100 TAB 11.79 9.43
43759 HYPERICUM SPRAY 1 Z SPY 8.19 6.55
26538 KALI MUR 6X 500 TAB 12.49 9.99
26539 KALI PHOS 6X 500 TAB 12.49 9.99
26536 KALI SULPH 6X 500 TAB 12.39 9.91
24233 LEG CRAMPS #22 100 TAB 15.59 12.47
44994 LEG CRAMPS OINTMENT 2.5 ONT 9.59 7.67
58345 LEG CRAMPS PM W/QUININ 50 TAB 13.29 10.63
50206 MAG PHOS 6X HYL/1000 000 TAB 22.29 17.83
43237 MENOPAUSE 100 TAB 11.79 9.43
42720 MIGRAINE HEAD RELIEF 60 TAB 9.19 7.35
57402 MOTION SICKNESS TAB 50 TAB 8.69 6.95
57231 MUSCLE THERAPY GEL 3 Z GEL 9.59 7.67
26721 NAT PHOS 6X 500 TAB 12.49 9.99
41620 NATRUM MUR 30 X 500 TAB 12.49 9.99
26541 NATRUM MUR 6X 500 TAB 12.49 9.99
26543 NATRUM SULPH 6X 500 TAB 12.49 9.99
57401 NERVE TONIC 100 TAB 10.79 8.63
24730 NERVE TONIC 500 TAB 16.29 13.03
55324 RESTFUL LEGS 50 TAB 10.89 8.71
51916 SILICA 6X 1000 100 TAB 22.29 17.83
26540 SILICEA 6X 500 TAB 12.49 9.99
66084 SLEEP TABS 100 TAB 11.79 9.43
57404 SNIFFLES N SNEEZES 4 KD 125 TAB 9.39 7.51
22281 UPSET STOMACH 100 TAB 11.79 9.43
36427 GINSENG AMERICAN 100 CAP 38.95 31.16
36466 GINSENG KOREAN RED 100 CAP 39.95 31.96
29573 GINSENG SIBERIAN 100 CAP 25.99 20.79
62832 ADRENAL RESPONSE 60 TAB 36.95 31.90
64262 D3 5000 IU CAP 60 CAP 34.95 29.20
66685 DYSBIO GI 90 CAP 50.96 43.31
64261 FLORA 200-14 7 DAY INT / 7 CAP 31.95 27.15
64421 FLORA 20-14 ULTR STREN 60 CAP 41.95 35.66
66736 FLORA 5 14 COMPLE CARE 60 CAP 20.96 17.81
64900 FLORA 50 14 CLIN STREN 60 VCA 67.95 57.75
61158 IRON RESPONSE 90 TAB 32.95 28.00
64254 ONE DAILY CAP 60 CAP 40.95 34.80
55353 ADREN PLUS 60 CAP 21.00 17.85
53429 ADRENAL COMPLEX 60 CAP 18.80 15.98
53184 ADRENAL COMPLEX 180 CAP 53.10 45.13
65717 ALLQLEAR CHW BERRY 60 CHW 33.50 28.47
63205 ALPHA GLYCOSYL ISOQUER 60 VCA 29.50 25.07
52395 ARTHRO COMPLEX 90 CAP 37.90 32.21
56591 B12 ACTIVE CHERRY FLAV 30 CHW 9.50 8.07
54811 BERBERINE COMPLEX 90 CAP 26.60 22.61
53192 BETAINE HCL 650 MG 250 CAP 36.20 30.77
45458 BIO ZYME 200 TAB 40.00 34.00
55114 BIOTIN FORT 3MG W/ZINC 60 TAB 12.00 10.20
53684 BLUE HERON 120 CAP 22.90 19.46
52347 BMR COMPLEX 180 CAP 58.00 49.30
66803 CAL MAG BERRY 1:1 16Z LIQ 22.00 18.70
52405 CALCIUM D GLUCARATE 90 CAP 36.40 30.94
58683 CELL FORTE MAX 3 120 CAP 36.50 31.02
56813 CELLULAR FORTE IP 6 IN 120 TAB 25.50 21.67
56812 CELLULAR FORTE IP 6 IN 240 TAB 50.00 42.50
52472 CLINICAL NUTR 45+ WOM 180 TAB 33.50 28.47
57482 CLINICAL NUTR 50 + MEN 120 TAB 33.50 28.47
53864 CLINICAL NUTRI GLUCO IT 90 TAB 33.00 28.05
54799 CLINICAL NUTRIENTS MEN 90 TAB 24.00 20.40
57788 COQ10 100 MG SGC 60 SGC 40.00 34.00
66709 COQ10 200 MG CHW CHOC I 30 CHW 60.00 51.00
52529 COQ10 200 MG CHW MAPLE 30 CHW 60.00 51.00
54865 CORTISOL MANAGER 30 TAB 24.40 20.74
56816 CORTISOL MANAGER 90 TAB 65.00 55.25
52806 CYTO REDOXIN 60 CAP 39.70 33.74
54257 D3 1000 IU 90 TAB 8.30 7.05
52398 DETOXICATION FACTORS 120 CAP 64.00 54.40
58142 DHEA 25 MG 60 CAP 9.90 8.41
60088 E 400 IU 60 SGC 15.95 13.55
52417 E H B 60 CAP 21.80 18.53
53800 ENTEROGENIC CONC CAP 120 CAP 40.50 34.42
66166 ENTEROGENIC INTENS 100 30 CAP 50.00 42.50
52249 ESKIMO 3 SGC 105 SGC 19.90 16.91
53372 ESKIMO PUREFA 1000 MG 150 SGC 40.00 34.00
52240 FOLIPLEX W/B12 60 TAB 22.10 18.78
54416 GABA 750 MG 60 CAP 19.20 16.32
64357 GLYCATION MANAGER 60 CAP 46.00 39.10
58841 GLYCEMIC MANAGER 60 TAB 24.00 20.40
52248 GLYCO KINETIC COMPLEX 90 CAP 27.80 23.63
52239 INDOLPLEX 60 CAP 45.80 38.93
57382 IRON COMPLEX 90 SGC 22.00 18.70
44696 ITI WOMAN 60 CAP 32.00 27.20
52526 KREBS MAG POT CHELATES 120 TAB 8.50 7.22
61704 LAVELA WS 1265 60 SGC 35.00 29.75
59016 LAXATIVE FORMULA 60 TAB 14.00 11.90
53236 LIPASE CONCENTRATE HP 90 CAP 22.50 19.12
54539 LIPOIC ACID 200 PER 2 60 CAP 27.30 23.20
53751 LIPOTROPIC COMPLEX CAP 90 CAP 20.50 17.42
52663 MAG MALATE 100 MG 90 CAP 17.60 14.96
53771 MERCURY DETOX 60 CAP 33.40 28.39
53322 MILK THISTLE X SUPER 120 CAP 39.90 33.91
52473 MULTIPLEX 2 NO IRON CP 240 CAP 50.90 43.26
53498 N A C 600 MG 60 CAP 16.70 14.19
54196 NIACIN NO FLUSH FREE 60 CAP 21.00 17.85
50533 NUTRIVITAMIN NO FE CAP 180 CAP 42.00 35.70
Product Reference Guide: Company Listings
(Product Code, Name, Size, List, Discount Price)
Please Note:
For a variety of reasons, certain companies ask us
not to include a listing of their products, or our
discount pricing, in this reference catalog or web
site. We honor those requests.
If you do not see the products you are interested
in, that does not mean we do not carry them.
Please call our toll free number, 1-800-633-1106.
Thank you.
The easy answer is everyone. As a healthy beverage, just
squirt one dropperful into a glass of hot or cold water. The
powerful antioxidants will exert a protective effect against
free radical damage. It is felt that free radicals contribute to
cancer risk, aging, inflammation damage, cardiovascular
damage, and immune system deterioration. In addition,
green tea has been shown in numerous studies to assist in
weight loss.
Please note that one dropperful of Phyto-Tech™ Green Tea
Guo contains less than 2 mg caffeine. A regular cup of coffee
contains from 100 to 150 mg of caffeine.
All Phyto-Tech™ Green Tea Guo preparations are alcohol
free. One is naturally peach flavored.
Also available in a veggie cap. Each Phyto-Tech Green Tea
capsule caontains Green Tea Extract (98% polyphenols, 50%
EGCG) 250 mg, and full spectrum Green Tea Leaf, 200 mg.
Green Walnut Complex
1 fl oz - Prod Code: 57034
Hawthorn Berry 1:3
1 fl oz - Prod Code: 56964
90 Veggie Caps - Prod Code: 60132
Headache Complex
A blend of herbs designed to provide optimal
relief to the pain and inflammation associated
with headaches.
l fl oz - Prod Code: 57088
Who can benefit from this supplement?
•Those with migraine or other types of headaches.
Phyto-Tech™ Headache Complex contains the following
herbs: White Willow Bark, Feverfew Herb, Meadowsweet
Herb, Fresh Ginger Root, Fresh Pulsatilla Herb.
Aspirin was initially synthesized from salicin extracted from
white willow bark and/or meadowsweet. The white willow
bark used in this product has a very high salacin content.
Herbal Biotic Complex
Child Friendly
1 fl oz - Prod Code: 56973
Herp Ease Formula
A blend of herbs designed for use during the
acute outbreak of any type of herpes infection.
1 fl oz - Prod Code: 57099
Who might benefit from this herbal supplement?
•Those suffering an acute outbreak of genital herpes, cold
sores (oral herpes), or shingles (herpes zoster.)
While there is no cure for herpes, this formula will help to
quiet the attack and reduce the inflammation. The Ayurvedic
herb Neem is a very strong anti-bacterial and anti-viral that
limits the viral attack. Licorice and Turmeric are strong anti-
inflammatory herbs that reduce the outbreak. They limit
prostaglandin-induced inflammation. The anti-viral actions of
St. John’s Wort are being discovered and used for many viral
conditions. St. John’s Wort is also a nerve ending sedative,
which helps in pain. Since herpes lives in the nerve endings
and tends to erupt when under stress (stress hyper stimulates
the nerve endings), St. John’s Wort is of obvious value. St.
John’s Wort is calming under stress, is a nerve ending seda-
tive and has anti-viral implications.
Phyto-Tech™ Herp Ease Formula contains: Neem Herb,
Licorice Root, St. John's Wort Flowers Fresh, Turmeric Root
Fresh, Alcohol Pure Grain, Water Pure Deionized.
Holy Basil 20-8-8-5 Standardized
Holy Basil is a powerful adaptogen that helps the
body overcome stress while calming the mind,
uplifting the spirit, and restoring tranquility. It
eases anxiety and nervous irritability and helps
those with stress related health conditions. It also
promotes healthy glucose levels, acts as a powerful
antioxidant and fights inflammation.
60 Veggi Caps (Liquid Fill) - Prod Code: 57051
Phyto-Tech™ Holy Basil liquid filled veggie caps is standard-
ized to 20 mg Eugenols, 8 mg Caryophyllene, 8 mg
Rosparinic Acid and 5 mg Ursolic Acid. Each liquid filled
veggie cap contains the following: Holy Basil Leaf Alc Extract
(certified organic), 300 mg; Holy Basil Supercritical Extact,
150 mg; Lecithin Soy Non GMO, Cellulose Mod Vegetable,
Chlorophyll. The usual dosage is one capsule 2 times daily.
Who can benefit from this supplement? Those suffering from
anxiety, irritability or mild depression; those living a fast-
paced, high stress lifestyle; those who need help maintaining
normal glucose and cortisol levels; those suffering from vari-
ous types of inflammation.
Holy Basil (Ocimum sanctum), also known as Tulsi, is one of
the most highly regarded plants in Ayurvedic medicine. It has
been used for centuries in India to treat an array of condi-
tions such as inflammation, digestive complaints, asthma,
arthritis, and skin conditions. In the West it is most well
known for its ability to counteract stress, calm the mind and
lift the spirit. Accordidng toherbalists, Holy Basil is an adap-
togen that promotes a healthy stress response and can pro-
tect one from breakdown due to chronic stress, emotional
turmoil or work overload. Research shows that Holy Basil
counteracts stress-induced changes in neurotransmitters and
enzymes. It normalizes and brings balance to biochemicals in
the body’s stress center such as cortisol, epinephrine and
. . . continued on page 66
Product Reference Guide: Willner Chemists Phyto-Tech™ Herbal Supplements
Important Notice: The information given here is designed to help you make informed decisions about your health, and the proper use of dietary supplements. It is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, nor a substitute for any treatment
that may have been prescribed by your doctor. If you have a medical problem, you should seek medical help. Products described herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or mitigate disease.