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The Willner Window Product Reference Catalog, Winter 2016
since 1911
• Willner Chemists •
the nutritional supplement professionals
16970 COQ10 50 MG SUB 60 LOZ 28.00 22.40
56338 COQ10 DMG 300 300 60 CHW 110.00 88.00
41180 CRANBERRY 400 MG 60 CAP 9.20 7.36
45589 CX 2 SOLUTIONS 180 VCA 74.40 59.52
55417 D3 1000 IU 250 TAB 11.60 9.28
60289 D3 10000 IU LIQ 1 Z LIQ 15.60 12.48
56280 D3 5000 IU 120 CAP 25.60 20.48
40920 DAILY BEST 60 TAB 18.80 15.04
64024 DAILY BEST ULTRA 60 CAP 30.80 24.64
41172 DEVILS CLAW 500 MG 90 CAP 23.60 18.88
56279 DHEA 25 MG 90 CAP 11.60 9.28
56278 DHEA 5 MG 90 VCA 9.60 7.68
50087 DIGENZYME 90 VCA 42.40 33.92
39273 DIMPRO 75 MG 60 CAP 27.20 21.76
45078 DIMPRO 75 MG 120 CAP 52.00 41.60
10387 DISC DISCOVERY 180 TAB 27.60 22.08
26573 DL PHENYLALANINE 750 60 CAP 19.60 15.68
19728 DMG GLUCONIC 125 90 TAB 30.40 24.32
10388 DMG GLUCONIC 125 60 TAB 21.60 17.28
36772 DMG GLUCONIC 250 CHW 90 CHW 49.20 39.36
43532 DMG GLUCONIC 500 MG CH 60 CHW 59.60 47.68
39866 DMG LIQ 300 MG 2 Z LIQ 38.40 31.72
61724 E 400 MIXED TOCOPHEROL 60 SGC 28.00 22.40
61282 ENZ FLAME 270 PWD 60.00 48.00
41840 FIBRO DMG 90 VTAB 53.20 42.56
21807 FLAVONOID 1000 60 TAB 8.40 6.72
40912 FLAXSEED OIL 1000 SGC 90 CAP 12.80 10.24
16973 FLORA 60 CAP 12.80 10.24
32666 GAMMA LIN 1300 MG 180 SGC 62.40 49.92
10389 GAMMA LIN 500 MG 90 SGC 19.60 15.68
56513 GI BENEFITS 388 PWD 60.00 48.00
34420 GINKGO BILOBA 60 MG 90 CAP 13.60 10.88
40522 GLUCO SYNERGY 45 CAP 34.40 27.52
23300 GLUCOS PLEX 60 CAP 18.00 14.40
33583 GLUCOS PLEX 120 CAP 36.40 29.12
41165 GLUCOS SULF 500 MG 120 CAP 26.00 20.80
41184 GRAPE SEED 100 MG 90 CAP 27.20 21.76
60569 GRAPEFRUIT SD EXT 400 60 VCA 25.60 20.48
43239 GREEN TEA 70 EGCG 60 VCA 39.20 31.36
41177 GREEN TEA EXT 500 MG 60 CAP 13.20 10.56
42642 HAIR EFFECT 90 VCA 49.20 39.36
41182 HAWTHORN 500 MG 90 CAP 14.00 11.20
35996 HEALTHY EYES 90 CAP 44.40 35.52
53133 HEALTHY VEINS 60 VCA 27.20 21.76
50020 HEPATICLEAR 60 VCA 26.80 21.44
51482 HYALURONIC ACID 40 MG 60 VCA 34.00 27.20
41655 IMMUNO DMG 90 VTAB 51.20 40.96
57409 IMMUNO DMG CHW 120 CHW 52.80 42.24
58871 IRON BISGLYCINATE 60 VCA 18.80 15.04
57263 JOINT SUPP DOGS MED LG 45 CHW 21.20 16.96
57261 JOINT SUPP SMALL DG CT 45 CHW 9.20 7.36
54445 K2 PLUS MK 7 60 CAP 24.40 19.52
50592 LIBIDO 90 SGC 29.20 23.36
59941 LIPOIC ACID 300 MG ALP 60 CAP 26.40 21.12
41189 LIPOIC ACID ALPHA 100 60 CAP 22.40 17.92
60288 LIPOSOMAL C LIQ 10. LIQ 36.40 29.12
56262 LUTEIN 10 MG 60 VCA 20.00 16.00
64345 LYSINE 500 MG VCAP 90 VCA 12.00 9.60
16977 MAG ASPARTATE + 600 90 CAP 12.80 10.24
42742 MAG CITRATE 140 MG 90 CAP 10.00 8.00
61585 MANGO PLEX W/ RASP KET KET CAP 36.00 28.80
41929 MAXI HGH 10. PWD 63.60 50.88
54889 MEGA PROBIOT ND DG ENZ 90 CHW 34.80 27.84
50019 MEGA PROBIOTIC ND 120 VCA 33.60 26.88
41198 MELATONIN 3 MG 120 CAP 19.20 15.36
59569 MELATONIN LIPOSOMAL 30 LIQ 16.80 13.44
41167 MILK THISTLE 300 MG 90 CAP 22.00 17.60
57121 MITO FUEL 10. PWD 59.60 47.68
41164 MSM 500 MG CAP 180 CAP 21.60 17.28
51337 N A C 500 MG 90 VCA 17.60 14.08
52648 NATTOKINASE PLUS 60 VCA 34.00 27.20
41179 NATURAL FLEX 120 CAP 42.00 33.60
16980 OCTACOSANOL + 60 TAB 17.60 14.08
51071 OLIVE LEAF EXT 250 MG 90 CAP 22.00 17.60
35624 OLIVIR OLIVE EXT TAB 90 TAB 44.00 35.20
41207 OLIVIR OLIVE EXT VCAP 90 VCA 44.00 35.20
16981 OMEGA 3 1000 ENT COAT 90 SGC 26.80 21.44
57596 OMEGA 3 HP D 120 SGC 39.20 31.36
43304 OMEGA 3 SUPREME 90 SGC 23.60 18.88
42431 OSTEOACTIV 150 CAP 40.40 32.32
56263 P 5 P 50 MG 60 VCA 13.60 10.88
44135 PARA SHIELD 120 VTAB 33.60 26.88
10395 PERNA 180 CAP 36.40 29.12
36903 PERNA PLUS 90 TAB 34.40 27.52
38708 PERNA PLUS 180 TAB 63.60 50.88
10397 POTEN C 1000 TR 90 TAB 21.60 17.28
20272 POTEN C 1000 TR 250 TAB 54.40 43.52
61283 PROBIOTIC 50+ D/FREE 60 CAP 58.80 47.04
42765 PROSTATE HEALTH VCAP 60 VCA 52.00 41.60
34218 PYCNOGENOL 50 60 CAP 56.40 45.12
43862 RAPID BALANCE G I 90 CAP 27.60 22.08
51951 RELORA W/BACOPA 60 VCA 38.00 30.40
65492 RESVERA DMG 60 CAP 57.20 45.76
42329 RESVERATROL 50 120 VCA 40.40 32.32
58315 RIGHT WHEY PWD CHOC 2.3 PWD 62.00 49.60
58316 RIGHT WHEY PWD VANILLA 2.1 PWD 62.00 49.60
39350 SAM E 200 MG 60 TAB 86.80 69.44
38411 SAW PALMETTO 320 MG 90 CAP 17.60 14.08
50593 SERENITY NOW CHW 30 CHW 38.80 31.04
57265 SERENITY NOW DOG MD LG 60 CHW 25.00 20.00
57264 SERENITY NOW SM DG CAT 30 CHW 12.00 9.60
57267 SKIN & COAT DOGS CHW 45 CHW 14.00 11.20
16979 SPECTRA 240 TAB 54.00 43.20
16978 SPECTRA 120 TAB 28.00 22.40
57268 SPECTRA CAT CHW 60 CHW 11.20 8.96
57258 SPECTRA DOG CHW 60 CHW 21.00 16.80
42432 SPECTRA GREENS PWD 12. PWD 44.00 35.20
29211 SPECTRA MAN 120 TAB 35.20 28.16
37803 SPECTRA MAN 240 TAB 62.80 50.24
50086 SPECTRA MULTI AGE 17 PWD 42.40 33.92
27736 SPECTRA NO CU/FE 120 TAB 28.00 22.40
41161 SPECTRA NO CU/FE 240 TAB 54.00 43.20
52730 SPECTRA ORANGES 9.9 PWD 45.60 36.48
51484 SPECTRA PURPLES 11Z PWD 46.40 37.12
45587 SPECTRA REDS 1.4 PWD 45.60 36.48
29722 SPECTRA SENIOR 180 CPL 44.40 35.52
38136 SPECTRA WOMAN 240 TAB 61.60 49.28
26664 SPECTRA WOMAN 120 TAB 34.00 27.20
34077 ST JOHNS WORT 333 MG 90 CAP 14.80 11.84
64118 STRESS B CAP 90 CAP 20.00 16.00
43743 THEANINE 200 MG 30 VCA 18.40 14.72
45272 THEANINE 200 MG 60 VCA 32.40 25.92
54339 THYROID BASICS 120 CAP 39.60 31.68
56512 TRI MAG 300 120 VCA 21.20 16.96
59048 TURMERIC 500 MG 60 CAP 33.60 26.88
57259 UT SUPPORT CATS CHW 60 CHW 16.40 13.12
41174 ZINC LOZENGES 23 MG 60 LOZ 7.20 5.76
41196 ZINC PICOLINATE 15 MG 60 CAP 10.40 8.32
32816 TOOTH & GUM PASTE 4 Z TUB 11.95 11.95
34479 TOOTH & GUM SPRITZ .7Z SPY 11.00 9.90
29167 TOOTH & GUM TONIC 18Z LIQ 31.95 28.76
29168 UNDER THE GUM 4.5 LIQ 31.95 28.76
53753 A & GREEN TEA CREAM 2 Z CRM 21.99 17.59
53194 A OIL REFINING (WRINK) 2 Z OIL 12.79 10.23
29502 A VIT WRINKLE GEL 8 Z GEL 14.99 11.99
64765 ACNE CLEANSER VERY CL 6 Z LIQ 15.50 12.40
64767 ACNE SCRUB VERY CLEAR 4 Z CRM 13.95 11.16
64764 ACNE WIPES OIL FR VRY 25 MIS 7.99 6.39
30253 ANTI WRINKLE CRM A RET 4 Z CRM 14.99 11.99
62360 BRIGHT SERUM EVENLY RD 2 Z LIQ 29.99 23.99
39539 CLEAR VEIN CRM 2 Z CRM 26.99 21.59
45098 CRACKED SKIN REL CRM 2 Z CRM 14.99 11.99
62361 DARK CIRCLE EYE CRM .5Z CRM 29.99 23.99
60680 DAY CRM HYDRAT HYALOR 2 Z CRM 29.59 23.67
52065 DEEP WRINK PEPTIDE SER 2 Z SER 43.50 34.80
56817 DEEP WRINK REV EYE CRM .5Z CRM 29.99 23.99
52566 DEEP WRINKLE MOIST PPT 2 Z CRM 43.50 34.80
60365 DMAE ALPHA LIPOI ESTER 6 Z LIQ 15.59 12.47
32302 E OIL 14000I U DERMA D 2 Z LIQ 11.59 9.27
31735 E SKIN DRY CRM 12000 4 Z CRM 14.99 11.99
60823 ENZYME MASK CLEANSING 4 Z CRM 13.99 11.19
60824 EXFOLIAT SCRUB FACIAL 4 Z CRM 13.99 11.19
59962 FACIAL MOIST SPF 15 2 Z CRM 20.99 16.79
55123 FIRMING CLEANSER 6 Z LIQ 15.59 12.47
43444 FIRMING MOIST DMAE ALA 2 Z CRM 22.49 17.99
64789 FIRMING SERUM DMAE 2 Z LIQ 22.50 18.00
56828 GINSENG & ESTER C FIRM 4 Z CRM 12.59 10.08
39238 GLYCOLIC FACIAL CLEANS 8 Z LIQ 14.95 11.96
55126 HYDRATING EYE CRM HYAL .5Z CRM 21.59 17.27
64788 MOIST AGE DEFY SPF 15 2 Z CRM 26.49 21.19
29504 MOIST SOOTH OIL FR PYC 2 Z GEL 29.95 23.96
29503 MOIST SOOTHING CRM PYC 2 Z CRM 29.95 23.96
42012 MOIST VERY CLEAR 2 Z CRM 19.49 15.59
39361 PSORZEMA PSORIASIS CRM 4 Z CRM 19.95 15.96
33915 SCAR GEL 2 Z GEL 19.95 15.96
31529 SKIN LITE SPOT CREAM 2 Z CRM 24.95 19.96
55125 SOOTH CLEANSER W/PYC 6 Z LIQ 15.59 12.47
64787 STRETCH MARK CREME 4 Z CRM 19.99 15.99
33202 TEA TREE & E OIL 1 Z OIL 14.99 11.99
29505 TEA TREE E CRM DERMA E 4 Z CRM 14.99 11.99
23235 BLEMISH TOUCH STIK TTO .33 STK 9.99 7.99
35237 BODY CREAM SHEA BUTTER 6 Z CRM 9.99 7.99
55656 BODY WASH LAVENDER BUL 8 Z LIQ 8.99 7.19
58783 CLEANS ORG GENTLE NOUR 6.7 LIQ 13.99 11.19
23246 COND TTO W/ESS OILS 12Z LIQ 8.99 7.19
51437 CONDIT GRN APP GING 8 Z LIQ 8.99 7.19
51436 CONDITION RED GRAP ORG 8 Z LIQ 8.99 7.19
42058 CONDITIONER JOJOBA 12Z LIQ 7.99 6.39
58777 DAY CRM GENT NOUR SPF 2 Z CRM 18.99 15.19
58784 EYE CREAM DEPUFFING 1 Z CRM 15.99 12.79
58781 EYE CRM GENTLE NOURISH .5Z CRM 13.99 11.19
29332 FACE WASH TTO 32Z LIQ 16.99 13.59
23238 FACE WASH TTO 8 Z SOP 8.95 7.16
23995 FACIAL CLEANSING PADS 50 PAD 7.99 6.39
23242 FACIAL SCRUB 4 Z CRM 7.99 6.39
52467 FOOT REPAIR CRM PISTAC 3.5 CRM 8.99 7.19
62364 HAIR CRM COCO SFT CURL 6.4 CRM 9.99 7.99
62365 HAIR DEFRIZ HEAT PROT 8.5 SPY 9.99 7.99
51435 HAND BODY LOT ALM ORG 8 Z LOT 8.99 7.19
51672 HAND BODY LOT LAVENDER 8 Z LOT 8.99 7.19
51789 HAND BODY LOT VAN CHAI 8 Z LOT 8.99 7.19
51788 HAND BODY LOTION COCO 8 Z LOT 8.99 7.19
52466 HAND REPAIR CREAM PUMP 4 Z CRM 8.99 7.19
17256 JOJOBA OIL 100% PURE 2 Z LIQ 8.99 7.19
17257 JOJOBA OIL 100% PURE 4 Z LIQ 13.99 11.19
Product Reference Guide: Company Listings
(Product Code, Name, Size, List, Discount Price)
Contraindications: Pregnancy; Menses that have a cycle shorter
than 28 days.
Dosage: 15-45 drops, 2-3 times per day or as needed in juice or
Complimentary Formulas:
Phyto-Tech™ Chaste Tree Berry (if cycle is shorter than 28 days or
if progesterone deficient)
Phyto-Tech™ Menopause Complex (menopausal formula)
Phyto-Tech™ Menses Complex (if PMS)
Phyto-Tech™ Black Cohosh Root 1:3 (hot flashes, slow onset peri-
1 fl oz - Prod Code: 57001
Ear Drops
Soothes aches, promotes comfort and circulation, and supports
immunity, as an external ear oil.
Who can benefit from this supplement? Children and adults with
ear infections. See article and full monograph on page 4 of this flier.
Phyto-Tech™ Ear Drops contains the following herbs: Mullein
Flower Oil, Coptis Root Oil, Garlic Bulb Oil, Arnica Montana Flower
Oil, Cold Pressed Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
This product comes in two versions: Phyto-Tech™ Ear Drops (Code
56953) and a Child Friendly version, Phyto-Tech™ Ear Oil (Code
57011). Both come in 1 fl oz bottles.
Phyto-Tech™ Ear Drops ~ Prod Code: 56953
Phyto-Tech™ Ear Oil, Child Friendly - Prod Code: 57011
Echina Acute Complex
Liquid Herbal Extract
Designed for “acute” immune support, i.e. when an infection is
imminent or active. A broad spectrum anti-infective, immune sup-
port formula.
Who can benefit from this supplement? Those who sense the
onset of a cold or flu, and those who are struggling with an active
bacterial, viral, parasitic or other microbial infection, especially those
affecting mucosal linings (respiratory, urinary, digestive and reproduc-
Phyto-Tech™ Echina Acute Complex Herbal Liquid contains the
following herbs: Echinacea angustifolia Root, Goldenseal Root, Yerba
Mansa Root, Oregon Grape Root, Licorice Root, Red Root, Myrrh
Gum, Wild Indigo Root
Echina Acute Cmplx Liquid Drops
1 fl oz ~ Prod Code: 56946
Echina Acute Cmplx Liquid Drops
2 fl oz ~ Prod Code: 56979
Echina Acute Cmplx, Alcohol Free
1 fl oz ~ Prod Code: 56974
Echina Acute Complex
Liquid Veggie Caps
Designed for “acute” immune support, i.e. when an infection is
imminent or active. A broad spectrum anti-infective, immune sup-
port formula.
Who can benefit from this supplement? Those who sense the
onset of a cold or flu, and those who are struggling with an active
bacterial, viral, parasitic or other microbial infection, especially those
affecting mucosal linings (respiratory, urinary, digestive and reproduc-
Phyto-Tech™ Echina Acute Complex Herbal Liquid contains the
following herbs: Echinacea purpurea Herb, Goldenseal Root,
Echinacea angustifolia Root, Oregon Grape Root, Fresh Yerba Mansa
Root, Myrrh Gum, Fresh Wild Indigo Root.
60 Liquid Filled Veggie Caps ~ Prod Code: 57093
Echinacea Root 1:2
One of the most popular immune system stimulating herbs.
Who can benefit from this herbal supplement? Those who need to
stop an oncoming cold, flu or other infection.
Echinacea can also be helpful to those needing a long-term tonic,
either due to chronic health problems or a tendence to get ill easily.
“Contrary to popular myth, Echinacea is safe for long term use and
will not decrease immune response over time. That myth was [based
on] a misinterpretation of a [foreign language] study done about 40
years ago.”
Phyto-Tech™ Echinacea Root 1:2 contains 500 mg of certified
organic Fresh Echinacea angustifolia Root per 30 drops.
Also available as a veggie capsule, with each Phyto-Tech Echinacea
capsule containing 420 mg of certified organic Echinacea Root
(Echinacea angustifolia). (Product code: 60129)
1 fl oz ~ Prod Code: 56945
2 fl oz ~ Prod Code: 56980
1 fl oz, Alcohol Free ~ Prod Code: 56968
90 Veggie Caps - Prod Code: 60129
Echinacea Triple 1:2.1
A blend of three forms of Echinacea, helpful to those with colds,
flu, immune deficiency and infections.
Who will benefit from this supplement? The indications for Phyto-
Tech Echinacea Triple are basically the same for Echinacea.This
product is designed for those who prefer a combination of the three
different forms of Echinacea to maximize the efficacy and "diversify"
some of the active constituents.
Echinacea, of course, is best known as an immune builder for
immune deficiency and for its ability to prevent or ameliorate an
upcoming cold, flu or infection when used at the first sign of the
condition. The larger doses shown below reflect this purpose.
Echinacea is not thought to kill microbes by itself. Instead, it stimu-
lates the immune system to do it. It supports the healthy innate
immune response. This is why one does not need to be apprehen-
sive about taking Echinacea in the presence of auto-immune disor-
Phyto-Tech Echinacea Triple contains fresh Echinacea angustifolia
Root, fresh Echinacea purpurea flowers, dry Echinacea angustifolia
root, fresh Ginger root, pure grain alcohol and purified water.
Dosage: Acute: 3-5 droperfulls and up to 1 teaspoon (5-6 drop-
perfuls) every 2-3 hours when on the edge of illness. Long Term
Tonic: 30-90 drops, 1-3 times per day or as needed, in juice or
1 fl oz - Prod Code: 56994
1 fl oz Alcohol Free - Prod Code: 57052
Recent research shows this herb may be especially effective for
those with influenza virus infections.
Who can benefit from this supplement? Those who suffer from
influenza and similar viral infections, as well as those with cardiovas-
cular disease and vision problems. Elderberry is rich in flavonoids,
anthocyanins and other phyto-antioxidants.
Phyto-Tech Elderberry supplies one of the most effective herbs to
use against the flu. Studies suggest this herb shortens the duration of
flu symptoms, such as fever, fatigue, headache, sore throat, cough
and body aches. Elderberry has proven to be effective agains numer-
ous strains of influenza. Elderberry can be used during an active flu
episode (combined, perhaps, with Oregano Oil, Echinacea-
Goldenseal, or Phyto-Tech Immune Acute Complex). It can also be
used as a preventative to avoid getting sick during the flu season.
Elderberry 1:2 liquid extract is a very concentrated source of
anthocyanins, the purple pigments that function as powerful antioxi-
dants, along with the flavonoids quercetin and rutin, vitamin A and
vitamin C.
. . . continued on page 46
Important Notice: The information given here is designed to help you make informed decisions about your health, and the proper use of dietary supplements. It is
not intended as a substitute for medical advice, nor a substitute for any treatment that may have been prescribed by your doctor. If you have a medical problem,
you should seek medical help. Products described herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or mitigate disease.
Product Reference Guide: Willner Chemists Phyto-Tech™ Herbal Supplements