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The Willner Window Product Reference Catalog, Autumn, 2015
since 1911
• Willner Chemists •
the nutritional supplement professionals
Willner Chemists Phyto-Tech™ Herbal Supplements
RHODIOLA 5 (Standardized)
Phyto-Tech Rhodiola 5 (Standardized), also known as arctic root or golden root, has been used for centuries in traditional Russian and
Scandinavian medicine to increase physical endurance, work productivity, longevity, resistance to high altitude sickness, and to treat fatigue, depression,
anemia, impotence, infertility, gastrointestinal complaints, infections and nervous system disorders. Each ml provides 250 mg of Rhodiola Rosea, standard-
ized to 5% Rosavins.
Who might benefit from this herbal supplement? Those suffering from low energy or fatigue; those who suffer from mental fog, poor mem-
ory, or learning problems; those who are looking to increase their stamina, endurance and athletic performance; those who are under high stress; those
with sexual or fertility problems..
Stress, Fatigue, Energy, Mental Performance, Stamina and Endurance, Athletic Performance, Depression
Rhodiola Rosea 5% Rosavin, Alcohol Pure Grain, Water Pure Deionized.
Keep out of the reach of children; shake well before using. Do not use during pregnancy or nursing..
30 drops in water or juice, 2-3 times daily, or as needed.
Complimentary Formulas:
Ginseng Energy Blend;
Ginkgo Biloba Leaf 1:1.5
Numerous studies have proved Rhodiola to be a powerful adaptogen that increases ones resistance to chemical, biological, and physical stressors and protects the body from breakdown due
to chronic stress. Rhodiola stimulates the activity of serotonin, dopamine, and norepineprhine in the cerebral cortex, brain stem and hypothalamus, and increases the permeability of the blood brain barrier to
precursors of dopamine and serotonin. This enhances the effects of these neurotansmitters on the brain and improves cognitive functions (thinking, analyzing, evaluating, calculating and planning), learning, atten-
tion span, memory and work productivity. Rhodiola also relieves fatigue and normalizes mood in depressed individuals, and has antioxidant properties that help protect the nervous system from oxidative damage.
By stimulating cognitive function, improving resistance to stress and fighting free radicals, Rhodiola can have immediate effects on cognitive function and memory and can also provide long-term support to help
preserve future brain functions.
A study involving 56 healthy male and female physicians working the night shift (age 24-35) were given 170 mg of rhodiola extract for 6 weeks. Their mental performance was evaluated using tests to determine
speed of visual and auditory perception, attention capacity, and short-term memory. A significant improvement in mental performance tests was observed in the treatment group during the first two-week period.
Another double-blind, placebo controlled study involving 60 foreign students at a Russian high school showed that supplementation by the students with Rhodiola resulted in a decrease of mental fatigue and situ-
ational anxiety and an increase in physical work capacity, coordination, kinesthetic sensitivity, and general well-being.
For athletes or anyone seeking to enhance physical performance, Rhodiola has been shown to improve strength, endurance, cardiovascular measures, coordination and recovery time. In one study, 42 master
level competitive skiers were given either Rhodiola rosea extract or placebo 30-60 minutes before a 20 km race on skies that involved carrying a rifle and shooting targets at stops. The athletes receiving Rhodiola
showed a significant increase in shooting accuracy, less arm tremor, better coordination, and their heart rates returned to normal more quickly.
Rhodiola has also been found to have cardioprotective and anticancer benefits and can increase fertility in both men and women.
In 1986 it was discovered that the chemical composition that sets rhodiola rosea apart from other species of rhodiola are three cinnamyl alchohol-vicianosides identified as rosavin, rosin and rosarin. The term
rosavins is used to include all three of these chemical compounds. Rosavins are known as the marker compound that differentiates true rhodiola rosea extract from other Rhodiola species.
Ordering Information:
Phyto-Tech™ Rhodiola 5 Standardized
One Fluid Ounce, Product Code: 57032
Product Reference Guide: Company Listings
(Product Code, Name, Size, List, Discount Price)
20289 B6 100 CAP 100 CAP 13.00 10.40
15265 BIFIDO COMPLEX 90 CAP 22.50 18.00
22060 BRAIN CONCENTRATE 90 CAP 18.00 14.40
60600 BRILLIANT VISON 90 VCA 70.00 56.00
22767 C 1000 + BIOFLAV 250 CAP 35.00 28.00
15267 C ASPA SCORB 8 Z PWD 40.99 32.79
20291 CALCIUM LACTATE 100 CAP 17.00 13.60
15271 CAPRYLATE COMPLEX 100 CAP 22.00 17.60
36757 CARDIO FLOW 180 CAP 47.00 37.60
15272 CARDIOTRATE 140 100 CAP 13.00 10.40
52208 CARNITINE 500 MG 60 CAP 24.00 19.20
15278 CHROMIUM PICOL + 500 60 CAP 19.00 15.20
55958 COQ10 100 MG UBIQUINOL 30 SGC 42.00 33.60
15279 COQ10 25 MG SUB 60 TAB 29.00 23.20
54741 COQ10 400 MG SGC 30 SGC 40.00 32.00
15281 CORYZA FORTE 250 CAP 49.50 39.60
62060 D3 1000 IU 100 CAP 7.80 6.24
61305 D3 5000 IU 100 CAP 9.00 7.20
22897 DGL COMPLEX 90 CAP 21.50 17.20
20292 DIGESTIN 60 CAP 22.99 18.39
15282 DIGESTIN 250 CAP 59.00 47.20
65711 E 400 MIXED TOCOPHEROL 90 SGC 25.00 20.00
22784 EPA DHA 300 1000 90 CAP 18.00 14.40
24969 FEM GEST CREAM 2 Z CRM 24.00 19.20
15288 GABA VAL 90 CAP 32.99 26.39
43948 GC MSM 3550 120 CAP 36.49 29.19
22770 GLUCOS SULF 500 60 CAP 15.00 12.00
22956 GLUTAMINE 500 CAP 60 CAP 17.50 14.00
24842 GSC GLAND STRESS CMP 90 CAP 15.00 12.00
15293 HEMADYN PRO 60 CAP 15.00 12.00
15294 HEMADYN PRO (HEMAPLEX) 250 CAP 45.50 36.40
15295 HERBAL WATER BALANCE 50 CAP 15.00 12.00
15298 INFLAMASE 90 CAP 28.49 22.79
15317 IODINE ORGANO DROPS 2 Z LIQ 25.00 20.00
22508 LECITHIN 1200 CAPS 100 CAP 23.00 18.40
54796 LECITHIN GRANULES 16Z PWD 28.00 22.40
15303 LIVATRATE 100 CAP 16.00 12.80
63763 LUTEIN ZEAXANTHIN 30 SGC 18.50 14.80
15304 LYSINE 500 90 CAP 13.00 10.40
15305 MAGNEZYME 400 MG 100 CAP 18.00 14.40
30492 MCHC CAP 120 CAP 24.49 19.59
59403 MCHC W/VIT K 120 CAP 23.00 18.40
58189 MEMORIES W/SEANOL P 90 CAP 62.00 49.60
59540 METHYL FOLATE 5 MTHF 60 VCA 16.00 12.80
32686 MSM REJUVENATOR CRM 6 Z CRM 24.00 19.60
15308 MULTI CAP 90 CAP 18.00 14.40
15309 MULTI CAP 250 CAP 42.00 33.60
15311 MULTI SCORB 100 TAB 39.00 31.20
50716 NATTOKINASE PLUS P 60 SGC 32.49 25.99
45064 OSTEO MINS AM 60 CAP 17.50 14.00
43954 OSTEO MINS PM W/D 240 CAP 27.00 21.60
43936 OSTEO MINS PM W/D + K 240 CAP 38.00 30.40
23856 PAN 10X 90 CAP 32.00 25.60
30400 PAN 10X 250 CAP 78.00 62.40
15319 PAN 5X 250 CAP 62.00 49.60
15320 PAN CHELATE 100 CAP 15.00 12.00
23950 PANTOTHENIC 500 90 CAP 16.00 12.80
15321 PARA THYROLATE 90 CAP 17.99 14.39
23166 PARADEX 90 CAP 19.00 15.20
61938 PHOS SERINE 100 MG 60 VCA 34.00 27.20
24916 PRO ANTHO FORTE 60 VCA 31.00 24.80
60830 PROBIOTIC BROAD 10 BIL 30 TAB 26.00 20.80
26727 PROBIOTICS MPF 90 CAP 22.00 17.60
15328 PROSTAGLAN 120 CAP 47.50 38.00
54597 R LIPOIC ACID 100 MG 60 CAP 41.00 32.80
15338 THYRO COMPLEX 90 CAP 20.99 16.79
15339 TRACE MIN + 100 CAP 16.50 13.20
65630 TRYPTOPURE 500 MG 90 CAP 33.00 26.40
15341 TYROSINE 90 CAP 18.00 14.40
50212 U TRACT CMP CAP 120 CAP 38.00 30.40
57198 U TRACT COMPLETE 2.7 PWD 41.50 33.20
40667 U TRACT MANNOSE 1.7 PWD 31.99 25.59
15342 VEGYZYME 90 VCA 20.00 16.00
15343 ZINC PICOL + 25 MG 60 CAP 12.50 10.00
65278 A BIOTIC ENTERIC 60 SGC 22.00 18.70
65279 ADRENAL CORTISOL SUPP 90 VCA 30.00 25.50
65262 B12 10000 NTRDS VL 15M 12 VIL 25.00 21.25
65265 BIFIDO DIGEST VCAP 60 VCA 30.00 25.50
65419 BP PRO BLOOD PRESSURE 90 VCA 30.00 25.50
65913 BRAIN REGAIN 90 VCA 30.00 25.50
65266 COGUMIN SCLP CURCUMIN 50 VCA 40.00 34.00
65263 D3 10000 IU SGC 120 SGC 17.00 14.45
65264 D3 5000 SGC OLIVE BASE 120 SGC 13.00 11.05
65267 GI GUARD PM VCAP 60 VCA 25.00 21.25
65669 IMMUNE RENEW 90 VCA 20.00 17.00
65268 MCT OIL LIQUID 16Z LIQ 18.00 15.30
65501 METHYL B12 5000 MCG PFL 60 LOZ 25.00 21.25
65269 MK 7 K2 150 MCG TAB 60 TAB 36.00 30.60
65270 MYO INOSITOL POWDER 1LB PWD 50.00 42.50
65754 ORTHO LIQ MUL IRON FRE 16Z LIQ 22.00 18.70
65272 PROGESTER CRM SKIN CRM 3 Z CRM 23.00 19.85
65273 PROTOCLEAR CTR FR VAN 1KG PWD 54.50 46.32
65274 PROTOCLEAR PWD BERRY 1KG PWD 54.50 46.32
65728 PROTOCLEAR PWD CHOC 1KG PWD 54.50 46.32
65275 PROTODOPHILUS 50 BILL 50 VCA 50.00 42.50
65276 PROTOSORB MAGTEIN MAG 90 VCA 38.00 32.30
65833 SERRAZIMES 33 MG 90 VCA 20.00 17.00
65416 UBIQUINOL 100 MG 60 SGC 50.00 42.50
39786 +CAL+ IMPROVED FORMULA 350 CAP 63.30 --.--
19168 +CAL+ IMPROVED FORMULA 210 CAP 38.50 --.--
37512 5 HTP 100 MG 180 CAP 119.70 --.--
29322 5 HTP 50 MG 60 CAP 33.90 --.--
29323 5 HTP 50 MG 180 CAP 84.20 --.--
42960 7 KETO DHEA 100 MG 60 VCA 66.10 --.--
60980 7 KETO DHEA 25 MG 60 VCA 21.50 --.--
43121 7 KETO DHEA 25 MG 120 VCA 39.00 --.--
64535 7 KETO DHEA 50 MG 60 VCA 37.70 --.--
44038 7 KETO DHEA 50 MG 120 VCA 67.50 --.--
61693 A 10000 IU 120 SGC 6.90 --.--
60990 A C FORMULA II 120 VCA 32.70 --.--
38522 A I ENZYMES 120 CAP 52.00 --.--
22136 A I FORMULA 120 CAP 50.20 --.--
36844 ACEROLA PLUS 150 MG 120 CAP 36.50 --.--
42181 ACETYL L CARNITINE 250 60 CAP 32.40 --.--
36970 ACETYL L CARNITINE 500 60 CAP 58.80 --.--
30082 ADR FORMULA 120 CAP 55.30 --.--
19141 ADRENAL 60 CAP 13.50 --.--
57368 AMINO NR 180 VCA 33.20 --.--
23794 ANTIOXIDANT FORMULA 120 VCA 48.60 --.--
38888 ARABINOGALACTAN 180 CAP 60.40 --.--
45616 ARGININE 700 MG 180 VCA 35.10 --.--
58259 ARGININE 700 MG 90 VCA 19.90 --.--
44492 ASCORBIC ACD PURE 1000 90 VCA 16.00 --.--
19185 ASCORBIC ACD PURE 1000 250 CAP 39.00 --.--
29101 ASCORBIC ACID BUFF C 90 CAP 18.70 --.--
19188 ASCORBIC ACID BUFF C 250 CAP 45.30 --.--
22143 ASCORBIC ACID BUFF PWD 227 PWD 27.40 --.--
19187 ASCORBIC ACID PURE PWD 227 PWD 25.10 --.--
37743 ASCORBYL PALMIT 500 MG 180 CAP 34.60 --.--
31576 ASCORBYL PALMITATE 90 CAP 18.60 --.--
57213 ASHWAGANDHA 500 MG 120 VCA 34.90 --.--
50895 ASHWAGANDHA EXT 500 MG 60 VCA 19.30 --.--
44866 ASTAXANTHIN 4 MG 120 SGC 64.80 --.--
54687 ASTAXANTHIN 4 MG 60 SGC 36.60 --.--
58599 ATHLETIC NUTRIENTS 180 VCA 55.40 --.--
61395 B COMPLEX LIQ 3.9 OZ 3.9 LIQ 29.10 --.--
40524 B COMPLEX PLUS 120 CAP 32.40 --.--
19179 B COMPLEX PLUS 60 CAP 19.30 --.--
59487 B COMPLEX ULTRA W/PQQ 60 VCA 64.30 --.--
58266 B12 5000 MCG LIQ 1 Z LIQ 29.90 --.--
19180 B12 FOLATE 800/800 60 CAP 15.40 --.--
53095 B12 LIQUID 1000 MCG 1 Z LIQ 16.60 --.--
22142 B6 COMPLEX 60 CAP 19.60 --.--
59944 BACOPA MONNIERA 180 VCA 38.00 --.--
51292 BCAA PWD 227 PWD 45.70 --.--
54012 BCAA VCA 250 VCA 48.90 --.--
43951 BCAA VCA 90 VCA 20.20 --.--
57988 BEST REST FORMULA 120 VCA 44.70 --.--
52039 BETA SITOSTEROL 90 VCA 14.30 --.--
43816 BETA SITOSTEROL 68 MG 270 VCA 37.60 --.--
19154 BETAINE HCL PEPSIN 520 250 CAP 36.70 --.--
42315 BILBERRY 160 MG 120 VCA 85.90 --.--
52909 BIOTIN 8 MG 120 VCA 17.80 --.--
62904 BIOTIN 8 MG 60 VCA 9.90 --.--
19161 BLACK CURRANT OIL 500 100 CAP 32.70 --.--
19162 BLACK CURRANT SEED OIL 250 CAP 71.60 --.--
22613 BORAGE OIL 180 SGC 64.30 --.--
57109 BORAGE OIL 1000 MG SGC 60 SGC 23.30 --.--
19196 BORON 2 (GLYCINATE) 60 CAP 9.70 --.--
40677 BOSWELLIA 300 MG 120 CAP 28.70 --.--
53210 BOSWELLIA AKBA 120 VCA 40.90 --.--
41106 BROMELAIN 2400 500 60 CAP 29.20 --.--
38060 BROMELAIN 2400 500 MG 180 CAP 72.10 --.--
39802 CAL D GLUCARATE 500 MG 120 CAP 103.40 --.--
51670 CAL D GLUCARATE 500 MG 60 VCA 57.70 --.--
29386 CAL MAG CITRATE 180 CAP 21.70 --.--
61115 CAL MAG CITRATE MALATE 180 VCA 23.00 --.--
52743 CAL MAG PWD W/CO FACT 315 PWD 27.40 --.--
36209 CALCIUM CITRATE 150 MG 180 CAP 20.20 --.--
40548 CALCIUM MCHA 250 MG 180 VCA 47.20 --.--
53511 CALCIUM W/D3 180 VCA 22.90 --.--
59954 CAPRLIC ACID 240 VCA 34.90 --.--
56158 CAPRYLIC ACID 120 VCA 19.10 --.--
56825 CARBCRAVE COMPLEX 180 VCA 57.20 --.--
65345 CARDIO C 180 VCA 36.90 --.--
19190 CARNITINE 340 MG 60 CAP 38.50 --.--
34513 CARNITINE 340 MG 120 CAP 70.70 --.--
43782 CARNITINE FUMARATE 120 VCA 64.50 --.--
64126 CARNOSINE 500 MG 60 VCA 61.70 --.--
44851 CARNOSINE 500 MG 120 VCA 111.30 --.--
19178 CAROTENE CAP 90 CAP 25.70 --.--
53978 CHASTE TREE VITEX 60 VCA 11.70 --.--
41437 CHOLESTEPURE 180 CAP 36.30 --.--
60898 CHOLESTEPURE PLUS 120 CAP 59.70 --.--
37224 CHONDROITIN SULF BOVIN 180 CAP 75.00 --.--
41238 CHROMATE GTF 600 60 CAP 13.40 --.--
61322 CHROMEMATE GTF 600 180 VCA 33.30 --.--
19198 CHROMIUM PICOL 200 60 CAP 10.30 --.--
40180 CHROMIUM PICOL 200 180 CAP 26.30 --.--
40448 CHROMIUM PICOL 500 MCG 180 CAP 35.40 --.--
44879 CINNAMON WS 120 VCA 40.50 --.--
52913 CLA 1000 MG 180 SGC 86.20 --.--
62226 COGNI MAG 120 VCA 59.40 --.--
50042 COGNITIVE AMINOS PE EA VCA 38.10 --.--
51524 COGNITIVE FACTORS 120 VCA 65.00 --.--
58532 COLLAGEN JS 60 VCA 31.60 --.--
58555 COLLAGEN JS 120 VCA 57.80 --.--
19200 COPPER 2 GLYCINATE 60 CAP 8.90 --.--
30081 COQ10 120 MG 120 VCAP 96.60 --.--
38062 COQ10 120 MG 60 CAP 55.20 --.--