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The Willner Window Product Reference Catalog, Autumn, 2015
since 1911
• Willner Chemists •
the nutritional supplement professionals
Elevated cholesterol? Nutrients
lower cholesterol in two new
Beta-glucan from oats and barley can
reduce chances of heart disease by lowering
lipids, but results from earlier studies on
those with high cholesterol have been incon-
sistent. In this study, researchers reviewed 17
clinical trials covering 916 people with high
Overall, beta-glucan significantly lowered
total and LDL (the “bad” cholesterol) levels,
by 6.5 and 6.3 percent, respectively.
Participants reported no side effects from tak-
ing beta-glucan in any of the trials.
Discussing the findings, doctors said that
the positive results suggest beta-glucan may
improve cardiovascular health by lowering
cholesterol levels, and that public health offi-
cials should consider recommending beta-
glucan as part of a targeted dietary program
to safely and affordably lower cholesterol and
improve public health.
Reference: Nutrition, Metabolism &
Cardiovascular Diseases; April, 2015,
Published Online
Earlier studies found flaxseed lowered cho-
lesterol in those with mild signs of cardiovas-
cular disease (CVD). In this study, doctors
tested flaxseed in those with more advanced
CVD, including those taking cholesterol-low-
ering statin drugs.
In the study, 58 people with peripheral
artery disease—a type of CVD—took 30
grams of milled flaxseed per day, or a whole
wheat placebo. After one month, for those
not taking statin drugs, while there was no
change for placebo, the flaxseed group saw
total cholesterol decline by 11 percent and
LDL cholesterol by 15 percent.
In the statin group, after 12 months, while
the placebo group saw LDL cholesterol
increase by 3 percent, those taking flaxseed
saw LDL cholesterol decline by 8.5 percent.
Doctors said flaxseed is safe for those taking
medication for peripheral artery disease, and
can enhance the cholesterol-lowering effects
of statin drugs.
Reference: The Journal of Nutrition; 2015,
Vol. 145, No. 4, 749-57
Nutrients lower chances of
developing diabetes.
Fiber reduces chances for type 2 diabetes,
but most studies have focused on the U.S. In
this large analysis of fiber studies worldwide,
researchers reviewed 19 clinical trials cover-
ing over 350,000 participants. Doctors sepa-
rated people according to how much fiber
per day in the diet: from an average high of
26 grams to an average low of 19 grams of
fiber per day.
Overall, those with the highest amount of
fiber in the diet were 18 percent less likely to
develop type 2 diabetes compared to those
who got the least fiber. The benefits from
fiber were linked to lower weight; those with
the greatest benefit from fiber also had lower
body mass index scores, suggesting fiber
helps decrease weight.
Doctors are not sure how fiber lowers
chances for type 2 diabetes, but suggest fiber
may help people feel full, may slow absorp-
tion of nutrients into the bloodstream, and
may beneficially alter fermentation in the
digestive tract.
Reference: Diabetologia; 2015, Vol. 58, No.
7, 1394-408
In this study, doctors measured antioxidant
carotenoids in the diets of 37,846 people
and followed up for 10 years. The average
carotenoids in the diet were 10 mg per day.
People who got the most alpha- and beta-
carotene were 22 percent less likely to devel-
op type 2 diabetes compared to those who
got the least. For alpha-carotene alone, those
who got the most were 15 percent less likely
to develop type 2 diabetes compared to
those who got the least.
Doctors said the antioxidants in
carotenoids lower oxidative stress, and that
this may be how carotenoids reduce chances
for developing type 2 diabetes.
Reference: Nutrition, Metabolism &
Cardiovascular Diseases; 2015, Vol. 25, No.
4, 376-81
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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