Willner Summer Sale 2015 - page 63

Page 63
The Willner Window Product Reference Catalog, Summer, 2015
since 1911
• Willner Chemists •
the nutritional supplement professionals
DaVinci Labs
Willner Chemists
Phyto-Tech™ Herbal
100% Pure - Sustainably
Harvested - Quality Tested -
GMP Certified Facility –
Kosher Certified
Cedarwood (Himalayan)
1 fl oz, # 63003
Cinnamon Leaf
1 fl oz, #62679
1 fl oz, #63004
1 fl oz, #62680 ~ 4 fl oz, #62681
Grapefruit (Pink)
1 fl oz, #62710
Lavender (French)
1 fl oz, #63005 ~ 4 fl oz, #62787
Lavender (Bulgarian)
1 fl oz, #62815
1 fl oz, #63006
Orange (Sweet)
1 fl oz, #62820
1 fl oz, #62821
1 fl oz, #62822
1 fl oz, #62884 ~ 4 fl oz, #63007
1 fl oz, #63008
Tea Tree (Australian)
1 fl oz, #63009 ~ 4 fl oz, #63010
Ylang Ylang
1 fl oz, #63011
To see a current price listing, go to
. Using the “By
Manufacturer” pull down menu,
(upper left) select “Willner Essential
New Formula -- Higher Potency, Veggie Capsule
Antiox Phyto Complex II
Some of the most powerful, broad-spectrum antioxidants are those found in plants. This supplement contains a blend of several of the most potent plant-derived phyto-
antioxidants available, in a high potency, professional strength veggie cap.
Description: Phyto-Tech Antiox Phyto Complex II is a blend of powerful plant-derived (phyto) antioxidants. Most health problems are either directly or indirectly related to
oxidative (free-radical) damage. While vitamins and minerals (vitamin C, vitamin E and selenium, for example) are antioxidants, it is now recognized that phytoantioxidants, rich
in a broad spectrum of flavonoids, polyphenols, anthocyanidins, etc are the most powerful.
Ingredients: Each 375 mg Capsule contains the following: Acai Berry Extract 4:1, 75 mg; Mangosteen Fruit Extract, 75 mg (10% Mangostin); Goji Berry Extract 75 mg (40%
Polysaccharides); Pomegranate 75 mg, (40% Ellagic Acid); Green Tea Leaf Extract 30 mg (98% Polyphenols, 50% EGCG); Grape Skin Extract, 30 mg (50% Polyphenols); Grape
Seed Extract,15 mg (95% Proanthocyanidin); Cellulose Modified Vegetable,
100% Vegetarian - Manufactured in an FDA Registered, GMP Certified facility.
New, High Potency Atiox Phyto Complex II 375 mg Veggie Caps
90 Veggie Caps - Prod Code 63745
Are You Filling Only Half
Are You Filling
Your Body’s Antioxidant
Indications: Who might benefit from this herbal supplement? Those who desire protection against everyday toxins--dietary, environmental and chemical;
those with current health problems, those under high amounts of stress, smokers or those exposed to second-hand smoke, and anyone who lives .or is
exposed to a toxic lifestyle; those who are at risk to the various degenerative diseases associated with aging, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, cogni-
tive impairment, Alzheimer’s disease, immune dysfunction, cataracts, and macular degeneration; those who want to live a longer, healthier life.
Antiox Phyto Complex II is the perfect supplement to take along with your multivitamin/multimineral supplement.
(see full details on page 14)
Contact us 1.800.325.1776
*This statementhasnotbeenevaluatedby theFoodandDrugAdministration.Thisproduct isnot intended todiagnose, treat,cureorpreventanydisease.
Research has proven that telomere length is a prime
indicator of overall health status as we age. Telomeres
degrade and shorten over time and are associated with
cellular aging and dysfunction. It has been reported that
Astrogaloside IV can help maintain normal telomere
length through supporting key enzyme activation.* While
other regimens can cost up to $8,000 annually, our
formula provides the potent healthy aging support - at a
fraction of the price.
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