Willner Summer Sale 2015 - page 58

Page 58
The Willner Window Product Reference Catalog, Summer, 2015
since 1911
• Willner Chemists •
the nutritional supplement professionals
neededl, in juice or water.
Cautions: Do not use during pregnancy or nursing; long term use
might possible cause water retention and/or edema; theorectically,
could increase blood pressure at higher doeses and over long term
1 fl oz - Prod Code: 56986
Liver Support
This herbal blend has a systemic detox action, supporting liver
function and blood cleansing, protecting the body from
environmental and dietary toxins.
Who can benefit from this supplement? Those who feel they
would benefit from
a systemic cleansing stimulant
a specific liver function stimulant
protecting the liver from exposure to toxins
skin cleansing via liver detox
bile stimulation
In many medical approaches, the liver is central to a myriad of
health problems.
Phyto-Tech™ Liver Support comes in a liquid herbal form, regular
and alcohol free, as well as a standardized liquid filled Veggie Cap.
The latter is standardized to Silymarin content, and will be discussed
in the next monograph.
The liquid supplement contains the following herbs: Fresh
Dandelion Root, Red Root, Oregon Grape Root, Milk Thistle Seed,
Yellow Dock Root, Fresh Ginger Root, Fringe Tree Bark.
1 fl oz - Regular (alcoholic), Prod Code: 56948
1 fl oz ~ Alcohol Free, Prod Code: 56971
Liver Support Caps
This herbal blend has a systemic detox action, supporting liver
function and blood cleansing, protecting the body from
environmental and dietary toxins.
This formula is a modification of the liquid herbal Liver Support
product already described. In a normal liquid extract, it is not possi-
ble to get levels of Silymarin, the active component of Milk Thistle,
at the high levels called for in some of the clinical research.
Therefore, this modified formula, in a liquid filled Veggie Cap was
developed, with added standardized Silymarin content.
Each Phyto-Tech™ Liver Support Standardized Veggie Cap con-
tains the following: Oregon Grape
Root, Milk Thistle Seed, Yellow Dock Root, Burdock Root,
Dandelion Root, Red Root, Fringe Tree Bark, and Silymarin (Milk
Thistle) 80 mg.
60 Liquid Filled Veggie Caps, Prod Code: 57048
Lobelia 1:2
Medically, lobelia is known as a parasympathomimetic. It
stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, countering the
effect of adrenal stimulation and stress.
Who can benefit from this herbal supplement? Those suffering
from excess adrenal stimulation and stress, including anxiety, panic
attacks, insomnia, ADHD and nervousness.
Lobelia contains an alkaloid called lobeline that is chemically simi-
lar to nicotine. Lobelia will decrease the physical craving for ciga-
rettes as lobeline fools the binding sites that are looking for nicotine.
Lobelia has historically been used to help one who wants to quit
smoking. It also calms the stress one goes through and opens the
lungs to help expectorate. It is perfect in its action for smoking cessa-
Phyto-Tech™ Lobelia 1:2 contains fresh lobelia inflata herb, (500
mg/ml, or 30 drops), pure grain alcohol, and pure deionized water.
General, and long term dosage is 10-30 drops, 2-3 times daily in
juice or water. For acute, short term needs, one can take 10-30
squirts every hour as needed. Use caution if you have low blood
pressure, and do not use during pregnancy.
1 fl oz - Prod Code: 56988
Lustrous Hair
A herbal blend based on Traditional Chinese Medicine that
stimulates hair growth and healthy, lustrous hair.
Who might benefit from this herbal supplement? Those who suffer
from hair loss or thinning, brittle, dull hair.
Phyto-Tech™ Lustrous Hair contains Fo-Ti Root 230 mg,
Rehmannia Root 220 mg, Astragalus Root 110 mg, Dong Quai Root
90 mg, White Peony Root 90 mg, Safflower Flower 70 mg, Chinese
Salvia Root 60 mg, Liguisticum wallichii Rhizome 60 mg. Alcohol
Pure Grain, Water Pure Deionized
Cautions: Do not take during pregnancy or while nursing. Keep
out of the reach of children.
Dosage: 60 drops, 1-2 times a day, in juice or water. Shake well
before using.
References: For more information on this product, go the refer-
ence library section of the Willner Chemists web site,
under “Articles & Reprints.” Look for “Lustrous
Phyto-Tech Lustrous Hair, 2 fl oz, Prod Code: 57733
Lymphatic Complex
A blend of herbs affecting the lymphatic system.
Phyto-Tech™ Lymphatic Complex contains: Red Root, Fresh
Ocotillo Bark, Stillingea Root, Fresh Astragalus Root, Fresh Ginger
Root, Grain Alcohol, Deionized Water
Dosage: General: 20-40 drops, 2-3 times per day or as needed in
juice or water.
Acute: 60-90 drops, 3-4 times per day until symptoms reduce.
1 fl oz - Prod Code: 56997
Maca Root
A native Peruvian herb, Maca’s traditional use for enhancing
overall vigor and fertility has been confirmed by animal studies
showing it promotes libido, sexual potency and energy.
Who can benefit from this supplement? Those with age-related
sexual dysfunction, low libido, lack of energy and vigor.
According to Dr. Arthur Presser’s book, Pharmacist’s Guide to
Medicinal Herbs, the “modern day uses” for Maca “are probably no
different than Maca’s ancient uses. They include:
Erectile dysfunction
Menopause & Menstruation
Mental clarity
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
General immunity
Anabolic steroid alternative
1 fl oz (500 mg per 30 drops), Prod Code: 57076
Male Virility
A blend of well-researched herbs known to enhance men's libido
and sexual performance.
Who might benefit from this herbal supplement? Those men who
suffer from decreased libido or impaired sexual function.
Phyto-Tech™ Male Virility contains Maca Root 97 mg, Epimedium
Herb 75 mg, Fresh Wild Oat Seed 75 mg, Tribulus Seed 75 mg,
Yohimbe Bark 50 mg, Saw Palmetto Berry 17 mg, American Ginseng
Root 17 mg, Vitamin B12 60 mcg, L-Arginine 20 mg, Pine Park
. . . continued on page 60
Important Notice: The information given here is designed to help you make informed decisions about your health, and the proper use of dietary supplements. It is
not intended as a substitute for medical advice, nor a substitute for any treatment that may have been prescribed by your doctor. If you have a medical problem,
you should seek medical help. Products described herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or mitigate disease.
Product Reference Guide: Willner Chemists Phyto-Tech™ Herbal Supplements
22035 CHILDREN’S HERBAL CPD 1 Z LIQ 12.80 10.24
43907 CILANTRO EXT 1 Z LIQ 13.00 10.40
50909 CINNAMON 1 Z LIQ 12.50 10.00
65383 CINNAMON BARK 8 Z LIQ 88.40 70.72
17629 CLEAVERS 1 Z LIQ 11.99 9.59
50323 CLOVES 4 Z LIQ 49.40 39.52
43652 COMFREY ROOT 1 Z LIQ 12.79 10.23
28150 CONNECTIVE TISSUE TONC 1 Z LIQ 13.00 10.40
52673 CONNECTIVE TISSUE TONI 4 Z LIQ 48.40 38.72
42132 COPTIS 4 Z LIQ 47.50 38.00
28328 COPTIS EXTRACT 1 Z LIQ 12.99 10.39
17633 CORN SILK 1 Z LIQ 11.50 9.20
17636 DANDELION 1 Z LIQ 13.00 10.40
27585 DANDELION ROOT 4 Z LIQ 49.40 39.52
22033 DERMAL HEALTH COMPOUND 1 Z LIQ 13.39 10.71
63666 DEVILS CLAW 4 Z LIQ 53.20 42.56
65709 DIGESTIVE BITTERS 1 Z LIQ 13.00 10.40
65286 DRAGON BLOOD 4 Z LIQ 49.40 39.52
17640 ECHIN GLYCERITE A/F 1 Z LIQ 13.39 10.71
22041 ECHIN GOLDENSEAL CMD 1 Z LIQ 13.39 10.71
17732 ECHIN SUPER 1 Z LIQ 14.00 11.20
17734 ECHIN SUPER 4 Z LIQ 54.59 43.67
17639 ECHINACEA 1 Z LIQ 13.00 10.40
17642 ELECAMPANE 1 Z LIQ 13.39 10.71
24074 ELEUTHERO GINS SIB 1 Z LIQ 13.39 10.71
63838 ELEUTHERO GINS SIB A/F 4 Z LIQ 47.50 38.00
17652 ELEUTHERO GINS SIB A/F 1 Z LIQ 12.50 10.00
45049 ELEUTHERO SIB GINSENG 4 Z LIQ 50.59 40.47
22043 ERIGON CINNAMON CMD 1 Z LIQ 16.10 12.88
57154 FO TI HO SHOU WU 8 Z LIQ 80.60 64.48
17623 FO TI HO SHOU WU CHIN 1 Z LIQ 11.99 9.59
22046 FRIAR’S BALSAM 1 Z LIQ 13.39 10.71
24047 FUNGUS FIGHTER SPIL US 1 Z LIQ 12.99 10.39
32923 GARLIC 1 Z LIQ 11.99 9.59
17649 GINGER 1 Z LIQ 13.39 10.71
17650 GINKGO BILOBA 1 Z LIQ 13.00 10.40
33667 GINKGO BILOBA 4 Z LIQ 49.40 39.52
63767 GINKGO BILOBA 8 Z LIQ 88.40 70.72
17651 GINSENG WILD AMER ROOT 1 Z LIQ 22.00 17.60
21957 GOLDEN ECHINACEA 1 Z LIQ 13.00 10.40
17655 GOLDENSEAL 1 Z LIQ 15.39 12.31
29412 GOOD MOOD TONIC 1 Z LIQ 12.79 10.23
17657 GOTU KOLA 1 Z LIQ 12.99 10.39
41960 GREEN TEA 1 Z LIQ 12.50 10.00
34802 HAWTHORN BLEND 4 Z LIQ 49.40 39.52
17661 HAWTHORN BLEND 1 Z LIQ 12.50 10.00
65725 HEAD SOOTHER 4 Z LIQ 49.40 39.52
22034 HEALTHY HEART TONIC 1 Z LIQ 12.79 10.23
24073 HEALTHY LIVER TONIC 4 Z LIQ 49.40 39.52
22036 HEALTHY VEINS TONIC 1 Z LIQ 12.80 10.24
24048 HERBAL DETOX 1 Z LIQ 12.79 10.23
22053 HERBAL ED’S SALVE 1 Z CRM 9.90 7.92
17664 HOPS 1 Z LIQ 12.50 10.00
17665 HOREHOUND 1 Z LIQ 12.50 10.00
17666 HORSE CHESTNUT EXT 1 Z LIQ 12.50 10.00
17668 HORSETAIL 1 Z LIQ 12.99 10.39
17669 HYDRANGEA ROOT EXT 1 Z LIQ 12.50 10.00
17670 HYSSOP 1 Z LIQ 12.50 10.00
23683 IMMUNE DEFENSE TONIC 4 Z LIQ 44.50 35.60
22040 IMMUNE DEFENSE TONIC 1 Z LIQ 13.00 10.40
28652 INFLAMA RESP TURM CHAM 1 Z LIQ 12.80 10.24
45194 INFLAMMA RESPONSE 4 Z LIQ 49.40 39.52
17672 JAMAICAN DOGWOOD 1 Z LIQ 12.49 9.99
63106 LAVENDER 4 Z LIQ 47.50 38.00
17680 LEMON BALM BLEND 1 Z LIQ 12.99 10.39
17682 LINDEN 1 Z LIQ 11.70 9.36
22025 LIVER HEALTH 1 Z LIQ 12.79 10.23
17684 LOMATIUM 1 Z LIQ 13.00 10.40
33575 LOMATIUM ST JOHN WORT 4 Z LIQ 49.40 39.52
64415 MACA 1 Z LIQ 12.50 10.00
17685 MARSHMALLOW 1 Z LIQ 12.00 9.60
17687 MEADOWSWEET 1 Z LIQ 12.49 9.99
17689 MILK THISTLE 1 Z LIQ 13.99 11.19
63768 MILK THISTLE 8 Z LIQ 88.40 70.72
17690 MISTLETOE 1 Z LIQ 12.39 9.91
17691 MOTHERWORT 1 Z LIQ 12.00 9.60
33218 MUIRA PUAMA 1 Z LIQ 12.50 10.00
54762 MULLEIN GARLIC 1 Z LIQ 12.99 10.39
17693 MYRRH EXT 1 Z LIQ 12.50 10.00
22031 NERVOUS SYSTEM TONIC 1 Z LIQ 12.80 10.24
17694 NETTLE BLEND 1 Z LIQ 12.49 9.99
55534 NETTLE BLEND 4 Z LIQ 49.40 39.52
33638 NEUTRALIZING CORDIAL 1 Z LIQ 12.80 10.24
33795 OLIVE WHOLE LF EXT 1 Z LIQ 13.00 10.40
53872 ORAL HEALTH TONIC 1 Z LIQ 12.79 10.23
17698 OSHA 1 Z LIQ 12.50 10.00
17699 PASSION FLOWER 1 Z LIQ 13.00 10.40
63737 PASSION FLOWER 4 Z LIQ 47.50 38.00
33864 PAU D’ARCO 4 Z LIQ 49.40 39.52
33642 PEPPERMINT SPIRITS 1 Z LIQ 13.00 10.40
17702 PERIWINKLE 1 Z LIQ 11.99 9.59
17675 PHARMA KAVA 1 Z LIQ 15.39 12.31
62571 PIPSISSEWA 4 Z LIQ 45.60 36.48
17706 PLANTAIN 1 Z LIQ 12.00 9.60
22044 POLLEN DEFEN EYEB NETT 1 Z LIQ 12.80 10.24
17708 PRICKLY ASH 1 Z LIQ 11.99 9.59
17709 PROPOLIS 1 Z LIQ 14.50 11.60
17720 PROSTATE HEALTH 1 Z LIQ 12.79 10.23
17711 RED CLOVER 1 Z LIQ 11.99 9.59
17712 RED RASPBERRY 1 Z LIQ 12.00 9.60
17617 RED ROOT CEANOTHUS 1 Z LIQ 11.99 9.59
17625 REHMANNIA CHINESE 1 Z LIQ 11.99 9.59
23812 RELAXING SLEEP TONIC 1 Z LIQ 13.00 10.40
53203 RHODIOLA 1 Z LIQ 13.00 10.40
55181 RHODIOLA ALCOHOL FREE 1 Z LIQ 13.00 10.40
17715 SAGE 1 Z LIQ 12.50 10.00
63107 SAGE 4 Z LIQ 47.50 38.00
17718 SARSAPARILLA 1 Z LIQ 11.99 9.59
26698 SAW PALMETTO 1 Z LIQ 12.99 10.39
17626 SCHIZANDRA CHINESE 1 Z LIQ 11.99 9.59
17721 SCOTCH BROOM EXT 1 Z LIQ 12.00 9.60
17722 SHEPHERDS PURSE 1 Z LIQ 11.99 9.59
34800 SKULLCAP 4 Z LIQ 49.40 39.52
28864 SKULLCAP LIQ 8 Z LIQ 64.80 51.84
17727 SPILANTHES 1 Z LIQ 12.59 10.07
17716 ST JOHNS WORT 1 Z LIQ 13.00 10.40
61069 STINGING NETTLE A/F 4 Z LIQ 49.40 39.52
28189 STONE BREAKER 1 Z LIQ 14.00 11.20
33957 STONE BREAKER 8 Z LIQ 95.20 76.16
17630 STONE RT (COLLINSONIA) 1 Z LIQ 12.99 10.39
61424 STRESS MANAGER 1 Z LIQ 12.80 10.24
32757 SUGAR METABOLISM 4 Z LIQ 49.40 39.52
22039 SUGAR METABOLISM 1 Z LIQ 12.79 10.23
24049 THROAT SPRAY STH PR EC 1 Z LIQ 12.89 10.31
17735 THUJA 1 Z LIQ 11.99 9.59
17736 THYME 1 Z LIQ 12.00 9.60
33640 THYROID CALM BUGL MOTH 1 Z LIQ 12.50 10.00
63899 THYROID CALMING 4 Z LIQ 47.50 38.00
17737 TURMERIC 1 Z LIQ 11.99 9.59
63689 TURMERIC 4 Z LIQ 45.60 36.48
62735 UMCKALOABO 1 Z LIQ 12.00 9.60
22049 URIN SYST SUPP GLD HRS 1 Z LIQ 12.80 10.24
17739 UVA URSI 1 Z LIQ 13.00 10.40
34803 VALERIAN 4 Z LIQ 49.40 39.52
24050 VIRATTACK 1 Z LIQ 12.80 10.24
22047 WARMING CIRCULATION 1 Z LIQ 12.80 10.24
23094 WILD YAM 1 Z LIQ 13.00 10.40
17748 WITCH HAZEL 1 Z LIQ 12.50 10.00
63770 WORMWOOD 4 Z LIQ 45.60 36.48
17750 YARROW 1 Z LIQ 12.00 9.60
17751 YELLOW DOCK 1 Z LIQ 12.00 9.60
17752 YERBA SANTA 1 Z LIQ 12.49 9.99
17753 YOHIMBE DROPS 1 Z LIQ 14.99 11.99
42910 ALOE FORCE JUICE HERB 33. LIQ 32.95 32.95
42911 ALOE FORCE JUICE PURE 33. LIQ 31.95 31.95
42912 ALOE FORCE SKIN GEL 4 Z GEL 16.95 16.95
43396 ADRENAL BALANCE COMP 2 Z LIQ 22.10 18.80
40057 ANDROGRAPHIS 1 Z LIQ 11.50 9.78
40058 AP COMPOUND 2 Z LIQ 22.10 18.80
45229 BITTERS COMPOUND 2 Z LIQ 22.10 18.80
42614 BLUEBERRY SOLID EXTRAT 6 Z LIQ 29.95 25.46
51931 CHASTE TREE BERRY 4 Z LIQ 41.40 35.19
50872 FULL MOON 2 Z LIQ 26.70 22.70
50835 GRIEF RE LEAF 2 Z LIQ 24.95 21.20
64584 GUGGUL 2 Z LIQ 23.40 19.89
43397 MENS PROSTATE TONIC 2 Z LIQ 23.50 19.98
44722 OSTEOHERB 120 VCA 30.95 26.30
43398 SEVEN PRECIOUS MUSHROM 2 Z LIQ 23.00 19.55
41535 WOMENS TRANSITION 1 Z LIQ 12.00 10.20
62102 YARROW FLOWERS EXT 2 Z LIQ 21.70 18.43
62956 AFTER SHAVE BALM DUSK 3.4 LOT 8.89 7.11
62955 DEOD STICK DUSK 2.8 STK 8.99 7.19
62954 DEOD STICK FOR HER PWD 2.8 STK 8.99 7.19
62953 DEOD STICK WILD 2.8 STK 8.99 7.19
62957 SHAVE CREAM ALOE 6.7 CRM 8.89 7.11
50803 BLUEBERRY MAGIC 2 Z LIQ 26.69 21.35
29028 HERBAGREEN TEA 2 Z LIQ 26.69 21.35
53829 HERBAGREEN TEA MANGO 2 Z LIQ 26.69 21.35
50082 HERBAGREEN TEA PEACH 2 Z LIQ 26.69 21.35
30034 LIVER ENHANCER 2 Z LIQ 27.35 21.88
45653 CHAMOMILE HAIR LIGHTE 6.8 LIQ 14.59 11.67
38764 CONDITIONER ROYAL CRM 7 Z CRM 14.59 11.67
36845 HAIR COLOR ASH BLND 7C 4.5 LIQ 17.99 14.39
36846 HAIR COLOR ASH CHST 4C 4.5 LIQ 17.99 14.39
36847 HAIR COLOR BLACK 1N 4.5 LIQ 17.99 14.39
36848 HAIR COLOR BLONDE 7N 4.5 LIQ 17.99 14.39
36849 HAIR COLOR BROWN 2N 4.5 LIQ 17.99 14.39
36850 HAIR COLOR CHESTNT 4N 4.5 LIQ 17.99 14.39
36853 HAIR COLOR COP BLND 7R 4.5 LIQ 17.99 14.39
36852 HAIR COLOR COP CHST 4R 4.5 LIQ 17.99 14.39
45580 HAIR COLOR CRIM RD FF2 4.5 GEL 17.99 14.39
36855 HAIR COLOR DK BLNDE 6N 4.5 LIQ 17.99 14.39
36856 HAIR COLOR DK CHNT 3N 4.5 LIQ 17.99 14.39
36866 HAIR COLOR GLD CHNT 4D 4.5 LIQ 17.99 14.39
36858 HAIR COLOR GOLD BLN 7D 4.5 LIQ 17.99 14.39
Product Reference Guide: Company Listings
(Product Code, Name, Size, List, Discount Price)
Please Note:
For a variety of reasons, certain companies ask us
not to include a listing of their products, or our
discount pricing, in this reference catalog or web
site. We honor those requests.
If you do not see the products you are interested
in, that does not mean we do not carry them.
Please call our toll free number, 1-800-633-1106.
Thank you.
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