Willner Summer Sale 2015 - page 60

Page 60
The Willner Window Product Reference Catalog, Summer, 2015
since 1911
• Willner Chemists •
the nutritional supplement professionals
Extract 5 mg.
Cautions: There may be serious underlying medical problems that
could contribute to, or cause, male sexual dysfunction. Consult with
a physicial to determine if such problems exist. Use this product
under the supervision of a health professional.
Dosage: 30 drops, once per day in juice or water.
Complimentary Formulas: Phyto-Tech BPH Complex."
For more information on this herbal blend, go to
and look for the article in the Reference Library section.
Phyto-Tech Male Virility, 1 fl oz, Prod Code: 57731
Menopause Complex
Support for the hormonal transition of menopause.
Who can benefit from this supplement? Those women experienc-
ing menopausal symptoms, include hot flashes and mood swings.
Phyto-Tech™ Menopause Complex contains the following herbs:
Chaste Tree Berries, Black Cohosh Root, Lobelia Herb, Wild Yam
Root, Dong Quai Root, Milk Thistle Seed, Motherwort Herb.
1 fl oz - Prod Code: 57084
Menses Complex
A female tonic that helps regulate the menstrual cycle and relieve
PMS symptoms.
Who can benefit from this supplement? Those women who have
PMS, irregular cycles, discomfort.
Phyto-Tech™ Menses Complex needs to be taken for from one to
three months to see full and lasting effects. Menses Complex con-
tains the following herbs: Chaste Tree Berry, Wild Yam Root, Dong
Quai Root, Red Raspberry Leaf, Licorice Root, Oregon Grape Root,
Fresh Garrya Leaf, Cramp Bark, Nettles Leaf.
1 fl oz - Prod Code: 57053
Milk Thistle Seed
Supports and protects healthy liver function.
Who can benefit from this supplement? Those with liver disease,
hepatitis, alcoholism, drug users, elevated liver enzymes, exposure to
toxins in the environment.
Phyto-Tech™ Milk Thistle Seed 1:3 contains certified organic Milk
Thistle Seed, 333 mg per 30 drops.
Also available in a veggie cap, with each Phyto-Tech Milk Thistle
capsule containing 250 mg of Milk Thistle Seed (standardized at
80% silymarin) and 200 mg of ceertified organic Milk Thistle Seed.
(Product Code: 60134)
1 fl oz, Regular (alcohol) - Prod Code: 56952
1 fl oz, Alcohol Free - Prod Code: 56954
90 Veggie Caps - Prod Code: 60134
Mint Breath Spray Concentrate
New, Stronger Formula; A natural, refreshing breath spray to
combat bad breath.
Phyto-Tech™ Mint Breath Spray Concentrate is a new stronger for-
mula. containing Peppermint, Cinnamon, Lo Han Guo Fruit Extract
and Chlorophyll in a Vegetable Glycerine Base.
Mint Breath Spray Concentrate is a convenient herbal remedy to
quickly combat bad breath. Bad breath or halitosis can be caused by
numerous circumstances, including spicy and pungent foods, poor
dental hygiene, dry mouth, tobacco use, infection in the respiratory
tract or sinuses and poor digestion.
Peppermint is an herb that is helpful for many conditions including
indigestion, irritable bowel, nausea, congestion, headaches and body
aches. Peppermint and its active constituent menthol have significant
antiviral and antibacterial activity. Studies support peppermint’s use
to enhance gastric emptying and reduce nausea. It will increase sali-
va in the mouth and facilitate healthy digestion.
Mint Breath Spray Concentrate also contains Chlorophyll, which is
known for its deodorizing properties. Chlorophyll cleanses and
detoxifies the digestive tract while promoting digestion. It is an effec-
tive remedy for those with chronic bad breath or digestive tract
Mint Breath Spray Concentrate can be used for occasional or
chronic bad breath. It will deodorize the breath from smoking or
tobacco use, illness, infection and eating offending foods such as gar-
lic and onions.
Dosage: Holding spray nozzle close to the mouth, spray 2-3 times
into the mouth as needed. Spray more frequently when desired.
1 fl oz, Prod Code: 57732
Motherwort 1:3
1 fl oz, Prod Code: 57070
Mullein 1:3
1 fl oz, Prod Code: 57201
A blend of herbs designd to help reduce muscle and nerve pain,
and inflammation.
Who might benefit from this herbal supplement? Those suffering
from muscle pain; those suffering from fibromyalgia; those who wish
to shorten recovery time after athletic workouts; those recovering
from injuries or accidents.
Phyto-Tech™ MuscleGesic contains the following: Fresh Skullcap
Herb, Fresh St. John’s Wort Flowers, Devil’s Claw Tuber, Black
Cohosh Root, Fresh Lobelia Herb, Fresh Betony Herb, Pure Grain
Alcohol, Deionized Water.
MuscleGesic has many uses. It helps diminish muscle and nerve
pain and inflammation. Skullcap and St. John’s Wort decrease the
frequency the nerve sends a pain signal to the brain while Devil’s
Claw decreases inflammation. It can be used as a preventative, for
immediate acute pain and for chronic pain.
Unlike a prescription pain medication (potentially addictive and
toxic), this non-toxic and non-addictive approach will diminish pain
but not paralyze the pain signal completely. This allows for enough
pain relief so one can relax and heal rapidly.
Chronic pain can lead to depression and that is addressed with
the St. John’s Wort in the formula.
As a specific for fibromyalgia and chronic pain disorders,
MuscleGesic helps diminish pain and connective tissue inflamma-
Dosage: Preventative: Before a painful event (dental visit, deep
muscle massage, workout, athletic event) 30 drops minimum and up
to 120 drops 1/2 to 1 hour before the event.
Acute dosage: 60-90 drops in water every 2-3 hours until pain
subsides. Then 2-3 times daily until not needed.
Chronic pain: 60-90 drops 2-3 times daily in water.
Note: Phyto-Tech™Arnica Oil 1:6 can be used topically for local
muscle pain and inflammation along with MuscleGesic.
1 fl oz, Prod Code: 57035
Mushroom Extract Complex
Dual Extraction Blend; A powerful combination of immune
enhancing, adaptogenic mushroom extracts.
Who might benefit from this herbal supplement? Those with a
weakened immune system; those who frequently catch cold or flu;
those undergoing chemotherapy; those with serious conditions such
as HIB and AIDS.
Phyto-Tech™ Mushroom Extract Complex contains: Shiitake
Mushroom, Reishi Mushroom, Maitake Mushroom, Fresh
Ashwagandha Root, Licorice Root, Deionized Water, Pure Grain
. . . continued on page 62
Important Notice: The information given here is designed to help you make informed decisions about your health, and the proper use of dietary supplements. It is
not intended as a substitute for medical advice, nor a substitute for any treatment that may have been prescribed by your doctor. If you have a medical problem,
you should seek medical help. Products described herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or mitigate disease.
Product Reference Guide: Willner Chemists Phyto-Tech™ Herbal Supplements
36859 HAIR COLOR HNEY BLN 9N 4.5 LIQ 17.99 14.39
36862 HAIR COLOR LT BLNDE 8N 4.5 LIQ 17.99 14.39
36863 HAIR COLOR LT CHEST 5N 4.5 LIQ 17.99 14.39
36872 HAIR COLOR MAH CHNT 4M 4.5 LIQ 17.99 14.39
36854 HAIR COLR DK ASH BN 6C 4.5 LIQ 17.99 14.39
36857 HAIR COLR DK GD BLN 6D 4.5 LIQ 17.99 14.39
36860 HAIR COLR LT ASH BL 8C 4.5 LIQ 17.99 14.39
36861 HAIR COLR LT ASH CT 5C 4.5 LIQ 17.99 14.39
36865 HAIR COLR LT COP BN 8R 4.5 LIQ 17.99 14.39
36867 HAIR COLR LT COP CT 5R 4.5 LIQ 17.99 14.39
36868 HAIR COLR LT GD BND 8D 4.5 LIQ 17.99 14.39
36869 HAIR COLR LT GD CHT 5D 4.5 LIQ 17.99 14.39
36870 HAIR COLR LT MAH CT 5M 4.5 LIQ 17.99 14.39
36873 HAIR COLR PLTN BLN 10N 4.5 LIQ 17.99 14.39
53687 HERBAL OIL ROSEMARY 6.8 OIL 11.99 9.59
42946 SHAMPOO LUMINOUS 6.8 LIQ 11.99 9.59
38763 SHAMPOO NORMAL 6.8 LIQ 11.99 9.59
56663 ALLERGY RELEAF SYSTEM 10 SGC 6.99 5.59
31761 ALLERTONIC 2 Z LIQ 24.98 19.98
44255 ALLERTONIC 60 SGC 26.48 21.18
63980 BUG ITCH RELEAF PROF 1 Z LIQ 13.98 11.18
21135 CHLOROXYGEN A/F 1 Z LIQ 13.32 10.65
55839 CHLOROXYGEN MINT A/F 1 Z LIQ 13.32 10.65
60102 CHLOROXYGEN SGC 60 SGC 14.98 11.98
52831 CRAN BLADDER RELEAF 60 SGC 26.98 21.58
27376 CRAN BLADDER RELEAF 1 Z LIQ 14.98 11.98
40594 DEEP SLEEP 60 SGC 26.98 21.58
34681 DEEP SLEEP 1 Z LIQ 13.98 11.18
50131 DEEP SLEEP 120 SGC 47.98 38.38
21682 DEEP SLEEP 2 Z LIQ 24.98 19.98
21681 DEEP SLEEP A/F 1 Z LIQ 14.98 11.98
56661 EARLY ALERT 60 SGC 26.48 21.18
37559 EARLY ALERT 2 Z LIQ 24.98 19.98
29006 ECHIN TRIPLE SOURCE 2 Z LIQ 24.98 19.98
21714 ECHIN TRIPLE SOURCE 1 Z LIQ 13.98 11.18
23799 ESSIAC TONIC 4 Z LIQ 43.98 35.18
43966 ESSIAC TONIC SGC 120 SGC 46.98 37.58
17760 IMMUNO BOOST 1 Z LIQ 13.98 11.18
51766 KIDNEY TONIC 60 SGC 26.48 21.18
21679 KIDNEY TONIC 1 Z LIQ 13.98 11.18
21680 KIDNEY TONIC 2 Z LIQ 24.98 19.98
28146 LIVER TONIC(MILK THISL) 2 Z LIQ 24.98 19.98
26627 LUNG TONIC 1 Z LIQ 13.98 11.18
45193 LUNG TONIC 60 SGC 26.48 21.18
31802 LUNG TONIC 4 Z LIQ 43.98 35.18
31801 LUNG TONIC 2 Z LIQ 24.98 19.98
33936 LUNG TONIC A/F 1 Z LIQ 14.98 11.98
43976 LUNG TONIC SGC 120 SGC 46.98 37.58
50578 LYMPHATONIC 60 SGC 26.48 21.18
21693 LYMPHATONIC 2 Z LIQ 24.98 19.98
33937 LYMPHATONIC A/F 1 Z LIQ 14.98 11.98
43022 MENOPAUTONIC 120 SGC 46.98 37.58
21700 MOUTH TONIC 1 Z LIQ 13.98 11.18
21701 MOUTH TONIC 2 Z LIQ 24.98 19.98
28004 MULLEIN GARLIC EAR DRP 1 Z LIQ 13.98 11.18
21706 OSHA ROOT COMPLEX SYR 4 Z LIQ 13.98 11.18
26052 PARA FREE 1 Z LIQ 13.98 11.18
45519 PHYTOCILLIN 60 CAP 26.48 21.18
37516 PHYTOCILLIN 2 Z LIQ 24.98 19.98
54631 RESPIRATONIC 60 CAP 26.48 21.18
21710 RESPIRATONIC 1 Z LIQ 13.98 11.18
21711 RESPIRATONIC 2 Z LIQ 24.98 19.98
50143 SINGER SAV GRC CIT HON 1 Z LIQ 14.29 11.43
50144 SINGER SAV GRC PRF AF 1 Z LIQ 14.29 11.43
17767 SINGER’S SAV GCE EXTRA 1 Z LIQ 13.24 10.59
28972 SINGER’S SAV GCE LEMON 1 Z LIQ 13.24 10.59
21677 STOMACH TONIC CHAM/CAT 1 Z LIQ 13.98 11.18
63045 STRESS RELEAF SGC 60 SGC 26.98 21.58
29785 ALKA THYM MOUTHWASH 16Z LIQ 14.49 11.59
17770 ATOMIDINE 2 Z LIQ 18.69 14.95
17772 CASTOR OIL LIQ 16OZ 16 LIQ 10.29 8.23
17773 CASTOR OIL LIQ 32Z H 32Z LIQ 16.29 13.03
65041 CASTOR OIL ORG GLASS 32Z LIQ 23.99 19.19
64373 CASTOR OIL ORG GLASS 16Z OIL 16.49 13.19
62525 CASTRO OIL 60 VCA 12.19 9.75
29611 COTTON FLANNEL 13X15 1 MIS 13.39 10.71
63307 GOLD CRM 2 Z CRM 23.99 18.99
23512 IPSAB GUM TREATMENT 2 Z LIQ 12.09 9.67
29109 IPSAB TOOTH PWD 4 Z PWD 8.19 6.55
33257 IPSADENT MOUTHWASH 16Z LIQ 13.29 10.63
36388 MOUTHWASH HPM 16Z LIQ 9.09 7.27
40241 ROSE WATER ATOMIZER 8 Z LIQ 9.49 7.59
22260 ROSEWATER 8 Z LIQ 8.29 6.63
21992 WOOL FLANNEL 12X27 1 PIE 12.19 9.75
59787 CONDIT AMLA HOLY BASIL 11. LIQ 9.99 7.99
59730 FACE SCRUB WALN WD APP 5.0 LIQ 8.99 7.19
60507 FACE WASH INVIGORATING 5.0 LIQ 8.99 7.19
59728 FACE WASH NEEM TURMERC 5.0 LIQ 8.99 7.19
59791 FOOT CARE CRM MST INT 3.5 CRM 9.99 7.99
59789 SHAMPOO HYDRATING ORG 11. LIQ 9.99 7.99
59788 SHAMPOO REJUVENAT ORG 11. LIQ 9.99 7.99
59792 U KNEAD IT SOOTH BALM 1.7 CRM 7.99 6.39
50305 AMLA C 60 CAP 17.95 14.36
38518 ARJUNA 60 CAP 17.95 14.36
43038 ASHWAGANDA 60 CAP 19.95 15.96
65229 BACOPA 250 MG 30 CPL 14.95 11.96
40505 BACOPA 250 MG 60 CAP 22.95 18.36
58512 BITTER MELON 60 CPL 16.95 13.56
45217 BOSWELLIA 60 CAP 14.95 11.96
63892 DIARCARE 120 VCA 19.95 15.96
65228 GARCINIA 120 CPL 32.95 26.36
29477 GASTRICARE /60 VCA 19.95 15.96
29474 GLUCOCARE 90 VCA 22.95 18.36
62074 GLUCOCARE 180 VCA 39.95 31.96
43114 GUGGUL 60 CAP 14.95 11.96
41520 GYMNEMA 250 MG 60 CAP 17.95 14.36
57358 HEARTCARE 240 VCA 37.95 30.36
29466 HEARTCARE 120 VCA 21.95 17.56
59734 I E BALM INHALE EXHALE 1.7 OIL 7.99 6.39
42360 IMMUNOCARE 240 TAB 38.95 31.16
29473 IMMUNOCARE 120 TAB 22.95 18.36
41567 JOINT CARE 60 CAP 29.95 23.96
29479 LEANCARE 120 CAP 24.95 19.96
63496 LICORICE 60 CPL 13.95 11.16
34319 LIV 52 450 MG 90 CAP 21.95 17.56
29470 LIVERCARE 90 CAP 24.95 19.96
54089 LIVERCARE 180 VCA 41.95 33.56
63227 MENO CARE 120 VCA 24.95 19.96
62430 MENSTRICARE 60 VCA 19.95 15.96
29471 MINDCARE 60 TAB 20.95 16.76
45220 NEEM 60 CAP 15.95 12.76
29475 PROSTACARE 120 TAB 26.95 21.56
64768 PROSTACARE 240 TAB 45.95 36.76
51178 SHATAVARI 60 CAP 17.95 14.36
29468 STRESSCARE 120 TAB 24.95 19.96
54090 STRESSCARE 240 VCA 42.95 34.36
64992 TRIBULUS 60 CPL 24.95 19.96
51179 TRIPHALA 60 CAP 18.95 15.16
65230 TRIPHALA 250 MG 30 CPL 12.95 10.36
62583 TURMERIC 60 VCA 29.95 23.96
65231 TURMERIC 250 MG 30 VCA 18.95 15.16
29467 URICARE 120 TAB 19.95 15.96
37436 VIGOR CARE MEN 60 CAP 24.95 19.96
60874 CALM DROPS 30 LOZ 6.99 5.59
60875 MOON DROPS 30 LOZ 6.99 5.59
27258 STRESS MINTS NEW YORK 30 TAB 6.99 5.59
21460 ADAPTOSODE FOR STRESS 4 Z LIQ 19.00 15.20
54610 ADAPTOSODE RR ACUTE STR 8 Z LIQ 29.00 23.20
52654 ADAPTOSODES FOR STRESS 8 Z LIQ 29.00 23.20
21464 ALCOHOL 4 Z LIQ 19.00 15.20
21465 ALLERGENS ANTIGENS 4 Z LIQ 19.00 15.20
21466 BACTERIA 4 Z LIQ 19.00 15.20
28941 BIOSODE SUPPORT 8 Z LIQ 29.00 23.20
21462 BIOSODE SUPPORT 4 Z LIQ 19.00 15.20
21467 CHEMICALS 4 Z LIQ 19.00 15.20
21470 FOOD ADDITIVES 1 4 Z LIQ 19.00 15.20
21471 FOOD ADDITIVES II 4 Z LIQ 19.00 15.20
21472 FREE RADICALS 4 Z LIQ 19.00 15.20
21473 FUNGI YEASTS 4 Z LIQ 19.00 15.20
21474 METALS 4 Z LIQ 19.00 15.20
21463 OS 4 Z LIQ 19.00 15.20
21476 PARASITES 4 Z LIQ 19.00 15.20
21477 POLLUTION AIR 4 Z LIQ 19.00 15.20
21478 POLLUTION ENVIRONS 4 Z LIQ 19.00 15.20
21479 RADIATION 4 Z LIQ 19.00 15.20
21480 RICKETTSIA 4 Z LIQ 19.00 15.20
21481 TOBACCO 4 Z LIQ 19.00 15.20
21482 VIRUSES 4 Z LIQ 19.00 15.20
31462 FOUNDATION FORMULA 120 TAB 24.95 24.95
42354 GREEN TEA EGCG 70% ULT 90 CAP 36.49 36.49
41403 OLIVE LEAF EXT 500 MG 120 CAP 44.00 44.00
36093 OSTEO SUPPORT W/IPRIF 120 TAB 30.45 30.45
31461 PHYTOGUARD 60 CAP 22.95 22.95
30858 ALMOND GLO SK LOT ALM 8 Z LOT 9.99 7.99
30859 ALMOND GLO SK LOT COCO 8 Z LOT 8.99 7.19
30860 ALMOND GLO SK LOT JASM 8 Z LOT 8.99 7.19
30861 ALMOND GLO SK LOT LAVE 8 Z LOT 8.99 7.19
56518 ALMOND GLO SK LOT ROSE 8 Z LOT 8.99 7.19
30863 ALMOND GLO SK LOT UNSC 8 Z LOT 8.99 7.19
30869 ANTIFUNGAL LOTION 4 Z LOT 9.99 7.99
30870 BLEMISH TREAT LOTION 4 Z LOT 9.99 7.99
63953 BODY LOTION EVERCLEN 8 Z LOT 15.58 12.78
30874 CASTOR OIL 16Z LIQ 9.99 7.99
30875 CASTOR OIL 32Z LIQ 15.49 12.39
51549 CELADRIN JOINT CRM 4 Z CRM 19.99 15.99
30876 DEODORANT ROLL ON HERB 3 Z ROL 7.99 6.39
Product Reference Guide: Company Listings
(Product Code, Name, Size, List, Discount Price)
Please Note: The prices in this listing are
the normal, day-to-day Willner Chemists
discounts. Be sure to check the Sale listings
for additional discounts!
See front page, or
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