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Since 1911
Willner Chemists: The Nutritional Supplement Professionals
The Willner Window Product Reference Catalog, Summer 2017
32617 CITRACAL PETITE 100 TAB 8.55 8.55
32615 CITRACAL PETITES 200 TAB 16.39 16.39
55802 ALANINE 500 MG 50 CAP 18 14.4
37191 ALL BASIC 677 MG 200 CAP 63.78 51.02
52207 ALL BASIC PLUS 100 CAP 39.95 31.96
37198 ATP 25 MG ENTERIC PREP 90 TAB 32 25.6
43682 B LONG SR 120 TAB 38.72 30.98
42589 GABA PURE 500 MG 100 CAP 21 16.8
67080 GLUTATHIONE RED 250 MG 60 CAP 48 38.4
44097 HISTIDINE 600 MG 50 CAP 32 25.6
61073 LEUCINE 500 MG 50 CAP 18 14.4
42209 LIVER PROTECT 180 CAP 88 70.4
37549 LYSINE HCI 500 MG 100 CAP 20 16
42597 N ACETYL L CARNITN 500 90 CAP 34 27.2
37204 PROLINE 500 MG PURE 100 CAP 31 24.8
45667 PROSTA PROTECT 100 CAP 48 38.4
52145 TAURINE 500 MG 100 CAP 18 14.4
39751 TRI PHOS B 25 90 TAB 28 22.4
55132 TRYPTOPHAN 500 MG 120 CAP 64 51.2
63994 GOATS RUE 60 CAP 24.95 22.45
62810 GREEN SALVE 1 Z SLV 8.95 8.05
60536 MORE MILK PLUS VCAP 60 VCA 23.95 21.55
60540 NIPPLE CREAM 1 Z CRM 9.95 8.95
60541 SITZ BATH CONCENTRATE 4 Z LIQ 17.95 16.15
63995 TATTOO CARE 1 Z CRM 9.95 8.96
52653 AQUAMELLA CRM PARAB FR 2 Z CRM 49.99 39.99
39597 CORDYCEPS SUPER 120 VTAB 39.95 31.96
39599 CORIOLUS SUPER (TURKY) 120 VTAB 32.95 26.36
39593 LIONS MANE SUPER 120 VTAB 29.95 23.96
67608 MAITAKE D FRACT EZ SPR 1 Z SPY 49.95 39.96
27776 MAITAKE D FRACTION 360 CAP 79.95 63.96
27775 MAITAKE D FRACTION 120 CAP 29.95 23.96
55819 MAITAKE D FRACTION 4X 120 TAB 99.95 79.95
29604 MAITAKE D FRACTION GRF 4 Z LIQ 39.95 31.96
29605 MAITAKE D FRACTION GRF 2 Z LIQ 22.95 18.36
34053 MAITAKE D FRACTION PRO 2 Z LIQ 89.95 71.96
25581 MAITAKE D FRACTION PRO 1 Z LIQ 49.95 39.96
59975 MAITAKE GRIFRON MUSHRO 120 CPL 34.95 27.96
28159 MAITAKE MAI GREEN TEA 20B TEA 8.95 7.16
59450 MESHIMA SUPER 120 TAB 39.95 31.96
34974 MUSHROOM EMPERORS 120 CAP 39.99 31.99
29678 PROST MATE W/MAITAKE 120 CAP 29.95 23.96
39595 REISHI SUPER 120 VTAB 29.95 23.96
39596 SHIITAKE SUPER 120 VTAB 24.95 19.96
59560 SKIN MATE PEARL SX FRAC 120 TAB 34.99 27.99
41910 SX FRACTION MAITAKE 270 VTAB 129.95 103.96
39598 TREMELLA SUPER 120 VTAB 29.95 23.96
17989 ADRENAL SUPPORT 1 Z LIQ 10.99 8.79
26950 ADRENAL SUPPORT 60 TAB 10.19 8.15
53626 ALLERGY & SINUS 60 TAB 9.79 7.83
22894 ALLERGY RELIEF 1 Z LIQ 9.99 7.99
51346 ALLERGY RELIEF 60 TAB 10.39 8.31
22885 ANIMAL HAIR DANDER DR 1 Z LIQ 12.59 10.07
60552 ARNICA CREAM THE RUB 4 Z CRM 12.79 10.23
17957 CANDIDA YEAST RELIEF 1 Z LIQ 10.39 8.31
34363 COLD & FLU CHILDRENS 1 Z LIQ 10.29 8.23
38681 COLD & SINUS W/ZINC .8Z SPY 12.19 9.75
50890 COLD AND FLU RELIEF 60 TAB 9.99 7.99
22882 DAIRY ALLERGIES 1 Z LIQ 12.69 10.15
22359 GRASS POLLEN 1 Z LIQ 12.59 10.07
36068 INDOOR ALLERGY 60 TAB 10.39 8.31
17978 INSOMNIA 1 Z LIQ 10.79 8.63
51699 INSOMNIA RELIEF 60 TAB 10.49 8.39
51310 LEG CRAMPS 60 TAB 9.99 7.99
22884 MOLD YEAST DUST 702 1 Z LIQ 12.59 10.07
36069 OUTDOOR ALLERGY 60 TAB 10.39 8.31
18014 PAIN RELIEF 60 TAB 9.99 7.99
36070 PET ALLERGY 60 TAB 9.79 7.83
22883 POLLEN HAYFEVER 701 1 Z LIQ 12.09 9.67
18001 SINUS 1 Z LIQ 9.99 7.99
32413 SINUS ALLERGY SPY 24ML 24 LIQ 12.59 10.07
51832 SMOKING WITHDRAWAL 60 TAB 9.89 7.91
51131 THYROID SUPPORT 60 TAB 9.99 7.99
22356 TREE POLLEN 1 Z LIQ 12.59 10.07
21819 BIFIDO FACTOR 4.5 PWD 49.95 39.95
24470 BIFIDO FACTOR DF 60 CAP 35.95 28.76
24655 BIFIDO FACTOR DF 3 Z PWD 45.95 36.76
37562 BIFIDO FACTOR DF CAP 90 CAP 51.95 41.56
36817 DIGESTALAC BULGARC D/F 60 VCAP 35.95 28.76
18019 DIGESTALAC BULGARC PWD 4.5 PWD 49.95 39.96
26006 HEALTHY TRINITY CAPS 30 CAP 69.95 55.96
39272 HEALTHY TRINITY CAPS 60 CAP 126.95 101.56
53100 LIFE START II ADUL VCA 60 VCA 49.99 39.99
24845 MEGADOPH DAIRY CAPS 90 CAP 51.95 41.56
18029 MEGADOPH DAIRY PWD 4.5 PWD 49.95 39.96
24401 MEGADOPH DF PWD 3 Z PWD 46.95 37.56
24429 MEGADOPH DF PWD .75 PWD 29.99 23.99
26628 MEGADOPHILUS D/F CAP 90 VCA 45.99 36.79
26394 YOGURT STARTER 1.7 PWD 16.95 13.56
55963 5 HTP 100 MG T/R 45 TAB 19.29 15.43
60574 5 HTP 200 MG TIME RELE 30 TAB 24.49 19.59
53046 ACAI 1000 MG 60 VCA 12.29 9.83
59618 ACAI BERRY 1200 MG 60 VCA 15.79 12.63
41306 ACIDOPHILUS 100 CAP 10.49 8.39
55922 ARGININE 3000 MG 90 TAB 19.29 15.43
10722 BILBERRY 40 60 CAP 13.99 11.19
59679 BIOTIN 10000 MCG MAX 100 TAB 16.99 13.59
50346 BRAINSPEED MEMORY 60 TAB 23.99 19.19
44177 CARB INTERCE W/PHASE 2 120 CAP 31.49 25.19
40609 CARB INTERCE W/PHASE 2 60 CAP 25.09 20.07
36699 CETYLPURE 120 CAP 31.49 25.19
10730 CHROMEMATE 200 90 CAP 12.29 9.83
56362 CINNAMON EXT 500 MG 80 TAB 9.99 7.99
28960 CLA TONALIN 1200 MG 90 SGC 27.19 21.75
29650 CLA TONALIN 1200 MG 60 SGC 19.39 15.51
67603 COGNIUM 60 TAB 32.99 26.39
26508 DHEA 25 MG 90 CAP 23.59 18.87
38818 DHEA 25 MG 300 TAB 28.89 23.11
65206 DHEA 25 MG TAB 180 TAB 19.29 15.43
41373 DHEA 50 MG 60 TAB 10.99 8.79
44342 DHT BLOCKER 60 TAB 45.49 36.39
54520 EASY C 500 VTAB 90 TAB 10.49 8.39
54517 EASY C 500 W/BIO VCAP 60 VCA 10.49 8.39
54518 EASY C 500 W/BIO VCAP 120 VCA 17.49 13.99
54519 EASY C 500 W/BIO VCAP 240 VCA 33.29 26.63
58378 EASY C REGENERATING 180 VCA 33.29 26.63
28433 GINKGO BILOBA 120 MG 60 CAP 16.49 13.19
65204 GINKGO BILOBA EXT 60 200 CAP 20.99 16.79
45208 GLUCOS CHOND MSM 90 TAB 29.99 23.99
32540 GREEN TEA 500 MG. 60 CAP 11.99 9.59
10761 GUARANA 200 90 CAP 10.49 8.39
50982 HYAL ACID MSM GLUCOS 90 CAP 20.99 16.79
31135 ISOFLAVONES SOY 60 CAP 7.89 6.31
67604 KRILL OIL 1000 ODORLES 30 SGC 27.09 21.67
40591 LIPOIC ACID 100 MG 100 CAP 10.49 8.39
30170 LIPOIC ACID 300 MG 50 CAP 12.29 9.83
50061 LIPOIC ACID 600 MG 30 CAP 12.29 9.83
57171 LIPOIC ACID 600 T/R 45 TAB 15.79 12.63
25632 MELATONIN 1 MG 90 TAB 7.89 6.31
67049 MELATONIN 1 MG T/R 90 TAB 8.79 0
65202 MELATONIN 10 FAST DISS 60 TAB 12.99 10.39
53746 MELATONIN 2.5 MG LIQ 8 Z LIQ 13.19 10.55
24706 MELATONIN 3 60 TAB 9.99 7.99
24707 MELATONIN 3 120 TAB 16.69 13.35
54000 MELATONIN 5 MG T/R 100 TAB 10.49 8.39
41211 MSM GLUCOS DBL STR. 90 TAB 13.19 10.55
34999 MSM GLUCOSAMINE CREAM 4 Z CRM 13.99 11.19
10767 MY FAV MULTI CAP 180 CAP 24.49 19.59
21232 MY FAV MULTI NO FE CAP 180 CAP 24.49 19.59
28413 MY FAV TAKE ONE W/O FE 60 TAB 16.69 13.35
55296 NIACIN 500 MG T/R 100 TAB 13.99 11.19
67244 OMEGA 3 1000 MG 150 SGC 12.29 9.83
58452 OMEGA 3 3 6 9 COMPLEX 90 SGC 13.99 11.19
54813 OMEGA 3 FISH OIL 1200 60 SGC 9.99 7.99
53049 OMEGA EXTREME FISH OIL 60 SGC 14.89 11.91
31441 QUERCETIN 250 MG 50 CAP 10.49 8.39
65205 RED YEAST RICE W/GARL 60 TAB 13.99 11.19
37875 SAM E 200 MG PER 2 CP 20 TAB 23.99 19.19
36583 SHEN MIN ADV WOMEN 60 TAB 39.69 31.75
34181 SHEN MIN ADVANCE MENS 60 TAB 39.69 31.75
28014 SHEN MIN HAIR NUTRIENT 90 TAB 33.99 27.19
29188 SHEN MIN TOPICAL 3 Z LIQ 22.69 18.15
41247 SLEEP N RESTORE 20 TAB 7.89 6.31
33355 WATER PILL CAP 60 CAP 9.99 7.99
30173 COUGH SYRUP CHILD A/F 8 Z LIQ 13.89 11.11
23775 EXPEC COUGH SYRUP 4 Z LIQ 8.49 6.79
18037 EXPEC COUGH SYRUP 8 Z LIQ 14.19 11.35
18038 EXPEC II COUGH SYRUP 8 Z LIQ 14.19 11.35
26564 NASAL SPRAY SALIN A 1.5 LIQ 9.99 7.99
24114 VEG PROTEIN PWD 26. PWD 36.79 29.43
21839 VEG PROTEIN SOY FR 14. PWD 20.99 16.79
22542 VEG PROTEIN SOY FR 29. PWD 36.79 29.43
27102 WEIGHT GAIN VAN NSA 40. PWD 39.89 31.91
18035 WEIGHT GAIN VAN NSA 16Z PWD 21.99 17.59
32485 COLON CLENZ 60 CAP 15.89 12.71
38723 COLON CLENZ ULTRA 60 CAP 18.39 14.71
25259 GINSENG POWER MAX 4X 2 Z LIQ 21.59 17.27
36081 MSM 1000 MG 240 CAP 33.79 27.03
25020 YOHIMBE POWER MAX 2000 100 VCA 45.29 36.23
36057 ANXIETY RELIEF 120 TAB 17.69 14.15
36058 APPETITE SUPP 60 CAP 16.79 13.43
38853 HEARALL 60 CAP 34.29 27.43
36059 KIDNEY CARE 60 CAP 17.39 13.91
36061 LUNG SAVER 60 CAP 19.09 15.27
51447 NERVE FIX 60 CAP 33.59 26.87
39931 OPTIALL 60 CAP 28.89 23.11
51795 REFLUX AWAY 60 CAP 24.39 19.51
39801 RING STOP 60 CAP 34.49 27.59
53664 RING STOP EAR DROPS .5Z LIQ 19.79 15.83
43863 SINUFIX 60 CAP 32.39 25.91
43864 SINUFIX MIST .5Z SPY 17.99 14.39
35276 VEIN GARD ULTRA 2.2 CRM 23.69 18.95
35758 VEIN GARD ULTRA 60 CAP 18.09 14.47
Product Reference Guide: Company Listings
(Product Code, Name, Size, List, Discount Price)
Who might benefit from this herbal supplement?
• Those with a weakened immune system; those who
frequently catch cold or flu
• Those undergoing chemotherapy; those with serious
conditions such as HIB and AIDS.
Phyto-Tech™ Mushroom Extract Complex contains: Shiitake
Mushroom, Reishi Mushroom, Maitake Mushroom, Fresh
Ashwagandha Root, Licorice Root, Deionized Water, Pure
Grain Alcohol.
Many claims are made concerning the immune enhancing
activity of various herbs and nutrients. Few such claims are as
well documented and supported by clinical evidence as are
those surrounding the mushrooms and their constituents. For
those in need of immune support, and those suffering from
serious health conditions, a mushroom extract should
definitely be at the top of the list when it comes to herbal
and nutritional support.
Mushroom Extract Complex is indicated for immune
deficiency and is considered especially valuable as a long-
term tonic. It can be used as a preventative when one either
wants to avoid or one already finds they are getting weaker
and becoming more prone to getting sick and fatigued. This is
especially true when stress is great and immune inundation is
heavy. This formula helps when one has debility and lethargy
of body, mind and spirit.
Mushroom Extract Complex is a specific for chemotherapy
where the white blood cell count and activity (phagocytosis)
is impaired or threatened. While the questions of whether or
not it is beneficial to take supplementation during cancer
treatment remains controversial, the consensus of opinion is
moving towards the positive, and the benefits of adaptoglenic
and immune enhancing herbs during such treatments is
gaining acceptance. Side effects are diminished and efficacy
of treatment is actually enhanced. However, it is
recommeded to consult with your physician before using
products of this type.
These organic mushrooms are a glucoaminoglycan extracts
(GAG) whereby the immuno-modulating polysaccharides are
first extracted in a water extraction process. The herb then
goes through an alcohol extraction process to remove other
immuno-modulating compounds that the water cannot
extract. The two liquids are combined to create a full
spectrum mushroom extract.
General usage: 20-60 drops, 2-3 times per day or as needed
in juice or water.
More severe immune deficiency: 60-120 drops 2 times per
day in juice or water.
Mushroom Immune Complex
A synergistic blend of 14 powerful organic
mushroom mycelia specifically chosen for their
powerful action on the immune system.
90 Veggie Caps - Product Code: 67461
Who might benefit from using this product?
• Those with health problems that will benefit from
enhanced and optimized immune function
• Those who are suffering from stress, fatigue, debility; those
affected by the stress of cancer therapy, recovery programs,
• Those with auto-immune disorders
Each 525 mg Phyto-Tech™ Mushroom Immune Complex
vegetarian capsule contains the following: Certified Organic
Mushroom Mycelium of: Maitake, Reishi, Turkey Tail
(Coriolus), Chaga, Cordyceps, Shiitake, Lions Mane, Poria
cocos, Fomes fomentarius, Agaricus blazei, Mesima, Tremella,
Velvet Foot, Zhu Ling (Polyporus umbellatus) in Vegetable
Capsules (pullulan).
This blend of mushroom mycelium can be characterized as
having the following properties: Immuno-Modulating,
Antioxidant, Anti-tumor, Anti-Inflammatory, Antidiabetic,
Antiviral, Antibiotic, Hepatoprotective
Mushroom Immune is a synergistic blend of 14 powerful
organic mushroom mycelia. The formula can be used as both
a preventative to maintain a strong immune system and
protect one from immune breakdown, and as a treatment for
those in the midst of immune deficiency, chronic stress and
fatigue, debility, illness, and disease.
Many diseases are linked to immune dysfunction, including
cancer, AIDS/HIV, hepatitis, chronic fatigue syndrome, and
autoimmune disorders. Medicinal mushrooms are believed to
have approximately 125 therapeutic effects including,
immunomodulating, antioxidant, antitumor, antiviral,
antibacterial, antiparasitic, hepatoprotective, and antidiabetic
properties. Many of the medicinal benefits of mushrooms are
derived from glucan polysaccharides and polysaccharide-
peptides found in their cell walls. Polysaccharides are long
molecule chains that have antitumor and immunostimulating
properties. They have been shown to activate the immune
response and potentiate a variety of immune cells including
host cells, such as monocytes, neutrophils, dendritic cells,
natural killer (NK) cells, and macrophages, plus chemical
messengers, such as interferons, cytokines, and interleukins.
Some polysaccharides act as immune system enhancers and
some have direct cytotoxic effects on cancer cells. Certain
immune cells have specific receptors for specific
polysaccharides present in mushrooms, such as Dectin-1, TLR
and CR3, which explains why mushrooms have such a
profound effect on immunity. Research has reported that
Product Reference Guide: Willner Chemists Phyto-Tech™ Herbal Supplements
. . . continued on page 78
Important Notice: The information given here is designed to help you make informed decisions about your health, and the proper use of dietary supplements. It is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, nor a substitute for any treatment
that may have been prescribed by your doctor. If you have a medical problem, you should seek medical help. Products described herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or mitigate disease.