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The Willner Window Product Reference Catalog, Summer 2017
Since 1911
Willner Chemists: The Nutritional Supplement Professionals
57588 ENZYME DEFEN (VIRA 2X) 90 CAP 72.99 65.69
59417 ENZYME DEFENSE 60 CAP 30.99 27.89
50294 ENZYME DEFENSE 120 CAP 52.99 47.69
65797 ENZYME NUTR WOMEN 50 + 60 VCA 29.99 26.99
67500 ENZYME NUTRI MULTI TWO 60 VCA 29.99 26.99
53831 GLUTENEASE 60 VCA 30.99 27.89
67279 GLUTENEASE EXTRA STREN 30 VCA 22.99 20.69
57183 LACTO 30 CAP 22.99 20.69
57573 LYPO GOLD 120 VCA 47.99 43.19
45197 MUCOSTOP 48 CAP 33.99 30.59
50114 NATTO-K 90 CAP 58.98 53.08
57149 REPAIR 60 CAP 35.99 32.39
58810 REPAIR GOLD 120 CAP 72.99 65.69
67281 REPAIR GOLD EMA 30 VCA 20.99 18.89
57146 SERRA GOLD 60 CAP 29.99 26.99
67280 TELOMERE PLUS 30 CAP 39.99 35.99
52310 VEGGIE GEST GASTRO 90 CAP 39.99 35.99
63360 BATH SALTS EUCAL ARNIC 22Z SLT 12.99 10.39
63361 BATH SALTS FRNCH LAVEN 22Z SLT 12.99 10.39
63209 BODY LOT COCO VAN TANG 8 Z LOT 8.99 7.19
63290 BODY LOT FRENCH LAVEND 8 Z LOT 8.99 7.19
63291 BODY LOT GRAPEFR MINT 8 Z LOT 8.99 7.19
63251 BODY LOT ROSE CHAMOMIL 8 Z LOT 8.99 7.19
67315 EVERYONE LOT 3 N 1 32Z LOT 10.99 8.79
51964 HAND SOAP FRENCH LAVEN 12Z LIQ 8.99 7.19
53896 HAND SOAP LEMON EUCAYP 12Z SOP 8.99 7.19
65994 CARDIO WELLNESS REGACT 60 CAP 55.5 49.95
65993 DETOX LIVER HLTH REGAC 60 VCA 50.8 45.72
58412 ESSENTIAL LIVING OILS 60 VCA 36.25 32.63
65995 IMMUNE & VITAL REGACT 60 CAP 50.8 45.72
55566 MAGOROKU SKIN CARE 1.7 CRM 38.45 34.6
54093 PROBIOTIC KAMPUKU SOAP 80G BAR 12.05 10.84
42709 PROBIOTICS ORIG FORM 30 CAP 36.25 32.63
44650 PROBIOTICS ORIG FORM 60 CAP 59.35 53.41
57224 PROBIOTICS PROF FORM 60 CAP 69.25 62.25
18998 BONE BUILDER 220 TAB 31.25 28.13
52966 BONE BUILDER CAP 220 CAP 32.75 26.2
17576 BONE BUILDER W/BORON 220 TAB 31.25 25
35155 BONE BUILDER W/MAG GLY 220 TAB 36.2 28.96
34204 MAXI PROS PLUS 225 TAB 49.95 39.96
60621 POST WORKOUT PWD CHOC 1.3 PWD 33.95 27.16
60503 POST WORKOUT PWD VAN 1.3 PWD 33.95 27.16
60200 PRE WORKOUT PWD GRAPE .66 PWD 24.95 19.96
60201 PRE WORKOUT PWD SAV LM .66 PWD 24.95 19.96
62769 7 SOURCES OMEGA 3 6 9 8.5 LIQ 19.99 16.99
62770 7 SOURCES OMEGA 3 6 9 F 17Z LIQ 35.99 30.59
51776 ADULT ENZY BLN ADV UDO 60 CAP 30.49 25.91
51775 ADULT ENZYME BLND UDO 60 CAP 24.49 20.81
61963 ADULT PROBIOTIC ADV 60 CAP 40.49 34.41
44692 ADULT PROBIOTIC ADV UDO 30 CAP 21.49 18.26
61961 ADULTS PROBIOTIC BLEND 120 CAP 40.49 34.41
51780 ADULTS PROBIOTIC UDOS 60 CAP 20.99 17.84
66708 BAOBITES BLOOD ORANGE 6.1 SNK 12.5 10.62
66707 BAOBITES PEACH MANGO 6.1 SNK 12.5 10.62
66706 BAOBITES POMEGRANATE 6.1 SNK 12.5 10.62
51779 CHILDRENS PROBIOTC UDO 60 CAP 16.49 14.01
60186 DHA 250 MG VEG ALGAE 60 SGC 31.49 26.76
51771 ENZYME BLEND DIGESTIVE 60 CAP 21.49 18.26
51769 FLAX OIL 32Z LIQ 33.79 28.72
30299 FLAX OIL 17Z LIQ 21.49 18.26
51903 FLAX OIL HIGH LIGN ORG 17Z LIQ 21.49 18.26
57541 FLAX OIL HIGH LIGNAN 8.5 LIQ 10.99 9.34
22607 FLOR ESSENCE DRY 2.2OZ 2.2 PWD 37.99 32.29
22518 FLOR ESSENCE LIQ 17OZ 17Z LIQ 37.99 32.29
52619 FLOR ESSENCE LIQUID 32Z LIQ 59.49 50.56
52374 GOJI BERRIES 8 Z MIS 12.49 10.61
51778 INFANT PROBIOTC BL UDO 2.6 PWD 19.49 16.56
27194 OLIVE OIL ORGANIC 17Z LIQ 17.79 15.12
37692 PET ESSEN FOR DOGS UDO 16Z PWD 21.99 18.69
35668 PUMPKIN SEED OIL 8.5 LIQ 20.99 17.84
65568 RED BEET CRYSTALS SALU 7 Z PWD 26.49 22.51
56123 SAMBU ELDERBERRY CONC 5.9 LIQ 17.49 14.86
56124 SAMBU GUARD KIDS 5.9 LIQ 20.49 17.41
54100 SAMBU GUARD LOZENGES 40 LOZ 12.99 11.04
42098 SESAME OIL 8.5 LIQ 9.99 8.49
40789 SILICA VEGETAL 90 CAP 19.49 16.56
40788 SILICA VEGETAL 180 CAP 35.49 30.16
53198 SUNFLOWER 17Z LIQ 14.79 12.57
32345 SUPER 5 PROBIOTC UDO’S 60 CHW 18.99 16.14
41935 SUPER 8 PROBIOTC UDO’S 30 CAP 22.49 19.11
61962 SUPER 8 PROBIOTIC UDOS 60 CAP 41.99 35.69
53394 SUPER BIFIDO+ PROBIOT 30 CAP 46.49 39.51
15546 SWEDISH BITTERS ALC FR 3.3 LIQ 11.49 9.76
15547 SWEDISH BITTERS ALC FR 8.5 LIQ 24.49 20.81
52969 UDO’S CHOICE DHA OIL 17Z LIQ 36.49 31.01
53393 UDO’S CHOICE DHA OIL 8.5 LIQ 20.99 17.84
43947 UDO’S CHOICE HIGH LIGN 17Z LIQ 28.99 24.64
51770 UDO’S CHOICE HIGH LIGN 8.5 LIQ 17.49 14.86
23862 UDO’S CHOICE OIL BLEND 8.5 LIQ 17.49 14.86
53392 UDO’S CHOICE OIL BLEND 32Z LIQ 47.49 40.36
24061 UDO’S CHOICE OIL BLEND 17Z LIQ 28.99 24.64
26794 UDO’S CHOICE OIL BLEND 90 CAP 20.49 17.41
26795 UDO’S CHOICE OIL BLEND 180 CAP 35.49 30.16
51300 ALPENKRAFT HERBAL 8.5 LIQ 20.99 16.79
41088 CAL MAG ZN/D/HRB LIQ 17Z LIQ 45.79 36.63
22978 CAL MAG ZN/D/HRB LIQ 8.5 LIQ 26.79 21.43
15531 CALCIUM LIQ 8.5Z 8.5 LIQ 26.79 21.43
15536 CHILD MULTIVITAMIN OZ 8.5 LIQ 24.49 19.59
15534 EPRESAT ADULT MULTI 8.5 LIQ 33.79 27.03
15535 EPRESAT ADULT MULTI 17Z LIQ 50.49 40.39
15529 FLORAVITAL FE/HERB YF 8.5 LIQ 26.79 21.43
15530 FLORAVITAL FE/HRB YF 17Z LIQ 45.79 36.63
15538 HERBAL BITTERS 8.5 LIQ 26.79 21.43
15525 IRON + HERBS 17OZ 17Z LIQ 45.79 36.63
15524 IRON + HERBS 8.5OZ 8.5 LIQ 26.79 21.43
61333 IRON TABS 10 MG 80 TAB 25.79 20.63
15533 MAGNESIUM LIQ 8.5Z 8.5 LIQ 26.79 21.43
55959 DIM PRO 75 MG 60 VCA 29.19 23.35
39484 DMG 125 MG AANGAMIK 90 TAB 34.79 27.83
66870 LIPOSOMAL D LIQUID 225 LIQ 12.99 10.39
66871 PROSTATE LIPOSOMAL LIQ 225 LIQ 24.99 19.99
22741 A PALMITATE 15 100 TAB 9.45 7.56
26426 ANTI ALLERGY 100 TAB 13.95 11.16
14630 B 50 SUPER QUINTS 100 TAB 16.8 13.44
14247 B COMPLEX NO PABA/FOL 250 TAB 23.8 19.04
14246 B COMPLEX NO PABA/FOL 100 TAB 11.9 9.52
14203 B1 100 100 TAB 9.8 7.84
14239 B12 500 100 LOZ 11.45 9.16
14240 B12 500 250 LOZ 23.9 19.12
14221 B6 50 250 TAB 17.6 14.08
22279 BETAINE HCL 300 100 TAB 10.9 8.71
20253 BETAINE HCL 300 250 TAB 21.8 17.44
26428 BIOTIN 2.5 MG 100 TAB 13.8 11.04
23674 BROMELAIN 500 MG 100 TAB 13.9 11.12
14299 BUFF C PWD CAL ASCORB 16Z PWD 47.9 38.32
14295 BUFF C TAB CAL ASCORB 100 TAB 12.95 10.36
14296 BUFF C TAB CAL ASCORB 250 TAB 26.9 21.52
14278 C 1000 100 TAB 13.45 10.76
14293 C 1000 T/R 250 TAB 31.9 25.56
14292 C 1000 T/R 100 TAB 15.95 12.76
14274 C 250 500 TAB 23.95 19.16
14273 C 250 100 TAB 7.6 6.08
14276 C 500 250 TAB 17.6 14.08
14275 C 500 100 TAB 8.8 7.04
14289 C 500 T/R 100 TAB 12.4 9.92
14269 C CRYSTALS 4 OZ 4 Z PWD 12.2 9.76
14268 C PWD DULL C 16 OZ 16Z PWD 38.75 31
38593 CAL CITRATE W/D 100 TAB 12.7 10.16
14310 CAL GLUCONATE 1# PWD 25.2 20.16
14312 CAL GLUCONATE 500 500 TAB 29.9 23.92
39842 CAL MAG 800/400 CHW 100 CHW 10.9 8.71
14318 CAL MAG SUPER 1000/500 500 TAB 32.9 26.32
14316 CAL MAG SUPER 1000/500 100 TAB 10.6 8.48
14317 CAL MAG SUPER 1000/500 250 TAB 21.2 16.96
14323 CAL PANTOTHENATE 200 100 TAB 9.5 7.6
14326 CAL PANTOTHENATE 545 100 TAB 13.9 11.12
14329 CAL PHOSPHATE PWD 1# PWD 19.5 15.6
14301 CALCIUM CARBONATE 650 100 TAB 10.4 8.32
14302 CALCIUM CARBONATE 650 250 TAB 20.8 16.64
14304 CALCIUM CITRATE 250 MG 100 TAB 11.95 9.55
14305 CALCIUM CITRATE 250 MG 250 TAB 23.9 19.12
14306 CALCIUM CITRATE 250 MG 500 TAB 39.8 31.84
14313 CALCIUM LACTATE 600 100 TAB 9.9 7.92
14251 CAROTENE 10000 TAB 100 TAB 14.8 11.84
14359 CHLOROPHYLL 20 100 TAB 10.9 8.71
14360 CHLOROPHYLL 20 250 TAB 21.8 17.44
14365 CHOLINE 650 100 TAB 12.1 9.68
14337 CHROMIUM 200 CHEL 100 TAB 8.1 6.48
14339 CHROMIUM 400 CHEL 100 TAB 10.6 8.48
14369 CITRUS BIOFLAV PWD 4 Z PWD 12.75 10.2
14374 COPPER 2 100 TAB 8.6 6.88
30272 COQ10 50 MG 50 TAB 28.95 23.16
59650 D2 2000 IU 100 TAB 11.9 9.52
32979 D2 400 I.U. DELTA 250 TAB 12.95 10.36
14383 D3 1000 500 TAB 25.5 20.4
14382 D3 1000 100 TAB 7.65 6.12
60894 D3 3000 IU TAB 250 TAB 23.8 19.04
14381 D3 400 USPU DELTA 500 TAB 21.1 16.88
14380 D3 400 USPU DELTA 250 TAB 11.6 9.28
58990 D3 5000 IU 100 TAB 15.3 12.24
14394 E 200 90 TAB 14.95 11.96
14411 E 400 H2O DISP MIXED 90 TAB 23.95 19.16
14449 FEM CAL 100 TAB 10.7 8.55
30108 FEM CAL CITRATE 250 TAB 23.8 19.04
14415 FERROUS FUMARATE 300 250 TAB 14.9 11.92
14417 FLAVONS 500 100 TAB 12.9 10.32
14429 FREEDAVITE 100 TAB 8.75 7
38221 GERI FREEDA IRON FREE 250 TAB 27.9 22.32
38220 GERI FREEDA IRON FREE 100 TAB 13.95 11.16
38215 GINKGO BILOBA 60 MG 100 TAB 19.9 15.92
43135 GLUCOSAMIN 500 NO SHEL 250 TAB 45.8 36.64
50295 GLUCOSAMIN 500 NO SHEL 100 TAB 22.9 18.32
14461 GLYCINE 1# PWD 28.95 23.16
62833 GUAR GUM PWD 8 Z PWD 15.95 12.76
14474 HI VEGI LIP 250 TAB 51.2 40.96
Product Reference Guide: Company Listings
(Product Code, Name, Size, List, Discount Price)
Ginger Immune Tonic
A Blend of Ginger and other Immune Modulating
4 fl oz - Product Code: 57012
Each 1/2 Teaspoon contains Ginger Root 271 mg, Elderberry
Fruit 90 mg, Fresh Ginger Root 44 mg, Fresh Echinacea
angustifolia Root 27 mg and Vitamin C 60 mg, in a base of
vegetable glycerine, honey, purified water. Each serving is
equivalent to 6,000 mg of fresh Ginger. All herbs are certified
Suggested Dose:
1/2 to 1 teaspoonful as needed. Can be diluted in hot water.
Shake well before using.
Ginger Root 1:1.5
This herb supports the digestive and circulatory
systems, and has been shown to be especially
helpful in alleviating nausea and equilibrium
1 fl oz - Product Code: 56995
90 Veggie Caps - Product Code: 60127
Who can benefit from this supplement?
• Those who suffer from nausea (pregnancy, motion
sickness), digestive insufficiency and poor circulation.
Phyto-Tech™ Ginger Root 1:1.5 provides 667 mg of certified
organic Fresh Ginger Root per 30 drops.
Also available as a veggie cap, with each Phyto-Tech™ Ginger
capsule containing 500 mg of certified organic Ginger Root
(Zingiber officinalis). (Product code: 60127)
Ginger Tonic
A soothing ginger formula, especially valuable for
conditions involving nausea, digestive problems,
and inflammation.
4 fl oz - Product Code: 57015
Who might benefit from this supplement?
• Those suffering from nausea due to motion sickness or
• Those with digestive discomfort and those with arthritis
and other inflammatory problems.
Ginger is well known for alleviating nausea due to motion
sickness, pregnancy, surgery, chemotherapy and other
reasons. It can be taken before a nauseating event or on an
ongoing basis if nauseous all the time. Several studies in
humans have shown positive results for ginger’s effectiveness
in reducing nausea and vomiting.
Ginger Tonic is also a useful digestive aid that will increase
digestive enzymes and speed up the transit time of food that
is slow.
Ginger also has the ability to inhibit nuclear factor-kB (NF-
kB), cyclooxygenase (COX) and lipooxygenase (LOX) enzymes
and as a result helps reduce pain and inflammation in
arthritic joints. In three placebo-controlled clinical trials for
the treatment of osteoarthritis, ginger rhizome showed
significant efficacy compared to placebo. For pain and
inflammation, ginger can be used as an alternative to NSAIDs
like ibuprofen without the damaging gastrointestinal side
effects that NSAIDs commonly have. Ginger has anti-ulcer
effects and can helps protect the intestinal mucosa from
Ginger Tonic has a vasodilating action, and will increase
circulation and warm one up.
Phyto-Tech™ Ginger Tonic contains Ginger Root Dry, Ginger
Root Fresh, Glycerin Vegetable, Honey, Water Pure
Ginkgo Biloba Leaf
One of the most widely researched herbs in recent
years, Ginkgo biloba has been associated with
memory, increased cerebral and peripheral
1 fl oz - Regular - Product Code: 56961
Alcohol Free - Product Code: 57024
90 Veggie Caps - Product Code: 60131
Who can benefit from this supplement?
• Those suffering from memory loss, early stage dementia
(Alzheimer’s disease), tinnitus, vertigo, inability to
concentrate, circulatory problems.
Phyto-Tech™ Ginkgo Biloba Leaf 1:1.15 contains 667 mg of
ethically wild harvested Fresh and Dry Ginkgo biloba Leaf per
30 drops, in both alcohol and alcohol-free versions.
Also available in a vegetarian capsule form. Each Phyto-
Tech™ Ginkgo veggie cap contains 60 mg of standardized
Ginkgo biloba Leaf Extract (24% ginkgo flavonglycosides and
6% terpene lactones) and 400 mg of certified organic Ginkgo
biloba leaf. This provides for an optimal standardized and full
spectrum phytotherapeutic approach.
Ginseng, American
See American Ginseng
Ginseng, Chinese Red
See Chinese Red Ginseng
. . . continued on page 55
Important Notice: The information given here is designed to help you make informed decisions about your health, and the proper use of dietary supplements. It is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, nor a substitute for any treatment
that may have been prescribed by your doctor. If you have a medical problem, you should seek medical help. Products described herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or mitigate disease.
Product Reference Guide: Willner Chemists Phyto-Tech™ Herbal Supplements