Willner Winter Sale 2017 - page 28

Page 28
The Willner Window Product Reference Catalog, Winter 2017
Since 1911
Willner Chemists: The Nutritional Supplement Professionals
63123 GREEN SUPERFD PK BR RW 8GR PAK 2.00 1.75
57520 GREEN SUPERFOOD CH PB 60G BAR 3.00 2.55
60807 GREEN SUPERFOOD CHOC 7.4 PWD 29.99 25.49
60809 GREEN SUPERFOOD ENERGY 7.4 PWD 29.99 25.49
60811 GREEN SUPERFOOD ORAC 7.4 PWD 29.99 25.49
60810 GREEN SUPERFOOD ORANGE 8.5 PWD 29.99 25.49
60806 GREEN SUPERFOOD ORIG 8.5 PWD 29.99 25.49
60812 GREEN SUPERFOOD RAW RES 8.5 PWD 39.99 33.49
60808 GREEN SUPRFD BERRY GRN 8.5 PWD 29.99 25.49
67107 GREEN SUPRFD DK CH SLT 1.6 BAR 3.00 2.55
60804 WHEAT GRASS PWD ORGAN 8.5 PWD 26.99 22.94
62149 WHEAT GRASS PWD ORGANI 17Z PWD 45.99 39.09
60781 BLACK SEED 500 MG 100 CAP 20.65 16.52
60782 BLACK SEED 500 MG SGC 90 SGC 28.00 22.40
61855 BLACK SEED OIL 4 Z LIQ 23.95 19.16
18090 ADRENAL 160 MG 120 TAB 24.61 19.69
37842 BRAIN POWER ULTRA 90 CAP 56.26 45.01
24913 INFLA ZYME FORTE 500 TAB 123.00 98.40
18086 INFLA ZYME FORTE 180 TAB 48.26 38.61
18085 INFLA ZYME FORTE 90 TAB 28.85 23.08
45089 LITHIUM 100 CAP 11.20 8.96
36979 TAURINE PLUS 1 Z LIQ 30.60 24.48
18094 THYROID 90 TAB 32.25 25.80
50633 AVE WHEAT GERM ORANGE 30 PWD 199.95 179.95
44707 HP8 HERBAL PROST SUPP 70 VCA 49.95 39.96
36387 IMMPOWER 30 CAP 54.95 43.96
27111 ACEROLA + 500 MG SUPE 250 TAB 31.49 25.19
44138 ACEROLA + SUPER C 500 100 CHW 16.79 13.43
23863 ACIDOPH CHEW BLUEBERRY 100 CHW 10.49 8.39
51058 ACIDOPH CHW MIXED FLAV 100 CHW 10.49 8.39
22761 ACIDOPH CHW STRAW 100 CHW 10.49 8.39
23835 ACIDOPH LIQ PLAIN 16Z LIQ 14.19 11.35
51641 ACIDOPH LIQ STRAW 16Z LIQ 14.19 11.35
38591 APPLE CIDER VINEGAR 200 TAB 9.49 7.59
63724 BLUE GREEN ALGA 500 MG 120 CAP 33.09 26.47
59638 DIGEST HPE 90 VCA 39.99 31.99
24764 E P O 1300 ROYAL BRIT 120 SGC 33.09 26.47
23435 E P O 500 ROYAL BRITT 100 SGC 19.99 15.99
55045 E P O 500 ROYAL BRITT 200 SGC 36.59 29.27
24763 E P O ROYAL BRIT 1300 60 SGC 17.69 14.15
55935 ENZYME PROBIOTIC CMP 90 VCA 20.99 16.79
60848 ESTER C 1000 EFFER PWD 21 PAK 12.99 10.39
54640 ESTER C 1000 MG W/CITR 90 CAP 27.39 21.91
53077 ESTER C 1000 W/BIO TAB 90 TAB 22.09 17.67
53074 ESTER C 1000 W/BIO TB 120 TAB 29.39 23.51
64108 ESTER C 1000 W/BIO VEG 180 TAB 39.99 31.99
59639 ESTER C 1000 W/D3 5000 60 TAB 17.89 14.31
60847 ESTER C 1000 W/PROBIOT 60 TAB 20.99 16.79
53792 ESTER C 250 MG CHW 125 WAF 16.09 12.87
53076 ESTER C 500 MG CAP 120 CAP 17.39 13.91
54971 ESTER C 500 MG TAB VEG 225 TAB 23.19 18.55
53075 ESTER C 500 W/BIO CAP 240 CAP 33.39 26.71
53084 ESTER C 500 W/BIO CAP 120 CAP 18.39 14.71
55845 ESTER C 500 W/BIO CAP 60 CAP 10.59 8.47
53080 ESTER C 500 W/BIO TAB 225 TAB 24.19 19.35
53083 ESTER C 500 W/BIO TAB 90 TAB 12.39 9.91
53081 ESTER C 500 W/BIO VCAP 240 VCA 38.39 30.71
53079 ESTER C 500 W/BIO VCAP 120 VCA 19.99 15.99
53082 ESTER C 500 W/BIO VCAP 60 VCA 11.89 9.51
55044 ESTER C LIQ 250 MG BER 8 Z LIQ 18.99 15.19
53793 ESTER C W/BIOFLAV PWD 4 Z PWD 17.39 13.91
54990 ESTER C W/BIOFLAV PWD 8 Z PWD 31.59 25.27
57763 ESTER C W/CRANBERRY 90 TAB 17.89 14.31
17131 PAPAYA ENZ PLUS SUPER 180 CHW 13.09 10.47
24445 PAPAYA ENZ PLUS SUPER 360 CHW 21.99 17.59
26518 PAPAYA ENZYME ORIGINAL 600 CHW 20.99 16.79
44115 PAPAYA ENZYME ORIGINAL 100 CHW 5.99 4.79
22544 PAPAYA ENZYME ORIGINAL 250 CHW 10.49 8.39
62268 PAPAYA ENZYME SUPER + 12 CHW 0.99 0.79
33714 PAPAYA ENZYME W/CHLOR 600 CHW 21.99 17.59
25038 PAPAYA ENZYME W/CHLOR 250 CHW 12.09 9.67
57881 PROBIOTIC CD 12 BILL 60 TAB 31.49 25.19
26532 TAM HERBAL LAXATIVE 250 TAB 14.39 11.51
35390 ECO DENT DAILY CARE MT 2 Z PWD 5.99 4.79
28351 ECO DENT DENTAL FLOSS 100 FLO 5.49 4.39
28743 ECO DENT TARTAR GUARD 2 Z PWD 6.79 5.43
29999 MOUTHCARE ULT CLN MINT 8 Z LIQ 8.49 6.79
27951 TPST ECO DENT W/ANISE 2 Z PWD 6.49 5.19
36958 BETA GLUCAN 1 3 500 MG 100 CAP 17.49 17.49
36107 BIOPERINE 5 MG 60 TAB 4.99 4.99
66877 CURCUMIN C3 CMP 500 MG 90 CPL 25.99 25.99
35328 CURCUMINOIDS 500 MG 90 CAP 23.39 23.39
51079 CURCUMN C3 CMP 1000 MG 60 CPL 34.99 34.99
38914 FORSLEAN EXTREME 90 CAP 25.99 25.99
35335 HGH DOPA 400 250 CAP 34.99 34.99
36961 INDOLE 3 CARBINOL 60 CAP 14.99 14.99
35332 LACTOSPORE FLORA 60 CPL 7.99 7.99
35336 TRIBULUS 45 60 CAP 13.99 13.99
42024 PILL BOX CONTOUR X-LG EA MIS 3.10 2.48
65879 PILL CONTAIN POCK 2PK 2PK MIS 3.99 3.99
31205 PILL CUTTER EA MIS 4.99 4.99
41952 PILL REMIND 14 DAY AL EA EA 9.82 7.86
42328 PILL REMIND 7 SIDE LG EA MIS 5.19 4.17
59877 PILL REMIND AMPM 3X LK EA MIS 8.89 8.89
27544 PILL REMINDER JUM 2XL EA BOX 3.95 3.16
28639 PILL REMINDER JUM 3XL EA MIS 4.50 3.69
24419 PILL REMINDER LG EA BOX 2.50 1.99
27543 PILL REMINDER X-LG EA BOX 3.00 2.49
66176 FLORAPHAGE 90 CAP 69.99 55.99
60917 NEPRINOL 90 CAP 79.99 71.99
60916 NEPRINOL 150 CAP 109.99 98.99
60915 NEPRINOL 300 CAP 199.99 179.99
60920 SYNTOL 90 CAP 59.99 53.99
60918 SYNTOL 360 CAP 169.99 152.99
57464 NUTRASEA + D 200 LIQ 27.99 27.99
51389 NUTRASEA ORIG LEM 200M 200 LIQ 26.99 26.99
51390 NUTRASEA ORIGINAL 500M 500 LIQ 49.99 49.99
59722 NUTRAVEGE 200 ML 200 LIQ 37.99 37.99
32425 MSM CRM 2 Z CRM 9.29 7.43
33453 SOAP MSM MOIST BAR 3 Z BAR 6.29 5.03
28592 VAGINAL MOISURIZING GL 1.5 GEL 9.79 7.83
28593 WILD YAM CREAM 2 Z CRM 17.79 14.23
62971 AGE DEFY THERAP CLEANS 3.4 LIQ 14.95 14.95
51510 AGE DEFY THERAP SERUM 10M LIQ 14.95 14.95
66154 CALM SKIN THERAP MOIST 50M CRM 22.50 22.50
63696 CALMING SKIN CLEANSER 3.4 LIQ 14.95 14.95
66359 CLARIFY THERAPY MOIST 50M CRM 16.95 16.95
66155 CLEAR SKIN CMP CLAR TH 22M GEL 9.99 9.99
44024 COLLAGEN TCM MOISTURIZ 2 Z CRM 22.50 22.50
66158 CONDIT GREEN TEA MAND 11Z LIQ 10.93 10.93
66358 CONDIT ROSA MOSQUETA 11Z LIQ 14.99 14.99
40282 CONDITIONER GPB 16Z LIQ 17.83 17.83
42775 DEOD ROLL ON E/HIGH C 3 Z ROL 7.50 7.50
51134 HAND BODY LOT EPO 8 Z LOT 13.95 13.95
43987 HAND BODY LOT ROS MASQ 8 Z LOT 12.95 12.95
62970 MOIST REVITAL THERAPY 1.7 CRM 22.50 22.50
64166 REVITAL THERAPY CLNS 3.4 LIQ 14.95 14.95
56272 REVITAL THERAPY SERUM .36 OIL 12.98 12.98
40279 SHAMPO HERBAL PRIM TTO 16Z LIQ 13.70 13.70
66228 SHAMPOO GREEN TEA 11Z LIQ 10.48 10.48
40292 SHAMPOO HERBAL ROSA 11Z LIQ 9.98 9.98
66229 SHAMPOO HONEYSUCK ROSE 11Z LIQ 10.48 10.48
45471 SHAMPOO JAY 11Z LIQ 10.78 10.78
40278 SHAMPOO JAY JOJOBA ALO 16Z LIQ 15.48 15.48
26416 ALMOND OIL SWEET 4 Z LIQ 5.60 4.48
23833 ALMOND OIL SWEET 16OZ 16Z LIQ 17.45 13.96
62999 ARGAN DAY FACE OIL SER 1 Z LIQ 19.99 15.99
61089 ARGAN OIL SPRAY 1 Z SPY 14.99 11.99
63389 AWAKENING YOGA MIST 4 Z SPY 9.99 7.99
56174 BALSAM OIL .5Z OIL 10.49 8.39
24866 BASIL OIL ESSENTIAL .5Z LIQ 11.59 9.27
23830 CHAMOMILE WILD ESSEN .5Z LIQ 45.69 36.55
61889 CHILL PILL MIST 2 Z SPY 7.99 6.39
23681 CINNAMON OIL LEAF .5Z LIQ 8.49 6.79
24237 CITRONELLA ESS OIL .5Z LIQ 3.89 3.11
23566 CLOVE OIL .5OZ .5Z LIQ 7.59 6.07
66793 COMFORT ESS OIL BLEND .5Z LIQ 9.99 7.99
61890 COOL HOTTIE MIST 2 Z SPY 7.99 6.39
23870 CYPRESS OIL .5Z LIQ 8.99 7.19
61044 EMPTY MIST BOTTLE W/CP 4 Z BOT 2.99 2.39
63394 ENLIGHTENING CROWN STK .31 STK 15.99 12.79
23868 EUCALYPTUS OIL .5Z LIQ 5.59 4.47
23750 EUCALYPTUS OIL 2 Z 2 Z LIQ 17.69 14.15
63395 EXPRESSIVE THROAT STK .31 STK 15.99 12.79
61891 FIRST RESPONSE MIST 2 Z SPY 7.99 6.39
23615 FRANKENCENSE ESS OIL .5Z LIQ 28.39 22.71
22190 GERANIUM ESS OIL .5OZ .5 LIQ 17.89 14.31
26296 GINGER ESS OIL .5Z LIQ 14.15 11.32
23456 GRAPEFRUIT ESS OIL .5Z LIQ 9.85 7.88
63396 GROUNDING RT AROMA STK .31 STK 15.99 12.79
66795 HELICHRYSUM ESSEN OIL .5Z LIQ 15.99 12.79
66794 INDULGE ESS OIL BLEND .5Z LIQ 9.99 7.99
63397 INSIGHTFUL THIRD EYE .31 STK 15.99 12.79
23832 JUNIPER OIL .5OZ .5Z LIQ 22.49 17.99
23867 LEMON ESS OIL .5Z LIQ 5.19 4.15
22533 LEMON ESSENTIAL OIL 2 Z LIQ 17.69 14.15
56175 LEMON EUCALYPTUS AUC/.5 .5Z OIL 5.69 4.55
Product Reference Guide: Company Listings
(Product Code, Name, Size, List, Discount Price)
Please Note: The prices in this listing are
the normal, day-to-day Willner Chemists
discounts. Be sure to check the Sale listings
for additional discounts!
See back page, or
BPH Complex
This herbal supplement was designed to
support prostate function and the male
reproductive system.
1 fl oz - Prod Code: 57085
Who would benefit from this supplement?
•Men with benign prostatic hyperplasia, elevated PSA levels,
Phyto-Tech™ BPH Complex contains the following herbs:
Saw Palmetto Berry, Fresh Nettle Root, Red Root, Sarsaparilla
Root, Fresh Turmeric Root, Dong Quai Root.
Phyto-Tech™ BPH Complex is actually designed for use as a
male prostate tonic to help prevent benign prostatic hyper-
plasia (BPH) that is common to most men in mid-life and on.
It will help reduce prostate swelling, keep testosterone
healthy and help maintain a healthy libido. It also helps the
dull ache, urine dribbling, weak urine flow, waking at night
to urinate and can help men who have the inability to main-
tain an erection.
For those who actually have BPH, Phyto-Tech™ BPH
Complex will help bring the prostate back into a healthy
state and help reduce all the symptoms that accompany
Phyto-Tech™ BPH Complex can be used as a long-term
tonic. It is a good idea for most men to treat their reproduc-
tive tracts annually with Phyto-Tech™ BPH Complex once
they are over 50 years of age. This is when most prostate
problems arise. Using Phyto-Tech™ BPH Complex for 1-2
months once per year is a wise male preventative treatment
for maintaining a healthy prostate throughout a life. Since
prostate swelling is so prevalent in society, it makes sense to
use this male tonic as a preventative.
30-60 drops, 2-3 times per day or as needed in
juice or water.
Complimentary Formulas:
•Phyto-Tech™ Saw Palmetto Berry 1:3 (for increased poten-
Brain Bio Boost Complex
Supports healthy cognitive function, focus
and memory, increasing overall cognitive ability
and vitality. The elderly find this formula
especially helpful.
1 fl oz - Prod Code: 57071
Who would benefit from this supplement?
•Those with memory loss, confusion, Alzheimer’s disease,
dizziness, tinnitus, ADHD and ADD. This is an ideal supple-
ment for college students and others facing demanding men-
tal challenge. It is best used long-term.
Phyto-Tech™ Brain Bio Boost Complex contains the following
herbs: Gotu Kola Leaf, Ginkgo Leaf, Green Tea, Codonopsis
Root, Licorice Root, Rhodiola Root.
Phyto-Tech™ Brain Bio Boost Complex is a blend of herbs
thought to increase overall cognitive ability, energy and vitali-
ty. It improves memory and concentration. It is indicated for
those with age-related cognitive decline as well as for those
who are faced with heavy cognitive demands, such as col-
lege students It can help in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
Disorder (ADHD) by helping one pay attention, sit still and
process information.
Supportive Information:
Ginkgo is for cerebral vascular insufficiency and works by
cerebral and peripheral blood flow. As one gets older, blood
flow to the brain and to peripheral tissue decreases with
these resulting symptoms. Diminished cerebral circulation
can also result in vertigo, ringing in the ear, Alzheimer’s
symptoms, forgetfulness and depression. Ginkgo can help all
of this. Ginkgo is famous in assisting memory, focus and cog-
Gotu Kola reduces adrenal corticosterone blood levels during
stress. It is high in flavonoids and studies show it helps in
capillary fragility and strengthens vascular integrity in the
brain and throughout the body. It is a cognitive stimulating
herb for use in fatigue, confusion and general lethargy. It is
helpful for those exhausted from emotional upheaval or
excessive work habits.
Green Tea is a potent antioxidant that binds with free radi-
cals to neutralize their harmful effects. Green Tea is rich in
polyphenols and one in particular called a catechin.
Catechins are 40 to 200 times more effective in seeking out
and destroying free radicals than Vitamin A, C and E.
Studies demonstrate the antioxidant effects of green tea cate-
chins improve overall reference and working-memory related
learning ability. Green Teas polyphenols are also believed to
help ward off neurodegenerative diseases such as
Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s by protecting neurons against
the harmful effects of reative oxygen species (ROS) and nitric
oxide (NO).
Rhodiola stimulates the activity of serotonin, dopamine, and
norepineprhine in the cerebral cortex, brain stem and hypo-
thalamus, and increases the permeability of the blood brain
barrier to precursors of dopamine and serotonin. This
enhances the effects of these neurotansmitters on the brain
and improves cognitive functions (thinking, analyzing, evalu-
ating, calculating and planning), learning, attention span,
memory and work productivity. Rhodiola also relieves fatigue
and normalizes mood in depressed individuals, and has
antioxidant properties that help protect the nervous system
from oxidative damage. By stimulating cognitive function,
improving resistance to stress and fighting free radicals,
Rhodiola can have immediate effects on cognitive function
and memory and can also provide long-term support to help
preserve future brain functions.
Codonopsis is very similar to ginseng, but milder and more
neutral in energy. It increases stamina and alertness and
keeps the body and mind strong when under stress.
. . . continued on page 30
Important Notice: The information given here is designed to help you make informed decisions about your health, and the proper use of dietary supplements. It is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, nor a substitute for any treatment
that may have been prescribed by your doctor. If you have a medical problem, you should seek medical help. Products described herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or mitigate disease.
Product Reference Guide: Willner Chemists Phyto-Tech™ Herbal Supplements
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