Willner Autumn Sale 2015 - page 54

Page 54
The Willner Window Product Reference Catalog, Autumn, 2015
since 1911
• Willner Chemists •
the nutritional supplement professionals
20042 VIRA PLEX 80 TAB 19.95 15.96
42783 WHOLE BODY CLEANSE KIT KIT 29.95 23.96
24653 YEAST BALANCE 90 SGC 30.00 24.00
51603 YOUTHFUL YOU DHEA 5 MG 60 CAP 7.50 6.00
59483 ACID SOOTHE 90 CAP 24.99 19.99
58780 ALLERASE 60 VCA 24.99 19.99
45199 CANDIDASE 84 CAP 51.99 41.79
57580 CARBGEST 60 CAP 30.99 24.79
65791 DAIRY ASSIST 30 VCA 12.99 10.39
52697 DIGEST 180 CAP 52.99 42.39
45198 DIGEST GOLD 90 CAP 47.99 38.39
57587 DIGEST GOLD 180 VCA 84.99 67.99
62574 DIGEST GOLD 240 CAP 105.99 84.79
58919 DIGEST GOLD + PROBIOTI 90 CAP 56.99 45.59
59562 DIGEST SPECTRUM 90 CAP 42.99 34.39
57588 ENZYME DEFEN (VIRA 2X) 90 CAP 72.99 58.39
59417 ENZYME DEFENSE 60 CAP 30.99 24.79
50294 ENZYME DEFENSE 120 CAP 52.99 42.39
65796 ENZYME NUTR WOMEN 50 + 120 VCA 49.99 39.99
65797 ENZYME NUTR WOMEN 50 + 60 VCA 29.99 23.99
65792 ENZYME NUTRITION MENS 60 VCA 29.99 23.99
65793 ENZYME NUTRITION MENS 120 VCA 49.99 39.99
65795 ENZYME NUTRITION WOMEN 120 VCA 49.99 39.99
65794 ENZYME NUTRITION WOMEN 60 VCA 29.99 23.90
53831 GLUTENEASE 60 VCA 30.99 24.79
57183 LACTO 30 CAP 22.99 18.39
54546 LYPO GOLD 60 CAP 28.99 23.19
57573 LYPO GOLD 120 VCA 47.99 38.39
45197 MUCOSTOP 48 CAP 33.99 27.19
57149 REPAIR 60 CAP 35.99 28.79
58810 REPAIR GOLD 120 CAP 72.99 58.39
57146 SERRA GOLD 60 CAP 29.99 23.99
52310 VEGGIE GEST GASTRO 90 CAP 39.99 31.99
63360 BATH SALTS EUCAL ARNIC 22Z SLT 12.99 10.39
63361 BATH SALTS FRNCH LAVEN 22Z SLT 12.99 10.39
63359 BATH SALTS HINOKI GING 22Z SLT 12.99 10.39
63209 BODY LOT COCO VAN TANG 8 Z LOT 8.99 7.19
63290 BODY LOT FRENCH LAVEND 8 Z LOT 8.99 7.19
63291 BODY LOT GRAPEFR MINT 8 Z LOT 8.99 7.19
63251 BODY LOT ROSE CHAMOMIL 8 Z LOT 8.99 7.19
63166 FACE & MAKE UP REMOVE 30 PAD 6.99 5.59
51964 HAND SOAP FRENCH LAVEN 12Z LIQ 8.99 7.19
53896 HAND SOAP LEMON EUCAYP 12Z SOP 8.99 7.19
63037 LAX KIDS SYRUP 5 Z LIQ 22.39 20.15
63041 PROPOLIS THROAT SPRAY 20M SPY 14.99 13.49
65994 CARDIO WELLNESS REGACT 60 CAP 55.50 49.95
65993 DETOX LIVER HLTH REGAC 60 VCA 50.80 45.72
58412 ESSENTIAL LIVING OILS 60 VCA 36.25 32.63
65995 IMMUNE & VITAL REGACT 60 CAP 50.80 45.72
55566 MAGOROKU SKIN CARE 1.7 CRM 38.45 34.60
54093 PROBIOTIC KAMPUKU SOAP 80G BAR 12.05 10.84
42709 PROBIOTICS ORIG FORM 30 CAP 36.25 32.63
44650 PROBIOTICS ORIG FORM 60 CAP 59.35 53.41
60339 PROBIOTICS PROF FORM 30 CAP 39.55 35.60
57224 PROBIOTICS PROF FORM 60 CAP 69.25 62.25
59106 BRUSHING RINSE ORG PEP 16Z LIQ 13.49 13.49
59105 BRUSHING RINSE ORG PEP 4 Z LIQ 6.75 6.75
18998 BONE BUILDER 220 TAB 29.75 26.77
36367 BONE BUILDER MAG/BOR/D 120 TAB 21.10 16.88
17576 BONE BUILDER W/BORON 220 TAB 26.99 21.56
33457 BONE BUILDER W/MAG GLY 120 TAB 17.49 13.99
38716 INTESTINAL CARE D/F .45 PWD 17.95 14.36
34204 MAXI PROS PLUS 225 TAB 49.95 39.96
36542 THYRO VITAL 180 TAB 39.90 31.92
60503 POST WORKOUT PWD VAN 1.3 PWD 39.95 31.95
60200 PRE WORKOUT PWD GRAPE .66 PWD 22.95 18.36
60201 PRE WORKOUT PWD SAV LM .66 PWD 22.95 18.36
22494 LECITHIN GRANULES 16OZ 16Z PWD 11.59 9.27
23296 LECITHIN LIQUID 16OZ 16 LIQ 6.62 5.29
65386 JAXX SHAKER 28Z MIS 8.99 8.09
64575 JAXX SHAKER 20 OZ 20Z MIS 8.49 7.64
62769 7 SOURCES OMEGA 3 6 9 8.5 LIQ 19.99 15.99
62770 7 SOURCES OMEGA 3 6 9 F 17Z LIQ 35.99 28.79
51775 ADULT ENZYME BLND UDO 60 CAP 24.49 19.59
61963 ADULT PROBIOTIC ADV 60 CAP 40.49 32.39
44692 ADULT PROBIOTIC ADV UDO 30 CAP 21.49 17.19
61961 ADULTS PROBIOTIC BLEND 120 CAP 40.49 32.39
51780 ADULTS PROBIOTIC UDOS 60 CAP 20.99 16.79
45053 BETA GLUCAN 60 CAP 73.79 59.03
51779 CHILDRENS PROBIOTC UDO 60 CAP 16.49 13.19
65481 CIRCUVEIN VCAP 60 VCA 27.49 21.99
60186 DHA 250 MG VEG ALGAE 60 SGC 31.49 25.19
26758 DIGEST ENZYMES UDO’S 90 VCA 29.49 23.59
53391 FLAX O MEGA FLAX OIL 90 CAP 13.79 11.03
24966 FLAX O MEGA FLAX OIL 180 CAP 25.79 20.63
30299 FLAX OIL 17Z LIQ 21.49 17.19
51769 FLAX OIL 32Z LIQ 33.79 27.03
34601 FLAX OIL GOLD 8.5 LIQ 10.99 8.79
51903 FLAX OIL HIGH LIGN ORG 17Z LIQ 21.49 17.19
22607 FLOR ESSENCE DRY 2.2OZ 2.2 PWD 37.99 30.39
22518 FLOR ESSENCE LIQ 17OZ 17Z LIQ 37.99 30.39
52619 FLOR ESSENCE LIQUID 32Z LIQ 59.49 47.59
52374 GOJI BERRIES 8 Z MIS 12.49 9.99
51778 INFANT PROBIOTC BL UDO 2.6 PWD 19.49 15.59
27194 OLIVE OIL ORGANIC 17Z LIQ 17.79 14.23
37692 PET ESSEN FOR DOGS UDO 16Z PWD 21.99 17.59
35668 PUMPKIN SEED OIL 8.5 LIQ 20.99 16.79
65568 RED BEET CRYSTALS SALU 7 Z PWD 26.49 21.19
26625 SAMBU ELDERB CONC DRNK 17Z LIQ 29.99 23.99
54100 SAMBU GUARD LOZENGES 40 LOZ 12.99 10.39
42098 SESAME OIL 8.5 LIQ 9.99 8.99
40789 SILICA VEGETAL 90 CAP 19.49 15.59
40788 SILICA VEGETAL 180 CAP 35.49 28.39
65305 SLEEP ESSENCE 17Z LIQ 17.49 13.99
53198 SUNFLOWER 17Z LIQ 14.79 11.83
32345 SUPER 5 PROBIOTC UDO’S 60 CHW 18.99 15.19
41935 SUPER 8 PROBIOTC UDO’S 30 CAP 22.49 17.99
61962 SUPER 8 PROBIOTIC UDOS 60 CAP 41.99 33.59
53394 SUPER BIFIDO+ PROBIOT 30 CAP 46.49 37.19
15547 SWEDISH BITTERS ALC FR 8.5 LIQ 24.49 19.59
15546 SWEDISH BITTERS ALC FR 3.3 LIQ 11.49 9.19
53393 UDO’S CHOICE DHA OIL 8.5 LIQ 20.99 16.79
43947 UDO’S CHOICE HIGH LIGN 17Z LIQ 28.99 23.19
24061 UDO’S CHOICE OIL BLEND 17Z LIQ 28.99 23.19
26795 UDO’S CHOICE OIL BLEND 180 CAP 35.49 28.39
53392 UDO’S CHOICE OIL BLEND 32Z LIQ 47.49 37.99
23862 UDO’S CHOICE OIL BLEND 8.5 LIQ 17.49 13.99
51300 ALPENKRAFT HERBAL 8.5 LIQ 20.99 16.79
22978 CAL MAG ZN/D/HRB LIQ 8.5 LIQ 26.79 21.43
41088 CAL MAG ZN/D/HRB LIQ 17Z LIQ 45.79 36.63
15531 CALCIUM LIQ 8.5Z 8.5 LIQ 26.79 21.43
15536 CHILD MULTIVITAMIN OZ 8.5 LIQ 24.49 19.59
15535 EPRESAT ADULT MULTI 17Z LIQ 50.49 40.39
15534 EPRESAT ADULT MULTI 8.5 LIQ 33.79 27.03
15529 FLORAVITAL FE/HERB YF 8.5 LIQ 26.79 21.43
15530 FLORAVITAL FE/HRB YF 17Z LIQ 45.79 36.63
15538 HERBAL BITTERS 8.5 LIQ 26.79 21.43
15525 IRON + HERBS 17OZ 17Z LIQ 45.79 36.63
15524 IRON + HERBS 8.5OZ 8.5 LIQ 26.79 21.43
61333 IRON TABS 10 MG 80 TAB 25.79 20.63
15533 MAGNESIUM LIQ 8.5Z 8.5 LIQ 26.79 21.43
36332 DMG 125 MG AANGAMIK 30 TAB 13.99 11.19
39484 DMG 125 MG AANGAMIK 90 TAB 34.79 27.83
14178 A 10000 PALMITATE H2O 100 TAB 6.45 5.16
25506 A PALMITATE 15 250 TAB 16.90 13.32
22741 A PALMITATE 15 100 TAB 8.45 6.76
14196 ALFALFA CONC 600 MG 250 TAB 15.90 12.72
26426 ANTI ALLERGY 100 TAB 12.95 10.36
14630 B 50 SUPER QUINTS 100 TAB 15.80 12.64
14246 B COMPLEX NO PABA/FOL 100 TAB 10.85 8.68
14231 B12 50 100 LOZ 6.45 5.16
14239 B12 500 100 LOZ 11.45 9.16
14243 B12 FOLIC 500/400 250 TAB 23.90 19.12
14222 B6 100 100 TAB 10.85 8.68
14223 B6 100 250 TAB 21.70 17.36
14220 B6 50 100 TAB 7.95 6.36
22279 BETAINE HCL 300 100 TAB 9.90 7.92
20253 BETAINE HCL 300 250 TAB 19.80 15.84
26428 BIOTIN 2.5 MG 100 TAB 12.95 10.36
23674 BROMELAIN 500 MG 100 TAB 12.80 10.24
14299 BUFF C PWD CAL ASCORB 16Z PWD 47.90 38.32
14296 BUFF C TAB CAL ASCORB 250 TAB 25.50 20.40
14297 BUFF C TAB CAL ASCORB 500 TAB 42.20 33.76
14295 BUFF C TAB CAL ASCORB 100 TAB 12.95 10.36
14271 C 100 250 TAB 7.80 6.24
14278 C 1000 100 TAB 12.50 10.00
14279 C 1000 250 TAB 24.95 19.96
14293 C 1000 T/R 250 TAB 31.90 25.56
14292 C 1000 T/R 100 TAB 15.95 12.76
14274 C 250 500 TAB 21.45 17.16
14277 C 500 500 TAB 27.80 22.24
14276 C 500 250 TAB 15.90 12.72
14275 C 500 100 TAB 7.95 6.36
14291 C 500 T/R 500 TAB 37.95 30.36
14289 C 500 T/R 100 TAB 11.40 9.12
14269 C CRYSTALS 4 OZ 4 Z PWD 12.20 9.76
14268 C PWD DULL C 16 OZ 16Z PWD 38.75 31.00
41513 CAL CITRATE PWD PURE 16Z PWD 16.50 13.20
38594 CAL CITRATE W/D 250 TAB 23.50 18.80
14310 CAL GLUCONATE 1# PWD 23.90 19.12
14312 CAL GLUCONATE 500 500 TAB 28.00 22.40
39842 CAL MAG 800/400 CHW 100 CHW 9.95 7.96
14317 CAL MAG SUPER 1000/500 250 TAB 19.90 15.92
14316 CAL MAG SUPER 1000/500 100 TAB 9.95 7.96
26440 CAL MINT CHEWABLE 650 250 CHW 20.90 16.72
14323 CAL PANTOTHENATE 200 100 TAB 8.25 6.60
14326 CAL PANTOTHENATE 545 100 TAB 12.00 9.60
14327 CAL PANTOTHENATE 545 250 TAB 24.00 19.20
14329 CAL PHOSPHATE PWD 1# PWD 19.50 15.60
14303 CALCIUM CARBONATE 650 500 TAB 31.50 25.20
14301 CALCIUM CARBONATE 650 100 TAB 9.45 7.56
14302 CALCIUM CARBONATE 650 250 TAB 18.90 15.12
Product Reference Guide: Company Listings
(Product Code, Name, Size, List, Discount Price)
caontains Green Tea Extract (98% polyphenols, 50% EGCG) 250 mg,
and full spectrum Green Tea Leaf, 200 mg.
1 fl oz ~ Regular Flavor - Prod Code: 56944
2 fl oz ~ Regular Flavor - Prod Code: 57098
1 fl oz ~ Peach Flavor - Prod Code: 56998
90 Veggie Caps - Prod Code: 60126
Green Walnut Complex
1 fl oz - Prod Code: 57034
Hawthorn Berry 1:3
1 fl oz - Prod Code: 56964
90 Veggie Caps - Prod Code: 60132
Headache Complex
A blend of herbs designed to provide optimal relief to the pain
and inflammation associated with headaches.
Who can benefit from this supplement? Those with migraine or
other types of headaches.
Phyto-Tech™ Headache Complex contains the following herbs:
White Willow Bark, Feverfew Herb, Meadowsweet Herb, Fresh
Ginger Root, Fresh Pulsatilla Herb.
Aspirin was initially synthesized from salicin extracted from white
willow bark and/or meadowsweet. The white willow bark used in
this product has a very high salacin content.
l fl oz - Prod Code: 57088
Herbal Biotic Complex
Child Friendly
1 fl oz - Prod Code: 56973
Herp Ease Formula
A blend of herbs designed for use during the acute outbreak of
any type of herpes infection.
Who might benefit from this herbal supplement? Those suffering
an acute outbreak of genital herpes, cold sores (oral herpes), or shin-
gles (herpes zoster.)
While there is no cure for herpes, this formula will help to quiet
the attack and reduce the inflammation. The Ayurvedic herb Neem
is a very strong anti-bacterial and anti-viral that limits the viral attack.
Licorice and Turmeric are strong anti-inflammatory herbs that reduce
the outbreak. They limit prostaglandin-induced inflammation. The
anti-viral actions of St. John’s Wort are being discovered and used
for many viral conditions. St. John’s Wort is also a nerve ending
sedative, which helps in pain. Since herpes lives in the nerve end-
ings and tends to erupt when under stress (stress hyper stimulates
the nerve endings), St. John’s Wort is of obvious value. St. John’s
Wort is calming under stress, is a nerve ending sedative and has anti-
viral implications.
Phyto-Tech™ Herp Ease Formula contains: Neem Herb, Licorice
Root, St. John's Wort Flowers Fresh, Turmeric Root Fresh, Alcohol
Pure Grain, Water Pure Deionized.
1 fl oz - Prod Code: 57099
Holy Basil 20-8-8-5 Standardized
Holy Basil is a powerful adaptogen that helps the body overcome
stress while calming the mind, uplifting the spirit, and restoring
tranquility. It eases anxiety and nervous irritability and helps
those with stress related health conditions. It also promotes
healthy glucose levels, acts as a powerful antioxidant and fights
Phyto-Tech™ Holy Basil liquid filled veggie caps is standardized to
20 mg Eugenols, 8 mg Caryophyllene, 8 mg Rosparinic Acid and 5
mg Ursolic Acid. Each liquid filled veggie cap contains the following:
Holy Basil Leaf Alc Extract (certified organic), 300 mg; Holy Basil
Supercritical Extact, 150 mg; Lecithin Soy Non GMO, Cellulose Mod
Vegetable, Chlorophyll. The usual dosage is one capsule 2 times
Who can benefit from this supplement? Those suffering from anxi-
ety, irritability or mild depression; those living a fast-paced, high
stress lifestyle; those who need help maintaining normal glucose and
cortisol levels; those suffering from various types of inflammation.
Holy Basil (Ocimum sanctum), also known as Tulsi, is one of the
most highly regarded plants in Ayurvedic medicine. It has been used
for centuries in India to treat an array of conditions such as inflam-
mation, digestive complaints, asthma, arthritis, and skin conditions.
In the West it is most well known for its ability to counteract stress,
calm the mind and lift the spirit. Accordidng toherbalists, Holy Basil
is an adaptogen that promotes a healthy stress response and can
protect one from breakdown due to chronic stress, emotional tur-
moil or work overload. Research shows that Holy Basil counteracts
stress-induced changes in neurotransmitters and enzymes. It normal-
izes and brings balance to biochemicals in the body’s stress center
such as cortisol, epinephrine and dopamine. Holy Basil is helpful for
individuals with stress-related conditions, such as anxiety, irritability,
depression, irritable bowel, digestive disorders, hormonal fluctua-
tions, adrenal fatigue, insomnia, and immune deficiency. Holy Basil
encourages emotional well-being and restores homeostasis to indi-
viduals who feel like stress has gotten the best of them.
Research supports the traditional claims for Holy Basil’s role in glu-
cose metabolism, and hypoglycemic effects. A 1996 study involving
patients with type 2 diabetes reported a significant decrease in the
patients’ fasting blood glucose levels when treated with holy basil
compared to treatment with placebo. Total serum cholesterol levels
were also reduced. A more recent 2006 study found that Holy Basil
stimulates insulin secretion from the pancreas, which contributes to
the plants anti-diabetic action. In addition, Holy Basil decreases the
stress hormone cortisol, which rises when one is exposed to chronic
stress. Elevated cortisol levels trigger the body to produce more glu-
cose causing an unhealthy increase in blood glucose levels. This can
also result in weight gain. Holy Basil can be helpful for those with
type-2 diabetes, pre-diabetes, or rapid blood sugar swings.
Why is the Phyto-Tech™ Holy Basil liquid filled veggie cap stan-
dardized to 20-8-8-5? Holy Basil contains numerous polyphenols
such as eugenol, ursolic acid and rosmarinic acid that act as power-
ful antioxidants to fight free radicals and protect cells from oxidative
damage. These compounds also fight inflammation and inhibit pro-
duction of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) enzymes. A study published in
Phytomedicine measured the activity of Holy Basil’s phenolic com-
pounds and found the COX-2 inhibitory activity of the compounds
to be comparable to ibuprofen, naproxen and aspirin. Holy Basil is
therefore indicated for relieving inflammation and pain caused by
arthritis, tendonitis, bursitis, sports injury and physical overuse.
60 Veggi Caps (Liquid Fill) - Prod Code: 57051
Hoodia Gordonii 1:4
Tested Authentic
A South African herb thought to support healthy weight by
decreasing food cravings.
According to many experts, many products now on the market
claiming to contain Hoodia may be mislabeled. Here is advice from
Mitch Coven, Medical Herbalist: “Consumers should use caution
when purchasing products that claim to be true Hoodia Gordonii.
Several Hoodia products on the market are made of cactus-like
material and contain no P57 [P57 is a steroidal glycoside thought to
be the active ingredient of Hoodia] or any other active appetite sup-
pressing substance. The 20:1 claims that many companies use for
their Hoodia products are false. These products are not concentrat-
ed extracts. Their claim of 20:1 is a fresh to dry down ratio of raw
. . . continued on page 56
Important Notice: The information given here is designed to help you make informed decisions about your health, and the proper use of dietary supplements. It is
not intended as a substitute for medical advice, nor a substitute for any treatment that may have been prescribed by your doctor. If you have a medical problem,
you should seek medical help. Products described herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or mitigate disease.
Product Reference Guide: Willner Chemists Phyto-Tech™ Herbal Supplements
1...,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53 55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,...124
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