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The Willner Window Product Reference Catalog, Autumn, 2015
since 1911
• Willner Chemists •
the nutritional supplement professionals
10310 ISOTONIC MIN FORM 1 75 CAP 10.95 8.76
10321 MAGNESIUM TAURATE 125 60 CAP 11.95 9.56
44513 MAGNESIUM TAURATE 125 180 CAP 28.95 23.16
21765 MALIC ACID 600 90 CAP 14.95 11.96
10324 MANGANESE PICOL 20 60 CAP 10.95 8.76
10327 MEGABIOTIN 7500 50 CAP 16.95 13.56
10331 MONOLAURIN 300 MG 90 CAP 16.95 13.56
57479 MONOLAURIN 600 MG 90 CAP 27.95 22.36
56331 NADH 5 MG 120 TAB 37.95 30.36
40687 NADH 5 MG 60 TAB 24.95 19.96
10339 NORIVAL 60 CAP 16.95 13.56
59810 NORIVAL 120 CAP 25.95 20.76
26901 OMNICHOLINE 120 CAP 18.95 15.16
10343 ORITHRUSH D 8 Z LIQ 11.95 9.56
10344 ORITHRUSH G W/MINT 8 Z LIQ 9.95 7.96
10363 P 5 P 100 TAB 9.95 7.96
10349 PAN 8 SUPREME 90 CAP 10.95 8.76
10350 PANTETHINE 60 TAB 17.95 14.36
10353 PARACIDIN 90 CAP 14.95 11.96
10358 PRO COPPER LIGAND 4 60 CAP 8.95 7.16
10360 PSORACTIN CRM 2 Z CRM 13.95 11.16
10361 PSOREX 100 CAP 26.95 21.56
10364 QUERCETIN C 90 CAP 11.95 9.56
10367 RESBID 60 CAP 15.95 12.76
10368 RHEUMATOL FORTE 60 CAP 14.95 11.96
10371 SERRAFLAZYME 5 100 TAB 15.95 12.76
24753 SPHINGOLIN 240 CAP 37.95 30.36
10375 SPHINGOLIN MS 60 CAP 10.95 8.76
10378 T CELL FORMULA 60 CAP 13.95 11.16
10380 THIOCTIC 50 CAP 19.95 15.96
10381 TRI SALTS 200G 200 PWD 8.95 7.16
58086 URIDINE 60 CAP 17.95 14.36
59046 URIDINE 300 MG 60 CAP 28.95 23.16
10385 ZINC PICOL 25 60 CAP 9.95 7.96
64189 DOMATCHA PACKETS 24 PAK 45.99 41.39
59684 DOMATCHA POWDER ORG 2.8 PWD 41.99 37.79
59683 DOMATCHA POWDER ORG 30G PWD 33.99 31.59
59448 FUNGAL FREE NAILS .22 LIQ 39.95 35.95
65713 COCONUT INFUS BUTTER 12Z BUT 10.99 10.99
65712 COCONUT INFUS GARLIC 12Z OIL 10.99 10.99
65402 MACADAMIA NUT OIL16.9 6.9 LIQ 14.99 11.99
65384 RICE BRAN OIL NUTTY FL 16Z OIL 8.99 8.99
62048 ADRENAL HEALTH VCAP E 60 VCA 32.95 26.36
62050 ALLERGY HEALTH VCAP 120 VCA 34.95 27.96
62051 B HEALTHY VCAP 60 VCA 24.95 19.96
62624 LIVER HEALTH VCAP 90 VCA 26.95 21.56
62627 MULTI VIT A MIN HI POT 120 VCA 39.95 31.96
62626 PROSTATE HEALTH VCAP 90 VCA 32.95 26.36
62053 THYROID HEALTH VCAP 60 VCA 34.95 27.96
40169 NATURAL LUBRICANT 2 Z CRM 10.79 8.63
50214 OH WARMING LUBRICANT 2 Z CRM 10.79 8.63
53121 PERSONAL MOIST LUBRIC 4 Z LIQ 17.99 14.39
31245 PHYTOESTROGEN CRM 2 Z CRM 23.09 18.47
51835 PROGEST CRM PARABEN FR 48 PAK 32.49 25.99
50213 PROGEST CRM PARABEN FR 2 Z CRM 31.79 25.43
51765 PROGEST CRM PARABEN FR 4 Z CRM 48.19 38.55
40993 RESPONSE CREAM 1 Z CRM 31.09 24.87
64591 FIRST AID OINTMENT 2 Z ONT 48.00 43.20
64592 FIRST AID OINTMENT MAX 2 Z ONT 58.00 52.20
31779 7 KETO DHEA 25 MG 60 CAP 22.95 18.36
35665 7 KETO NATURA LEAN 30 CAP 46.95 37.56
20040 ACID A CAL 100 CAP 19.95 15.96
25370 ACID EASE DIGEST FORM 90 CAP 20.95 16.76
33722 ACID EASE DIGEST FORM 180 CAP 35.95 28.76
42364 ACIDOPHILUS PEARLS 90 SGC 39.95 31.96
40502 ACIDOPHILUS PEARLS 30 PRL 16.50 13.20
56719 ACTIVLIFE Q10 100 MG 60 SGC 54.95 43.96
53685 ACTIVLIFE Q10 50 UBIQ 60 SGC 33.95 27.16
43219 ADRENAL STRESS END 60 CAP 24.95 19.96
20127 ADRENERGIZ HRB ADR CMP 60 CAP 21.95 17.56
20086 ADRENERGIZE ADREN CORT 50 CAP 20.95 16.76
20061 AIR POWER 100 TAB 17.50 14.00
20037 AKNE TREATMENT SOAP 3 Z BAR 8.50 6.80
20038 AKNE ZYME 90 CAP 19.50 15.60
65042 ALLUNA SLEEP 28 TAB 12.95 10.36
36038 ALPHA BETIC MULTI 30 CAP 16.95 13.56
32740 ARTICHOKE EXT 160 MG 90 CAP 27.50 22.00
32648 ASPARAGUS EXT 170 MG 60 CAP 22.95 18.36
40854 B COMPLEX DAILY ENERGY 30 CAP 9.50 7.60
30333 B12 INFUSION BIOA B12 E 30 CHW 9.50 7.60
22429 BILBERRY EXT CAP 80 MG 60 CAP 22.50 18.00
57539 BLOOD SUGAR MANAGER 60 TAB 25.50 20.40
45619 BP MANAGER 90 TAB 29.95 23.96
34052 BROMELAIN + 90 CAP 26.50 21.20
51604 BRONCHIAL SOOTHE 100 LIQ 14.50 11.60
40629 CELL FORTE MAX 120 CAP 37.50 30.00
57756 CELL FORTE PURPLE MUSH 120 CAP 34.50 27.60
36508 CELL FORTE W/IP 6 INOS 240 VCA 51.50 41.20
35696 CELL FORTE W/IP 6 INOS 14. PWD 79.95 63.96
30517 CELL FORTE W/IP 6 INOS 120 VCA 26.50 21.20
19851 CHERRY FRUIT EXTRACT 90 CAP 20.95 16.76
52738 CHERRY FRUIT EXTRACT 180 CAP 35.95 28.76
40517 CHOLESTEROL SHIELD 90 TAB 38.50 30.80
58622 COLON CLEANSE PURE CAR 120 VCA 14.95 11.96
39505 COMPLETEGEST 90 CAP 23.50 18.80
57144 COMPLETEGEST 40 + RENW 60 CAP 25.95 20.76
50783 COMPLETEGEST MEALTIME 180 CAP 39.95 31.96
38265 COQ10 100 MG 60 SGC 39.95 31.96
52657 COQ10 100 MG SGC 120 SGC 74.95 59.96
41413 COQ10 100 MG W/E CHW 30 CHW 29.95 23.96
41549 COQ10 100 W/E CHW CHOC 30 CHW 29.95 23.96
41548 COQ10 100 W/E CHW MAPL 30 CHW 29.95 23.96
50155 COQ10 200 MG CHW MAPLE 30 CHW 59.95 47.96
34543 COQ10 50 MG SGC 60 SGC 24.95 19.96
55792 CRANBERRY ORG 500 MG 30 TAB 13.50 10.80
20133 DGL 100 CHW 13.95 11.16
56846 DGL ULTRA FF CHOC 90 CHW 13.50 10.80
31870 DGL ULTRA GERMAN CHOC 90 CHW 13.50 10.80
19847 DGL W/O FRUCTOSE CHW 100 TAB 13.95 11.16
31326 DR CHOICE 45 PLUS WOM 180 TAB 34.95 27.96
30401 DR CHOICE 50 PLUS MEN 120 TAB 34.95 27.96
32464 DR CHOICE FOR DIABETIC 90 TAB 33.95 27.16
26955 DR CHOICE FOR MEN 90 TAB 24.95 19.96
31985 DR CHOICE FOR TEEN F 120 TAB 30.95 24.76
31984 DR CHOICE FOR TEEN M 120 TAB 30.95 24.76
24873 DR CHOICE FOR WOMEN 90 TAB 24.95 19.96
45224 END PAIN FATIGU TO FAN 90 TAB 30.95 24.76
50706 ENERGIZING IRON 90 SGC 21.95 17.56
51192 ENERGIZING IRON W/ELEU 90 SGC 23.50 18.80
40851 ENERGY REVIT SYST CIT 25Z PWD 49.95 39.96
44042 ENERGY REVITAL SYS BER 21Z PWD 49.95 39.96
33030 ESBERITOX CHW 100 CHW 19.95 15.96
42766 ESBERITOX CHW 200 CHW 31.50 25.20
53686 ESKIMO 3 1000 MG SGC 90 SGC 29.95 23.96
43354 ESTROBALANCE W/ DIM 60 TAB 49.95 39.96
39717 FIBER DELIGHTS VANILLA 60 CHW 17.95 14.36
44717 FIBER FUSION + BERRY 5.8 PWD 14.95 11.96
42781 FIBER FUSION + FORMULA 120 CAP 11.50 9.20
24752 FORSKOHLI COLEUS 18% 60 CAP 25.50 20.40
34928 GABA 250 MG 60 CAP 15.95 12.76
29498 GARLINASE 100 TAB 34.95 27.96
24038 GARLINASE 30 TAB 12.50 10.00
22428 GASTROSOOTHE 100 CHW 21.50 17.20
29462 GINKGO PHYTOSOME 120 SGC 38.50 30.80
23062 GINSENG PANAX PHYTO 60 CAP 26.50 21.20
55349 GLUTEN DEFENSE 120 CAP 26.95 21.56
29463 GRAPE SEED PHYTO 100 90 CAP 57.50 46.00
40675 GS 1500 PAK UNFLAVORED 30 PAK 28.95 23.16
42207 GS 500 AND CHOND SULF 60 TAB 38.50 30.80
30260 GS 500 NEW & IMPROVED 180 CAP 41.95 33.56
20142 GUGULPLUS 90 TAB 34.50 27.60
20051 HAIR & SKIN NUTRITION 90 SGC 22.50 18.00
28266 HAWTHORN PHYTOSOME 60 CAP 29.50 23.60
51217 HDL BOOSTER 120 TAB 39.95 31.96
37390 HEALTHY CELLS BREAST 60 TAB 29.50 23.60
39504 HEARTBURN FREE 10 SGC 32.50 26.00
44784 HOT PLANTS FOR HIM 60 CAP 32.95 26.36
20100 IRON ULTIMATE 90 SGC 22.95 18.36
32811 IVY EXT 90 TAB 14.50 11.60
20041 LIV A TOX 90 TAB 20.50 16.40
51195 LIVER CLEASE COMPLETE 84 VCA 25.95 20.76
26391 MAG POT CHEL (HRT MIN) 60 TAB 9.50 7.60
24369 MEGA ZYME PANCREAT 10X 200 TAB 39.95 31.96
20089 MEGA ZYME PANCREAT 10X 100 TAB 23.95 19.16
38274 MENOPAUSE FORMUL AM/PM 60 TAB 23.95 19.16
52740 METAB ADV THYROID FORM 180 CAP 32.50 26.00
20091 METABOLIC ADV THYROID 100 CAP 21.95 17.56
42780 METAL CLEANSE COMPLETE 30 CAP 22.95 18.36
39248 MILK THISTLE SUPER 120 CAP 40.50 32.40
20114 MILK THISTLE SUPER 60 SGC 21.50 17.20
20104 OSTEOPRIME CAP 120 CAP 22.95 18.36
51616 OSTEOPRIME PLUS 120 TAB 29.50 23.60
20103 OSTEOPRIME TAB 120 TAB 22.95 18.36
32663 OSTIVONE 90 CAP 34.50 27.60
64777 PEARLS 50+ PROBIOTIC 30 PRL 19.95 15.96
58621 PEARLS ELITE ACIDOP 5B 30 PRL 29.95 23.96
65755 PEARLS IC INTENSIV CAR 90 CAP 49.95 39.96
54574 PEARLS IC INTENSIVE CAR 30 CAP 19.95 15.96
56845 PEARLS YB YEAST BALANC 30 SGC 19.95 15.96
20138 PEPPERMINT PLUS 60 SGC 17.50 14.00
43376 PERIMENOPAUSE FORM 60 TAB 23.95 19.16
40501 PETADOLEX PROACTIVE 60 SGC 51.95 41.56
45376 PROATATE ADVANTAGE 180 SGC 41.95 33.56
50921 PROTECTIVE BREAST FORM 60 TAB 67.95 54.36
40500 REMEMBER 60 CAP 31.50 25.20
50955 REMIFEMIN 120 TAB 34.95 27.96
57143 REMIFEMIN GOOD NIGHT 21 TAB 19.95 15.96
36122 SAVENTARO UNCARIA TOM 90 CAP 46.95 37.56
40716 SAW PALM SUPER 160 MG 180 SGC 52.50 42.00
32400 SILYBIN ADVANCED 60 CAP 26.95 21.56
44728 SLEEP FORM REVITALIZ 90 CAP 34.50 27.60
59813 SLEEP TONIGHT 28 TAB 23.95 19.16
65859 SLEEP TONIGHT MELAT CH 2 Z LIQ 17.95 14.36
29598 ST JOHNS WORT EXT 0.3% 120 TAB 24.50 19.60
24217 ST JOHNS WORT EXT 0.3% 60 TAB 16.95 13.56
41714 STINGING NETTLE 90 CAP 29.50 23.60
63815 TART CHERRY ULTRA VCAP 90 VCA 23.95 19.16
41404 THEANINE 60 CAP 19.50 15.60
54643 THEANINE 100 MG CAP 180 CAP 49.50 39.60
52250 THYMULUS 60 CAP 26.95 21.56
52558 THYMUPLEX IMM BOOS CP 50 CAP 20.95 16.76
20080 THYMUPLEX IMMUNE BOOST 50 TAB 25.50 20.40
28928 VARICARE 90 TAB 27.50 22.00
Product Reference Guide: Company Listings
(Product Code, Name, Size, List, Discount Price)
organic Fresh Ginger Root per 30 drops.
Also available as a veggie cap, with each Phyto-Tech Ginger cap-
sule containing 500 mg of certified organic Ginger Root (Zingiber
officinalis). (Product code: 60127)
1 fl oz - Prod Code: 56995
90 Veggie Caps - Prod Code: 60127
Ginger Tonic
A soothing ginger formula, especially valuable for conditions
involving nausea, digestive problems, and inflammation.
Who might benefit from this supplement? Those suffering from
nausea due to motion sickness or pregnancy; those with digestive
discomfort and those with arthritis and other inflammatory problems.
Ginger is well known for alleviating nausea due to motion sick-
ness, pregnancy, surgery, chemotherapy and other reasons. It can be
taken before a nauseating event or on an ongoing basis if nauseous
all the time. Several studies in humans have shown positive results
for ginger’s effectiveness in reducing nausea and vomiting.
Ginger Tonic is also a useful digestive aid that will increase diges-
tive enzymes and speed up the transit time of food that is slow.
Ginger also has the ability to inhibit nuclear factor-kB (NF-kB),
cyclooxygenase (COX) and lipooxygenase (LOX) enzymes and as a
result helps reduce pain and inflammation in arthritic joints. In three
placebo-controlled clinical trials for the treatment of osteoarthritis,
ginger rhizome showed significant efficacy compared to placebo. For
pain and inflammation, ginger can be used as an alternative to
NSAIDs like ibuprofen without the damaging gastrointestinal side
effects that NSAIDs commonly have. Ginger has anti-ulcer effects
and can helps protect the intestinal mucosa from damage.
Ginger Tonic has a vasodilating action, and will increase circulation
and warm one up.
Phyto-Tech™ Ginger Tonic contains Ginger Root Dry, Ginger Root
Fresh, Glycerin Vegetable, Honey, Water Pure Deionized.
4 fl oz - Prod Code: 57015
Ginkgo Biloba Leaf
One of the most widely researched herbs in recent years, Ginkgo
biloba has been associated with memory, increased cerebral and
peripheral circulation.
Who can benefit from this supplement? Those suffering from
memory loss, early stage dementia (Alzheimer’s disease), tinnitus,
vertigo, inability to concentrate, circulatory problems.
Phyto-Tech™ Ginkgo Biloba Leaf 1:1.15 contains 667 mg of ethi-
cally wild harvested Fresh and Dry Ginkgo biloba Leaf per 30 drops,
in both alcohol and alcohol-free versions.
Also available in a vegetarian capsule form. Each Phyto-Tech
Ginkgo veggie cap contains 60 mg of standardized Ginkgo biloba
Leaf Extract (24% ginkgo flavonglycosides and 6% terpene lactones)
and 400 mg of certified organic Ginkgo biloba leaf. This provides for
an optimal standardized and full spectrum phytotherapeutic
1 fl oz - Regular: Prod Code: 56961
Alcohol Free: - Prod Code: 57024
90 Veggie Caps - Prod Code: 60131
Ginseng, American
See American Ginseng
Ginseng, Chinese Red
See Chinese Red Ginsent
Ginseng Energy Blend
A combination of adaptogenic herbs resulting in a synergistic
blend enhancing emotional, physical and mental energy.
Each type of ginseng, Red Chinese and American, and other adap-
togenic herbs, such as Eleutherococcus, have traditionally different
properties. The combination, along with complimentary herbs such
as Licorice, Ginkgo, Fo Ti and Codonopsis, results in an energy
blend for all purposes.
Who can benefit from this supplement? Those who are under
stress, suffering from fatigue, mental “burn out,” adrenal fatigue,
poor immune system function.
This blend of adaptogenic herbs supports the adrenal glands, the
immune system, and the nervous system.
Phyto-Tech™ Ginseng Energy Blend is available in an alcohol and
an alcohol free version. It contains the following herbs: Red Chinese
Ginseng Root, American Ginseng Root, Eleuthero Root, Licorice
Root, Ginkgo Leaf, Fo Ti Root, Codonopsis Root, Ginger Root.
1 fl oz ~ Regular Formula
Prod Code: 56962
2 fl oz ~ Regular Formula
Prod Code: 57087
1 fl oz ~ Alcohol Free
Prod Code: 57068
Goldenseal Root 1:5
Used by Native Americans for colds, flu, sore throat and intestinal
Who can benefit from taking this herbal supplement? those with
infections of any mucosal tissue, including the respiratory tract, uri-
nary tract, digestive tract, reproductive tract and gum infections.
The anti-microbial activity of Goldenseal may be due to two alka-
loids, hydrastine and berberine.
Goldenseal is in serious dangerous of over-harvesting in the wild,
so only organically cultivated goldensear should be used. This is
what is used in Phyto-Tech Goldenseal Root 1:5.
Also available in a vegetarian capsule form. Each Phyto-Tech
Goldenseal veggie cap contains 250 mg of certified organic
Goldenseal Root.
1 fl oz - Prod Code: 56950
60 Veggie Caps - Prod Code: 60128
Gotu Kola 1:1.5
1 fl oz - Prod Code: 57010
Green Tea Guo
A rich source of phyto-antioxidants, including EGCG, the list of
research-proven health benefits of Green Tea continues to grow.
The Phyto-Tech™ Green Tea Guo formulas contain Whole Green
Tea Leaf and Green Tea Extract, standardized at 90% polyphenols,
50% EGCG. such that one dropper full has the same antioxidant
content as 10 cups of regular green tea. In addition, the product is
sweetened with natural stevia and the popular Chinese herb, Luo
Han Guo. Luo Han Guo is considered a longevity booster, and is
commonly used for numerous health problems in China.
Who can benefit from this supplement? The easy answer is every-
one. As a healthy beverage, just squirt one dropperful into a glass of
hot or cold water. The powerful antioxidants will exert a protective
effect against free radical damage. It is felt that free radicals con-
tribute to cancer risk, aging, inflammation damage, cardiovascular
damage, and immune system deterioration. In addition, green tea
has been shown in numerous studies to assist in weight loss.
Please note that one dropperful of Phyto-Tech™ Green Tea Guo
contains less than 2 mg caffeine. A regular cup of coffee contains
from 100 to 150 mg of caffeine.
All Phyto-Tech™ Green Tea Guo preparations are alcohol free.
One is naturally peach flavored.
Also available in a veggie cap. Each Phyto-Tech Green Tea capsule
. . . continued on page 54
Important Notice: The information given here is designed to help you make informed decisions about your health, and the proper use of dietary supplements. It is
not intended as a substitute for medical advice, nor a substitute for any treatment that may have been prescribed by your doctor. If you have a medical problem,
you should seek medical help. Products described herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or mitigate disease.
Product Reference Guide: Willner Chemists Phyto-Tech™ Herbal Supplements