Willner Summer Sale 2015 - page 20

Page 20
The Willner Window Product Reference Catalog, Summer, 2015
since 1911
• Willner Chemists •
the nutritional supplement professionals
Who would benefit from this supplement? Those suffering from
fatigue, stress, immune system problems, chronic fatigue syndrome,
recovery from illness and auto-immune disorders. Ashwagandha is
an adaptogenic herb, similar to ginseng, but it is less heating, “yang”
or simulating than Panax ginseng.
Ashwagandha is known as the “Ayurvedic” Ginseng. It is indicated
for the same types of conditions as Ginseng, but Ashwagandha is not
heating, Yang or stimulating like Ginseng (Panax varieties). It is used
preventatively for those who have difficulty replenishing the energy
they expend, and want to avoid burn out. Burnout from unrelenting
stress can take the form of immune breakdown (colds, flu),
headaches, irritable bowel, blood sugar swings and any other genet-
ic, predispositional or constitutional weakness. Ashwagandha gives
additional life force or Chi to help adapt to the stresses at hand.
It can also be used as a restorative for those who have already
burned out. Ashwagandha, as part of a rejuvenation treatment plan
is effective in chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, debility, recov-
ery from wasting diseases, chemotherapy and helps while one is in
emotional recovery therapy.
Ashwagandha is also indicated specifically in autoimmune disor-
ders. It helps immunity to self modulate. It also has an affinity to
help chronic neuro-muscular disorders such as fibromyalgia and
multiple sclerosis (MS).
Phyto-Tech™ Ashwagandha Root contains the following: Fresh
Ashwaganda Root (Withania somnifera), Grain Alcohol, Deionized
Water. It is certified organic.
Dosage: 30-60 drops, 2-3 times per day or as needed in juice or
Complimentary Formulas: Phyto-Tech™ Adaptogen Complex;
Phyto-Tech™ Ginseng Energy Blend.
Ashwagandha Root 1:1.5 - 1 fl oz ~ Prod Code: 57008
Astragalus Root
As a long term tonic, Astragalus helps boost deep immunity and
Who would benefit from this supplement? Those who get sick eas-
ily or suffer from chronic health problems. It is especially useful for
those undergoing chemotherapy.
“You may already be accustomed to taking echinacea at the first
sign of a cold or flu, or when people around you are getting sick.
How is astragalus different? Like echinacea, Astragalus not only helps
prevent colds and flu but shortens the course of a bug once it has set
in. Astragalus can also be used as a long-term preventive and
restorative herb, both to prevent illness and to renew energy and
vitality once an acute illness hs passed. Scientific evidence salso sug-
gests that astragalus may be one of the most important herbs for
strengthening the immune system against serious diseases, including
cancer.” (McCaleb, Robert, et al, The Encyclopedia of Popular
Herbs, The Herb Research Foundation, Prima Health, 2000)
The indications listed for Astragalus include the following: colds
and flu, chronic respiratory problems such as bronchitis, digestive
ailments, susceptibility to infectious disease, recovery after illness,
general weakness and fatigue, cancer.
The active constituents include polysaccharides (glucans), saponins
(astragalosides), flavonoids and phytosterols, all of which contribute
to the positive actions of Astragalus. It increases the number of stem
cells in bone marrow and lymph tissue and encourages their devel-
opment into active immune cells. It appears to help trigger immune
cells from a "resting" state into heightened activity. One study
showed Astragalus root helps promote and maintain respiratory
health. It also enhances the body's production of immunoglobulin
and stimulates macrophages. Astragalus can help activate T-cells and
natural killer (NK) cells. Astragalus stimulated NK-cell activity of
human peripheral blood lymphocytes and restored steroid-inhibited
NK-cell activity in another study.
Traditionally, many herbalists feel Astragalus is best used when not
acute. In other words, use it in between acute episodes in order to
boost immunity and avoid frequent acute episodes. Astragalus is
indicated for those who get sick frequently, for illnesses that do not
resolve in a reasonable time, for those who get sick time after time.
It is also indicated for those using antibiotics frequently. Think of it as
an herbal flu shot, so take it before the immune season begins, espe-
cially for the elderly, the young and the immune suppressed.
Phyto-Tech™ Astragalus Root 1:3 contains Astragalus mem-
branaceus, 333 mg/ml, certified organic.
Dosage: 20-60 drops, 2-3 times per day or as needed in juice or
Complimentary Formulas: Phyto-Tech™ Immune Complex
Astragalus Root 1:3 - 1 fl oz ~ Prod Code: 56949
Astragalus Root, 460 mg - 90 Veggie Caps
Prod Code: 60340
Attention Complex
This “Child Friendly” supplement supports healthy attention and
Who would benefit from this supplement? Children who suffer
from ADHD, ADD, poor concentration and focus, stress, fatigue and
mental exhaustion.
Phyto-Tech™ Attention Plus is effective for increasing cognitive
ability, helping attention, memory and focus, increasing concentra-
tion capacity, reducing mental fog and alleviating stress and fatigue.
It can be helpful for those who have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
Disorder (ADHD), which affects one’s ability to pay attention, stay
still, and/or control their impulses.
Phyto-Tech™ Attention Complex contains the following herbs
Ginkgo biloba Leaf, Gotu Kola Leaf, Licorice Root, Lobelia Herb and
Rhodiola Root.
(See label for age-adjusted dosage guidelines)
1 fl oz - Prod Code: 57030
Bilberry is a powerful antioxidant, and is traditionally used to sup-
port eye health and visual function.
Who would benefit from taking this herbal supplement? Those
who are concerned about possible eye or vision problems, including
macular degeneration, cataracts.
“Billberry contains potent antioxidants that protect and improve
micro-circulation, that is, the circulation of blood through the capil-
laries. These antioxidant pigments, called anthocyanosides or antho-
cyanins, are similar to those found in red grape skins.
Anthocyanosides protect cells in the circulatory system, keeping
them more flexible to provide better flood flow and oxygen to capil-
lary-rich organs such as the retina of the eye. Researchers have also
found that bilberry affects enzymes responsible for energy produc-
tion in the eye, which is especially important to good vision under
poor light conditions, including night vision.
“Bilberry extract and bilberry constituents appear to improve cir-
culation in young and elderly people alike. Bilberry extract may be
helpful in preventing many of the vision problems associated with
aging. In combination with vitamin E, it can prevent cataracts; it can
also prevent retinopathies (diseases of the retina), including diabetic
retinopathy, and possibly even ordinary nearsightedness (myopia).
Bilberry’s ability to strengthen capillary circulation helps those who
bruise easily, and bilberry extracts are even used before elective sur-
gery to minimize bruising and excessive bleeding. Increasing capil-
lary strength also helps in treating spider veins, varicose veins, and
hemorrhoids.” (McCaleb, Robert, et.al., The Encyclopdedia of
Popular Herbs, the Herb Research Foundation, Prima Health, 2000)
Each 30 drops contains 500 mg of certified organic Bilberry berry.
Also available as a standardized (25% Anthocyanidin) extract, 50
mg, in a base of full spectrum 250 mg Bilberry Leaf (Wild
Harvested) in a veggicap formulation. (see below)
Liquid Extract - 1 fl oz ~ Prod Code: 57043
Bilberry Standardized & Full Spectrum
50 mg of 25% Anthocyanidin Extract with 250 mg Bilberry Leaf
60 Veggi Caps ~ Prod Code: 60119
Black Cohosh Root
This herb helps normalize the menstrual cycle and promote a
healthy menopause.
. . . continued on page 22
Important Notice: The information given here is designed to help you make informed decisions about your health, and the proper use of dietary supplements. It is
not intended as a substitute for medical advice, nor a substitute for any treatment that may have been prescribed by your doctor. If you have a medical problem,
you should seek medical help. Products described herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or mitigate disease.
Product Reference Guide: Willner Chemists Phyto-Tech™ Herbal Supplements
44707 HP8 HERBAL PROST SUPP 70 VCA 49.95 39.96
36387 IMMPOWER 30 CAP 54.95 43.96
52817 NK 9 AHCC 60 CHW 33.39 26.71
56233 SLEEP SOLVE 24/7 30 TAB 39.99 31.99
55664 SUGAR SOLVE 24/7 60 SGC 29.99 23.99
65608 ASAP HCP HEALTH MAX 30 16Z LIQ 57.95 46.36
65607 ASAP HCP HEALTH MAX 30 8 Z LIQ 42.95 34.36
65606 ASAP OTC WOUND DRESSNG 1.5 GEL 13.99 11.19
65604 SILVER BIOTICS 10 PPM 4 Z LIQ 17.99 14.39
50580 SILVER BIOTICS 10 PPM 8 Z LIQ 28.99 23.19
56299 SILVER BIOTICS 10 PPM 16Z LIQ 40.99 32.79
65184 SILVER GEL ASAP 1.5 GEL 11.49 9.19
65605 SILVERSOL TOOTH GEL MT 4 Z GEL 13.99 11.19
54970 ACEROLA + 100 100 CHW 7.39 5.91
17128 ACEROLA + 300 180 CHW 14.69 11.75
27111 ACEROLA + 500 MG SUPE 250 TAB 31.49 25.19
44138 ACEROLA + SUPER C 500 100 CHW 16.79 13.43
27131 ACIDOPH CHEW BANANA 100 TAB 10.49 8.39
23863 ACIDOPH CHEW BLUEBERRY 100 CHW 10.49 8.39
51058 ACIDOPH CHW MIXED FLAV 100 CHW 10.49 8.39
22761 ACIDOPH CHW STRAW 100 CHW 10.49 8.39
23835 ACIDOPH LIQ PLAIN 16Z LIQ 13.49 10.79
51641 ACIDOPH LIQ STRAW 16Z LIQ 13.49 10.79
38591 APPLE CIDER VINEGAR 200 TAB 9.49 7.59
63724 BLUE GREEN ALGA 500 MG 120 CAP 31.49 25.19
59638 DIGEST HPE 90 VCA 42.99 34.39
24764 E P O 1300 ROYAL BRIT 120 SGC 31.49 25.19
23435 E P O 500 ROYAL BRITT 100 SGC 18.89 15.11
55045 E P O 500 ROYAL BRITT 200 SGC 34.69 27.75
24763 E P O ROYAL BRIT 1300 60 SGC 16.79 13.43
55935 ENZYME PROBIOTIC CMP 90 VCA 19.99 15.99
62873 ESTER C 1000 EFFER LEM 21 PAK 17.99 14.39
60848 ESTER C 1000 EFFER PWD 21 PAK 17.99 14.39
54640 ESTER C 1000 MG W/CITR 90 CAP 25.99 20.79
64090 ESTER C 1000 W/BIO DUO 90 CAP 25.99 25.99
53077 ESTER C 1000 W/BIO TAB 90 TAB 20.99 16.79
53074 ESTER C 1000 W/BIO TB 120 TAB 27.99 22.39
64108 ESTER C 1000 W/BIO VEG 180 TAB 37.99 30.39
59639 ESTER C 1000 W/D3 5000 60 TAB 16.99 13.59
60847 ESTER C 1000 W/PROBIOT 60 TAB 19.99 15.99
53792 ESTER C 250 MG CHW 125 WAF 15.29 12.23
53076 ESTER C 500 MG CAP 120 CAP 16.49 13.19
53078 ESTER C 500 MG TAB VEG 90 TAB 11.29 9.03
54971 ESTER C 500 MG TAB VEG 225 TAB 21.99 17.59
53075 ESTER C 500 W/BIO CAP 240 CAP 31.79 25.43
53084 ESTER C 500 W/BIO CAP 120 CAP 17.49 13.99
55845 ESTER C 500 W/BIO CAP 60 CAP 9.99 7.99
64091 ESTER C 500 W/BIO DUO 120 CAP 17.49 17.49
53083 ESTER C 500 W/BIO TAB 90 TAB 11.79 9.43
53080 ESTER C 500 W/BIO TAB 225 TAB 22.99 18.39
53079 ESTER C 500 W/BIO VCAP 120 VCA 18.99 15.19
53081 ESTER C 500 W/BIO VCAP 240 VCA 36.49 29.19
53082 ESTER C 500 W/BIO VCAP 60 VCA 11.29 9.03
57762 ESTER C ADV ANTIOX FRM 90 TAB 16.99 13.59
55044 ESTER C LIQ 250 MG BER 8 Z LIQ 17.99 14.39
53793 ESTER C W/BIOFLAV PWD 4 Z PWD 16.49 13.19
54990 ESTER C W/BIOFLAV PWD 8 Z PWD 29.99 23.99
57763 ESTER C W/CRANBERRY 90 TAB 16.99 13.59
63119 MORE THAN A MULTI BRN 90 TAB 24.99 19.99
63118 MORE THAN A MULTI CARD 90 TAB 24.99 19.99
63117 MORE THAN A MULTI ENER 90 TAB 24.99 19.99
63120 MORE THAN A MULTI VISN 90 TAB 24.99 19.99
24689 NUTRI MEGA 120 SGC 30.49 24.39
65556 NUTRI MEGA 60 SGC 17.89 14.31
17131 PAPAYA ENZ PLUS SUPER 180 TAB 12.49 9.99
24445 PAPAYA ENZ PLUS SUPER 360 TAB 20.99 16.79
22544 PAPAYA ENZYME ORIGINAL 250 CHW 10.49 8.39
26518 PAPAYA ENZYME ORIGINAL 600 CHW 19.99 15.99
44107 PAPAYA ENZYME PLUS SUP 90 TAB 7.99 6.39
25038 PAPAYA ENZYME W/CHLOR 250 TAB 11.49 9.19
57881 PROBIOTIC CD 12 BILL 60 TAB 29.99 23.99
44140 SALMON OIL 1000 MG 120 SGC 10.49 8.39
26532 TAM HERBAL LAXATIVE 250 TAB 13.69 10.95
23819 ECO DENT PWD LEM/LIME 2 Z PWD 6.49 5.19
28743 ECO DENT TARTAR GUARD 2 Z PWD 6.79 5.43
27951 TPST ECO DENT W/ANISE 2 Z PWD 6.49 5.19
36956 ALA 300 ALPHA LIPOIC 60 CAP 34.99 34.99
36957 BACOPIN 120 MG 90 CAP 12.99 12.99
36958 BETA GLUCAN 1 3 500 MG 100 CAP 17.49 17.49
35334 CHRYSIN 250 60 CAP 24.99 24.99
36959 COLEUS FORSKOHLII 30 CAP 11.99 11.99
51079 CURCUMIN C3 CMP BIOPER 60 CPL 34.99 34.99
35328 CURCUMINOIDS 500 MG 90 CAP 23.39 23.39
51253 DGL PLUS GINGER 60 CHW 7.99 7.99
38914 FORSLEAN EXTREME 90 CAP 25.99 25.99
35335 HGH DOPA 400 250 CAP 34.99 34.99
36961 INDOLE 3 CARBINOL 60 CAP 14.99 14.99
35332 LACTOSPORE FLORA 60 CPL 7.99 7.99
35336 TRIBULUS 45 60 CAP 14.99 14.99
64719 ESTROVEN MAX STRENGTH 30 VCA 26.39 21.11
65364 ESTROVEN NIGHTTIME 30 VCA 29.99 23.99
60553 OVEGA 3 500 MG DHA EPA 60 SGC 44.99 35.99
63109 \SQUID OIL W/D 120 CAP 49.69 39.75
39732 COLLOIDAL SILVER 1100 4 Z LIQ 62.95 50.36
26671 COLLOIDAL SILVER 500 2 Z LIQ 24.89 19.91
39730 COLLOIDAL SILVER SPRAY 2 Z SPY 17.95 14.36
60499 GREEN LIPPED MUSSEL 60 CAP 29.19 23.35
33903 SHARK LIVER OIL 1000 60 CAP 40.49 32.39
61525 BREATHE AGAIN NASAL 3.3 SPY 11.99 9.59
61524 EAR CLEANSING SPRAY 1 Z LIQ 9.99 7.99
41952 PILL REMIND 14 DAY AL EA EA 9.82 7.86
59877 PILL REMIND AMPM 3X LK EA MIS 8.89 8.89
41788 PILL REMINDER STACK S / E MIS 8.38 6.60
62756 AMINOLASE TPA 30 CAP 24.99 22.49
62755 AMINOLASE TPA 90 CAP 69.99 62.99
62753 FIBROVERA 90 CAP 99.99 79.99
60916 NEPRINOL 150 CAP 109.99 98.99
60915 NEPRINOL 300 CAP 199.99179.99
60917 NEPRINOL 90 CAP 79.99 71.99
60919 SYNTOL 180 CAP 99.99 89.99
60918 SYNTOL 360 CAP 169.99152.99
57464 NUTRASEA + D 200 LIQ 27.99 27.99
63955 NUTRASEA + D 2X CONCEN 60 SGC 28.99 28.99
65648 NUTRASEA + D GRAPEFRT 200 LIQ 27.99 27.99
63778 NUTRASEA 2X CONC SGC 60 SGC 27.99 27.99
63956 NUTRASEA DHA 2X 60 SGC 29.99 29.99
60116 NUTRASEA DHA 800 LIQ 200 LIQ 29.99 29.99
51392 NUTRASEA HP 200ML 200 LIQ 48.99 48.99
59739 NUTRASEA KIDS BUBBLE 200 LIQ 23.99 23.99
51389 NUTRASEA ORIG LEM 200M 200 LIQ 26.99 26.99
59722 NUTRAVEGE 200 ML 200 LIQ 37.99 37.99
33453 SOAP MSM MOIST BAR 3 Z BAR 6.29 5.03
28592 VAGINAL MOISURIZING GL 1.5 GEL 9.79 7.83
28593 WILD YAM CREAM 2 Z CRM 17.79 14.23
59866 AFTER SUN FACE BOD MST 4 Z LOT 10.75 10.75
62971 AGE DEFY THERAP CLEANS 3.4 LIQ 14.95 14.95
62972 AGE DEFY THERAP TONER A 3.4 LIQ 14.95 14.95
45469 ALOE VERA GEL 4 Z LIQ 7.95 7.95
40295 B5 DESIGN GEL 8 Z GEL 10.98 10.98
40282 CONDITIONER GPB 16Z LIQ 17.00 17.00
45063 CONDITIONER JOJOB ALOE 11Z LIQ 16.28 16.28
63230 EVERDAY CLEANSING GEL 3.4 GEL 8.95 8.95
54953 HAND & LOT MOIST UNSC 8 Z LOT 9.95 7.96
62970 MOIST REVITAL THERAPY 1.7 CRM 22.50 22.50
40279 SHAMPO HERBAL PRIM TTO 16Z LIQ 13.70 13.70
51133 SHAMPOO GPB 11Z LIQ 9.50 9.50
40292 SHAMPOO HERBAL ROSA 11Z LIQ 9.98 9.98
40278 SHAMPOO JAY 16Z LIQ 15.48 15.48
59867 SUNSCREEN SPF 15 SV FC 2.3 LOT 9.95 9.95
59869 SUNSCREEN SPF 30+ CHLD 4 Z LOT 15.95 15.95
59868 SUNSCREEN SPF 30+ GR T 4 Z LOT 15.95 15.95
63559 WHITE CAMELLIA SHINE .36 OIL 16.67 16.67
23833 ALMOND OIL SWEET 16OZ 16Z LIQ 17.45 13.96
62999 ARGAN DAY FACE OIL SER 1 Z LIQ 19.99 15.99
61089 ARGAN OIL SPRAY 1 Z SPY 14.99 11.99
63389 AWAKENING YOGA MIST 4 Z SPY 9.99 7.99
63000 BAOBAB NIGHT FACE OIL 1 Z LIQ 19.99 15.99
61090 BAOBAB OIL SPRAY 1 Z SPY 14.99 11.99
24866 BASIL OIL ESSENTIEL .5Z LIQ 11.59 9.27
23830 CHAMOMILE ESSEN OIL .5Z LIQ 35.99 28.79
61889 CHILL PILL MIST 2 Z SPY 7.99 6.39
23681 CINNAMON OIL LEAF .5Z LIQ 8.49 6.79
23566 CLOVE OIL .5OZ .5Z LIQ 7.59 6.07
23870 CYPRESS OIL .5Z LIQ 8.99 7.19
63393 EMPOWERING SOLAR PLEX A .31 STK 15.99 12.79
63394 ENLIGHTENING CROWN STK .31 STK 15.99 12.79
23750 EUCALYPTUS OIL 2 Z 2 Z LIQ 17.69 14.15
63395 EXPRESSIVE THROAT STK .31 STK 15.99 12.79
23615 FRANKENCENSE ESS OIL .5Z LIQ 28.39 22.71
22190 GERANIUM ESS OIL .5OZ .5 LIQ 16.99 13.59
26296 GINGER ESS OIL .5Z LIQ 14.15 11.32
23456 GRAPEFRUIT ESS OIL .5Z LIQ 9.85 7.88
63396 GROUNDING RT AROMA STK .31 STK 15.99 12.79
63397 INSIGHTFUL THIRD EYE .31 STK 15.99 12.79
23832 JUNIPER OIL .5OZ .5Z LIQ 22.49 17.99
22522 LAVENDER ESSENTIAL OIL 2 Z LIQ 38.39 30.71
23873 LEMONGRASS ESS OIL .5Z LIQ 6.39 5.11
64617 LEMONGRASS ESS OIL ORG .25 LIQ 6.39 5.11
61091 MACADAMIA OIL SPRAY 1 Z SPY 10.99 8.79
33620 MANDARIN ORANGE ESS OL .5Z LIQ 7.19 5.75
Product Reference Guide: Company Listings
(Product Code, Name, Size, List, Discount Price)
1...,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19 21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,...112
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