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The Willner Window Product Reference Catalog, Spring 2014
since 1911
• Willner Chemists •
the nutritional supplement professionals
Source Naturals
with additional folic acid during and
before pregnancy is now well recog-
nized. But the importance of opti-
mal nutrition during pregnancy is
not so well recognized. Women who
get by on the typical American high-
sugar, high-fat diet under normal
conditions should certainly not do
so during pregnancy. Optimal nutri-
tion is related to healthy, higher-
birthweight infants. Nutritional
needs are greater during this period,
and supplementation is most impor-
tant. Unfortunately, some women
are frightened away from supple-
ments by their physicians at a time
when it is most important. Vitamin
A is a good example. While it is true
that too much vitamin A during
pregnancy can be harmful, it is also
true that too little vitamin A during
pregnancy can lead to birth defects.
Benign Prostatic
Men with benign prostatic hyper-
plasia have available a number of
vitamin, mineral and herbal supple-
ments that can be used to alleviate
the condition. Saw palmetto has
been shown to be as effective as the
most popular prescription drug,
without the side effects. Zinc, beta-
sitosterol, certain amino acids, and
various other supplements should be
a part of their supplement regimen.
A person with osteoarthritis has
many helpful supplements to choose
from. There are the antiinflammato-
ry, healing nutrients such as glu-
cosamine, chondroitin, and MSM.
There are natural COX-2 inhibiting
herbs, such as ginger and turmeric.
SAMe can help, along with antioxi-
dant vitamins. The herb devil’s claw
has been shown to help.
Alpha-lipoic acid, a powerful
antioxidant, has been shown to
improve insulin sensitivity and pro-
tect against diabetic neuropathy.
This agent should be a part of the
supplement program of anyone with
diabetes. Other nutrients, such as
chromium and magnesium, have
been found to enhance glucose tol-
erance in diabetics. Diabetics may
benefit from extra vitamin E, GLA-
rich oils and/or omega-3 oils,
CoQ10, and the B vitamins. Some
diabetics benefit from L-carnitine,
as it lowers cholesterol and triglyc-
erides and may help alleviate nerve
damage. Inositol may help with dia-
betic nerve damage as well. Fiber
supplements can aid in glucose con-
trol, and herbs such as gymnema
and bitter melon are often recom-
Impressive advances are being
made in the use of natural phyto-
estrogens (soy isoflavones and
herbs such as black cohosh) in the
treatment of menopausal symptoms.
Calcium and magnesium supple-
ments, along with ipriflavone, can
help to ward off bone loss.
Anxiety and Depression
Several herbs are well known as
effective in treating mild to moder-
ate anxiety and depression. Kava
kava is an excellent antianxiety
agent and St. John’s wort is an
effective treatment for mild depres-
sion. But other nutrients should be
looked at as well. Extra B vitamins
can be helpful. High amounts of
inositol can be helpful in treating
anxiety. 5-HTP may be helpful in
These are merely some examples
of health problems that should be
taken into consideration when
designing a supplement regimen for
each individual. Nutritional require-
ments differ with age and gender,
and this should be reflected in the
choice of nutritional supplements as
well. Some choices are very tran-
sient. Addition of zinc lozenges,
extra vitamin C, or elderberry
extract at the early signs of a cold,
for example, can significantly
reduce the duration and severity of
the infection. But the zinc should
not be taken for more than two or
three days. Lysine, vitamin C, and
bioflavonoids may be helpful in
treating an outbreak of herpes (cold
. . . continued from page 118
The Best Supplements For Your Health:
Chapter 2: How to Choose The Right
To continue reading, please go to our web-
site, Links to this chapter,
and others in The Best Supplements For
Your Health, will be found in the Reference
Library section.
Chapter Two: The Best Supplements
For Your Health - Revised
Copyright © 2014 ~ All Rights
© 2014 Source Naturals, Inc.
Occasional Stress and Sleeplessness
Designed to work with your body’s natural calming mechanisms, Source Naturals® l-Theanine and Theanine Serene™ with Relora®
help relieve occasional stress. Human studies show that l-theanine may affect alpha waves in the brain associated with states of
focused attention. Our award-winning Theanine Serene™ with Relora® also features GABA, magnesium, and holy basil to gently
soothe away tension as well as Relora®, which may help relieve temporary anxiety.*
Too much stress can keep you from getting enough sleep. Preliminary research suggests that 5-HTP may support healthy sleep
cycles. This natural product is derived from the seeds of the African plant Griffonia simplicifolia.*
Natural Solutions for
35% Savings Every Day
on Source Naturals® Brand
For focused re l a xat i on , ca lm mind and body, and norma l s l eep c yc l es , t r y these :
*These statementst
t havev
v not been eve
e alv
v uated byb
b the Food and Drug AdA
A ministration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat,t
t cure or preve
e ev
v nt any disease.