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The Willner Window Product Reference Catalog, Autumn, 2013
since 1911
• Willner Chemists •
the nutritional supplement professionals
Doctor’s Best
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
© 2013 Doctor’s Best, Inc.
There are times when we’ve all felt like snarling at the
world. No matter how healthy you may be, it’s not easy
finding any joy in life when your inner-bear takes over.
And your state-of-mind can have a definite impact on
the state of your health. Of all the natural, safe solutions
available, SAM-e has been shown to be one of the most
effective and fastest acting.
Not All SAM-e is the Same
Not all SAM-e (S-Adenosyl Methionine) is created
equal. Double Strength SAMe 400 & 200 utilize Italian
SAM-e to yield the highest available percentage of the
active pure S,S form on the market today.
SAMe 200 & 400 contain an average of more than
70% of the active S,S form, while other SAM-e products
contain as little as 50%. Doctor's Best utilizes only the
tosylate disulfate salt form of SAM-e, the most extensive-
ly utilized form in clinical trials.
SAM-e Research Results
The effectiveness of of SAM-e in enhancing mood and
supporting healthy neural metabolism has been shown
in several studies. A double-blind placebo controlled
trial demonstrated that SAM-e supplementation signifi-
cantly enhanced mood and affect in women compared
to placebo administration. Two other groups of
researchers have conducted analyses of trials that uti-
lized SAM-e for mood enhancement.
For More Than Just Mood
SAM-e is a multi-functional nutrient that plays a role
in supporting many
bodily systems besides the brain.
As a sulfur donor to connective tissue, it plays a
major role in supporting the integrity of cartilage, and
researchers have concluded it is highly effective for
enhancing joint comfort.
SAM-e has also shown profound benefits on liver
function, centering around its function as the major
methyl donor in the liver, as well as its lipotropic (abil-
ity to enhance the utilization of fats) activity.
SAM-e also promotes production of the antioxidant
glutathione. A number of trials
have been conducted showing
the ability of SAM-e to support
liver detoxification functions and
enhance the overall health of the liver. SAM-e helps
normalize liver function by promoting the activity of
enzymes needed to up-regulate liver detoxification.
Always Ask For the Best
Doctor’s Best SAM-e products – Double Strength SAMe
400 and SAMe 200 – are science-based and made with
ingredients of unsurpassed quality and purity. For more
details about these and other Doctor’s Best products,
please call 800-333-6977, or visit our highly informative
website at
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