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The Willner Window Sale Flier Newsletter, July-Aug, 2012
Doctor’s Best
Natural Brain Enhancers
featuring GPC & PS
Few would argue that life isn’t about making
choices. Whether it’s in your personal life or on
the job, thinking clearly and making the right
decisions can ensure a happy, successful life. To
help ensure that you’re doing the most with what
you have, Doctor’s Best has formulated
Brain Enhancers
, a combination of two nutri-
ents that occur naturally in the brain and com-
plement each other to support virtually all the
brain’s functions.
(Phosphatidyl-Serine) are vital lipid nutri-
ents (phospholipids, specifically), documented for
their benefits and safety of use through more
than 30 double-blind trials and hundreds of
human and animal studies.
How GPC Supports Cognition
GPC has been shown to support attention,
memory, and the other higher brain functions
– which are collective-
ly termed “cognition”.
In addition to being
the most readily avail-
able dietary source of
the essential nutrient
choline, GPC provides
unique protective func-
tions for the brain and
all the other organs.
Choline is a turnkey
building block for
acetylcholine (ACh), a
universal chemical messenger. Besides being
absolutely required for learning and memory,
ACh is involved in virtually all the other known
brain functions. Unlike other choline compounds
that often become degraded in the intestines
before they can be absorbed by the body, GPC
taken by mouth steadily raises blood choline
and keeps it elevated for as long as 10 hours.
GPC supports the actions of nerve growth fac-
tor (NGF), the closest to a universal growth fac-
tor for all the tissues. Growth factors are pro-
tein messengers that work through membrane
receptors in order to facilitate cell and tissue
growth, maintenance and repair. Arguably the
most versatile of all these factors, NGF even
influences stem cells to mature and replace
damaged cells.
How PS Supports Nerve
Cell Membranes
PS is best documented for its support of mem-
ory, mood, and stress management. The soy-
derived form of PS, which has been in use since
the early 1990s, has demonstrated its effective-
ness in many clinical trials. More than 90% of
all the energy needed to sustain life is made on
membranes, specifically the membrane complex of
the mitochondria inside each of our cells – which
require a lot of PS.
Besides its crucial
importance to the mito-
chondria, PS facilitates
the generation and trans-
mission of the electrical stimuli in the nerve cell
membranes. By supporting the key membrane
signaling complex called protein kinase C, PS
enables brain cells to be sensitized to activation
by incoming signals.
PS supports a wide variety of membrane recep-
tors for ACh and multiple other nerve transmit-
ters, and (similarly to GPC), supports NGF action
by partially reversing the age-related loss of the
NGF cell membrane
receptors. While GPC
operates in the cell
water phase to support
a diverse array of
important life functions,
PS works within the cell
membranes to facilitate
key catalytic proteins
that manage energy
generation and utiliza-
tion to support life.
GPC Plus PS: A Powerful
Combination for the Brain.
These vital lipid nutrients have differing
action mechanisms that naturally complement
each other, and both are essential
for healthy structure and function
in all the cells of the body. GPC
and PS support the development
and maintenance of attention,
learning, memory, behavior and
sociability from childhood through
old age. Being orthomolecules
(orthodox molecules for the body,
as defined by Nobel Professor
Linus Pauling), they are very well
tolerated and safe to take long-
Natural Brain
is a potent combi-
nation of these nutrients, for-
mulated to help the working
human brain attain optimal
adaptability to manage life’s
Always Ask For the Best
Natural Brain Enhancers is a science-based
formulation made with nutrients of unsur-
passed quality and purity at clinically tested
potency, and delivered at affordable prices.
For more information about this or any other
Doctor’s Best product, please call us at 800-
333-6977, or you can visit our highly inform-
ative website at
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
©2012 Doctor’s Best, Inc.
Key Benefits of GPC:
Supports healthy cognitive function for
people of all ages.
Sharpens attention and word recall,
including in young people.
Supports healthy brain metabolism in
middle-aged subjects.
Supports memory, learning, mood, and
sociability in older subjects.
Unique antitoxin and overall protectant
for the brain, kidney, and other organs.
Key Benefits of PS:
Facilitates brain energy generation.
Improves memory, learning and other
cognitive funtions.
Improves sociability and quality of life
in the cognitively challenged.
Improves mood and eases anxiety in
both the young and the elderly.
Helps manage stress.
Because you deserve it.