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Protocol For Life Balance - Mct Oil Organic

Mct Oil Organic

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Detailed Description

Product: Mct Oil Organic by PROTROCOL FOR LIFE UPC Code: 70735912235 MCT oil is a “medium chain triglyceride� which is derived from coconut oil. It is a natural, satiating, and calorie-free energy source that provides a host of health benefits. Unlike other oils, MCTs are absorbed and metabolized quickly by the body and go straight to the liver where they are immediately converted into ketones and used for energy. MCTs are a great source of Healthy fats that the body needs to function properly. MCTs have been shown to increase energy levels, boost mental clarity and cognitive function, stabilize blood sugar levels, help burn fat, and aid in weight loss. They are also known to help improve cholesterol levels, increase satiety, and reduce inflammation. ...


MCT Oil is a “medium chain triglyceride� which is derived from coconut oil. It is a natural, satiating, and calorie-free energy source that provides a host of health benefits. MCTs are a “smart fat� that is easily converted into ketones and used by the brain for energy. MCTs are absorbed and metabolized quickly, so they are a great source of on-the-go energy. MCTs can help you lose weight or manage your weight because they help you feel full and satisfied. MCTs can also help increase your metabolic rate and burn more calories. MCTs are a good source of healthy fats that can help improve


Medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) are a type of saturated fat that is metabolized differently than other types of fat. MCTs are absorbed and metabolized quickly, so they are a great source of energy for athletes and people who are trying to lose weight. MCTs are a good source of Healthy Omega-3 fatty acids. MCTs are a good source of Healthy Omega-3 fatty acids. MCTs are a good source of Healthy Omega-3 fatty acids. MCTs can help you lose weight or manage your weight because they are metabolized quickly and used for energy instead of being stored as fat. MCTs can help increase your energy level and endurance

Recommended Dosage:

There are no official recommended dosage for MCT oil, but a common range is 14-28g per day. Start with a small dose and increase gradually as needed.
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