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Pure Encapsulations - Macular Support Formula

Macular Support Formula

Login   for Willner pricing. $102.80

Detailed Description

This supplement is designed to support macular health. It includes a combination of nutrients and antioxidants that have been shown to be beneficial for the macula, including lutein, zeaxanthin, vitamin C, vitamin E, and zinc. These nutrients work together to help protect the macula from oxidative stress and support healthy visual function. ...


-This supplement contains a blend of antioxidant nutrients, including lutein and zeaxanthin, to support healthy vision and macular function. -Lutein and zeaxanthin are important carotenoids that are found in high levels in the macula, the area of the eye responsible for central vision. -Supplementing with these nutrients has been shown to support healthy macular function and reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration. -This formula also contains bilberry extract, which has been shown to support healthy blood flow to the eyes and protect against free radical damage. -Macular Support Formula is free of gluten, artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives.


Macular Support Formula from Pure Encapsulations is designed to support macular health with a blend of carotenoids, flavonoids, and CoQ10. The formula includes lutein and zeaxanthin, two carotenoids that are selectively absorbed into the macula, where they act as antioxidants and help protect against blue light damage. The formula also includes meso-zeaxanthin, an isomer of zeaxanthin that cannot be obtained from diet. Meso-zeaxanthin is concentrated in the central fovea, the area of the macula responsible for sharp central vision. Flavonoids, including quercetin, rutin, and catechins, are

Recommended Dosage:

The recommended dosage for Macular Support Formula by Pure Encapsulations is two capsules per day, taken with or without food.
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