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Aura Cacia - Juniper Oil .5oz

Juniper Oil .5oz

$19.55 $24.44

Detailed Description

Product: Juniper Oil .5oz by Aura Cacia ...


like this**. **Aura Cacia Juniper Oil .5oz** **Detail**: Juniper oil is a potent essential oil that is derived from the needles, twigs, and berries of the juniper plant. This oil has a wide range of benefits and can be used in a variety of ways. Juniper oil has a strong, fresh, and woody aroma that is often used in aromatherapy. This oil can be used topically, diffused, or inhaled. **Benefits**: -The oil can be used to help soothe and calm the mind and body -Topically, the oil can be used to help relieve pain -The oil can also help to reduce inflammation
- Juniper oil has also been shown to have antimicrobial and antifungal properties **Recommended Dosage**: -When diffusing, add 3-5 drops of oil


**Juniper Oil .5oz** **Product Benefits:** -This oil is perfect for diffusing and provides a natural, fresh scent -Possesses cleansing and purifying properties -Can be used topically with a carrier oil for massage **Supplement Benefits:** -Helps to cleanse and purify the body -Aids in digestion -Can help to detoxify the body **

Recommended Dosage:

** -Diffuse: Add 3-5 drops of oil to a diffuser -Topical: Add 1-2 drops of oil to a carrier oil and apply to the skin Recommended dosage: **Juniper Oil .5oz** **** This oil is derived from the berries of the juniper plant, and has a pale yellow color with a slightly sweet, sharp scent. Juniper oil has a number of benefits, and can be used topically, diffused, or inhaled. **Benefits:**
- Topically: May be helpful in massage for sore muscles, or diluted and applied to the skin to help with acne or other skin conditions.
- Diffused: Can help to purify the air and reduce stress.
- Inhaled: The sharp scent of juniper oil can help to open up the sinuses and clear congestion. **Recommended dosage:** Topical: Dilute 1 drop of oil in 10 drops of carrier oil and apply to desired area. Diffused: Add 3-4 drops of oil to a diffuser.
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