Willner Spring Sale 2022

Page 20 | To place an order, shop online or call: (800) 633-1106 The Willner Window: Catalog & Newsletter, Spring 2022 Since 1911 • Willner Chemists: The Nutritional Supplement Professionals 61955 SELENIUM 200 MCG GLYCI 90 VCA 12.95 10.36 55023 SELENIUM 200 MCG Y/F 90 VCA 13.50 10.80 41541 SKINNY GARCINIA 60 VCA 27.50 22.00 53592 SOD 250 MG VEG CANT FR 60 VCA 59.95 47.96 51857 STRESS B COMPLEX 100 VCA 26.50 21.20 67370 STRESS RELIEF VCAP 30 VCA 18.95 15.16 62344 TAURINE 500 MG 50 VCA 10.25 8.20 55065 TURMERIC ROOT EXTRACT 60 VCA 29.50 23.60 53140 UBIQUINOL COQ10 100 MG 60 VSG 49.95 39.96 58429 UBIQUINOL COQ10 200 MG 60 SGC 89.95 71.96 52596 UBIQUINOL COQ10 50 MG 60 SGC 28.95 23.16 67372 WELLNESS SUPPORT 30 CPL 15.95 12.76 67373 WELLNESS SUPPORT 60 CPL 29.95 23.96 61072 WHEY PRO ISO MIX BERRY 2LB PWD 52.95 42.36 61576 WHEY PROT ISO FREN VAN 2LB PWD 52.95 42.36 56335 WHEY PROT ISOL FR VAN 1LB PWD 30.95 24.76 56492 WHEY PROT ISOLATE CHOC 2.2 PWD 52.95 42.36 61042 WHEY PROTEIN ISO STRAW 2LB PWD 52.95 42.36 56336 WHEY PROTEIN ISOL CHOC 1LB PWD 30.95 24.76 53590 WHEY PROTEIN ISOL ORIG 1.1 PWD 30.95 24.76 55897 WHEY PROTEIN ISOL ORIG 2.2 PWD 52.95 42.36 62925 ZEAXANTHIN PLUS LUTEIN 60 SGC 30.50 24.40 55020 ZINC 30 MG CHELATED 90 VCA 13.95 11.16 70003 ZINC PICOLINATE 50 MG 100 VCA 19.95 15.96 58736 ZINC PICOLINATE 50 MG 50 VCA 10.95 8.76 BODY BIO 70444 BUTYRATE ( SODIUM ) 60 CAP 20.99 20.99 70191 BUTYRATE CAL MAG CAP 100 CAP 30.99 30.99 70315 C 1000 LIPOSOMAL 60 CAP 34.99 34.99 70435 E LYTE BALANCED ELECTR 4 Z LIQ 8.95 8.95 69989 PC 1300 MG 60 SGC 49.99 49.99 70388 PC 1300 MG LIQ 8 Z LIQ 99.00 99.00 70369 PC 1300 MG LIQ 16Z LIQ 189.95 189.95 70193 TUDCA CAP 60 CAP 54.99 54.99 BODYCEUTICALS 64277 CALENDULA OIL ORG 7.2 OIL 26.00 26.00 64278 CALENDULA SALVE ORG ORG SLV 17.00 17.00 65911 NEROLI ORANGE FAC MIST 2 Z SPY 15.95 15.95 BOERICKE & TAFEL 23994 ALLERGIEMITTEL 40 TAB 12.49 9.99 38987 ALPHA CF COLD & FLU 120 TAB 13.49 10.79 16919 ALPHA CF COLD & FLU 40 TAB 12.49 9.99 16934 ALPHA CHILD CF 100 TAB 12.49 9.99 52228 ARNICA MONTANA 30 C 250 TAB 10.79 8.63 16941 ARNIFLORA ARNICA GEL 2.7 GEL 14.59 11.67 27519 BRONCHITIS ASTHMA AIDE 100 TAB 12.49 9.99 27950 COUGH & BRONC NIGHTIM 8 Z LIQ 15.19 12.15 23689 COUGH & BRONCH CHILD 8 Z LIQ 15.19 12.15 16939 COUGH & BRONCH DAYTIM 4 Z LIQ 9.19 7.35 16938 COUGH & BRONCH DAYTIME 8 Z LIQ 15.19 12.15 32825 FLORASONE CARDIOSP CRM 1Z CRM 12.49 9.99 32401 SCIATIC AIDE 100 TAB 12.49 9.99 16947 STINGSTOP SOOTHIN GEL 2.5 GEL 14.59 11.67 16945 TRIFLORA ARTHRITIS GEL 2.7 GEL 14.59 11.67 BOIRON USA 31962 ACIDIL TAB 60 TAB 12.49 9.99 61034 ARNICARE ARNICA TAB 60 TAB 12.49 11.25 55399 ARNICARE ARTHR TAB 60 TAB 12.49 11.25 69080 ARNICARE BRUISE GEL 1 Z GEL 7.99 7.19 57297 ARNICARE CREAM ARN 30C 2.5 CRM 15.59 14.00 43944 ARNICARE CREAM ARNICA 1.3 CRM 7.99 7.19 51705 ARNICARE CREAM ARNICA 2.5 CRM 12.59 11.33 15085 ARNICARE GEL ARNICA 1.5 GEL 7.99 7.19 31940 ARNICARE GEL ARNICA 2.6 GEL 12.29 11.07 66011 ARNICARE GEL ARNICA 4.2 GEL 18.55 14.84 38130 ARNICARE GEL ARNICA 30 2.5 GEL 15.99 14.39 15084 ARNICARE OINTMENT 1 Z ONT 7.99 7.19 69022 ARNICARE ROLL ON 1.5 ROL 8.49 7.64 69081 CALENDULA BURN OINTMNT 1 Z ONT 8.49 7.64 51704 CALENDULA CREAM 2.5 CRM 12.99 11.69 31942 CALENDULA GEL 2.5 GEL 12.99 11.69 15083 CALENDULA GEL 1.5 OZ 1.5 GEL 8.49 7.64 25065 CALENDULA OINTMENT 1 Z ONT 8.49 7.64 60568 CAMILIA BABY TEETHING 30 LIQ 14.69 13.28 65981 CHESTAL ADULT HONEY 6.7 LIQ 12.49 11.25 66079 CHESTAL CHILDREN HONEY 6.7 LIQ 12.49 11.25 64918 CHESTAL COLD AND COUGH 6.7 LIQ 12.49 11.25 15071 COLDCALM 60 TAB 12.49 11.25 70342 COLDCALM KIDS 30 DOSE 30 DRP 14.60 13.14 69419 DIARALIA DIARRH RELIEF 60 TAB 12.49 11.25 33171 GASALIA (FLATULENCE) 60 TAB 12.49 11.25 45390 GEMMA THERAPY LIQ 2 Z LIQ 12.99 12.99 40812 HEM OINTMENT BR 1 Z CRM 9.35 7.48 25658 HEMCALM SUPPOSITORIES 10 SUP 12.49 9.99 66688 HISTAMINUM 30C 2+1 FR KIT KIT 15.00 13.50 34289 LIQUID REM (DILUTIONS) 1 Z LIQ 19.49 19.49 55995 LM TUBES ALL EA MIS 12.95 12.95 58167 NUX VOMICA 30C 3 PACK KIT PEL 13.99 13.99 65888 OPTIQUE 1 EYE DROPS 30 VIL 17.59 14.07 58080 OSCILLOCOCCINUM 12 VIL 24.99 19.99 15070 OSCILLOCOCCINUM 6 PEL 14.99 11.99 61036 OSCILLOCOCCINUM 30 DOS 30 PEL 34.99 27.99 69077 RHINALLERGY KIDS 180 PEL 14.26 11.40 69078 RHINALLERGY TAB BRN/ 60 TAB 12.49 9.99 15066 SINGLE RMD MULTI 10M EA PEL 8.25 8.25 15065 SINGLE RMD MULTI 1M EA PEL 8.25 8.25 15063 SINGLE RMD MULTI 200C EA PEL 8.25 8.25 15060 SINGLE RMD MULTI 3C30C EA PEL 7.00 7.00 15059 SINGLE RMD MULTI 3X30X EA PEL 7.00 7.00 29303 SINUSALIA CALM 60 TAB 12.49 11.25 70203 SINUSCALM PELLETS 160 PEL 14.99 13.49 70073 SLEEPCALM MELTAWAY 60 TAB 12.49 11.25 70162 STRESSCALM MELTAWAY 60 TAB 12.50 11.25 32003 THROAT CALM 60 TAB 12.49 11.25 19326 YEASTAWAY 7 SUP 16.19 14.57 BOOKS 65076 10 DAY DETOX DIET EA BOK 28.00 23.80 61134 ADAPTOGENS 2ND ED EA BOK 19.99 16.99 69099 AMEN SOLUTION PPBK EA BOK 16.00 13.60 70158 ANCIENT REMEDIES EA BOK 29.00 24.63 44617 AROMATHERAPY FOR EVERY EA BOK 13.95 11.85 52029 ARTHRITIS 2ND EDITION EA BOK 18.95 16.10 65595 AUTOIMMUNE PALEO CKBK EA BOK 34.95 29.70 39784 AYURV LIFE OF BALANCE EA BOK 24.95 21.20 65392 AYURVEDA BIBLE EA BOK 19.95 16.95 29922 BACK TO EDEN REV ED EA BOK 9.95 8.45 69581 BETTER BRAIN SOLUTION EA BOK 16.95 14.40 70111 BIOPERINE NAT OWN SUPR EA BOK 10.99 9.34 55628 BLOOD PRESSURE CURE PP EA BOK 15.95 13.55 64391 BLOOD PRESSURE DOWN EA BOK 15.00 12.75 64890 CANDIDA CLEANSE EA BOK 15.95 13.55 69578 CELERY JUICE MEDIC MED EA BOK 19.99 16.99 61126 CHINESE MEDICINE BIBLE EA BOK 14.95 12.70 64595 COCONUT THERAPY PETS EA BOK 15.95 13.55 70157 COLLAGEN DIET EA BOK 29.00 24.65 51468 COMP BK AYUR HOME REM EA BOK 15.95 13.55 70404 COMPL LOW FODMAP DIET EA BOK 19.95 16.95 70107 COOKING WITH MARIKA EA BOK 38.99 33.14 70112 CURRY PWD TO CLIN SIGN EA BOK 10.99 9.34 56747 DEFEATING DIABETES EA BOK 14.95 12.70 62889 DETOX BOOK 3RD EDITION EA BOK 19.95 16.95 70325 DON’T MESS WITH STRESS EA BOK 14.99 11.99 65396 DR BARNARDS PRG REV DB EA BOK 18.99 16.14 52516 ENCYC BACH FLOWER THER EA BOK 29.95 25.45 66942 END OF HEART DIS PPBK EA BOK 15.99 13.59 63907 FERTILITY FACTS EA BOK 16.95 14.40 63945 FOLKS THIS AINT NORMAL EA BOK 15.99 13.59 64636 GLUTEN FREE VEG HOLID EA BOK 24.95 21.20 64646 GLUTEN FREE VEGAN EA BOK 16.95 14.40 70403 GUT AND PHYSIOL SYNDR EA BOK 34.95 29.70 65622 GUT AND PSYCHOL SYNDR EA BOK 32.95 28.00 36443 HEALTHY HEALING 14TH EA BOK 32.95 28.00 67979 HERBS FOR STRESS & ANX EA BOK 8.95 7.60 68069 KETO COMFORT FOODS EA BOK 34.95 29.70 70159 KETO DIET EA BOK 28.00 23.80 69752 LIFE CHANGING FOODS EA BOK 29.95 25.45 67746 LIVER DISEASE WHT MUST EA BOK 17.95 15.25 69753 LIVER RESCUE MEDIC MED EA BOK 34.99 29.74 70265 MEDICAL MEDIUM REV EXP EA BOK 36.99 31.49 64224 MIRACLE KIDNEY CLEANSE EA BOK 14.95 12.70 63075 NAT PREGNANCY BOOK EA BOK 17.99 15.29 64888 NAT RELIEF FOR ANXIETY EA BOK 18.95 16.10 65429 NAT REMED FOR INFLAMM EA BOK 14.95 12.70 65958 NETI HEAL SECRETS YOGA EA BOK 9.95 8.45 59611 OIL PULLING THERAPY EA BOK 15.95 13.55 59143 PRESCR NUTRIT HEAL 5TH EA BOK 30.00 25.50 51597 PRESCRP NUTR HEAL PPBK EA BOK 16.00 13.60 63541 PROBIOTICS REVOLUTION EA BOK 16.00 13.60 63498 STOP ALZHEIMERS NOW EA BOK 19.95 16.95 59222 STRETCHING ANATOMY EA BOK 19.95 16.95 70028 THIS IS YR BRAIN ON FD EA BOK 28.00 23.60 67328 THYROID CONNECTION EA BOK 28.00 23.80 69754 THYROID HEALING MEDIC EA BOK 27.99 23.79 41908 TYPE B FD BEV SUP LIST EA BOK 8.99 7.64 61120 VIBRATIONAL MEDICINE EA BOK 18.00 15.30 64587 WAHLS PROTOCOL PPBK EA BOK 18.00 15.30 67334 WILD FERMENTATION 2ND EA BOK 29.95 25.45 55351 WONDER OF PROBIOTICS EA BOK 14.95 12.70 26864 YEAST CONNECT HANDBOOK EA BOK 15.95 14.55 69580 YOU CAN FIX YOUR BRAIN EA BOK 26.99 22.94 63660 YOUR BLOOD NEVER LIES EA BOK 16.95 14.40 BORLIND OF GERMANY 61267 DAY CREAM ZZ SENSITIVE 50M CRM 36.99 29.59 64486 DAY CRM ROSE DEW 50M CRM 47.99 38.39 37000 DAY CRM SYS ABSLT 1.7 CRM 119.99 95.99 64488 EXFOLIATING PEEL 50M CRM 48.99 39.19 64482 EYE CRM SYSTEM ABSOL 15M CRM 64.99 51.99 64148 EYE WRINKLE CREAM 20M CRM 32.99 26.39 64177 EYE WRINKLE CRM AQUANT .5Z CRM 54.99 43.99 61266 EYE WRINKLE CRM REG LL 30M CRM 54.99 43.99 64484 FACIAL TONER ROSE DEW 150 LIQ 39.99 31.99 64487 HAND BALM 50M CRM 14.99 11.99 62789 MOIST SERUM HYALURONAT 1.6 SER 58.99 47.19 CARLSON LABORATORIES 12554 A 10 000 NAT 250 SGC 17.20 14.62 12553 A 10000 NAT 100 SGC 8.25 7.01 12558 A 10000 SOL 250 SGC 24.90 21.16 12556 A 25000 NAT 250 SGC 23.90 20.31 12555 A 25000 NAT 100 SGC 11.50 9.77 25241 A PALMITATE 15000 240 SGC 18.90 16.06 12566 A&D 10000 + 400 100 SGC 8.50 7.22 12569 A&D 25000/1000 250 SGC 23.50 19.97 12568 A&D 25000/1000 100 SGC 11.90 10.11 12744 ACES 90 SGC 29.90 25.41 22287 ACES + ZN 180 SGC 52.00 44.20 12747 ACES + ZN 120 SGC 36.90 31.36 12746 ACES + ZN 60 SGC 19.90 16.91 61877 ACETYL L CARNITINE PWD 100 PWD 49.90 42.41 12922 ARGININE 100G 100 PWD 17.95 15.25 12620 B12 1000 SUBL 180 TAB 21.50 18.27 70279 BIOTIN 5000 MCG 100 CAP 13.50 11.47 Product Reference Guide: Company Listings (Product Code, Name, Size, List, Discount Price) Candida Albicans and other internal and topical fungal infections. It is a great addition to a Candida treatment protocol. Black Walnut Hull also enjoys a reputation as a parasite killer. It will help to destroy amoebas, protozoans (giardia, blastocytis hominis), pinworms, tinneas and ringworm. Use larger doses once a parasitic infection is in place. Often, treatment needs go for one month in order to kill parasites in all cycles or forms from adult to egg. It can be combined with other anti-parasitic treatment. Black Walnut Hull can be used preventitively if one is traveling to an area where parasites are common or unusual. Take Black Walnut Hull for a few days prior to when one leaves the area and continue taking the entire length of the trip. One must still use common sense and avoid possible parasite contaminated food and drink. Common symptoms of intestinal parasites are diarrhea, gas or bloating, nausea or vomiting, stomach pain or tenderness, fatigue or weakness, weight loss and presence of worms in stool. If you suspect you have a parasite infestation, consult with a physician. Contra-indications and Cautions: Prolonged use is not advised. Ingredients: Each 30 drops contains 1,000 mg of certified organic green Black Walnut Hulls. Dosage: Preventitive: 15-30 drops, 2 times per day in juice or water. General: 15-40 drops 2-3 times per day or as needed in juice or water. Acute: 60-90 drops, 3-4 times per day in juice or water. This dose can be maintained for over 1 month. Complimentary Formulas: • Phyto-Tech™ Oregano Oil 70 (anti-parasitic, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal) • Phyto-Tech™ Immune Complex • Phyto-Tech™ Green Walnut Complex (Walnut with Wormwood and Clove) Blue Cohosh 1:3 Blue Cohosh is similar to Black Cohosh in use. It is used for premenstrual conditions where a heavy bearing down sensation is felt. It is indicated for a feeling of fullness in the abdomen and legs, cramping onset of ones menses, irregular menses or lack of menses. It is anti-spasmodic and helps to relieve cramps. It has symptomatically helped some where endometriosis causes much discomfort and pain. 1 fl oz - Product Code: 57066 Blue Cohosh is a traditional herbal remedy, used by midwives, Native Americans and eclectic physicians of the early 20th century, for use only in the last 3 weeks of pregnancy to help ease a woman in to labor. Midwives still use it today, but only after a woman is term or after week 37. It may help to ease spastic cramping. Contra-indications and Cautions: Do not use Blue Cohosh during pregnancy unless under the supervision and direction of your physician. Dosage: General: 5-20 drops, 2-3 times per day or as needed in juice or water. Acute cramps: 10 drops every 10-20 minutes until pain subsides. Complimentary Formulas: • Phyto-Tech™ Chaste Tree Berries (to increase progesterone) • Phyto-Tech™ Menopause Complex (menopause formulas with black cohosh) • Phyto-Tech™ Menses Complex (PMS and cycle regulating formula with black cohosh) BPH Complex This herbal supplement was designed to support prostate function and the male reproductive system. 1 fl oz - Product Code: 57085 Who would benefit from this supplement? • Men with benign prostatic hyperplasia, elevated PSA levels, impotence. Phyto-Tech™ BPH Complex contains the following herbs: Saw Palmetto Berry, Fresh Nettle Root, Red Root, Sarsaparilla Root, Fresh Turmeric Root, Dong Quai Root. Phyto-Tech™ BPH Complex is actually designed for use as a male prostate tonic to help prevent benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) that is common to most men in mid-life and on. It will help reduce prostate swelling, keep testosterone healthy and help maintain a healthy libido. It also helps the dull ache, urine dribbling, weak urine flow, waking at night to urinate and can help men who have the inability to maintain an erection. For those who actually have BPH, Phyto-Tech™ BPH Complex will help bring the prostate back into a healthy state and help reduce all the symptoms that accompany BPH. Phyto-Tech™ BPH Complex can be used as a long-term tonic. It is a good idea for most men to treat their reproductive tracts annually with Phyto-Tech™ BPH Complex once they are over 50 years of age. This is when most prostate problems arise. Using Phyto-Tech™ BPH Complex for 1-2 months once per year is a wise male preventative treatment for maintaining a healthy prostate throughout a life. Since prostate swelling is so prevalent in society, it makes sense to use this male tonic as a preventative. . . . continued on page 28 Important Notice: The information given here is designed to help you make informed decisions about your health, and the proper use of dietary supplements. It is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, nor a substitute for any treatment that may have been prescribed by your doctor. If you have a medical problem, you should seek medical help. Products described herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or mitigate disease. Product Reference Guide: Willner Chemists Phyto-Tech™ Herbal Supplements