Willner Spring Sale 2021

Page 94 The Willner Window: Catalog & Newsletter, Spring 2021 Since 1911 • Willner Chemists: The Nutritional Supplement Professionals 13640 KELP 520 VCAP 100 CAP 14.40 11.52 13362 KELP TAB 250 TAB 16.50 13.20 13502 LECITHIN 21 SGC 100 SGC 12.60 10.08 13503 LECITHIN 21 SGC 250 SGC 26.40 21.12 13506 LECITHIN GRANULES 95 16Z PWD 18.70 14.96 13505 LECITHIN GRANULES 95 8 Z PWD 11.00 8.80 29102 LIPOIC ACID 120 MG 60 VCA 13.70 10.96 31699 LIPOIC ACID 200 MG 50 VCA 18.60 14.88 50672 LIPOIC ACID 600 MG 50 TAB 33.10 26.48 13536 LIPOTROPIC FACTORS TAB 100 TAB 22.00 17.60 13577 LIVER DESSICATED TAB 250 TAB 21.90 17.52 57710 LUTEIN 20 MG SGC 60 SGC 28.70 22.96 57711 LUTEIN 40 MG SGC 30 SGC 26.40 21.12 29103 LUTEIN CAROTENOID CMP 30 VCA 19.80 15.84 29246 LUTEIN LYCOPENE CAROTE 30 VCA 20.90 16.72 13013 LYSINE 1000 TAB 250 TAB 29.70 23.76 13012 LYSINE 1000 TAB 100 TAB 14.40 11.52 13009 LYSINE 500 CAP 100 CAP 13.70 10.96 13010 LYSINE 500 CAP 250 CAP 29.70 23.76 13333 MAG CHEL 100 MG TAB 100 TAB 14.99 11.99 13334 MAG CHEL 100 MG TAB 250 TAB 28.70 22.96 13367 MAG CITRATE 200 MG TAB 60 TAB 9.80 7.84 13368 MAG CITRATE 200 MG TAB 120 TAB 17.60 14.08 13365 MAG W/B-6 TAB 100 TAB 9.90 7.92 13366 MAG W/B-6 TAB 250 TAB 18.70 14.96 35629 MALE MULTIPLE 60 TAB 23.80 19.04 37496 MALE MULTIPLE 120 TAB 41.30 33.04 13335 MANGANESE CHEL 8 MG S 100 TAB 9.80 7.84 60697 MELATONIN 10 MG LIQ 2 Z LIQ 17.70 14.16 58405 MELATONIN 10 MG TAB 60 TAB 17.70 14.16 58190 MELATONIN 3 MG NUGGET 120 NUG 9.80 7.84 57714 MELATONIN 5 MG 60 NUG 9.70 7.76 66133 MELATONIN 5 MG 120 NUG 16.99 13.59 13016 METHIONINE 500 VCAP 90 CAP 22.00 17.60 57713 METHYL B12 1000 MCG 60 NUG 10.50 8.40 57712 METHYL B12 5000 MCG 60 NUG 25.40 20.32 21739 MILK THISTLE 100 250 VCA 49.60 39.68 13643 MILK THISTLE 100 VCAP 50 CAP 13.20 10.56 13644 MILK THISTLE 100 VCAP 100 CAP 23.10 18.48 26773 MILK THISTLE HERB EXT 60 VCA 18.70 14.96 44673 MILK THISTLE HERB EXT 150 VCA 37.50 30.00 13337 MOLYBDENUM CHEL TAB 100 TAB 9.70 7.76 39397 MSM 1000 MG 120 TAB 18.70 14.96 13428 MULTI II VEGICAP 180 CAP 41.60 33.28 13539 N A C 600 MG 60 VCA 23.10 18.48 31056 N A C 600 MG 120 VCA 39.70 31.76 13146 NIACIN 500 CAP 250 CAP 29.70 23.76 13145 NIACIN 500 CAP 100 CAP 14.99 11.99 13148 NIACIN 500 NO FLUSH CP 100 CAP 24.20 19.36 24663 NIACIN 500 NO FLUSH CP 250 CAP 54.10 43.28 61465 NO 7 JOINT SUPPORT 30 VCA 25.79 20.63 66945 NO 7 JOINT SUPPORT 60 VCA 48.99 38.19 61466 NO 7 JOINT SUPPORT 90 VCA 66.99 53.59 31506 OLIVE LEAF EXT SFP 180 VCA 30.90 24.72 28293 OLIVE LEAF EXT SFP 60 VCA 14.40 11.52 69716 OMEGA 3 675 MG KOSHER 100 SGC 49.99 39.99 69717 OMEGA 3 675 MG KOSHER 50 SGC 24.99 19.99 13497 OMEGA 3 700 SGC 60 SGC 25.99 20.79 13498 OMEGA 3 700 SGC 120 SGC 46.99 37.59 51190 OMEGA 3 950 MG SGC 100 SGC 41.49 33.19 55122 OMEGA 3 950 SGC 50 SGC 23.99 19.19 57912 OMEGA 3 FISH OIL S 120 SGC 16.49 13.19 58701 OMEGA SALMON FULL SPEC 120 SGC 33.99 27.19 50671 OREGANO OIL WILD 60 SGC 15.40 12.32 13165 PANTOTHENIC A 550 VCAP 100 CAP 19.80 15.84 13507 PHOS CHOL SGC SOL/100 100 SGC 18.70 14.96 57709 PHOS SERINE 200 MG SGC 60 SGC 60.70 48.56 13339 POT CMP 99 MG TAB 100 TAB 12.10 9.68 13375 POT GLUCONATE 99 MG 100 TAB 11.00 8.80 13376 POT GLUCONATE 99 MG 250 TAB 19.90 15.92 13666 POT/MAG ASPARTATE VCAP 90 VCA 15.40 12.32 13436 PRENATAL NUTRIENTS TAB 120 TAB 16.10 12.88 64737 PROBI 20 BILLION 30 VCA 29.98 23.98 65407 PROBI 30 BILLION 30 VCA 39.99 31.99 24895 PROLINE/LYSINE TAB 90 TAB 22.00 17.60 30512 PROSTATE SUPPORT G S 60 VCA 36.80 29.44 13485 PSYLLIUM HUSKS VCAP 200 CAP 19.80 15.84 13486 PSYLLIUM HUSKS VCAP 500 CAP 41.90 33.52 28069 PYCNOGENOL 100 MG 30 VCA 61.80 49.44 13548 PYCNOGENOL 30 CAP 60 CAP 40.20 32.16 13549 QUERCETIN COMPLEX VCAP 50 CAP 15.40 12.32 13550 QUERCETIN COMPLEX VCAP 100 VCA 26.99 21.59 50689 RED YEAST RICE 600 MG 60 VCA 16.40 13.12 50690 RED YEAST RICE 600 MG 120 VCA 30.20 24.16 26104 REISHI SHITAKE MAITKE 50 CAP 23.10 18.48 53916 RESVERATROL 100 MG 60 VCA 27.50 22.00 57593 RESVERATROL 250 W/RW 30 SGC 27.60 22.08 67775 RESVERATROL 500 MG 30 VCA 41.90 33.52 29042 RHODIOLA ROOT EXT 250 60 VCA 19.90 15.92 13591 ROYAL JELLY ‘500’ SGC 60 SGC 22.00 17.60 13241 RUTIN 500 TAB 250 TAB 30.90 24.72 13240 RUTIN 500 TAB 100 TAB 15.40 12.32 21539 SAW PALM 520 VCAP 100 CAP 19.90 15.92 31371 SAW PALM BERRY EXT 180 CAP 56.30 45.04 26774 SAW PALM BERRY EXT 150 60 VCA 22.00 17.60 26105 SAW PALM LYCOPENE SOL/ 50 CAP 27.60 22.08 13391 SELENIUM 200 YEAST FR 250 TAB 28.60 22.88 13390 SELENIUM 200 YEAST FR 100 TAB 13.10 10.48 13383 SELENIUM 200 YEAST TAB 100 TAB 14.40 11.52 25279 SHARK LIVER OIL CMP 60 SGC 17.70 14.16 19363 SILICA OCEANIC 25 VCAP 100 CAP 15.40 12.32 39063 SKIN NAILS AND HAIR 60 TAB 14.20 11.36 29643 STINGING NETTLE LF EXT 60 VCA 18.70 14.96 57423 SWEETEST DREAMS 30 VCA 11.00 8.80 59053 TART CHERRY 1000 VCAP 90 VCA 30.90 24.72 13025 TAURINE 500 VCAP 100 CAP 13.10 10.48 13026 TAURINE 500 VCAP 250 CAP 27.60 22.08 56403 THEANINE 150 MG 60 VCA 33.10 26.48 32807 TURMERIC ROOT EXT 400 60 VCA 16.50 13.20 13031 TYROSINE 500 CAP 100 CAP 24.20 19.36 57190 UBIQUINOL 100 MG COQ10 50 SGC 42.49 33.99 69718 UBIQUINOL 100 MG KOSH 60 SGC 79.99 63.99 60055 UBIQUINOL 200 MG SGC 30 SGC 49.49 39.59 26777 VALERIAN ROOT EXT 60 VCA 14.40 11.52 13457 VITAMINS ONLY CAP 90 CAP 25.60 20.48 13422 VM 2000 FORM TAB 180 TAB 56.60 45.28 13420 VM 2000 FORM TAB 60 TAB 22.20 17.76 13421 VM 2000 FORM TAB 90 TAB 31.70 25.36 13414 VM 75 FORM TAB 30 TAB 11.40 9.12 13418 VM 75 FORM TAB 360 TAB 96.40 77.12 13417 VM 75 FORM TAB 180 TAB 52.70 42.16 13416 VM 75 FORM TAB 90 TAB 28.50 22.80 13415 VM 75 FORM TAB 60 TAB 20.10 16.08 28281 VM 75 IRON FREE 60 TAB 19.90 15.92 39709 VM 75 IRON FREE 180 TAB 52.70 42.16 28280 VM 75 IRON FREE 90 TAB 28.50 22.80 28276 VM 75 VEGICAPS 120 VCA 25.70 20.56 28277 VM 75 VEGICAPS 60 VCA 14.40 11.52 35094 VM PRIME OVER 50’S 100 TAB 20.00 16.00 24970 WHEY TO GO PRO VAN PWD 12Z PWD 22.00 17.60 24971 WHEY TO GO PRO VAN PWD 32Z PWD 50.50 40.40 28033 WHEY TO GO PROT CHOC 41Z PWD 50.50 40.40 13344 ZINC 22 MG CHELATED 100 TAB 11.00 8.80 13345 ZINC 22 MG CHELATED 250 TAB 22.00 17.60 13401 ZINC 50 TAB 100 TAB 9.90 7.92 13395 ZINC CITRATE 30 CAP 100 CAP 12.10 9.68 13397 ZINC PICOL 22 TAB 100 TAB 10.90 8.71 SONNES ORGANIC FOOD 11316 BENTONITE COLLOID #7 32Z LIQ 25.19 20.15 11319 C L O #5 16Z LIQ 25.19 20.15 29714 GREENLIFE #10 360 TAB 93.39 74.71 11324 INTESTINAL CLEANSER#9 10Z PWD 22.09 17.67 SOURCE NATURALS 44698 5 HTP 100 MG 60 CAP 23.50 18.80 69289 5 HTP 200 MG CAP 60 CAP 21.98 17.58 44700 ACETYL L CARN/LIPC ACD 60 TAB 33.50 26.80 30189 ACETYL L CARNITINE 500 120 TAB 38.50 30.80 65954 AHCC 500 MG VCA 30+30 60 VCA 61.98 61.98 45526 ALKA BALANCE 120 TAB 20.50 16.40 31887 ALLER RESPONSE 90 TAB 44.50 35.60 38540 ALLERCETIN 48 TAB 9.50 7.60 67632 ARGININE CITRULL CMP 60 TAB 12.98 10.38 56107 ARGININE CITRULLINE 120 TAB 22.98 18.38 35343 ATTENTIVE CHILD 60 WAF 19.50 15.60 Product Reference Guide: Company Listings (Product Code, Name, Size, List, Discount Price) 60 liquid filled Veggie Caps - Product Code: 57045 Who can benefit from this supplement? • Those who have problems falling asleep and staying asleep throughout the night, including those who cannot sleep or rest due to pain or anxiety. Ingredients: Phyto-Tech™ Sleep Complex with Melatonin capsules contains the following herbs: Valerian Root, Hops Strobiles, Fresh Skullcap Herb, Passion Flower Herb, Chamomile Flower, Fresh California Poppy Herb and Melatonin, 3 mg. Phyto-Tech™ Sleep Complex with Melatonin Liquid Herbal Extract contains the following herbs: Valerian Root, Fresh Skullcap Herb, Hops Strobiles, Passion Flower Herb, Fresh California Poppy Herb, Chamomile Flower, and Melatonin, 3 mg. Sleep Complex with Melatonin comes in two forms a liquid herbal extract, and a liquid filled Veggie Capsule. The liquid contain 425 mg per 30 drops and 3 mg Melatonin, while the liquid filled Veggie Cap contains 1,000 mg per capsule and 3 mg Melatonin. Dosage: For the liquid, take 30 drops in water about 15 minutes before bedtime. This can be repeated every 20 minutes, if necessary. For the liquid filled Veggie Cap, take one capsule about 30 minutes before bedtime. Two capsules can be used if necessary. Repeat if needed, or if you wake up during the night. This herbal supplement can be used along with other sleeping aids. Spilanthes 1:2 An herb with a long folk history of use in treating dry mouth, toothache, and various types of gum disease. More recently, it have been investigated for its antibacterial and antifungal action, along with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity 1 fl oz - Product Code: 57487 Who might benefit from this herbal supplement? • Those with dry mouth. • Those with gum disease, bad breath, an altered sense of taste, thick saliva, cracked lips or split skin at the corners of the mouth. • Those with fungal infections in the mouth. • Those with sore throat Ingredients: Phyto-Tech™ Spilanthes is composed of Spilanthes Flower Tops Fresh, Alcohol Pure Grain, Water Pure Deionized. St. John’s Complex A synergistice blend of herbs designed to reduce mild depression and elevate mood. 1 fl oz - Product Code: 57075 Who might benefit from this supplement? • Those with mild depression, mood swings, lethargy • Those who are “feeling down;” those with a depressed libido. Ingredients: Phyto-Tech™ St. John’s Complex contains a blend of Fresh St. John’s Wort Flowering Tops, Vanuatu Kava Kava Root, Damiana Herb, Ginkgo Leaf, Fresh Pulsatilla Herb, Pure Grain Alcohol, Deionized Water. Those who feel flat or have lowered passion and vital energy can use St. John’s Complex. Many people do not have clinical depression, but do feel deflated and a bit down on a daily basis. These people can use this safe remedy. While some will feel immediate effects (most likely form the other ingredients besides the St. John’s Wort), full benefits are realized after one month of continual use. Effects can take effect in as soon as 2 weeks, but 4 weeks is more common. It is best used as a long-term tonic over 1 month. It can also be used very long term. Contra-indications and Cautions: Not intended for severe depression. Do not take during pregnancy or while nursing; do not combine with prescription antidepressant medication. Dosage: Generally: 20-60 drops, 2-3 times per day in juice or water. St. John’s Wort 1:2 St. John’s Wort is indicated for mild to moderate depression. It is safe and can be used long term. 1 fl oz - Alcohol Free,- Product Code: 57020 1 fl oz - Reg, Product Code: 56967 Also available in a vegetarian capsule form 90 Veggie Caps - Product Code: 60123 Ingredients: Each Phyto-Tech™ St. John’s Wort veggie capsule contains 300 mg of St. John’s Wort Herb (standardized at 0.3% Hypericin) in a base of 150 mg of full spectrum, certified organic St. John’s Wort Herb. Stay Well Complex Child Friendly. A great family immune booster for use at the first sign of cold or flu. The addition of Elderberry and Vitamin C to two forms of Echinacea results in enhanced efficacy. . . . continued on page 95 Important Notice: The information given here is designed to help you make informed decisions about your health, and the proper use of dietary supplements. It is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, nor a substitute for any treatment that may have been prescribed by your doctor. If you have a medical problem, you should seek medical help. Products described herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or mitigate disease. Product Reference Guide: Willner Chemists Phyto-Tech™ Herbal Supplements Visit Us Online www.willner.com for product information and easy online ordering! News & Store Events Samples, demos, book signings and more! Visit our website for a schedule of upcoming events at our Park Avenue location. Request a Free Consultation Willner Chemists features a staff of nutritionally trained Pharmacists to answer your health and supplement questions.