Willner Summer Sale 2020
may prevent viruses and bacteria from replicating. Oregano Oil is an anti-microbial that has an immediate impact on acute germ inundation. It is a broad spectrum and powerful. Research has found the phenol Carvacrol to be the active compound in Oregano Oil that gives it its powerful ability to kill bacteria, fungus, candida, and parasites. Phyto-Tech™ Silver Colloid Complex can be used on a daily basis as a preventative against illness, or it can be used once one is ill to support the body and speed healing. It is a broad- spectrum anti-microbial that can be taken internally for colds, flu, coughs, candidiasis, and parasites. It is also an effective external treatment for sore throats, infected wounds, acne, athletes toot, diaper rash, gum disease, nail fungus, and psoriasis. It is a great traveling aid, especially when traveling to third world countries. Sinus Allergy Blend Traditional Chinese Herbal Formula 1 fl oz - Product Code: 56982 Sinus Decongest A blend of herbs that exert an immediate, dramatic effect on the sinus area. These herbs are pungent and aromatic, producing vapors that open and dilate the sinus passageways. This facilitates breathing, drainage and helps fight microbial growth. It produces a short term intensity that is followed by a more mellow, warming sensation in the sinus area. Sinus Decongest will open even the most stubborn and clogged sinus cavity. It can be used many times during the day to help maintain breathing and sinus drainage. 1 fl oz - Product Code:56941 2 fl oz - Product Code: 66599 1 fl oz Spray - Product Code: 66588 Who might benefit from this herbal formula? •Those suffering from sinus infections, sinus headaches, cold and flu, congestion from allergies and environmental toxins. •Those who snore. •Those with congestion while flying. It is best to inhale deeply right after taking Phyto-Tech™Sinus Decongest. The deeper one inhales, the more effecive the result. Dosage: General Dosage: Take 15-30 drops directly in mouth, or in water or juice as soon as is needed. Take 1-3 times per day and up to every 3 hours when needed. Acute infection: Take every 30 minutes to 2 hours until relief maintains. Ingredients: Phyto-Tech™ Sinus Decongest contains: Horseradish Root Fresh, Spilanthes Herb Fresh, Echinacea angustifolia Root, Elderberry, Peppermint Oil, Olive Leaf, Horehound Herb, Garlic, Licorice Root, Cayenne Fruit, Boneset Herb, Osha Root Fresh, Andrographis Herb, Onion, Yarrow Herb, Goldenseal Root, Wild Cherry Bark, Water Pure Deionized, Alcohol Pure Grain, Glycerin Vegetable, Honey. How does it work? Peppermint Oil and Fresh Organic Horseradish pulls the action up and into the sinus while the pungency of Cayenne, Garlic Onion and Horseradish increase circulation. Since the sinus cavity has poor circulation in general, this increase allows immune compounds in the blood to fight infection. The additional Immuno-Stimulating action of Echinacea, Spilanthes, Goldenseal, Elderberry, Garlic, Olive and Fresh Osha help stimulate the body to fight off microbial inundation and assist in healing. Decongesting herbs like Horehound, Licorice, Wild Cherry and Osha also help clean the lungs. Sinus Decongest helps to thin, thick and infected mucus and expectorate it out. In this way, it can help resolve an unproductive cough. Fever managing herbs like Boneset, Yarrow, Osha, Andrographis and Peppermint also help reestablish immune homeostasis. Complimentary Formulas: Phyto-Tech™ Sinus Decongest is synergistic with other immune formulas to increase immune stimulation. •Combine with Echinacea Goldenseal (Phyto-Tech™ Echina Acute Complex) or Phyto-Tech™ Oregano Oil 70 to additionally stimulate white blood cell activity. •For lung congestion or sore throats, combine with Phyto- Tech™ Respiratory Complex. •For long-term immune weakness, combine with Phyto- Tech™ Immune Complex or Phyto-Tech™ Elderberry 1:2. •Phyto-Tech™ Respiratory Complex (to clear out lungs); •Phyto-Tech™ Mushroom Extract Complex/Dual Extraction Blend (rebuild immunity) •Phyto-Tech™ Sinus Allergy Blend/Chinese Herbal Formula (Chinese formula to balance constitutions) •Phyto-Tech™ Allergy Complex (if allergies) •Phyto-Tech™ Oregano Oil 70 (powerful anti-microbial) •Phyto-Tech™ Echina Acute Complex (colds and Flu) •Phyto-Tech™ Astragalus Root 1:3 (if chronic weak immunity) Skullcap 1:2 1 fl oz - Product Code: 57064 Sleep Complex Phyto-Tech™ Sleep Complex with Melatonin A sleep aid or deep relaxation formula, useful as a general sedative and analgesic. This formula combines the best herbal sleep aids with Melatonin. 1 fl oz - Product Code: 57028 . . . continued on page 94 Important Notice: The information given here is designed to help you make informed decisions about your health, and the proper use of dietary supplements. It is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, nor a substitute for any treatment that may have been prescribed by your doctor. If you have a medical problem, you should seek medical help. Products described herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or mitigate disease. Product Reference Guide: Willner Chemists Phyto-Tech™ Herbal Supplement Since 1911 • Willner Chemists: The Nutritional Supplement Professionals Page 93 To place an order, go to www.willner.com or call (800) 633-1106 53801 GUMMI POWER SOURS PAK 30 PAK 22.15 17.72 69381 KIDS ONE MULTISTARS 30 CHW 12.79 10.23 51786 KIDS ONE MULTISTARS 90 CHW 27.99 22.39 19125 MAGNESIUM CALCIUM + 180 TAB 31.99 25.59 66127 MENS ENERGY MULTI GUMM 30P PAK 24.99 19.99 58236 MENS MULTI ORGANIC 120 TAB 41.49 33.19 68988 MENS ONE MULTI VIBRANC 12O TAB 37.99 30.39 68986 MENS ONE MULTI VIBRANC 30 TAB 12.00 9.60 68987 MENS ONE MULTI VIBRANC 60 TAB 21.99 17.59 51708 NUTRISTART MULTI PWD 25 PAK 23.49 18.79 68989 PRENATAL ONE MULT VIBR 30 TAB 12.00 9.60 68991 PRENATAL ONE MULT VIBR 120 TAB 37.99 30.39 52483 PRENATAL PACK 30 PAK 32.99 26.39 55705 PROBIOACTIVE 1B VCAP 90 VCA 24.50 19.60 68737 PROBIOLIC PLUS GUM BER 60 CHW 24.99 19.99 60554 PROBIOLICIOUS GUMMIES 50 CHW 22.99 18.39 66130 TEEN ENERGY MULT GM PK 30P PAK 24.99 19.99 66128 WOMENS ENERGY MULTI GM 30P PAK 24.99 19.99 67524 WOMENS MULTI + STRESS 120 VCA 57.99 46.39 58237 WOMENS MULTI ORGANIC 120 CAP 41.49 33.19 68984 WOMENS ONE MULTI VIBRN 60 TAB 21.99 17.59 68985 WOMENS ONE MULTI VIBRN 120 TAB 37.99 30.39 68983 WOMENS ONE MULTI VIBRN 30 TAB 12.00 9.60 REDD REMEDIES 63796 120/80 CARE 60 VCA 27.99 22.39 66311 BONE HEALTH ADVANCED 120 CAP 31.99 25.19 64539 BRAIN AWAKENINIG 120 CAP 63.99 51.19 62966 GOUCH VCAP 60 VCA 29.99 23.99 66555 GOUCH VCAP 120 VCA 57.99 46.39 63799 HEART STRONG 60 TAB 29.99 23.99 69706 IMMUNE ADVANCED VCAP 60 VCA 38.99 31.19 69707 IMMUNE BAC PRO VCAP 60 VCA 27.99 22.39 69708 IMMUNE EVERYDAY VCAP 30 VCA 29.99 23.99 69709 IMMUNE VRL PRO VCAP 60 VCA 27.99 22.39 66199 JOINT HEALTH ADV NEM 60 VCA 36.99 29.59 62967 MUSCLE EASE 60 TAB 18.99 15.19 62973 NERVE SHIELD R 60 TAB 31.99 25.59 69286 NERVE SHIELD TAB 120 TAB 59.99 47.99 62962 SINUS SUPPORT ADULT 100 TAB 34.99 27.99 62965 SINUS SUPPORT CHILD 60 CHW 21.99 17.59 62974 SINUZYME CAP 40 CAP 25.99 20.79 62976 THYROID STRONG 60 VCA 34.99 27.99 62975 TRUE ENERGY CAP 50 CAP 25.99 20.79 RENEW LIFE 53381 14 DY TOTAL BODY CLEAN KIT KIT 36.99 33.29 69490 3 DAY LIVER CLEANSE 12 VCA 11.99 10.79 53380 7 DAY TOT BODY RAP CLE KIT KIT 29.99 26.99 65218 BOWEL CLEANSE CAP 150 CAP 19.99 17.99 38048 CANDI SMART CANDI GONE KIT KIT 37.99 34.19 36573 CLEANSE MORE 60 CAP 18.99 17.09 37854 CLEANSE SMART KIT KIT 32.99 29.69 54895 CLEAR FIBER ORG ACACIA 9.5 PWD 19.99 17.99 61682 DAILY PROB 15 BIL RTS 30 VCA 21.99 19.79 50988 DIGEST MORE ULTRA 90 CAP 49.99 44.99 53473 FIBERSMART 12Z PWD 29.99 26.99 43154 FIBERSMART CAP 120 VCA 17.99 16.19 56027 FIBERSMART CAP 200 CAP 27.99 25.19 53612 GAS STOP 60 CAP 19.99 17.99 67150 KIDS PROBIOTIC 3 BIL CH 60 CHW 29.99 26.99 58835 OMEGA 3 1000 SUP CRIT 30 SGC 29.99 26.99 55967 OMEGA 600 COAT ENT COT 60 SGC 29.99 26.99 32932 PARA SMART (PARAGONE) EA RNW 37.99 34.19 64953 PREBIOTIC FIBER ACACIA 11. PWD 19.99 17.99 50228 TRIPLE FIBER ORGANIC 12Z PWD 15.99 14.39 56270 TRIPLE FIBER ORGANIC 150 CAP 18.99 17.09 64197 ULT FLORA 150 BIL MEGA 30 VCA 69.99 62.99 56667 ULT FLORA 200 BILL PAK 7 PAK 29.99 26.99 64144 ULT FLORA 30 BIL SN CR 30 VCA 29.99 26.99 64143 ULT FLORA 30 BILL XTRA 30 VCA 29.99 26.99 61692 ULT FLORA 30 BL SENIOR 60 VCA 52.99 47.76 55077 ULT FLORA 30 BL SENIOR 30 CAP 29.99 26.99 64952 ULT FLORA 50 BIL EXT 30 VCA 39.99 35.99 67548 ULT FLORA 50 BIL EXT 60 VCA 67.99 61.19 58297 ULT FLORA 80 BL CR COL 30 CAP 49.99 44.99 62887 ULT FLORA 90 BILL WOMEN 30 VCA 49.99 44.99 62228 ULTIMATE FLORA 100 BIL 30 VCA 59.99 53.99 60934 ULTIMATE FLORA 15 BILL 60 CAP 39.99 35.99 51029 ULTIMATE FLORA 50 BILL 30 VCA 39.99 35.99 61830 ULTIMATE FLORA 50 BILL 60 VCA 67.99 61.19 51696 ULTIMATE FLORA VAGINAL 30 VCA 39.99 35.99 68584 WOMENS DAILY PROB+PRE 60 CAP 39.99 35.99 61680 WOMENS PROB 15 BIL RTS 30 VCA 21.99 19.79 63369 WOMENS PROB 15 BIL RTS 60 VCA 37.99 34.19 RESERVEAGE ORGANICS 59829 BEAUTIFUL LEGS 30 CAP 28.99 28.99 65360 BERGAMOT CHOLESTRL SUP 30 VCA 29.99 23.99 57620 COLLAGEN BOOSTER 60 VCA 41.99 41.99 62818 COLLAGEN BOOSTER ULTRA 90 CAP 52.99 52.99 67017 COLLAGEN FRESHWATR PWD 3.0 PWD 24.99 22.49 68769 COLLAGEN HYDRA PROTECT 60 CAP 54.99 54.99 66633 COLLAGEN REPLENISH CHW 60 CHW 21.95 21.95 64962 COLLAGEN REPLENISH PWD 78G PWD 19.99 15.99 65381 GRAPE SEED EXT 325 MG 60 VCA 34.99 34.99 59828 KERATIN FOR MEN 60 CAP 47.99 47.99 67235 KERATIN HAIR BOOST PWD 2.7 PWD 39.99 35.99 68545 KERATIN HAIR BOOSTER 120 CAP 79.99 79.99 57554 RESVERATROL 100 MG R 60 CAP 24.89 24.89 57555 RESVERATROL 500 MG 60 CAP 78.69 78.69 65932 TRES BEAUTY 3 COLL KER 90 CAP 59.99 59.99 REVIVA LABS 40740 BROWN SPOT NIGHT GEL 1.2 GEL 18.99 17.09 56036 CLEANSING MILK ORGANIC 4 Z LIQ 13.99 12.59 58130 COLLAGEN FIBER EYE PAD 3PK PAD 23.15 18.52 54605 COLLAGEN FIBER EYE PAD KIT KIT 41.79 33.43 27146 COLLAGEN NIGHT CREAM 1.5 CRM 17.99 16.19 58132 COLLAGEN SERUM 1 Z LIQ 27.49 21.99 57505 DMAE FIRMING FLUID 1 Z LIQ 20.95 16.76 22196 GLYCOLIC ACID TONER 4 Z LIQ 17.99 16.19 44263 HYALURONIC SERUM 1 Z SER 24.19 19.35 24281 INTERCELL DAY CRM 1.5 CRM 17.99 16.19 24282 INTERCELL NIGHT GEL 1 Z GEL 17.99 16.19 27196 LIGHT SKIN PEEL 1.5 OZ 1.5 CRM 24.20 19.36 40143 LIPOIC ACID CRM 2 Z CRM 27.99 25.19 54606 UNDER EYE DARK CIRCLE 1 Z SER 31.95 25.56 RIDGECREST HERBAL 57687 ADRENAL FATIGUE FIGHTR 60 CAP 31.99 25.59 38783 AIRWAY CLEAR EPHE/FREE 60 CAP 24.99 19.99 60277 CLEAR LUNGS EXTRA STRE 120 CAP 49.99 39.99 27548 CLEAR LUNGS RED 60 CAP 24.99 19.99 30848 CLEAR LUNGS RED 120 CAP 39.99 31.99 67917 HAIR REVIVE 120 CAP 49.99 39.99 RX VITAMINS 45128 ACID BLOCK (GES 5) 60 CHW 22.00 17.60 40403 BONE DENSITY 180 CAP 29.00 23.20 53892 D3 LIQ 2000 IU 1 Z LIQ 20.00 16.00 40260 LICORICE CHEWABLE 90 CHW 19.00 15.20 40434 OCULAR FORMULA 90 CAP 31.00 24.80 40259 PROSTATE ADVANCED FORM 90 SGC 38.00 30.40 SANHELIOS 19849 CIRCU CAP 96 CAP 33.99 27.19 19868 CIRCU CAP 48 CAP 19.99 15.99 45001 CURBITA 1000 MG BLADDE 30 SGC 24.99 19.99 SANTEVIA 61689 ALKALINE PITCHER FILTR EA MIS 19.99 15.99 67952 POWER WATER STICK 1EA MIS 21.39 17.11 69200 WATER FILTER MINA ALKA EA MIS 17.99 14.39 69201 WATER PITCHER ALKA MIN EA MIS 49.99 39.99 SAVANNAH BEE COMPANY 65029 BODY BUT ROY JEL SENS 1.6 BUT 14.90 13.41 65861 BODY BUT ROY JEL SENS 6.7 BUT 24.70 22.23 66658 BODY BUT ROY JEL TP HN 6.7 JEL 26.90 24.31 65028 BODY BUTTER ROYAL JEL 1.6 BUT 14.90 13.41 65860 BODY BUTTER ROYAL JELL 6.7 BUT 24.90 22.41 69358 BODY LOT HONEY ROSM LV 9.5 LOT 14.50 13.05 65862 BODY WASH HONEY LEM SP 9.5 LIQ 14.50 13.05 69055 HAND CRM BEESWAX ROY J 3.4 BUT 14.50 13.05 69360 HAND SOAP LEMONG SPEAR 9.5 LIQ 12.75 11.48 69359 HAND SOAP ORANGE BLOSS 9.5 LIQ 12.75 11.48 69054 HEEL BALM BEESWAX TANG 2 Z CRM 14.50 13.05 SCHIFF PRODUCTS 29644 CAL MAG SUP 1200 W/D 90 SGC 11.39 9.11 22065 CALCIUM 1200 SUPER W/D 120 SGC 14.19 11.35 55288 MOVE FREE PLUS MSM ADV 120 TAB 29.99 23.99 SEABUCK WONDERS 64199 FACIAL CRM SEA BUCKTH 1 Z CRM 19.99 15.99 60205 OMEGA 7 COMP SEA BUCK 60 SGC 29.97 29.97 60203 SEA BUCKTHORN BERRY OG 1.7 LIQ 34.99 27.99 60204 SEA BUCKTHORN SEED ORG 1 Z LIQ 34.99 27.99 SEAGATE 39901 BROCCOLI SPROUTS 250 100 VCA 33.95 33.95 39900 BROCCOLI SPROUTS 250 50 VCA 17.95 17.95 52144 EARACHE REMEDY .5Z LIQ 9.75 9.75 29977 GRAPE SEED EXT 250 MG 90 CAP 26.50 26.50 62263 LEMON POWDER 100 GM 100 PWD 23.50 23.50 53107 LYCOPENE 15 90 VCA 19.99 19.99 53969 NOPAL CACTUS 180 VCA 17.95 17.95 32699 OLIVE LEAF EXT 450 MG 45 VCA 16.50 16.50 32700 OLIVE LEAF EXT 450 MG 90 VCA 29.95 29.95 65412 OLIVE LEAF EXTRACT 2 Z LIQ 9.99 9.99 42582 OLIVE LEAF NASAL SPRAY 1 Z SPY 9.95 9.95 42279 OLIVE LF THROAT SPY 1 Z SPY 9.95 9.95 42278 OLIVE LF THROAT SPY RS 1 Z SPY 9.95 9.95 51011 OLIVE OIL EXTRA VIRGIN 100 SGC 18.00 18.00 58271 OLIVE VAGINAL SPRAY 1 Z SPY 14.95 14.95 SHIKAI 58215 BORAGE DRY FOOT CRM 4.2 CRM 11.49 9.19 36607 BORAGE DRY SKIN CHILD S 8 Z LIQ 13.59 10.87 55186 BORAGE EYE CREAM .5Z CRM 17.99 14.39 61047 BORAGE SKIN THR ADV FF 8 Z LOT 15.99 12.79 55294 FACIAL MOIST BORAGE 2 Z CRM 17.99 14.39 38525 SKIN LOT BORAGE ADULT 8 Z LOT 14.49 11.59 SIBU BEAUTY 66473 BODY CRM SEA BUCKTHORN 6 Z CRM 20.09 16.07 66470 EYE CRM SEA BUCKTHORN .5Z CRM 29.99 23.99 66472 FACE CLEANS SEA BUCKTH 4 Z LIQ 19.99 15.99 66471 FACE CRM SEA BUCKTHORN 1 Z CRM 24.99 19.99 66469 HYDRAT SER SEA BUCKTH 1 Z LIQ 44.99 35.99 66474 SEA BUCKTHORN SEED OIL 10M OIL 19.99 15.99 SIMILASAN 36130 ALLERGY EYE #2 VIIALS 20 VIL 12.99 10.39 22112 ALLERGY EYE RELIEF #2 10M LIQ 11.99 9.59 37844 COMPUTER EYE FATIGUE#3 10M LIQ 11.99 9.59 Product Reference Guide: Company Listings (Product Code, Name, Size, List, Discount Price)
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