Willner Fall Sale 2019

Page 98 The Willner Window Product Reference Catalog, Autumn 2019 Since 1911 • Willner Chemists: The Nutritional Supplement Professionals 55882 UBIQUINOL 100 MG COQ10 60 SGC 49.99 39.99 58845 UBIQUINOL 200 MG 60 SGC 89.99 71.99 54712 UBIQUINOL COQH 50 MG 60 SGC 31.99 25.60 57277 UC II JOINT COLLAGEN 60 VCA 32.99 26.39 66085 UC II JOINT COLLAGEN 120 VCA 59.99 47.99 66343 ULTRASON USB OIL DIFF MIS MIS 26.99 21.59 63849 ULTRASONIC OIL DIFFUSR EA MIS 44.99 35.99 55140 VANILLA OIL IN JOJOBA 1 Z LIQ 24.99 19.99 55141 WATER OUT HERBAL DIUR 100 VCA 15.99 12.79 61218 WHEAT GERM OIL LIQ 16Z LIQ 13.99 11.19 68917 WHEY PROT GRASS FD CHC 1.2 PWD 32.99 26.39 36184 WINTERGREEN OIL 1 Z LIQ 9.99 7.99 41367 WRINKLE RESCUE 2 Z CRM 14.99 11.99 41391 YLANG YLANG OIL EXTRA 1 Z LIQ 27.99 22.39 65569 YUCCA ROOT 500 MG 100 CAP 8.99 7.19 26305 ZINC PICOLINATE 50 MG 120 CAP 14.99 11.99 42286 ZMA 90 CAP 21.99 17.59 NOW NUTS AND PWDS 39042 ALMONDS RAW 16Z SNK 9.99 9.99 40402 ALMONDS ROASTED SALT 16Z SNK 10.99 10.99 45361 BRAZIL NUTS WHOLE RAW 12Z SNK 8.49 8.49 51216 COCOA PWD ORGANIC 14Z PWD 9.99 9.99 31250 GELATIN BEEF PWD 1LB PWD 13.99 13.99 68729 HEMP SEED HEARTS ORG 8 Z 9.99 9.99 60338 MACADAMIA NUTS ROASTED 9 Z SNK 10.99 10.99 52765 MAPLE SYRUP GRADE B 16Z SRP 12.99 12.99 52764 MAPLE SYRUP GRADE B 64Z SRP 44.99 44.99 63027 PECANS HALVES & PIECES 12Z SNK 10.99 10.99 64781 PECANS HONEY ROASTED 8 Z SNK 10.99 10.99 62157 PINE NUTS ORGANIC 8 Z SNK 14.99 14.99 38045 PISTACHIOS SALTED 12Z SNK 8.99 8.99 55087 RAW ENERGY NUT MIX 1LB NUT 8.99 8.99 54366 XYLITOL 2.5 PWD 16.99 13.59 NUBIAN 64304 AFRICAN BLACK SOAP LOT 13Z LOT 12.99 10.39 66486 BODY LOT SHEA BUTT RAW 13Z LOT 12.99 10.39 68411 BODY WASH MANGO N 13Z LIQ 12.99 10.39 67922 BODY WASH RAW SHEA N 13Z LIQ 12.99 10.39 64305 COCONUT & PAPAYA LOT 13Z LOT 12.99 10.39 64306 GOATS MILK & CHAI LOT 13Z LOT 12.99 10.39 NUTIVA 59989 COCONUT OIL EXTRA VIRGI 15Z OIL 12.99 10.39 59528 HEMP PROTEIN PWD 16Z PWD 20.49 16.39 60058 HEMP SEED OIL 24Z OIL 24.09 19.27 64783 HEMP SEED OIL ORG 16Z LIQ 19.09 15.27 63921 HEMP SEED RAW SHELLED 13Z CER 15.99 12.79 68206 MCT OIL ORGANIC 16Z OIL 26.65 21.32 NUTRAMAX LABORATORIE 53206 AVOCA ASU GLUCOS HCL 120 TAB 44.29 35.43 56909 COSAMIN ASU 3X CAP 90 CAP 39.99 31.99 62614 COSAMIN ASU 3X CAP 150 CAP 59.99 47.99 26658 COSAMIN DS 108 CAP 44.95 44.95 25659 COSAMIN DS 210 CAP 79.95 79.95 41881 COSAMIN DS TAB 150 TAB 63.95 51.16 NUTREX HAWAII 65514 BIOASTIN 12 MG 50 SGC 44.39 35.51 38989 BIOASTIN 4 MG 60 SGC 23.49 18.79 22836 SPIRULINA PAC 500 200 TAB 21.99 17.59 25037 SPIRULINA PAC 50Z 5 Z PWD 21.99 17.59 25929 SPIRULINA PACIFICA 100 TAB 15.09 12.07 NUTRIBIOTIC 39427 ASCORBIC ACID 16Z PWD 24.99 22.49 39991 DEFENSE PLUS 90 TAB 26.98 24.28 22725 GRAPEFRUIT SD EXT+ VCA 90 VCA 21.99 19.79 23000 GRAPEFRUIT SEED CONC 2 Z LIQ 13.95 12.55 44530 GRAPEFRUIT SEED CONC 4 Z LIQ 24.99 22.49 29013 GRAPEFRUIT SEED EXT TB 100 TAB 11.99 9.59 61245 GSE MAXIMUM LIQ CONCEN 1 Z LIQ 16.99 15.29 24131 NASAL SPRAY 1 Z LIQ 9.99 8.99 40300 RICE PROTEIN CHOC 22Z PWD 24.99 22.49 40265 RICE PROTEIN MIX BERRY 21Z PWD 24.99 22.49 39304 RICE PROTEIN VAN 3LB PWD 46.99 42.29 25444 SHOWER GEL SUPER 12Z LIQ 8.99 8.09 NUTRITION NOW 58742 B CMP GUMMY VIT CHW 70 CHW 8.99 7.19 58743 B12 GUMMY CHW 60 CHW 9.69 7.75 58744 CALCIUM GUMMY VIT CHW 60 CHW 11.99 9.59 58746 COQ10 GUMMY CHW 60 CHW 17.99 14.39 58745 D GUMMY VITAMIN 75 CHW 9.99 7.99 58747 MULTIVITES GUMMY VIT 70 CHW 9.99 7.99 22547 PB 8 CAP 120 CAP 27.49 21.99 21801 PB 8 CAP 60 CAP 16.99 13.59 56742 PB 8 VEG 120 VCA 27.49 21.99 22635 PB 8 VEG CAP 60 VCA 16.99 13.59 60637 PRENATAL ADULT GUMMY 75 CHW 14.99 11.99 NUTRITIONAL FRONTIERS 64927 BETAZYME 120 VCA 45.00 40.50 65148 CANDIKILL II VCAP 90 VCA 49.50 44.55 66101 ESTROCLEANSE II| 90 VCA 59.50 53.55 66102 GI COMPLETE PWD LEMON 390 PWD 69.50 62.55 66104 IODINE PLUS 90 CAP 25.50 22.95 66107 SLEEP TIME 120 VCA 69.75 63.00 66106 SLEEP TIME 60 VCA 37.75 34.00 66465 SUPER B COMPLETE 60 VCA 28.50 25.65 66135 SUPER CAL PLUS TAB 120 TAB 35.00 31.50 64330 X FLAME 120 CAP 59.50 53.55 NUTRITIONAL THERAPEU 38974 B COMPLEX FACTOR 60 TAB 25.20 20.16 42934 BREATHE CLEAR 60 TAB 24.95 19.96 44422 HEALTHY AGING NT FACT 120 TAB 40.00 32.00 38639 NT FACTOR 90 TAB 50.40 40.32 65625 PATENTED ENERGY WAFERS 30 CHW 32.99 26.39 65497 PATENTED ENERGY WAFERS 60 CHW 59.99 47.99 58275 PROPAX GOLD 60 PAK 99.99 89.99 38519 PROPAX WITH NT FACTOR 30 PAK 46.00 41.40 38520 PROPAX WITH NT FACTOR 90 PAK 124.99 112.49 41998 PROPAX WITH NT FACTOR 60 PAK 87.50 78.75 OLA LOA 52878 OLA LOA ENERGY CRAN RS 30 PAK 41.99 33.59 42237 OLA LOA ENERGY TRO PAK 30 PWD 41.99 33.59 52881 OLA LOA SPORT MIX BERR 30 PAK 29.99 23.99 OLBAS PRODUCT 18080 ANALGESIC OIL .95 OZ 0.95 LIQ 19.99 15.99 18081 COUGH SYRUP 4 Z LIQ 9.59 7.67 52773 OLBAS HERBAL TEA 7 Z TEA 18.99 15.19 53131 OLBAS OIL .32 OZ 0.32 OIL 9.59 7.67 OLYMPIAN LABS 41011 BIOCELL COLLAGEN II 100 CAP 49.99 39.99 63812 BIOCELL COLLAGEN II OP 60 CAP 31.99 25.59 57979 COQ10 300 MG CAP 60 CAP 60.99 48.79 57980 COQ10 60 MG CAP 60 CAP 22.49 17.99 41008 CORAL CALCIUM 270 CAP 57.79 46.23 40527 CORAL CALCIUM 90 CAP 28.49 22.79 59039 D3 3000 IU 100 CAP 18.49 14.79 63606 DIM 150 MG EXTRA STREN 30 CAP 18.39 14.71 57985 GRAPE SEED EXT 120 MG 100 CAP 21.09 16.87 50502 GRAPE SEED EXT 200 MG 100 CAP 25.49 20.39 62328 GRAPE SEED EXT 400 MG 100 VCA 47.49 37.99 42854 LUTEIN 20 MG VEG 60 CAP 24.59 19.67 54540 MAGNESIUM CITRATE 400 100 CAP 19.49 15.59 50373 OMEGA 3 2000 ENTERIC 120 SGC 33.99 27.19 55229 PEA PROTEIN VANILLA 27 PWD 47.59 38.07 39609 SKIN SUPPORT 60 CAP 37.49 29.99 OPTICHOICE 62532 ALIVEL 100 50 MG CT BI 60 CAP 39.99 31.99 62531 ALIVEL 100 EURYCOMA 50 60 CAP 34.99 27.99 64821 CHOLESSTRIN HPE 150 2X 60 CAP 34.99 27.99 62536 COQ10 100 MG SGC 60 SGC 34.99 27.99 62537 COQ10 100 UBIQUINOL QH 60 SGC 49.99 39.99 62542 RED YEAST RICE ULTIM 120 CAP 44.95 35.96 OPTIMOX 22147 GYNOVITE + 180 TAB 26.90 24.21 44524 IODORAL 12.5 MG 90 TAB 28.98 23.18 45130 IODORAL 12.5 MG 180 TAB 53.25 42.60 58129 IODORAL 50 MG 90 TAB 89.45 71.56 ORAL ESSENTIALS 67519 MOUTHWASH DRY MOUTH MT 16Z LIQ 11.99 9.59 67518 MOUTHWASH SENSIT MINT 16Z LIQ 11.99 9.59 67564 MOUTHWASH WHITEN LEMON 16Z LIQ 11.99 9.59 67521 TPST ORIGINAL MINT FF 3.5 TUB 9.99 7.99 67522 TPST WHITENING MINT FF 3.5 TUB 9.99 7.99 OREGONS WILD HARVEST 63446 ASHWAGANDHA RT 400 OR 90 CAP 24.95 22.45 63447 ASTRAGALUS RT 375 ORG 90 CAP 16.95 15.25 63864 BURDOCK ROOT PWD ORG 4 Z PWD 14.00 12.60 63865 CAYENNE PEPPER PWD ORG 4 Z PWD 14.00 12.60 66700 CHAMOMILE WHOLE PWD OG 4 Z PWD 18.50 16.65 63868 CINNAMON POWDER ORG 4 Z PWD 16.00 14.40 63449 CINNAMON TRUE 450 ORG 60 CAP 23.95 21.55 63869 COMFREY ROOT PWD ORG 4 Z PWD 12.00 10.80 68952 DANDELION LEAF PWD 0.25 PWD 12.00 10.80 64754 DANDELION RT FLAKES OG 4 Z FLK 18.00 16.20 63872 ECHIN PURP RT PWD ORG 4 Z PWD 18.00 16.20 63450 ECHINACEA TOPS & RT OG 90 VCA 16.95 15.25 67243 EYE LOVE LUTEIN 60 VCA 29.95 26.95 63451 FENUGREEK ROOT 500 ORG 90 VCA 14.95 13.45 63874 FENUGREEK SEED ORG 4 Z SED 9.00 8.10 63875 GINGER ROOT PWD ORG 4 Z PWD 12.00 10.80 63453 HAWTHORN FLWR LF BR OG 90 VCA 16.95 15.25 63454 KELP 600 MG ORG 90 VCA 12.95 11.65 65537 KELP THALLUS PWD O 4 Z PWD 8.50 7.65 63456 MACA ROOT 410 RAW ORG 90 VCA 21.95 19.75 66226 MACA ROOT PWD ORG 0.25 PWD 22.00 19.80 68016 MILK THISTLE DANDELION 90 CAP 28.95 26.05 63455 MILK THISTLE ORGANIC 90 VCA 30.95 27.85 67480 MILK THISTLE ORGANIC 180 CAP 45.95 41.35 68930 MUSCLE RELAX CAP 90 CAP 18.95 17.05 63457 SAW PALM PYGEUM ORG 90 VCA 24.95 22.45 68134 SLEEP BETTER 90 CAP 18.45 16.60 63880 SLIPPERY ELM PWD ORG 4 Z PWD 21.00 18.90 63884 STRESS GUARD CAP 90 CAP 26.95 24.25 65966 TURMERIC 450 MG ORG 60 CAP 31.95 28.85 63881 TURMERIC ROOT PWD ORG 4 Z PWD 14.00 12.60 ORGANIX SOUTH 56224 CONDITIONER THERA NEEM 12Z LIQ 14.89 11.91 57703 FACIAL COMPLEXION BAR 4 Z BAR 8.39 6.71 60467 MOUTHWASH NEEM CINNAM 16Z LIQ 15.29 12.23 57483 MOUTHWASH THERA NEEM 16Z LIQ 15.29 12.23 Product Reference Guide: Company Listings (Product Code, Name, Size, List, Discount Price) Sleep Complex with Melatonin comes in two forms a liquid herbal extract, and a liquid filled Veggie Capsule. The liquid contain 425 mg per 30 drops and 3 mg Melatonin, while the liquid filled Veggie Cap contains 1,000 mg per capsule and 3 mg Melatonin. Dosage: For the liquid, take 30 drops in water about 15 minutes before bedtime. This can be repeated every 20 minutes, if necessary. For the liquid filled Veggie Cap, take one capsule about 30 minutes before bedtime. Two capsules can be used if necessary. Repeat if needed, or if you wake up during the night. This herbal supplement can be used along with other sleeping aids. Spilanthes 1:2 An herb with a long folk history of use in treating dry mouth, toothache, and various types of gum disease. More recently, it have been investigated for its antibacterial and antifungal action, along with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity 1 fl oz - Product Code: 57487 Who might benefit from this herbal supplement? • Those with dry mouth. • Those with gum disease, bad breath, an altered sense of taste, thick saliva, cracked lips or split skin at the corners of the mouth. • Those with fungal infections in the mouth. • Those with sore throat Ingredients: Phyto-Tech™ Spilanthes is composed of Spilanthes Flower Tops Fresh, Alcohol Pure Grain, Water Pure Deionized. St. John’s Complex A synergistice blend of herbs designed to reduce mild depression and elevate mood. 1 fl oz - Product Code: 57075 Who might benefit from this supplement? • Those with mild depression, mood swings, lethargy • Those who are “feeling down;” those with a depressed libido. Ingredients: Phyto-Tech™ St. John’s Complex contains a blend of Fresh St. John’s Wort Flowering Tops, Vanuatu Kava Kava Root, Damiana Herb, Ginkgo Leaf, Fresh Pulsatilla Herb, Pure Grain Alcohol, Deionized Water. Those who feel flat or have lowered passion and vital energy can use St. John’s Complex. Many people do not have clinical depression, but do feel deflated and a bit down on a daily basis. These people can use this safe remedy. While some will feel immediate effects (most likely form the other ingredients besides the St. John’s Wort), full benefits are realized after one month of continual use. Effects can take effect in as soon as 2 weeks, but 4 weeks is more common. It is best used as a long-term tonic over 1 month. It can also be used very long term. Contra-indications and Cautions: Not intended for severe depression. Do not take during pregnancy or while nursing; do not combine with prescription antidepressant medication. Dosage: Generally: 20-60 drops, 2-3 times per day in juice or water. St. John’s Wort 1:2 St. John’s Wort is indicated for mild to moderate depression. It is safe and can be used long term. 1 fl oz - Alcohol Free,- Product Code: 57020 1 fl oz - Reg, Product Code: 56967 Also available in a vegetarian capsule form 90 Veggie Caps - Product Code: 60123 Ingredients: Each Phyto-Tech™ St. John’s Wort veggie capsule contains 300 mg of St. John’s Wort Herb (standardized at 0.3% Hypericin) in a base of 150 mg of full spectrum, certified organic St. John’s Wort Herb. Stay Well Complex Child Friendly. A great family immune booster for use at the first sign of cold or flu. The addition of Elderberry and Vitamin C to two forms of Echinacea results in enhanced efficacy. 1 fl oz - Product Code: 56976 Who can benefit from this herbal supplement? • Children and their family members who want to prevent the spread and worsening of cold and flu infection. • Those who frequently catch colds. At the first threat of the onset of a cold or flu, give large frequent doses over the course of one day for an immediate effect. It is safe to repeat doses every 2 hours when on the edge of getting sick. Contrary to popular myth, Echinacea will remain effective for months with daily use. This is why Echinacea has become famous and is indicated for children who get repeated colds season after season. It is also indicated for adults and the elderly. The addition of Elderberry increases efficacy for use for symptoms of a cold, flu or influenza. It should help reduce these symptoms and their duration. . . . continued on page 99 Important Notice: The information given here is designed to help you make informed decisions about your health, and the proper use of dietary supplements. It is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, nor a substitute for any treatment that may have been prescribed by your doctor. If you have a medical problem, you should seek medical help. Products described herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or mitigate disease. Product Reference Guide: Willner Chemists Phyto-Tech™ Herbal Supplements