Willner Summer Sale 2019
Page 80 The Willner Window Product Reference Catalog, Summer 2019 Since 1911 • Willner Chemists: The Nutritional Supplement Professionals 18263 LICORICE ROOT 100 CAP 10.63 8.50 33414 MACA EXTRACT STAND 60 CAP 19.48 15.58 18265 MARSHMALLOW ROOT 100 CAP 12.40 9.92 24519 MELISSA LEMON BALM CAP 100 CAP 8.85 7.08 55637 MILK THISTLE EXT 175 120 VCA 31.88 25.50 31966 MILK THISTLE STAND 60 CAP 17.71 14.16 18267 MYRRH GUM 100 CAP 10.49 8.39 18271 NATURALAX 3 100 CAP 10.69 8.55 31430 NEEM CAPS 100 CAP 8.85 7.08 18272 NETTLE LEAF 100 CAP 8.85 7.08 44274 NONI EXT STAND 60 VCA 19.48 15.58 55636 OLIVE LEAF EXT 20% OLE 60 VCA 21.25 17.00 32591 OLIVE LEAF STANDARDZED 60 CAP 12.40 9.92 38761 ORCHARD 12 FRUITS 60 CAP 13.29 10.63 42259 OREGANO OIL STAND 60 VCA 17.99 14.39 37441 OREGON GRAPE ROOT 90 CAP 10.63 8.50 18278 PARSLEY HERB 100 CAP 10.63 8.50 18280 PAU D’ARCO 180 CAP 12.40 9.92 18279 PAU D’ARCO INNER BARK 100 CAP 8.85 7.08 31429 PMS 5 HTP 100 CAP 10.63 8.50 44276 POMEGRANATE EXT STAND 60 VCA 17.79 14.23 39771 PROSTOL 120 SGC 35.42 28.33 18293 RED CLOVER BLOSSOM HRB 100 CAP 8.85 7.08 18295 RED RASPBERRY LEAVES 100 CAP 10.49 8.39 29736 REISHI MUSHR EXT STANZ 100 CAP 26.56 21.24 43693 RHODIOLA ROSEA EXT 60 VCA 17.71 14.16 29737 SAW PALM EXT STANDARZD 60 SGC 21.25 17.00 24508 SAW PALMETTO BERRY CAP 100 CAP 14.17 11.33 24509 SAW PALMETTO BERRY CAP 180 CAP 23.02 18.41 18300 SCHIZANDRA FRUIT 100 CAP 10.63 8.50 18301 SCULLCAP HERB 100 CAP 10.63 8.50 18302 SENNA LEAVES 100 VCA 8.85 7.08 33415 SHIITAKE MAITAKE STD 60 CAP 26.56 21.24 18308 SLIPPERY ELM BARK 100 CAP 8.85 7.08 33964 ST JOHNS WORT 180 CAP 15.94 12.75 29683 ST JOHNS WORT 300 STD 90 CAP 17.99 14.39 30262 ST JOHNS WORT PERIKA 60 TAB 14.60 11.68 18313 SUMA 100 CAP 14.17 11.33 18316 THISILYN 100 CAP 39.29 31.43 18315 THISILYN 60 CAP 27.60 22.08 44734 THISILYN CLEANSE MIN KIT KIT 33.98 27.18 44874 THISILYN DAILY CLEANSE 90 VCA 24.42 19.53 44873 THISILYN DIGEST CLEAN 90 VCA 16.98 13.58 44872 THISILYN SUPER 60 VCA 30.79 24.63 64071 TURMERIC EXT 750 MG 60 VCA 37.19 29.75 45252 TURMERIC EXT STAND 120 TAB 44.27 35.41 29727 TURMERIC EXT STANDZD 60 TAB 24.79 19.83 68848 TURMERIC PWD 3 Z PWD 44.27 35.41 29726 UVA URSI EXT STANDARZD 60 CAP 14.17 11.33 18317 UVA URSI LEAVES 100 CAP 8.85 7.08 29733 VALERIAN EXT STAND 110 90 CAP 10.63 8.50 24039 VALERIAN NIGHTTIME 100 TAB 21.23 16.98 18318 VALERIAN ROOT 530 MG 100 CAP 8.85 7.08 18319 VALERIAN ROOT 530 MG 180 CAP 14.49 11.59 62599 WHITE KIDNEY BEAN EXT 60 VCA 17.71 14.16 18324 WHITE OAK BARK 100 CAP 8.85 7.08 18325 WHITE WILLOW BARK 100 CAP 8.85 7.08 29685 WHITE WILLOW BARK EXT 60 CAP 21.25 17.00 24292 WILD YAM 100 CAP 8.85 7.08 18328 YELLOW DOCK ROOT 100 CAP 8.85 7.08 18329 YUCCA 180 CAP 15.49 12.39 NATURES WAY VITAMIN 32596 5 HTP 50 MG ENT COAT 60 TAB 16.83 13.46 42364 ACIDOPHILUS PEARLS 90 SGC 39.95 31.96 60799 ALIVE ADULT MULTI GUMM 90 CHW 17.75 14.20 65283 ALIVE B CMP GUMMIES 60 GUM 13.29 10.63 54056 ALIVE C 120 VCA 28.67 22.93 54055 ALIVE C PWD ORGANIC 120 PWD 26.54 21.23 61452 ALIVE CALCIUM BONE FRM 60 TAB 20.38 16.30 61408 ALIVE CALCIUM BONE FRM 120 TAB 35.42 28.33 64077 ALIVE CALCIUM GUMMIES 60 GUM 13.29 10.63 60797 ALIVE CHILDREN GUMMIES 90 CHW 16.83 13.46 60798 ALIVE CHILDRENS CHW 120 CHW 15.94 12.75 68073 ALIVE HAIR SKN NLS GUM 60 CHW 17.79 14.23 64776 ALIVE IMMUNE GUMMIES 90 GUM 20.38 16.30 58862 ALIVE MENS 50+ ONCE DL 60 TAB 23.02 18.41 62668 ALIVE MENS GUMMY 75 CHW 17.79 14.23 57537 ALIVE MENS MULTI 90 TAB 26.65 21.32 58861 ALIVE MENS ONCE DAILY 60 TAB 23.02 18.41 53891 ALIVE MULTI LIQ CITRUS 32Z LIQ 38.39 30.71 58860 ALIVE MULTI ONCE DAILY 60 TAB 23.02 18.41 42512 ALIVE NO IRON ADDED 180 TAB 44.45 35.56 39489 ALIVE NO IRON ADDED 90 TAB 24.79 19.83 65404 ALIVE PRENATAL GUMMIES 75 CHW 20.38 16.30 67242 ALIVE PRENATAL VSG 60 VSG 34.99 27.99 39488 ALIVE W/IRON 90 TAB 24.79 19.83 42508 ALIVE W/IRON 180 TAB 44.49 35.59 62671 ALIVE WOMENS 50+ GUMMY 75 CHW 17.79 14.23 58863 ALIVE WOMENS 50+ ONCE 60 TAB 23.02 18.41 62670 ALIVE WOMENS GUMMY 75 CHW 17.79 14.23 57538 ALIVE WOMENS MULTI 90 TAB 26.65 21.32 58864 ALIVE WOMENS ONCE DAIL 60 TAB 23.02 18.41 24588 B 100 COMPLEX 100 CAP 21.25 17.00 24586 B 50 COMPLEX 100 CAP 14.17 11.33 24568 B6 50 MG 100 CAP 8.85 7.08 68497 BLACK SEED OIL LIQ ORG 8 Z LIQ 29.23 23.38 60435 BORAGE OIL 1300 MG 60 SGC 23.02 18.41 59233 C 1000 W/BIOFLAV 250 VCA 30.99 24.79 24604 C 1000 W/RH 250 CAP 30.10 24.08 24602 C 1000 W/RH 100 CAP 14.39 11.51 24601 C 500 W/BIOFLAV 250 CAP 22.99 18.39 24633 CAL MAG ZINC 100 CAP 10.63 8.50 24617 CALCIUM CITRATE 250 MG 250 CAP 21.25 17.00 24616 CALCIUM CITRATE 250 MG 100 CAP 10.63 8.50 61409 CALM AID SGC 30 SGC 17.71 14.16 26200 CHARCOAL ACT CAP 100 CAP 10.63 8.50 68531 CHROMIUM PICOLIN 200 100 CAP 8.85 7.08 61900 COCONUT OIL LIQ 10Z LIQ 15.92 12.73 61977 COCONUT OIL LIQ 20Z LIQ 29.99 23.99 50911 COCONUT OIL XTR VRG OG 16Z OIL 13.52 10.81 63376 COCONUT OIL XTRA VIRG 120 SGC 15.92 12.73 60030 COCONUT OIL XTRA VIRG 32Z OIL 25.56 20.44 63458 COCONUT RAW ORGANIC 16Z LIQ 13.52 10.81 40400 COMPLETIA DIABETIC MUL 90 TAB 26.56 21.24 56789 CRAN RX 30 VCA 13.29 10.63 65036 CRAN RX GUMMIES 60 CHW 21.23 16.98 61425 CURICA PAIN RELIEF 100 TAB 38.08 30.46 65863 CURICA TURMERIC VCAP 60 VCA 47.99 38.39 19847 DGL W/O FRUCTOSE CHW 100 TAB 14.49 11.59 28452 DHA 100 MG NEUROMINS 60 SGC 27.08 21.66 53263 DHA NEUROMINS 200 MG 60 SGC 43.49 34.79 38689 DIM PLUS 60 CAP 20.38 16.30 38688 DIM PLUS 120 CAP 37.19 29.75 24613 E 400 D ALPHA SGC 100 SGC 24.79 19.83 44939 E P O 1300 MG EFA GOLD 120 SGC 27.46 21.96 43697 FISOL FISH OIL 180 SGC 34.69 27.75 38748 FISOL FISH OIL 90 SGC 18.58 14.86 51688 FISOL SUPER FISH OIL 90 SGC 24.42 19.53 60028 FISOL SUPER FISH OIL 180 SGC 45.15 36.12 38813 GLUCOSAMINE HCL 80 TAB 11.06 8.84 32005 GLUCOSAMINE HCL 90 CAP 17.71 14.16 45046 HEMP POWDER NON GMO 16Z PWD 18.99 15.19 50176 HYDRAPLENISH 60 VCA 22.15 17.72 58210 HYDRAPLENISH SERUM ULT 1 Z SER 44.60 35.68 50177 HYDRAPLENISH W/ MSM 60 VCA 26.56 21.24 24575 INOSITOL 500 100 CAP 12.40 9.92 31437 ISOFLAVONE SOY 100 CAP 17.71 14.16 65499 KIDS PROBIOTCS OPTIMA 30 PAK 31.99 25.59 44945 KRILL OIL 500 MG 60 SGC 44.08 35.26 52521 LACTASE ENZYME 100 CAP 17.79 14.23 24623 MAG 500 100 CAP 8.85 7.08 66083 MCT OIL 100% FRM COCON 16Z LIQ 21.99 17.59 56708 OMEGA 3 6 9 MEGA 1350 180 SGC 41.49 33.19 68471 OMEGA 3 PLNT LIQ LEMON 200 LIQ 19.99 15.99 68498 OMEGA 3 PLNT SGC NTRVG 30 SGC 19.99 15.99 68496 OMEGA 3 PLNT STRW ORNG 200 LIQ 19.99 15.99 64777 PEARLS 50+ PROBIOTIC 30 PRL 19.95 15.96 58621 PEARLS ELITE ACIDOP 5B 30 PRL 29.95 23.96 56845 PEARLS WOMEN YB YST BL 30 SGC 19.95 15.96 38336 PEPOGEST 60 SGC 12.83 10.26 26367 PHOS SERINE 60 SGC 46.04 36.83 65858 PRIMAD OPT 50B HDS IMM 30 VCA 35.42 28.33 65857 PRIMAD OPT HDS 50+ 50B 30 VCA 35.42 28.33 64447 PRIMADO OPT 50 BIL DIG 30 VCA 35.42 28.33 64446 PRIMADO OPT 50 BIL WOM 30 VCA 35.42 28.33 67846 PRIMADOPH GUMM 4 BL BER 60 CHW 25.59 20.47 65403 PRIMADOPH OPT INT 200B 30 VCA 85.00 68.00 51631 PRIMADOPH OPTIMA 30 VCA 30.99 24.79 50910 PRIMADOPH OPTIMA 60 VCA 52.69 42.15 60652 PRIMADOPH OPTIMA 100 B 30 VCA 55.69 44.55 60650 PRIMADOPH OPTIMA 60 BL 30 VCA 44.59 35.67 60651 PRIMADOPH OPTIMA 90 BL 30 VCA 55.69 44.55 62181 PRIMADOPH OPTIMA WOMEN 30 VCA 50.19 40.15 44506 PRIMADOPH REUTERI 90 CAP 30.99 24.79 52296 PRIMADOPH REUTERI PRL 60 PRL 39.65 31.72 38931 PRIMADOPH REUTERI PWD 5 Z PWD 21.99 17.59 18284 PRIMADOPHILUS 290 CAP 90 CAP 20.99 16.79 22252 PRIMADOPHILUS BIFIDUS 90 CAP 22.99 18.39 37871 PRIMADOPHILUS KID CHW 30 CHW 9.99 7.99 56930 PRIMADOPHILUS KIDS ORA 30 CHW 9.99 7.99 66233 SAMBUCUS FIZZY W/C PAK 10 PAK 10.69 8.55 60704 SAMBUCUS FLU CARE LOZ 30 LOZ 16.98 13.58 32589 SAMBUCUS FOR KIDS 4 Z LIQ 16.98 13.58 55966 SAMBUCUS FOR KIDS BER 8 Z LIQ 30.79 24.63 64773 SAMBUCUS GUMMIES ELDER 60 GUM 21.23 16.98 32590 SAMBUCUS IMMUNE FORM 4 Z LIQ 18.04 14.43 43720 SAMBUCUS IMMUNE FORM 8 Z LIQ 32.92 26.33 35075 SAMBUCUS LOZ BLACK ELD 30 LOZ 15.92 12.73 64774 SAMBUCUS NIGHTTIME LIQ 4 Z LIQ 18.04 14.43 60705 SAMBUCUS ORGANIC LIQ 4 Z LIQ 20.17 16.13 30130 SAMBUCUS ORIGINAL 4 Z LIQ 16.98 13.58 43698 SAMBUCUS ORIGINAL 7.8 LIQ 30.79 24.63 30183 SAMBUCUS SUGAR FREE 4 Z LIQ 16.98 13.58 43719 SAMBUCUS SUGAR FREE 8 Z LIQ 30.79 24.63 24626 SELENIUM 200 Y/F 100 CAP 8.85 7.08 50188 SILICA GEL CITRUS 17Z GEL 35.99 28.79 39540 SYSTEM WELL ULT IMMUN 90 TAB 18.60 14.88 39668 SYSTEM WELL ULT IMMUN 180 TAB 33.65 26.92 50174 SYTRINOL 150 MG 60 SGC 29.73 23.78 29052 TRU OPC 75 MG 60 TAB 26.56 21.24 53876 UMCKA CHERRY CHEWABLE 20 CHW 16.98 13.58 52289 UMCKA CHERRY SYRUP 8 Z LIQ 30.79 24.63 42690 UMCKA CHERRY SYRUP A/F 4 Z LIQ 16.98 13.58 54051 UMCKA COLD & FLU BERRY 20 CHW 18.04 14.43 54052 UMCKA COLD & FLU ORANG 20 CHW 18.04 14.43 54053 UMCKA COLD FLU BER SYR 4 Z LIQ 18.04 14.43 62186 UMCKA COUGH SYRUP 4 Z LIQ 16.99 13.59 52287 UMCKA GRAPE SUGAR FREE 4 Z LIQ 16.98 13.58 53961 UMCKA LEMON HOT DRINK 10 PWD 11.67 9.33 42682 UMCKA MENTHOL SYRUP 4 Z LIQ 16.98 13.58 42670 UMCKA ORIGINAL A/F DRP 1 Z LIQ 16.98 13.58 42664 UMCKA ORIGINAL DROPS 1 Z LIQ 15.59 12.47 52285 UMCKA ORIGINAL DROPS 2 Z LIQ 30.79 24.63 56047 UMCKA PWD CHERRY 10 PWD 11.67 9.33 65037 UMCKA THROAT SPR CH MT 1.9 SPY 12.73 10.18 Product Reference Guide: Company Listings (Product Code, Name, Size, List, Discount Price) Mushroom Immune Complex A synergistic blend of 14 powerful organic mushroom mycelia specifically chosen for their powerful action on the immune system. 90 Veggie Caps - Product Code: 67461 Who might benefit from using this product? • Those with health problems that will benefit from enhanced and optimized immune function • Those who are suffering from stress, fatigue, debility; those affected by the stress of cancer therapy, recovery programs, etc. • Those with auto-immune disorders Ingredients: Each 525 mg Phyto-Tech™ Mushroom Immune Complex vegetarian capsule contains the following: Certified Organic Mushroom Mycelium of: Maitake, Reishi, Turkey Tail (Coriolus), Chaga, Cordyceps, Shiitake, Lions Mane, Poria cocos, Fomes fomentarius, Agaricus blazei, Mesima, Tremella, Velvet Foot, Zhu Ling (Polyporus umbellatus) in Vegetable Capsules (pullulan). Properties: This blend of mushroom mycelium can be characterized as having the following properties: Immuno-Modulating, Antioxidant, Anti-tumor, Anti-Inflammatory, Antidiabetic, Antiviral, Antibiotic, Hepatoprotective Indications: Mushroom Immune is a synergistic blend of 14 powerful organic mushroom mycelia. The formula can be used as both a preventative to maintain a strong immune system and protect one from immune breakdown, and as a treatment for those in the midst of immune deficiency, chronic stress and fatigue, debility, illness, and disease. Many diseases are linked to immune dysfunction, including cancer, AIDS/HIV, hepatitis, chronic fatigue syndrome, and autoimmune disorders. Medicinal mushrooms are believed to have approximately 125 therapeutic effects including, immunomodulating, antioxidant, antitumor, antiviral, antibacterial, antiparasitic, hepatoprotective, and antidiabetic properties. Many of the medicinal benefits of mushrooms are derived from glucan polysaccharides and polysaccharide- peptides found in their cell walls. Polysaccharides are long molecule chains that have antitumor and immunostimulating properties. They have been shown to activate the immune response and potentiate a variety of immune cells including host cells, such as monocytes, neutrophils, dendritic cells, natural killer (NK) cells, and macrophages, plus chemical messengers, such as interferons, cytokines, and interleukins. Some polysaccharides act as immune system enhancers and some have direct cytotoxic effects on cancer cells. Certain immune cells have specific receptors for specific polysaccharides present in mushrooms, such as Dectin-1, TLR and CR3, which explains why mushrooms have such a profound effect on immunity. Research has reported that mushrooms used in combination with each other have a multitude of beneficial effects, including increased longevity and reduced side effects in advanced cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. There are fourteen different mushrooms utilized in Phyto- Tech™ Mushroom Immune Complex. Following, you can find more detailed information, including its connection to immune system health, for each of them. Maitake stimulates regulation of interleukin-1, NK-cells, cytotoxic T-cells, and superoxide anions. The polysaccharides it contains have a unique structure and have been extensively researched for their immunomodulating activity. Maitake’s primary polysaccharide, beta-D-glucan is well absorbed orally. It has been shown to enhance immune function and has been studied for its benefits in cancer treatment and blood sugar support. Maitake is considered to be anti-HIV, antihypertensive, antidiabetic, and antiobesity. It is used for prevention and treatment of flu, diabetes, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, urinary tract infections, and HIV. Reishi contains numerous polysaccharides as well as triterpenes and amino acids that increase immunity and provide cardiovascular and blood sugar support. It stimulates circulation and helps lower blood pressure. Its water-soluble polysaccharides have been shown to have antitumor and immunostimulating activity. Studies report Reishi helps reduce cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels, inhibits platelet aggregation, and alleviates altitude sickness. It is analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antioxidant, antiviral, and demonstrates anti-allergic activity. Turkey Tail, also called Coriolus, has a multicolored cap resembling a turkey tail. It has been heavily researched for its anti-cancer properties and its ability to support immunity. PSK, a water-soluble protein-bound polysaccharide and PSP, a polysaccharide-peptide are two key compounds in Turkey Tail that have been the focus of much research. PSK acts both directly (stimulates immunity) and indirectly (cytotoxic) on tumor cells, and also enhances interferon production to destroy viruses. PSP stimulates the immune system and has anti-cancer properties. Studies report that when used along with traditional cancer treatment, PSK and PSP can increase patient longevity. Chaga is known by in Siberia as the “Mushroom of Immortality.” They consumed it on a daily basis to increase stamina, prevent disease, and promote longevity. It is unlike other mushrooms in that it isn’t soft, but very hard like wood, and looks less like a mushroom and more like a large tree growth. It protects itself from harsh climates by concentrating natural compounds in order to survive, making it extremely nutrient dense and powerful in its health benefits. It is high in B vitamins, minerals, enzymes, flavonoids, and phenols. It contains a unique pigment-like phenolic compound called . . . continued on page 81 Important Notice: The information given here is designed to help you make informed decisions about your health, and the proper use of dietary supplements. It is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, nor a substitute for any treatment that may have been prescribed by your doctor. If you have a medical problem, you should seek medical help. Products described herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or mitigate disease. Product Reference Guide: Willner Chemists Phyto-Tech™ Herbal Supplements
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