Willner Summer Sale 2019
Page 38 The Willner Window Product Reference Catalog, Summer 2019 Since 1911 • Willner Chemists: The Nutritional Supplement Professionals 61116 D3 1000 IU DROPS 11M DRP 14.90 12.66 58008 D3 10000 IU 120 SGC 19.90 16.91 58957 D3 2000 IU 360 SGC 29.90 25.41 60749 D3 2000 IU DROPS 11M DRP 18.90 16.06 12571 D3 400 250 SGC 12.40 10.54 55698 D3 400 IU DROP BABY 11M LIQ 12.90 10.96 57810 D3 400 IU DROPS KIDS 11M LIQ 12.90 10.96 67866 DHA 100 MG CHW KIDS 120 CHW 23.90 20.31 29778 DHA SUPER 60 SGC 24.90 21.16 29230 DHA SUPER 180 SGC 68.50 58.22 65140 DHA SUPER GEMS 60 + 20 80 SGC 24.90 21.16 12485 E 400 GEMS 90 SGC 33.90 28.81 35969 E 400 GEMS ELITE 60 SGC 34.90 29.66 40504 E 400 GEMS ELITE 240 SGC 124.00 105.40 36224 E 400 GEMS ELITE 120 SGC 64.90 55.16 12506 E 400 GEMS PLUS MIXED 100 SGC 58.00 49.30 12507 E 400 GEMS PLUS MIXED 250 SGC 100.00 85.00 12494 E 800 GEMS 100 SGC 52.00 44.20 44018 E GAMMA GEMS 500 MG 60 SGC 34.90 29.66 12544 E GEM OIL DROPS 2 Z LIQ 14.90 12.66 58227 ECOSMART OMEGA 3 CALAM 120 SGC 29.90 25.41 56743 FISH OIL FIN KIDS ORAN 200 LIQ 26.50 22.52 56508 FISH OIL FINEST LEMON 120 SGC 27.90 23.71 44370 FISH OIL MULTI 120 SGC 54.90 46.66 41730 FISH OIL OMEGA 3 LIQ 6.7 LIQ 26.50 22.52 42824 FISH OIL OMEGA 3 LIQ 16Z LIQ 53.00 45.05 52214 FISH OIL OMEGA 3 ORANG 16. LIQ 53.00 45.05 52213 FISH OIL OMEGA 3 ORANG 6.7 LIQ 26.50 22.52 51625 FISH OIL ORANGE 120+30 120 SGC 27.90 23.71 52694 GLUTAMINE 750 MG CAPS 90 CAP 16.60 14.11 12828 IRON 20 CHEL 100 TAB 9.90 8.41 68534 K2 DAILY SUPER DROPS 10. DRP 29.90 25.40 60023 K2 VITAMIN MK 4 180 CAP 69.00 58.65 12537 KEY E SUPPOSITORIES 12 SUP 8.88 7.54 40696 KEY E SUPPOSITORIES 24 SUP 14.40 12.24 35120 LIPOIC ACID 300 MG 90 TAB 43.50 36.97 40199 LUTEIN 15 MG W/KALE 180 VCA 83.40 70.89 12934 Lysine PWD 100G 100 PWD 9.90 8.41 12806 MAG 400 MG LIQ SGC 100 SGC 14.90 12.66 12807 MAG 400 MG LIQ SGC 250 SGC 29.90 25.41 12831 MAG GLYCINATE 200 CHEL 90 TAB 19.90 16.91 12832 MAG GLYCINATE 200 CHEL 180 TAB 33.40 28.39 53436 MEDOMEGA FISH OIL 2700 100 LIQ 34.90 29.66 28094 MOISTURE EYES 90 SGC 27.90 23.71 55484 MULTI MINI IRON FREE 90 TAB 19.90 16.91 12636 NIACIN 50 100 TAB 8.90 7.56 12637 NIACIN 50 300 TAB 24.90 21.16 12643 NIACIN 500 TIME T/R 250 TAB 29.90 25.41 12642 NIACIN 500 TIME T/R 100 TAB 13.20 11.22 58229 OMEGA 3 ELITE 1250 MG 120 SGC 34.90 29.66 12893 OMEGA 3 SUPER +30FREE 100 SGC 25.50 21.67 12890 OMEGA 3 SUPER 1000 50 SGC 12.90 10.96 12891 OMEGA 3 SUPER 1000 100 SGC 25.50 21.67 12892 OMEGA 3 SUPER 1000 250 SGC 57.90 49.21 68608 OMEGA 3 SUPER 1200 FSG/ 180 FSG 44.90 38.15 12884 SALMON OIL 180 SGC 34.90 29.66 62394 SALMON OIL COMP 120+60 180 SGC 39.90 33.91 12886 SALMON OIL+50 FREE 180 SGC 34.90 29.66 12792 SELENIUM 200 180 CAP 24.50 20.82 41460 SUPER 2 DAILY 120 SGC 54.90 46.66 56507 SUPER D OMEGA 3 250 LIQ 27.90 23.71 37308 TOCOTRIENOL CMP W/E 90 SGC 59.90 50.91 12794 ZINC 15 250 TAB 13.50 11.47 CHARLOTTES WEB 68419 HEMP EXT CAP 35 MG XTR 30 CAP 69.99 69.99 68086 HEMP EXT OIL 11 MNT CH 1 Z LIQ 39.98 39.98 68261 HEMP EXT OIL 23 MG XTR 1 Z LIQ 74.99 74.99 68087 HEMP EXT OIL 28 MG XTR 1 Z LIQ 74.98 74.98 68260 HEMP EXT OIL 9 MG OLIV 1 Z LIQ 39.99 39.99 68671 HEMP MAXIMUM MINT CHOC 1 Z LIQ 164.99 164.99 CHILD LIFE 41615 ALLER CARE 4 Z LIQ 16.95 13.56 45242 C L O OIL STRAWBRRY 8 Z LIQ 19.95 15.96 57419 CAL MAG LIQ 16Z LIQ 19.95 15.96 65377 D3 400 IU DROPS ORG 10M DRP 16.99 13.59 64269 DHA PURE 90 SGC 12.99 10.39 34350 ECHINACEA 1 Z LIQ 8.95 7.16 34351 FIRST DEFENSE 4 Z LIQ 21.95 17.56 67552 GRIPE WATER ORGANIC 2 Z LIQ 14.99 11.99 34346 MULTI VIT & MIN 8 Z LIQ 16.95 13.56 38405 PROBIOTICS W/COLOSTRUM 50G PWD 23.95 19.16 COUNTRY LIFE 16231 A 10000 UNITS DRY 100 TAB 11.39 9.11 44400 ACETYL L CARNITINE 500 60 CAP 32.99 26.39 16173 ACIDOPH W/PECTIN 250 CAP 26.79 21.43 25671 ALLER MAX 100 CAP 35.99 28.79 24879 ALLER MAX 50 CAP 19.59 15.67 58986 ALOE VERA + LIQUID 32Z LIQ 21.99 17.59 60945 ALOE VERA 100% INN FIL 32Z LIQ 17.49 13.99 22671 ANTIOXIDANT SUPER 10 120 TAB 50.39 40.31 16055 ARGININE 500 W/B6 CAP 100 CAP 14.99 11.99 29833 ARTHRO JOINT MUSCLE RF 60 SGC 29.79 23.83 16249 B 50 ACTION CAP 100 CAP 17.59 14.07 16248 B BASIC 25 MG B COMP 90 CAP 14.99 11.99 16238 B1 100 W/RICE BRAN 100 TAB 9.99 7.99 22634 B12 1000 T/R 60 TAB 12.99 10.39 16244 B12 3000 FOLIC SUBL 60 LOZ 19.59 15.67 16247 B12 500 W/FOLIC SUBL 100 LOZ 9.99 7.99 38419 B12 SUPERIOR 3000 MCG 50 LOZ 19.99 15.99 16239 B2 100 W/RICE BRAN 100 TAB 13.39 10.71 16241 B6 100 TAB 100 TAB 10.99 8.79 16178 BEE PROPOLIS 100 CAP 20.59 16.47 53366 BERRIES & WHEY 11. PWD 26.99 21.59 16221 BETAINE HCL PEPSIN 600 250 TAB 20.59 16.47 22161 BIO RUTIN CMP 500/500 90 TAB 26.99 21.59 16260 BIOTIN 1 MG 100 TAB 11.99 9.59 61601 BIOTIN 10 MG VCAP 60 VCA 20.59 16.47 61602 BIOTIN 10 MG VCAP C 120 VCA 29.79 23.83 55711 BIOTIN 5 MG 120 VCA 27.70 22.23 25952 BIOTIN 5 MG 60 CAP 15.99 12.79 16259 BIOTIN 500 MCG 100 TAB 9.99 7.99 16107 BONE DENSITY FACTORS 100 TAB 18.59 14.87 57518 BONE SOLID 180 CAP 30.99 24.79 16224 BROMELAIN 500 2000 GDU 60 TAB 19.99 15.99 53782 BUFFER C 500 MG PH CNT 120 VCA 22.59 18.07 16280 C 1000 CAP MAXI W/BIO 180 CAP 30.99 24.79 16292 C 1000 RH/BF 150 BUF 250 TAB 30.99 24.79 16291 C 1000 RH/BF 150 BUFF 100 TAB 14.99 11.99 20392 C 1000 W/RH 250 TAB 29.99 23.99 20767 C 500 ACEROLA W/BF WAF 180 CHW 29.99 23.99 16296 C 500 ACEROLA W/BF/RUT 90 CHW 17.59 14.07 16289 C 500 RH/BF 100 BUF 100 TAB 11.99 9.59 20764 C 500 RH/BF 100TR BUF 250 TAB 23.79 19.03 16274 C 500 W/RH 250 TAB 19.99 15.99 20763 C CMP 1000/500 MAXI TR 180 TAB 30.99 24.79 16293 C CRYSTALS 2500 MG 8 Z PWD 20.99 16.79 16184 C L O 250 SGC 18.99 15.19 16141 CAL MAG 1000/500 TAB 180 TAB 23.59 18.87 16140 CAL MAG 1000/500 TAB 90 TAB 13.99 11.19 58365 CAL MAG 1000/500 TB D 90 TAB 13.99 11.19 21168 CAL MAG CAP TM 180 VCA 18.59 14.87 34509 CAL MAG CITRATE MAXISB 200 SGC 28.99 23.19 16143 CAL MAG POT 500/500/99 180 TAB 20.59 16.47 16142 CAL MAG POT 500/500/99 90 TAB 13.99 11.19 43337 CAL MAG W/D CMP TM 120 VCA 15.99 12.79 43338 CAL MAG W/D CMP TM 240 VCA 25.79 20.63 16145 CAL MAG ZINC TM 180 TAB 20.59 16.47 16157 CAL MAG ZINC TM 250 TAB 19.59 15.67 16139 CAL SNACK 120 CHW 24.79 19.83 20736 CAL W/BORON TM 1000 90 CAP 14.99 11.99 16060 CARNITINE 500 W/B6 CAP 60 CAP 38.19 30.55 16233 CAROTENE 25000 SGC 100 SGC 21.99 17.59 29834 CAROTENOID COMPLEX 60 SGC 30.99 24.79 16180 CHARCOAL 260 100 CAP 14.99 11.99 16261 CHOLINE 266 MG 100 TAB 15.99 12.79 22669 CHROMIUM PICOL 200 200 CAP 20.59 16.47 68403 COCO CHARCOAL ACT PWD 280 PWD 19.99 15.99 62837 COENZYME B CMP ADV 120 VCA 49.39 39.51 62836 COENZYME B CMP ADV 60 VCA 30.99 24.79 68204 COENZYME B CMP PWD CCN 55G PWD 23.99 19.19 43981 COENZYME B COMPLEX CAP 120 VCA 30.99 24.79 22673 COENZYME B COMPLEX CAP 60 VCA 20.59 16.47 69137 COGNIT BALANCE VCAP GT 60 VCA 44.95 35.96 24168 COQ10 100 MG 60 VCA 30.99 24.79 43350 COQ10 100 MG MEGA GEL 60 SGC 53.59 42.87 58351 COQ10 100 MG VEG SGC 120 SGC 46.39 37.11 53778 COQ10 60 MG VEG SGC 60 SGC 19.59 15.67 59794 CORE DAILY 1 MEN 60 TAB 23.59 18.87 59797 CORE DAILY 1 WOMEN 50+ 60 TAB 32.99 26.39 16237 D 1000 DRY 100 TAB 8.99 7.19 55556 D3 1000 IU SGC LANOLIN 200 SGC 14.59 11.67 55266 D3 1000 SGC LANOLIN 100 SGC 8.99 7.19 53780 D3 2500 IU LANOLIN 60 SGC 8.99 7.19 55555 D3 2500 IU SGC LANOLIN 200 SGC 16.99 13.59 62216 D3 5000 IU VEGAN 60 VCA 28.79 23.03 57178 D3 5000 SGC 60 SGC 11.99 9.59 57179 D3 5000 SGC 200 SGC 20.99 16.79 43330 DAILY TOT 1 DY 60 VCA 21.99 17.59 32468 DHEA 10 MG 50 CAP 9.99 7.99 27219 DHEA COMPLEX MEN 50 MG 60 CAP 28.79 23.03 69136 DIGEST BALANCE VCAP GT 60 VCA 44.95 35.96 16311 E 400 COMPLEX 90 SGC 33.99 27.19 16312 E 400 COMPLEX 60 SGC 23.99 19.19 20288 E 400 SGC 180 SGC 61.99 49.59 69138 ENERGY BALANCE VCAP GT 60 VCA 44.95 35.96 31867 FOLIC ACID 800 250 TAB 11.99 9.59 24505 GARLIC NATURE 500 180 SGC 19.99 15.99 29816 GLUCOS CHOND 500/400 90 CAP 32.99 26.39 23986 GLYCEMIC FACTORS 100 TAB 29.99 23.99 26081 GRAPE SEED EXT 200 MG 60 CAP 57.59 46.07 69139 IMMUNE BALANCE VCAP GT 60 VCA 44.95 35.96 16160 IRON AID 60 TAB 12.99 10.39 53886 IRON EASY 25 MG 90 VCA 13.99 11.19 16187 KELP 225 MCG 300 TAB 11.99 9.59 67592 KIDS CARE PROB 5BL CHW 30 CHW 15.99 12.79 22226 LIGA TEND RR 100 TAB 32.99 26.39 29812 LIVER SUPPORT FACTORS 100 TAB 38.99 31.19 39381 LUTEIN 20 MG 60 SGC 30.99 24.79 24499 LYSINE 1000 W/B6 TAB 250 TAB 29.79 23.83 16076 LYSINE 1000 W/B6 TAB 100 TAB 13.99 11.19 68982 LYSINE 1500 MG ADV VCP 180 VCA 21.99 17.59 16075 LYSINE 500 W/B6 CAP 250 CAP 25.79 20.63 69004 LYSINE 600 MG CHW TANGY 60 CHW 16.99 13.59 44922 MAG 300 W/SILICA 120 CAP 17.99 14.39 16161 MAG CHELATED 250 MG 180 TAB 18.59 14.87 20741 MAG CHELATED 250 MG 90 TAB 9.99 7.99 67590 MAG GLYCINATE CHEL 400 90 TAB 18.99 15.19 22734 MAG POT ASPAR T/MINS 180 TAB 23.59 18.87 16147 MAG POT ASPARTATE TM 90 TAB 13.99 11.19 16096 MAX AMINO CAPS W/B6 90 CAP 20.59 16.47 41661 MAX FOR MEN MULTI VCAP 120 VCA 32.99 26.39 16332 MAX FOR MEN TR 60 TAB 23.59 18.87 16333 MAX FOR MEN TR TAB 120 TAB 40.99 32.79 67845 MAXI COLLAGEN C A PWD 7.5 PWD 22.99 18.39 62217 MAXI HAIR FOR MEN SGC 60 SGC 32.99 26.39 Product Reference Guide: Company Listings (Product Code, Name, Size, List, Discount Price) Clove 1:4 Clove is a source of the volatile oil, Eugenol. 1 fl oz - Product Code: 57062 Clove has been shown to exert an antimicrobial and antiinflammatory actions. It also is an effective dental analgesic and helpful in conditions associated with inflammation of the mouth and pharynx. It has been used internally for stomach ulcers. The expert panel German Commission E has approved the use of clove as a topical antiseptic and anesthetic. Comfrey Root 1:3 Comfrey has been used for centuries as a way to promote healing. 1 fl oz - Product Code: 57080 Comfrey is used for burns, surgery, cuts, ulcerations in the gastrointestinal tract (ulcers, ulcerations, bowel surgery), breaks and fractures to bones, for poorly healing bones, and for osteoporosis. Comfrey was so widely used by herbalists to promote more rapid repair of broken bones, it earned the common names boneset and knitbone. Comfrey is the preeminent herb to promote healing of tissue ranging from skin, soft tissue, broken bones, fractures and it promotes calcium re-uptake into the bones. Controversy surrounds Comfrey because of its’ content of pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PA). This potentially liver toxic substance is in minimal concentration in this dry plant extract (it is higher in fresh plant Comfrey) It is for short-term use (up to 2 months) and does not normally present a problem unless liver pathology exists (see contraindications below). Ingredients: Phyto-Tech™ Comfrey Root 1:3 contains Comfrey Root (Symphytum officinale), Grain Alcohol, Deionized Water. Certified Organic. Dosage: 20-30 drops, 2-3 times per day or as needed in juice or water Contraindications and Cautions: Pregnancy; Nursing; Do not use if liver enzymes are elevated of with liver pathology; Do not use over 2 months in a row because of the pyrrolizidine alkaloid content. Cordyceps Traditional medicinal “mushroom” (parasitic ascomycete fungi), Cordyceps sinensis, also known as Caterpillar Mushroom or Caterpillar Fungus, from China, Nepal and Tibet. 60 Veggie Caps, Product Code: 67468 Who might benefit from this product? • Those looking to boost longevity, enhance immune function, boost athletic performance. Ingredients: Each veggie cap contains 500 mg Organic Cordyceps Mushroom Mycelia. Other Ingredients: Pullulan (capsule), Organic Myceliated Brown Rice, Vegetable Cellulose. It should be noted that our Cordyceps are cultivated in the U.S. and cultured on organic brown rice, so they are indeed vegetarian. Orally, cordyceps is used for strengthening the immune system, improving athletic performance, reducing the effects of aging, promoting longevity, treating lethargy, and improving liver function in people with hepatitis B. Other traditional uses include treating coughs, chronic bronchitis, respiratory disorders, kidney disorders, frequent nocturia, male sexual dysfunction, anemia, heart arrhythmias, high cholesterol, liver disorders, dizziness, weakness, tinnitus, wasting, and opium addiction. It is also used as a stimulant, a tonic, and an adaptogen which is used to increase energy, enhance stamina, and reduce fatigue. Dosage: One capsule, 2 times a day or as needed. Cough Complex A traditional Chinese formula for immediate respiratory system support; relieves coughs and congestion. 1 fl oz - Product Code: 57036 Who would benefit from this supplement? • Those with acute or chronic cough, especially wet, or phlegm producing coughs. According to Traditional Chinese medicine, this formula can be helpful to those with cough due to the common cold, acute or chronic bronchitis, emphysema, pertussis and smoker’s cough. Ingredients: Phyto-Tech™ Cough Complex contains the following herbs: Houttuynia Herb, Poria Cocus, Platycodon Root, Skullcap Root, Bitter Orange Fruit, Fritillaria Bulb, White Mulberry Root Bark, Tangerine Peel, Licorice Root, Pinellia Root, Ginger Root. Pinyin Names: Yu Xing Cao, Fu Ling, Jie Geng, Zhi Shi, Chuan Bei Mu, Sang Bai Pi, Chen Pi, Gan Cao, Ban Xia, Gan Jiang Dosage: Adults: 60-90 drops (2 to 3 squirts) in water or juice, 3 to 4 times per day or as needed. Children: half the dosage. Most effective away from food by at least 20 minutes. Caution: Do not use when pregnant; not as effective for dry cough. . . . continued on page 40 Important Notice: The information given here is designed to help you make informed decisions about your health, and the proper use of dietary supplements. It is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, nor a substitute for any treatment that may have been prescribed by your doctor. If you have a medical problem, you should seek medical help. Products described herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or mitigate disease. Product Reference Guide: Willner Chemists Phyto-Tech™ Herbal Supplements
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