Willner Summer Sale 2019

Page 36 The Willner Window Product Reference Catalog, Summer 2019 Since 1911 • Willner Chemists: The Nutritional Supplement Professionals 15065 SINGLE RMD MULTI 1M EA PEL 8.25 8.25 15063 SINGLE RMD MULTI 200C EA PEL 8.25 8.25 15060 SINGLE RMD MULTI 3C30C EA PEL 7.00 7.00 15059 SINGLE RMD MULTI 3X30X EA PEL 7.00 7.00 15067 SINGLE RMD MULTI 50M EA PEL 8.25 8.25 29303 SINUSALIA 60 TAB 12.49 11.25 58665 SINUSALIA PELLETS 160 PEL 14.99 13.49 32003 THROAT CALM 60 TAB 12.49 11.25 BOOKS 65076 10 DAY DETOX DIET EA BOK 28.00 23.80 52256 ACID ALKALINE FOOD GUD EA BOK 8.95 7.60 35302 ALKALIZE OR DIE EA BOK 14.95 12.70 60730 ALZHEIMERS DIS WHAT IF EA BOK 19.95 16.95 63791 AMEN SOLUTION EA BOK 25.99 22.09 69099 AMEN SOLUTION PPBK EA BOK 16.00 13.60 36618 APPLE CIDER VINEGAR EA BOK 9.95 8.45 52029 ARTHRITIS 2ND EDITION EA BOK 18.95 16.10 65595 AUTOIMMUNE PALEO CKBK EA BOK 34.95 29.70 39784 AYURV LIFE OF BALANCE EA BOK 24.95 21.20 65392 AYURVEDA BIBLE EA BOK 19.95 16.95 67568 BACK TO EDEN LARGE PR EA BOK 18.95 16.10 29922 BACK TO EDEN REV ED EA BOK 9.95 8.45 67764 BADDATIVES EA BOK 14.99 12.74 39748 BETWEEN HEAVEN & EARTH EA BOK 18.00 15.30 36236 BEYOND ASPIRIN EA BOK 14.95 12.70 55628 BLOOD PRESSURE CURE PP EA BOK 15.95 13.55 65579 BLOOD SUGAR SOLUT PPBK EA BOK 17.00 14.45 60224 CANCER DEFIN GUID PPBK EA BOK 25.00 21.25 64890 CANDIDA CLEANSE EA BOK 14.95 12.70 42427 CHINESE MED MAX IMMUN EA BOK 18.95 16.10 61126 CHINESE MEDICINE BIBLE EA BOK 14.95 12.70 33989 CLAY CURE NAT HEALING EA BOK 9.95 8.45 65199 COCONUT KETOGENIC DIET EA BOK 16.95 14.40 42662 COCONUT OIL MIRACLE EA BOK 14.95 12.70 64103 CONQUERING CANCER EA BOK 19.95 16.95 60302 COOK FOR CELIAC COLIT B EA BOK 29.50 25.07 64827 DENTAL HERBALISM EA BOK 19.95 16.95 62889 DETOX BOOK 3RD EDITION EA BOK 19.95 16.95 64504 DIGESTIVE WELLNESS EA BOK 22.00 18.70 59129 DISEASE PREV AND TREAT EA BOK 69.95 59.45 65396 DR BARNARDS PRG REV DB EA BOK 18.99 16.14 67223 DR KIDDS GD HERB CAT C EA BOK 14.95 12.70 30393 ENCY OF AROMATHERAPY EA BOK 24.95 21.20 64705 ENCYCL HERBAL MEDICINE EA BOK 40.00 34.00 66942 END OF HEART DISEASE EA BOK 15.99 13.59 65828 ESS CANCER TRT NUTR GD EA BOK 27.95 23.75 61987 ESSENTIAL AROMATHERAPY EA BOK 12.95 11.00 66341 ESSENTIAL OILS HANDBK EA BOK 12.95 11.00 31283 FAMILY GUIDE TO HOMEOP EA BOK 17.00 14.45 63945 FOLKS THIS AINT NORMAL EA BOK 15.99 13.59 60978 FREE FROM HEPATITIS C EA BOK 16.95 14.40 66941 FRESH FROM VEG SLW CK EA BOK 17.95 15.25 65216 GLUTEN FR ALM FL CKBK EA BOK 16.99 14.44 65622 GUT AND PSYCHOL SYNDR EA BOK 32.95 28.00 59771 HANDBK CHIN HEAL HRB EA BOK 24.95 21.20 59337 HEADACHES NATURAL CURE EA BOK 18.95 16.10 65368 HEAL YOUR GUT CKBK EA BOK 29.95 25.45 64829 HEALING ADD EA BOK 17.00 14.45 32928 HEALING W/WHOL FOOD SF EA BOK 35.00 29.75 64706 HERB BOOK EA BOK 19.95 16.95 65600 HERBS FOR HEALTHY AGIN EA BOK 19.95 16.95 67979 HERBS FOR STRESS & ANX EA BOK 8.95 7.60 63263 IT STARTS WITH FOOD EA BOK 26.95 22.90 66710 KETOGENIC COOKBOOK EA BOK 39.95 33.45 67834 KETOGENIC KITCHEN EA BOK 29.99 25.49 59620 KIDNEY DISEASE WHAT KN EA BOK 17.95 15.25 67746 LIVER DISEASE WHT MUST EA BOK 17.95 15.25 64049 LONGEVITY NOW EA BOK 29.95 25.45 67041 LOW FODMAP AND VEGAN EA BOK 17.95 15.25 59399 MAGNESIUM MIRACLE EA BOK 16.00 13.60 63926 MAGNIFICENT MAGNESIUM EA BOK 14.95 12.70 67849 MEDICAL MEDIUM EA BOK 26.99 22.94 68437 MEDICIN POW OF CANNAB EA BOK 14.99 12.74 29949 MENOPAUSAL YEARS EA BOK 19.99 16.99 67569 MIND OF YOUR OWN EA BOK 26.99 22.94 37343 MIRACLE OF MSM EA BOK 15.00 12.75 63257 MISSING WELLNESS FACT EA BOK 18.95 16.10 63909 NAT STRATEG CANCER PAT EA BOK 15.00 12.75 53717 NAT THER EMPHYSEM COPD EA BOK 11.96 65958 NETI HEAL SECRETS YOGA EA BOK 9.95 8.45 66211 NONTOXIC HOUSECLEANING EA BOK 9.95 8.45 67978 OUTRAGEOUS OPENNESS EA BOK 16.00 13.60 65397 PREPAR FR GENTLE BIRTH EA BOK 19.95 16.95 59143 PRESCR NUTRIT HEAL 5TH EA BOK 30.00 25.50 64499 RESPIRATORY SOLUTION EA BOK 19.95 16.95 53605 REVERS HEART DISEAS NW EA BOK 14.95 12.70 64986 SKINNY GUT DIET EA BOK 26.00 22.10 66646 SMOOTHIES FOR KIDN HLT EA BOK 16.95 14.40 63498 STOP ALZHEIMERS NOW EA BOK 19.95 16.95 59222 STRETCHING ANATOMY EA BOK 19.95 16.95 65470 SUBTLE BODY EA BOK 39.95 33.95 66884 SUGAR CRUSH EA BOK 25.99 22.09 63266 SUPERFOODS EA BOK 18.95 16.10 67328 THYROID CONNECTION EA BOK 28.00 23.80 57576 TOOTH FROM TIGER MOUTH EA BOK 17.00 14.45 63073 UNSTUCK EA BOK 16.00 13.60 65578 VITAM AND MINER DEMYST EA BOK 19.95 16.95 64587 WAHLS PROTOCOL PPBK EA BOK 18.00 15.30 64630 WHEAT BELLY PPBK EA BOK 16.99 14.44 65471 WHEAT FR GLUT FR CKBK EA BOK 16.95 14.40 65829 WHY CANT I GET BETTER EA BOK 29.99 25.49 67334 WILD FERMENTATION 2ND EA BOK 29.95 25.45 66542 YOGA FOR BACK PAIN EA BOK 19.95 16.95 63660 YOUR BLOOD NEVER LIES EA BOK 16.95 14.40 BORLIND OF GERMANY 56300 BEAUTY FLUID SYST ABS 1 7 LIQ 92.99 74.39 65849 BEAUTY PRLS SENSIT SER 50M PRL 84.99 67.99 36998 BLOSSOM DEW GEL REGEN 5.0 GEL 49.99 39.99 59289 CLEANS MILK ZZ SENSIT 150 LIQ 29.99 23.99 64176 CLEANS MOUSSE REFRESH 5.0 LIQ 39.99 31.99 64483 CLEANSING LOT SYST ABS 120 LOT 53.99 43.19 52037 CLEANSING MILK REGENER 5 Z LIQ 43.99 35.19 55756 CLEANSING MILK ROSE DEW 5 0 LIQ 32.99 26.39 61267 DAY CREAM ZZ SENSITIVE 50M CRM 36.99 29.59 67544 DAY CRM REGEN ZZ SENS 50M CRM 44.99 35.99 55247 DAY CRM REGNERATION BOR 1.6 CRM 59.99 47.99 64486 DAY CRM ROSE DEW 50M CRM 47.99 38.39 37000 DAY CRM SYS ABSLT 1.7 CRM 109.99 87.99 64488 EXFOLIATING PEEL 50M CRM 48.99 39.19 67545 EYE CREAM ZZ SENSITIVE 15M CRM 34.99 27.99 64482 EYE CRM SYSTEM ABSOL 15M CRM 59.99 47.19 64148 EYE WRINKLE CREAM 20M CRM 32.99 26.39 64177 EYE WRINKLE CRM AQUANT .5Z CRM 54.99 43.99 61266 EYE WRINKLE CRM REG LL 30M CRM 54.99 43.99 56363 FACIAL FIRMING GEL 1.7 CRM 54.99 43.99 64484 FACIAL TONER ROSE DEW 150 LIQ 39.99 31.99 58085 FACIAL TONER ZZ SENSIT 150 LIQ 36.99 29.59 65996 FOR LIPS 36M STK 12.99 10.39 64487 HAND BALM 50M CRM 14.99 11.99 64179 MOIST CREAM HYALURONAT 1.6 CRM 58.99 47.19 62789 MOIST SERUM HYALURONAT 1.6 SER 58.99 47.19 61268 NIGHT CREAM ZZ SENSIT 50M CRM 36.99 29.59 64481 NIGHT CRM LIGHT SYS AB 50M CRM 109.99 87.99 67543 NIGHT CRM REGEN ZZ SNS 50M CRM 44.99 35.99 55248 NIGHT CRM REGENERATION 1.6 CRM 59.99 47.99 64485 NIGHT CRM ROSE DEW 50M CRM 47.99 38.39 36999 NIGHT CRM SYS ABSLT 1.7 CRM 109.99 87.99 54679 ORANGE BLOSSOM ENERGZ B 1.7 LIQ 37.99 30.39 64490 REVITAL CARE ROSE BLOS 50M LIQ 37.99 30.39 BRONNERS CASTILE 35038 CASTILE SOAP ALMOND 32Z LIQ 18.59 14.87 26640 CASTILE SOAP ALMOND 16Z LIQ 10.99 8.79 40291 CASTILE SOAP BABY MILD 32Z LIQ 18.59 14.87 36119 CASTILE SOAP EUCALYPT 16Z LIQ 10.99 8.79 29677 CASTILE SOAP EUCALYPT 32Z LIQ 18.59 14.87 27296 CASTILE SOAP LAVENDER 16Z LIQ 10.99 8.79 37425 CASTILE SOAP LAVENDER 32Z LIQ 18.59 14.87 27547 CASTILE SOAP PEPERMINT 32Z LIQ 18.59 14.87 27267 CASTILE SOAP PEPERMINT 16Z LIQ 11.11 8.88 60305 CASTILE SOAP ROSE 32Z LIQ 18.59 14.87 42301 CASTILE SOAP TTO 16Z LIQ 10.99 8.79 44533 CASTILE SOAP TTO 32Z LIQ 18.59 14.87 66336 HAND & BODY LOT LAVEN 8 Z LOT 9.99 7.99 54267 HAND BODY LOT ORAN LV B 8 Z LOT 9.99 7.99 BURTS BEES 59134 ACNE PORE REFINING SCR 4 Z CRM 12.89 10.31 53808 AFTER SUN SOOTHER ALOE 6 Z LOT 12.89 10.31 41735 BABY OIL APRICOT 4 Z LIQ 9.00 8.10 59111 BODY LOT MILK & HONEY 6 Z LOT 7.99 7.19 53625 CONDITIONER DEEP SHEA 5 Z LIQ 7.99 7.19 42129 FOOT CREME W/ E 4 Z CRM 10.69 8.55 41748 HAND CRM BEESWAX ALMND 2 Z CRM 10.69 8.55 44943 HAND CRM BEESWAX BANAN 2 Z CRM 8.99 8.09 59882 HAND REPAIR CREAM SHEA 3.2 CRM 16.99 13.59 41740 HAND SALVE 3 Z CRM 10.69 8.55 35904 INSECT REPELLENT HERB 4 Z SPY 7.99 7.19 65971 NOURISH LOT BABE BEE 6 Z LOT 7.99 7.19 60175 NOURISH LOT BABY BEE 6 Z LOT 10.29 8.23 42803 RES-Q OINTMENT .60 ONT 9.69 7.75 55277 SHAMPOO & WASH BABY 12Z LIQ 8.99 8.09 59316 SHAMPOO & WASH BABY FF 12Z LIQ 8.99 8.09 CARLSON LABORATORIES 12554 A 10 000 NAT 250 SGC 16.50 14.02 12555 A 25000 NAT 100 SGC 11.50 9.77 12556 A 25000 NAT 250 SGC 23.90 20.31 25241 A PALMITATE 15000 240 SGC 18.90 16.06 12566 A&D 10000 + 400 100 SGC 8.50 7.22 12568 A&D 25000/1000 100 SGC 11.90 10.11 12569 A&D 25000/1000 250 SGC 23.50 19.97 12745 ACES 200 GEL 62.00 52.70 22287 ACES + ZN 180 SGC 52.00 44.20 12746 ACES + ZN 60 SGC 19.90 16.91 61877 ACETYL L CARNITINE PWD 100 PWD 49.90 42.41 12922 ARGININE 100G 100 PWD 17.95 15.25 12620 B12 1000 SUBL 180 TAB 21.50 18.27 12622 BIOTIN 1000 250 TAB 12.50 10.62 12752 BLOOD NUTRIENTS 90 CAP 21.50 18.27 50286 C L O 1000 LEMON 300 SGC 39.90 33.91 12580 C L O 370 100 SGC 8.90 7.56 12581 C L O 390 250 SGC 15.90 13.51 32682 C L O LEMON FLV 500ML 500 LIQ 49.90 42.41 23226 C L O LEMON FLVR 8.4 LIQ 29.90 25.41 12574 C L O LIQ REG 250ML 250 LIQ 29.90 25.41 12575 C L O LIQ REG 500ML 500 LIQ 49.90 42.41 12578 C L O SUPER 1000 100 SGC 15.90 13.51 12579 C L O SUPER 1000 250 SGC 32.50 27.62 12824 CHROMIUM 200 300 TAB 19.50 16.57 67938 COD LIVER OIL LIQ FRT 8.4 LIQ 29.90 25.41 27354 COQ10 100 MG 90 SGC 39.90 33.91 41122 D 2000 120 SGC 12.90 10.96 54500 D 2000 SOLAR GEMS 120 SGC 12.50 10.62 54501 D 4000 SOLAR GEMS 120 SGC 15.90 13.51 12573 D3 1000 250 SGC 14.90 12.66 Product Reference Guide: Company Listings (Product Code, Name, Size, List, Discount Price) reduce oxidative damage from certain carcinogens. It also has the ability to form tight molecular complexes with carcinogens and in doing so blocks the body’s absorption of them. In a placebo controlled study conducted in China Chlorophyll supplementation was found to decrease DNA damage caused by aflatoxin, a liver carcinogen produced by fungus in moldy grains and legumes. Scientists hope that in populations with unavoidable dietary aflatoxin exposure Chlorophyll supplementation could significantly reduce the risk of developing liver cancer. Cinnamon Bark 40 This is a standardized Cinnamon Bark complex in a liquid filled veggie cap. 60 Liquid Filled Capsules - Product Code: 57092 90 Veggie Caps - Product Code: 60118 Historically, Cinnamon has been used for various gastrointestinal problems. More recently, interest has centered on the research showing that Cinnamon can help normalize blood sugar control. This is of major interest to those with type 2 diabetes. Who would benefit from this supplement? • Those with blood sugar regulation problems, including type 2 diabetes, pre-diabetes, and cholesterol related conditions. Ingredients: Each two liquid filled veggie caps contain 250 mg of Cinnamon Bark (alcohol extract), 75 mg of Cinnamon Bark (supercritical carbon dioxide extract, standardized ro 40 mg Cinnamaldehydes. According to the Natural Standard Integrative Medicine database, “Cinnamon may be used for various medical conditions (77;78). In a survey of parents in Germany determining the use of complementary and alternative medicines in children with type 1 diabetes in four pediatric diabetes centers (located in Leipzig, Berlin, Stuttgart, and Bonn), 5.6% reported using cinnamon for this indication (79). Cinnamon has been touted as having a positive effect on postprandial glucose metabolism (80). Its ability to lower blood sugar in individuals with diabetes has been discussed (81). Naturally occurring compounds found in cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia), including chromium and polyphenols, may improve insulin sensitivity (82). Human data suggest that cinnamon exhibits “sweet” properties and may be used in strategies for reduction of sugar intake (83). Ingredients: Each two liquid filled veggie caps contain 250 mg of Cinnamon Bark (alcohol extract), 75 mg of Cinnamon Bark (supercritical carbon dioxide extract, standardized ro 40 mg Cinnamaldehydes. Also available in a vegetarian capsule form. Each veggie capsule contains 410 mg of certified organic Cinnamon Bark. The Cinnamon used in Phyto-Tech™ Cinnamon supplements is Cinnamomum cassia, the species utilized in research. It is certified organic and vegetarian. Cleanse Complex 1:2 A herbal formula based on traditional concepts of a rapid, systemic (full body) cleansing. 4 fl oz - Product Code: 57073 Many of the herbs used in Phyto-Tech™ Cleanse Complex have a long tradition of use in naturopathic medicine for many toxic conditions. The theory behind using Phyto- Tech™ Cleanse Complex is that it will result in blood and tissue cleansing through stimulating the organs that do this innately, including the liver, urinary tract, skin, lymph and bowels. Herbs do not really actually cleanse the blood and tissues directly, but instead, stimulate the organs to increase the rate in which they do this naturally. Phyto-Tech™ Cleanse Complex will help in the elimination of cellular metabolic waste, dietary toxemia and environmental toxins. It is indicated for internally and externally generated toxins. Detoxification is thought to help stimulate organs that eliminate the toxemia from drug usage. It can be used in smaller more moderate doses if a slower cleanse is desired. Faster cleanses can result in more uncomfortable acute healing symptoms that might not be desired, but are usually harmless (i.e., loose stool, nausea, headaches, skin discharges). These symptoms can be avoided by decreasing the dose or pace. Phyto-Tech™ Cleanse Complex works best in conjunction with other cleansing protocols, such as dietary changes, increasing water consumption and exercise. Ingredients: Phyto-Tech™ Cleanse Complex contains the following herbs: Oregon Grape Root, Red Clover Blossoms, Fresh Burdock Root, Fresh Dandelion Root, Alfalfa Leaf, Yerba Mansa Root, Red Root, Vegetable Glycerin, Deionized Water, Natural Flavors Dosage: Pour entire contents into 1 gallon of pure water and drink over 3 hours. Cautions and Contraindications: Do not use if pregnant or nursing; do not use if using other detoxification protocals unless under physician direction; may affect metabolism of some medications, so advise your physician. Complimentary Formulas: • Phyto-Tech™ Liver Support • Phyto-Tech™ Digest Stim Complex • Phyto-Tech™ Menses Complex . . . continued on page 38 Important Notice: The information given here is designed to help you make informed decisions about your health, and the proper use of dietary supplements. It is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, nor a substitute for any treatment that may have been prescribed by your doctor. If you have a medical problem, you should seek medical help. Products described herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or mitigate disease. Product Reference Guide: Willner Chemists Phyto-Tech™ Herbal Supplements