Willner Winter Sale 2019

Page 43 Since 1911 • Willner Chemists: The Nutritional Supplement Professionals To place an order, go to www.willner.com or call (800) 633-1106 * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. MOST EFFICIENT DIGESTION POSSIBLE Real-Zymes ™ Diges�on is the process that reduces proteins, carbohydrates and fats into par�cles your body can absorb. Enzymes are its tools. Enzymes, however, are highly specific. Those that digest proteins digest only proteins, those that digest fats digest only fats, and so on. If I’m Keto and you’re Vegetarian, I eat 50% more protein and three �mes more fat than you, while you get 11 �mes more carbs. These plans literally demand different enzyme blends. Yet, for decades, enzymes supplements have been “one size fits all.” While Americans follow many ea�ng plans, each fits into one of nine macronutrient profiles. By applying real world enzyme ac�vity to these profiles, we’ve developed the world’s only diet specific enzymes . They’re called Real-Zymes ™ , and no ma�er what you eat, one is perfect for you. * In �me, others will follow our lead. But, why wait? Real-Zymes ™ are here now, and they’ll outperform any other enzyme supplements you’ve ever used. So, for your best diges�ve solu�on, step up to Real-Zymes ™ . * Real-Zymes ™ - because you’re you. As With All Pure Essence Products, Real-Zymes ™ are Guaranteed to Your Complete Sa琀sfac琀on.